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The Top 5 Brawl [ US | CAN | MEX]

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Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Except in actuality, Kain > Seagull, so he would win that argument if he used the right Wolf. ;)
O. I can agree with this statement till further notice. Though at the moment, I'm about as good as Kain or close to. I still consider him better then me.



Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
Not even sure what I did, but I got a new sig out of it. :smirk:

Btw, I looked at that AiB page, you're really hanging on something that happened over a year ago? If you even knew Dajayman, you would know he talks about me without me having to say anything to him. So no, I didn't tell him to say anything.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
I hold grudges, especially over people like dajayman who is a ****ing annoying pedo on aib :I

Get that **** outta here :pichu:

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Not even sure what I did, but I got a new sig out of it. :smirk:

Btw, I looked at that AiB page, you're really hanging on something that happened over a year ago? If you even knew Dajayman, you would know he talks about me without me having to say anything to him. So no, I didn't tell him to say anything.
I can attest to this. Dajayman is like Zwarm's unwanted 1 man fanclub.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
havok uses snake more then mk

he doesnt even use marth except for friendlies sometimes


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
He has many times claimed Mr. Doom > San. Fino > (insert top olimar here). MJG > (insert top player here). MegaRobMan > Seagull. Trent > (insert top sonic player)

And every region has players like that (citing mediocre/poor wins). Like Player-1.
First off, Mr. Doom used to be ****ing amazing, and I don't think you should be too upset at Thugz for that claim. I often wonder why Fino isn't getting more respect at being one of the top Olimars, tldr; he won another tournament this weekend.

MJG is better than 99.99% of the playerbase.

Basically, Thugz is wrong about me here, I'm not better than Seagull as a whole, BUT, I am better at the Pika matchup, so you can understand his confusion there.

Trent was a top 5 sonic for a while, I'd agree. Not since January '11 at the minimum.

Except in actuality, Kain > Seagull, so he would win that argument if he used the right Wolf. ;)
lol, yeah can't argue too much about that. Kain and Gull and Choice (and Holms) are all in a class noticeably above me overall, but I know some matchups better than them. Shiro is also a really good Wolf, and I would like to say that MCP is also really good, but I haven't seen it. STILL :/

To be fair tho, Kansas is really freaking good tho. And MJG is a freaking boss if anyone thinks hes not a top player then LOL.

Midwest is underrated, but I think the biggest issue is that like no one travels to and from the midwest and the ones that do are typically like top of the metagame (Ally and M2K have been out several times, and SiiS had some good turn out).
All of this.

i, for one, welcome our new roller overlord
Player-3 just won me over

Sigging this.

O. I can agree with this statement till further notice. Though at the moment, I'm about as good as Kain or close to. I still consider him better then me.
Remember, we aren't supposed to be caring about these things.


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
lol, yeah can't argue too much about that. Kain and Gull and Choice (and Holms) are all in a class noticeably above me overall, but I know some matchups better than them. Shiro is also a really good Wolf, and I would like to say that MCP is also really good, but I haven't seen it. STILL :/
I don't know if I would say Holms is a high level above you, unless he's gotten better recently. I played him at the original Brainshock, and the matches were just as close as my matches with you. Though, at the same time, I played Dedede back then, so that might've made it closer.

He ended up timing me out game 3. :urg:


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
lol, no one reads. for the 10000th time

Holms hasn't been improving because HOLMS IS RETIRED.

He lost to M2K/Pierced in his last tournament in July, getting him like 5th or something at Brainshock Beta out of like 70 people.


He hasn't entered a tournament since, though he might have entered a Wichita local a week or two afterwards since Mr. Doom is his brother and all of those dudes are friends and play fighting games other than smash together.

But, that being said, when he retired he, imo (regional bias) probably was the 2-4th best Wolf, depending how hard people want to **** me down to smaller #'s, aka seagull. M2K said that Holms/Kain was probably the best Wolf he's played during one of our 3 hours mega man chats on FB.

Also, Wolf-D3 is quite a bit more difficult than Wolf-ROB. It might not have mattered for us because I know D3 well and I don't know ROB, but overall D3 is waywaywayway more difficult when both players are even at matchup knowledge. (lately all I have been playing VS are D3 and Samus).

On the other hand, thanks for the compliment :)


Smash Master
Mar 10, 2010
Allen, TX
I often wonder why Fino isn't getting more respect at being one of the top Olimars, tldr; he won another tournament this weekend.


Back in their prime, Kansas was unbelievably broken and was one of the strongest regions all by itself.

I don't care enough to make every person I beat sound like a noteworthy win. This thread is largely a popularity contest and I don't feel any need to promote myself or have a desire prove to others via some community-based, Inui-logic ranking system on how good or bad I am. The results I have should speak for themselves, not the region who has the most people to post here nor the amount of posts I make for an argument. My results may show that I place 1st-2nd just about every time I enter bracket... but if you broke down those brackets into players that matter, there are plenty of times I get last place (ie 2nd). I shouldn't be ranked above someone just because I have the luxury of playing 16-32 man brackets with byes all the way to winners quarters / finals. All the other Olimar's on the list right now have to fight people who would probably places 5th-9th here first round and then play progressively 'better' people. Not only that, they win more consistently vs the 'better' players. Lain, who lives on the complete opposite side of the MW, knows that I have problems with consistency... why is it so hard for you to see it? lol.

Rob, I only take the effort to post this, because you (as well as a lot of other random people I hear) feel like they need to find their self worth in this thread by getting a number next to their name. Think of all the time you wasted posting and arguing on why you think you should be a top wolf. That time could've been time spent actually getting better so there wouldn't be a reason for them to doubt you being a top whatever the hell it is you're trying to claim to be.

No one in Kansas really cares about being ranking, there's no point. We all just mutually respected those who showed the desire and ability to win, and then try to get better.

Just get better.

Before you whine about whatever it is you don't like about what I said... take the time to realize that it's probably a good reason why you're not on here.

EDIT: Of the US/CAN/MEX Olimars that made it into Apex' bracket, I was the lowest placing one (#5). I'm fairly certain Anuar didn't attend. Just because I **** you guys a lot, doesn't mean I'm some top player / Olimar god.

I would bet money that every Olimar listed there would body our region just as much as I do, if not more.

tl;dr midwest is bad, everyone should ignore the people from that region who post here lol.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008

I don't care enough to make every person I beat sound like a noteworthy win. This thread is largely a popularity contest and I don't feel any need to promote myself or have a desire prove to others via some community-based, Inui-logic ranking system on how good or bad I am. The results I have should speak for themselves, not the region who has the most people to post here nor the amount of posts I make for an argument. My results may show that I place 1st-2nd just about every time I enter bracket... but if you broke down those brackets into players that matter, there are plenty of times I get last place (ie 2nd). I shouldn't be ranked above someone just because I have the luxury of playing 16-32 man brackets with byes all the way to winners quarters / finals. All the other Olimar's on the list right now have to fight people who would probably places 5th-9th here first round and then play progressively 'better' people. Not only that, they win more consistently vs the 'better' players. Lain, who lives on the complete opposite side of the MW, knows that I have problems with consistency... why is it so hard for you to see it? lol.

Rob, I only take the effort to post this, because you (as well as a lot of other random people I hear) feel like they need to find their self worth in this thread by getting a number next to their name. Think of all the time you wasted posting and arguing on why you think you should be a top wolf. That time could've been time spent actually getting better so there wouldn't be a reason for them to doubt you being a top whatever the hell it is you're trying to claim to be.

No one in Kansas really cares about being ranking, there's no point. We all just mutually respected those who showed the desire and ability to win, and then try to get better.

Just get better.

Before you whine about whatever it is you don't like about what I said... take the time to realize that it's probably a good reason why you're not on here.

EDIT: Of the US/CAN/MEX Olimars that made it into Apex' bracket, I was the lowest placing one (#5). I'm fairly certain Anuar didn't attend. Just because I **** you guys a lot, doesn't mean I'm some top player / Olimar god.

I would bet money that every Olimar listed there would body our region just as much as I do, if not more.

tl;dr midwest is bad, everyone should ignore the people from that region who post here lol.
I like your avatar.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I don't care enough to make every person I beat sound like a noteworthy win. This thread is largely a popularity contest and I don't feel any need to promote myself or have a desire prove to others via some community-based, Inui-logic ranking system on how good or bad I am. The results I have should speak for themselves, not the region who has the most people to post here nor the amount of posts I make for an argument. My results may show that I place 1st-2nd just about every time I enter bracket... but if you broke down those brackets into players that matter, there are plenty of times I get last place (ie 2nd). I shouldn't be ranked above someone just because I have the luxury of playing 16-32 man brackets with byes all the way to winners quarters / finals. All the other Olimar's on the list right now have to fight people who would probably places 5th-9th here first round and then play progressively 'better' people. Not only that, they win more consistently vs the 'better' players. Lain, who lives on the complete opposite side of the MW, knows that I have problems with consistency... why is it so hard for you to see it? lol.

Rob, I only take the effort to post this, because you (as well as a lot of other random people I hear) feel like they need to find their self worth in this thread by getting a number next to their name. Think of all the time you wasted posting and arguing on why you think you should be a top wolf. That time could've been time spent actually getting better so there wouldn't be a reason for them to doubt you being a top whatever the hell it is you're trying to claim to be.

No one in Kansas really cares about being ranking, there's no point. We all just mutually respected those who showed the desire and ability to win, and then try to get better.

Just get better.

Before you whine about whatever it is you don't like about what I said... take the time to realize that it's probably a good reason why you're not on here.
No all of that is spot on. My reasoning for wanting to be on the list is more for trolling purposes than anything. I think Lux is on the joke, you can ask him about it or FB message me. Once I found out there is a more deserving player outside of myself for default, I backed off pretty quickly.

However, I would like to point out that I am literally going through the entire library of Wolf videos in our thread and on youtube (currently by character and then by user afterwards) and making a community combo video. I'm learning a LOT doing this, even some of the scrubbiest players can teach you something to do...OOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRR they might have the most godly combo ever because their friends are even worse. I've also convinced Tyser to play with me. Before I made these claims I played melee in lieu of brawl, now I'm actually playing the game more than once every month.


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
lol, no one reads. for the 10000th time

Holms hasn't been improving because HOLMS IS RETIRED.

He lost to M2K/Pierced in his last tournament in July, getting him like 5th or something at Brainshock Beta out of like 70 people.


He hasn't entered a tournament since, though he might have entered a Wichita local a week or two afterwards since Mr. Doom is his brother and all of those dudes are friends and play fighting games other than smash together.

But, that being said, when he retired he, imo (regional bias) probably was the 2-4th best Wolf, depending how hard people want to **** me down to smaller #'s, aka seagull. M2K said that Holms/Kain was probably the best Wolf he's played during one of our 3 hours mega man chats on FB.

Also, Wolf-D3 is quite a bit more difficult than Wolf-ROB. It might not have mattered for us because I know D3 well and I don't know ROB, but overall D3 is waywaywayway more difficult when both players are even at matchup knowledge. (lately all I have been playing VS are D3 and Samus).

On the other hand, thanks for the compliment :)
Oh, my bad. I didn't realize that was his last tournament. I don't really pay attention to results threads of tournaments I don't go to, so I don't keep up with who plays or not anymore. (And I only go to this thread because I got namesearched in here recently, so I didn't read through it)

Man, I actually did pretty well (based on how I usually do) in both games at Brainshock Beta, I forgot about that until I looked at the results thread again. :3


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
They usually have better quality without a background tho.

We got the anime avi train going. Nobody better mess this up!

On topic: I'll be a top 5 :pt: soon. :smirk:


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Fino is just trying to say he's too cool for this thread.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs

I don't care enough to make every person I beat sound like a noteworthy win. This thread is largely a popularity contest and I don't feel any need to promote myself or have a desire prove to others via some community-based, Inui-logic ranking system on how good or bad I am. The results I have should speak for themselves, not the region who has the most people to post here nor the amount of posts I make for an argument. My results may show that I place 1st-2nd just about every time I enter bracket... but if you broke down those brackets into players that matter, there are plenty of times I get last place (ie 2nd). I shouldn't be ranked above someone just because I have the luxury of playing 16-32 man brackets with byes all the way to winners quarters / finals. All the other Olimar's on the list right now have to fight people who would probably places 5th-9th here first round and then play progressively 'better' people. Not only that, they win more consistently vs the 'better' players. Lain, who lives on the complete opposite side of the MW, knows that I have problems with consistency... why is it so hard for you to see it? lol.

Rob, I only take the effort to post this, because you (as well as a lot of other random people I hear) feel like they need to find their self worth in this thread by getting a number next to their name. Think of all the time you wasted posting and arguing on why you think you should be a top wolf. That time could've been time spent actually getting better so there wouldn't be a reason for them to doubt you being a top whatever the hell it is you're trying to claim to be.

No one in Kansas really cares about being ranking, there's no point. We all just mutually respected those who showed the desire and ability to win, and then try to get better.

Just get better.

Before you whine about whatever it is you don't like about what I said... take the time to realize that it's probably a good reason why you're not on here.

EDIT: Of the US/CAN/MEX Olimars that made it into Apex' bracket, I was the lowest placing one (#5). I'm fairly certain Anuar didn't attend. Just because I **** you guys a lot, doesn't mean I'm some top player / Olimar god.

I would bet money that every Olimar listed there would body our region just as much as I do, if not more.

tl;dr midwest is bad, everyone should ignore the people from that region who post here lol.
I just came here to say

  • no u and u should feel bad
  • MW isn't all crap (me :awesome: )
  • you do suck you dont belong the top 5 list hur hur hur

btw nice post.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
First off, Mr. Doom used to be ****ing amazing, and I don't think you should be too upset at Thugz for that claim. I often wonder why Fino isn't getting more respect at being one of the top Olimars, tldr; he won another tournament this weekend.

MJG is better than 99.99% of the playerbase.

Basically, Thugz is wrong about me here, I'm not better than Seagull as a whole, BUT, I am better at the Pika matchup, so you can understand his confusion there.

Trent was a top 5 sonic for a while, I'd agree. Not since January '11 at the minimum.

Thugz is 100% right about this. Back in their prime, Kansas was unbelievalby broken and was one of the strongest regions all by itself. No joke.

lol, yeah can't argue too much about that. Kain and Gull and Choice (and Holms) are all in a class noticeably above me overall, but I know some matchups better than them. Shiro is also a really good Wolf, and I would like to say that MCP is also really good, but I haven't seen it. STILL :/

All of this.

Player-3 just won me over


Remember, we aren't supposed to be caring about these things.
The :pikachu2:'s you played aren't very good. How can you consider yourself better at a matchup vs lower level players?




Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
IIRC Kain lost to FAE at BSB, so it might not just be you lol
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