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The Thing - Game Concluded. What would have happened posted, mysteries tomorrow

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
There's a game in starcraft where the object is similar to this. (player made)

One person is the thing and you have to somehow kill the thing before the thing kills you.

The name of the game is The Thing, not something different.

Good lord.

Everything (EV-ER-Y-THING) in this game is taken from a great movie. I'm shocked you haven't at least heard of it. Genuinely shocked.

That's probably where the Starcraft guys got it from in the first place. It's one of the most highly regarded SF/horror movies of the 20th century.

Argh. I need a moist towelette.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

Okay well anyway. I work and go to school, both fulltime, so don't expect my game until the summer. At least we'll have enough time to be active enough to not require killing the game.

MAYBE you'll get a preview during December break. Let's just say the scope is significantly bigger than this game. Significantly. We'll need roughly two dozen people. Feel free to recruit some intelligent chaps.

Okay, fine.

A little taste: The next game will be The Fog, and you'll have free access to an entire town. Expect the same paranoia with a new twist by day, and battles for you life by night. And don't you dare look up the movie! If you do, you had better not watch it.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2007
The summer? Hmm, I wonder if I could fit in my role playing game in that amount of time. That would give my Meerkat Manor RPG almost half a year and I only expect it to go for 2 months.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
The summer? Hmm, I wonder if I could fit in my role playing game in that amount of time. That would give my Meerkat Manor RPG almost half a year and I only expect it to go for 2 months.
And I expected this to be three weeks :urg:

Copper's update is an anomaly. It was from when I was going to write it out as a story. However, that update was 8 pages. I'm expecting around 20 "chapters" of it at least. That'd be over 160 pages, and I'm not going to spend the months writing that for characters I didn't even make up. They're still going to be like Coppers, but very toned down. A few ones will return to Copper's style, important ones, but in general I'm going to be taking a knife to it to make them much shorter. The writing won't be as good, but I'm currently working on a different story (zombies!), and I procrastinate too much to actually do both of these that way.

Next one is MacReady, then Blair, then Copper, then Gary. That's the first chunk, and I've already written it, but I'd rather wait till the second chunk is more complete before I post it.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
As you have all probably realized by now, this won't end. I'm not going to write a 100 page summary like I assumed I would.

Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of this game. I'll end it tomorrow, when I'll just post what would have happened, and the end of the game summary, where I'll post all the PMs and mysteries in the game, as well as my thoughts on it and a small "Best of the Thing" part.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Scratch that "post all the PM" part, I just looked up and saw I have 1941 PMs, where at least 900 of those are from the Thing, and I don't have the patience. I'll post the important ones.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Ooh ****, this write up will take a while.

I'll give a small teaser, then: Deathreaver (Palmer) is dead.

The "lights out" was not a random decision by me, but was planned. There is even a reason for it, which I'll explain. I thought somebody would have guessed it, but eh.

There would have been more people coming to the base. And they wouldn't have been friendly


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
The Thing

End Game

Here is what I had planned to write. Each bullet would have taken around 4-20 pages, so you will see why it's like this and not in story form.

-Blair goes insane. He actually already did this, and has been hearing whispers and conversations that haven’t happened before the game ended. He thinks that everyone but him is infected, or will be infected, and so he needs to kill everybody in order to protect the human race.

-When the group is moving, Blair drops a Molotov behind him, and in the confusion shoots Naul dead, and the impact blows the body into Storage B, slamming through the door. Nauls is dead.

-The Russians shoot, and bullets grazes by Blair’s head and shoulder, wounding him. The Russians see that Blair killed Nauls, but after they escape with everybody else from the fire, decide to not tell people through the radios as people might not believe them, and they wouldn’t want to cast more suspicion on themselves. There is another reason for this as well, though it will be told later. Nobody else realizes it was Blair.

-MacReady scorns the Russian’s advice to stay where they are, and instead ***** his gun and leaves his hiding spot in the Library. From the start to now, this all took place during the Sheepyman centric post.

-Blair finds Copper in the Showers, and in a brief fight manages to crush Copper’s skull against the shower tiles, brutally killing the doctor. Gary is awake at this time and is hiding behind the shower curtains, too weak to defend himself. Blair doesn’t notice, and leaves.

-MacReady goes upstairs and finds the rotting corpse of Camo-Man (Clark) in the recreation room, and realizes that he has been dead almost since the incident started.

-Gary comes out of hiding to find the dead Copper, and cries over the body of his friend and teammate. Blair, hearing this, bursts back in. He has no more bullets, so instead he struggles with Gary, smashing Gary’s head against the tile floor like Copper. He is about to kill Gary when gunshots echo across the room, throwing Blair off. More gunshots, and Blair’s head explodes, killing him. Gary is relieved, and looks to see Nauls standing at the doorway, holding a pistol. But as Gary looks closer, he sees the bullets in Nauls’ body, and the blood, and realizes that Nauls should be dead. As Nauls steps on Gary’s chest, holding him in place, the station manager lets out a scream

-The Russians and Windows, hearing the gunshots, rush to the showers, but find nothing except the dead bodies of Blair and Copper. Clint thinks that there was a Thing attack here, pointing out the excess amount of blood with no body to come from. They test the bodies, but discover them uninfected. The tests use up the last of the Russian’s lighter fluid.

- MacReady finds the dead corpse of Deathreaver (Palmer) in the Kitchen. It is burned, and he soon deduces who it was. He grabs a kitchen knife and adds it to his bag.

-The Russians go down to the generator, and add the two battery packs they have. They see blood, but no traces of a person. Clint turns on the Furnace.

-Instead of the base, we are now in a helicopter. Five people are in here: Gabriel (Crimson King), Blake (Matt), Shepard (Bahamut), Davis (FDV), and O’Connel (Mic_128). They are a search and rescue team, and where sent to make sure the American base is safe from the com-out. However, they receive orders to check on the Russian base, and as they do, they see the destruction that took place. They find a tape recorder, which they play. Gabriel, team captain, speaks Russian, and so he translates the tape. It discusses the Thing, and the “Brothers Vevski” who killed everybody, including shooting the tape creator in the chest, and the group finds his corpse a few feet away, frozen and dead from loss of blood. They Americans realize this might not be a simple rescue mission.

-From Blake’s point of view, we follow them flying to the American base afterwards. We are briefed more on the men. Gabriel served as an officer in Vietnam, and took part in the My Lai massacre, and narrowly managed to avoid being discharged. Blake is a young newcomer to the rescue team, Shepard is a trained medic, Davis and O’Connel are good friends who hate their jobs. During the flight, their own communication in the helicopter is cut out. Gabriel makes the decision that it’s not a rescue mission anymore, and that instead they need to purge the American base to make sure no Things escape. Blake makes objections, mainly the fact that they have no weapons, and that they aren’t trained for combat, and that what he was advocating was murder. Gabriel doesn’t care, and Shepard, Gabe’s friend, agrees with the purge. Gabriel then procures a box of sub-machine guns and ammo that he took from the Russian base. The team has no choice.

- Macready tries to break into the Vault, hoping to find something useful, but is ambushed by Nauls. MacReady manages to singe Nauls with a Molotov, but doesn’t destroy him, and sets the Anteroom on fire. He escapes, and tries to lock Nauls inside, but Nauls breaks down the door and continues attack MacReady, who runs, firing his gun at the Thing. He runs back to the Mess hall and into the freezer, but Nauls still follows him. MacReady goes into the freezer and locks the door. He is safe from the Thing, but the cold will kill him if he doesn’t find a way out.

-As the Rescue team flies over the base, they notice a destroyed helicopter nearby, and Gabriel recognizes it as Russian. They land and enter the base through Exit Room B.

-The Russians see Childs, but they don’t manage to catch him. They wind up in Mechanical Storage, where they find a fire axe hidden behind several boxes.

-The rescue team finds the dead body of Clarke, and Gabriel smiles at it, saying that their job will be easier. Blake is disgusted, and knows right there and now that he won’t go through with the mission, but knows that Gabriel would kill him if he disobeys. As they walk to the kitchen, Blake has a small conversation with O’connel, who agrees with Blake. O’connel promises to get his brother Davis on their side to have a mutiny, in order to help any survivors instead of kill them.

-From Gabriel’s point of view, we see them walk into the kitchen, and see Nauls trying to break into the freezer. The entire team unloads on Nauls, but the bullets just cut into the body, and don’t kill him. Nauls almost kills Blake, but Gabriel throws a grenade, blowing Naul’s up and almost killing both Blake and Shepard as well. O’connel yells at Gabe for not telling them about having a grenade, but Gabriel threatens to shoot O’connel right there if he says one more god**** word. He claims that the Thing must have been trying to get somebody, so he goes into the freezer, but finds nobody.

-MacReady’s POV, we find out that he managed to crawl up a frozen shelf to a ventilation system, which he is currently crawling through. He finds himself above the Surveillance room, where he drops down into. Hidden cameras show several different rooms as he watches, and he learns of the Rescue Team from this, and while initially glad at the rescue, he soon realizes that they’re not what he was hoping for.

-We go back to the Russians through Windows POV, where we find them destroying the door to the armory. They hear the explosion, but after a quick argument agree to not go explore it, that it’d be too dangerous. They go into the armory to find almost nothing at all. Windows realizes that the armory room was nothing more then a placebo to make the team feel more secure.

-The rescue team, talking in the kitchen, decide that they need to secure and area of the base, and so they go to the western side of the first floor and check it out, finding nobody. Seeing his chance, Blake escapes, regretfully leaving O’connel and Davis behind as he runs to the stairs.

-Gabriel realizes Blake is gone, and declares Blake an enemy. O’connel is distraught by this, and can’t understand how Gabriel ordering so much death.

-Gabriel’s POV, where we see he is basically insane and cruel. He’s already planning on killing O’connel, thinking that he must have helped Blake escape, but isn’t going to risk it yet. Realizes that he needs to talk to Shepard alone, he decides that they split into two groups, O’connel and Davis, and him and Shepard. They do so.

-Almost nighttime, the Russians/Windows decide to barricade themselves in Office A. They send out a radio message. No one responds.

-MacReady, still in the surveillance room, gets the message, but decides to not respond, thinking that the Russians killed Palmer. He watches the Rescue team split up, and sees Blake by himself in the Medical Lab and Storage room. After hearing Gabriel threaten to kill Blake, MacReady decides to make a move, and crawls back into the ventilation system.

-We cut to O’connel and Davis, currently in the Empty Cabin, talking about Gabriel and Shepard. But while doing so, O’connel hears a noise above, inside the ceiling. He gives Davis his weapon, while he stands on a bed and tries to push up a tile in order to see what it is, thinking it might be a survivor. However, while he is doing this, something pulls his leg. Falling to the ground, the last thing he sees is his brother’s tentacle wrapping around his legs, while a barb shoots into his heart. (Davis was infected by a small piece of Thing that was in the Russian base when they split up to search it)

-Blake is panicking inside the Med Room, scared of the Things and Gabriel, and almost kills MacReady when he drops from the ceiling. He pauses for a second, but then Macready tackles Blake and disarms him, besting his physically. MacReady rips pieces of cloth from a gurney and ties his captive’s legs and arms together. After Hog Tying Blake, MacReady starts to question him as the sun sets.

-Gabriel and Shepard agree to kill everybody, and hold up in Study A for the night.



-After questioning Blake, MacReady trusts him, but keeps Blake’s gun, instead giving the man his own pistol.

-Gabriel and Shepard go back to the Kitchen and make two molotovs out of a bottle of Gin and some oil used for a lamp.

-The Russians/Windows walk upstairs, guns ready.

-Gabriel and Shepard start to walk out of the Kitchen when they hear the footsteps. Smiling, Gabriel jumps out, and fires.

-The Russians, just turning a corner, are fired at, but aren’t hit and sprint back. Dmitri fires back, using the wall as cover, and realizes that the person shooting at them is nobody they know. While Dmitri holds then, Windows and Clint rush to flank them.

-Gabriel also decides to flank his enemies, and sends Shepard as a distraction towards Dmitri while he goes around. He remembers My Lai and the joy of having power over so many people’s life, and decides that he is going to wound these people first, then make them beg for their life before killing them. He turns the corner.

- Clint and Windows are running when they stumble across Gabriel. Windows fires first, though clumsily, but as he has a shotgun one of the pellets imbed itself into Gabriel’s leg. Gabriel runs to the Map room for cover, and pops out to fire at Clint and Windows, who are using both Laboratory B and the burned out Anteroom as cover.

-Shepard rushes towards Dmitri, using the length of the wall then the door to File Storage A as cover as he pops out to fire. He can’t wait to see the blood of somebody he shot to flow out, just as insane as Gabriel, and so after Dmitri does another burst he full out charges him, running the length of the hallway. Dmitri doesn’t fire once during this time, and Shepard thinks he has his prey on the run. He hears gunshots, and thinks Gabriel is massacring them, so he runs harder to make sure he has somebody to shoot. He turns the corner, gun ready, but sees nobody. He starts to walk forward, but immediately to his left the door to the Empty Cabin slams open, a foot away from him, and Dmitri takes a quick step forward and stabs Shepard in the heart with his knife, his AK forgotten. Shepard gasps, but Dmitri just pulls out his revolver with his other hand and presses it to Shepard’s temple, and pulls the trigger, blowing the man’s brains all over the hallway.

-Gabriel is making no progress, and doesn’t have time to stop his bleeding. He hears Shepard’s gasp, and realizes that this won’t be another My Lai. He lays down covering fire and runs to Blair’s Cabin, where he escapes through the already broken window in the snow.

-Clint and Windows head back to Dmitri, and see the dead body of Shepard. They discuss who they are. Windows can’t think of who it could be, but Dmitri thinks it’s the American military. Clint points out that if it was military they’d have better equipment, and that the gun he was using was from the Russian’s own base. They decide that it doesn’t truly matter; they have a new enemy to deal with anyways.

-MacReady and Blake head down to the generator, where they find that the Russian’s already placed two battery packs in. They place in a third battery pack they found in the Dog Storage, and they hear the gunshots. Blake thinks that the Russians are probably dead, but MacReady isn’t certain.

-Windows POV. The Russians look for the other man, Gabriel, but don’t find him. They realize he escaped through Blair’s room, following his blood, but decide that it’s not worthy giving chase, and that he will probably freeze to death. They walk back, but see Gary. The Russians aim at him, but Gary raises his hands, and the Russians lower their aim. They talk, but Windows remembers the Showers. Clint does as well and asks Gary about them, who says that he has no idea about what happened there. When grilled on the subject by Clint, who points out that Copper was the one who took Gary, and that Blair was always friends with him, Gary pulls out a revolver and is about to fire when Windows shoots him full in the chest. Gary is thrown backwards, but tentacles shoot of his back and create legs before his body hits the ground. Windows runs forward, shooting again, but Clint throws a Molotov that Dmitri lights with a shot with his AK in the air, sending liquid flame over Gary. Gary manages to escape the worst of it, but is still badly burned. He charges them, and Dmitri is about to throw another Molotov when Gary sends out a barb, stabbing Dmitri in the chest, but the bullet proof vest blocks it. Dmitri pulls out his knife and cuts the tentacle while Clint grabs Dmitri’s Molotov to throw, but by now Gary is too close. Windows bashes him with his shotgun and fires again, knocking it slightly back, while Dmitri stabs it, then jumps backwards. The Thing manages to knock Clint to the ground, breaking the Molotov, but Windows shoots a tentacle off with his gun. Realizing they are close to the furnace, Windows grabs Clint, who is knocked out, and carries him to the opening of the furnace, and the Thing follows, crawling like a spider, ignoring the shots from Dmitri. Inside, Windows leads the Thing closer to the opening. Sensing the heat, the Thing is cautious, and instead just sends tentacles out. He almost pulls Clint towards him when Dmitri runs in again, and charges into the thing, surprising it and sending it into the opening towards the furnace, almost falling in himself but is steadied by Windows. They hear the scream of Gary as he is burned alive, and Clint wakes up. They walk about outside. Dmitri pats Windows on the back, then leans closer and whispers to Clint. Windows, thinking it’s just something small, walks away from them, towards the Empty Cabin. He hears Clint agree with something. Dmitri calls his name. Windows walks back, but as he does he realizes that Dmitri has an odd look on his face, and Windows, thinking quickly, realizes that Clint was probably stabbed during the attack, and is about to be infected. But just as he opens his mouth, Dmitri shoots him in the chest with his revolver. Windows is shocked, and takes a step backwards, his hand exploring the opening in his chest. He looks at Dmitri, not understanding, but Clint pulls out his own revolver and fires into Window’s knee, blowing it out. Windows screams and collapses, but as they walk closer to him, Windows manages to stand up and run away on one leg. He remembers everything, from when they caught and tested him, to the saxophone, to knocking out Gary, to the recent fight, crying the entire time. His wounds make him collapse by the stairs. He crawls up against a wall, and sees the Russian standing right in front of him. Clint puts his revolver an inch away from Window’s head, and they look into each other’s eyes. Then Clint speaks. “Thanks for all the help” he says, in perfect, accented English, and he pulls the trigger.

-Gabriel is outside in the snow, his leg bandaged, and MacReady’s cabin is burning behind him. We learn that he escaped to the cabin and patched himself up, but that both Davis and O’connel attacked him in their Thing forms, and that Gabriel managed to trap them inside, then bring a barrel of Kerosene from the base’s helicopter over and light it on fire. He goes into the small shack in order to warm up before heading back into the base to avenge Shepard’s death.

- Blake and MacReady hear more gunshots from upstairs, hearing the Russian/Gary/Windows fight, but again decide to not go up there. They discover the last battery back in a secret compartment in the Kennel, opened under all the straw, and bring it back to the Generator.

-Dmitri and Clint throw Shepard’s and Window’s body into the furnace, and discuss what they just did. You see that they have been planning on killing everybody in the base from the beginning, that they escaped from the Russian Base and went to the American one to make sure not only that they destroyed the Thing, but also so that no one would learn of Mother Russia’s failure, as this is the Cold War. Windows had outlived his usefulness, and would probably end up getting infected and turning into a Thing, so they killed him. They go to Palmer’s room and find more lighter fluid, then head downstairs into Basement 1, and check out the Medical room for Clint’s head, as it’s been bleeding since his head smashed against the wall in the Thing attack.

-Gabriel goes back into the base, hell bent on killing everybody inside. He fires at several different objects, thinking a person might be behind them. He is completely insane, and checks out the extra blood everywhere, and is delighted by it. He goes into the Empty Cabin, but sees nothing but the blood from the Thing attack there.

-Blake and Macready are walking away from the Generator when Childs ambushes them. Blake blows holes into Childs, but it does nothing. MacReady throws his last Molotov at Childs and hurts him, but doesn’t kill him. Childs comes at him, and Macready/Blair run away, being chased by Childs, and manage to escape into a ventilation system in the Buffer Room. Childs tries to follow, but the heat from the furnace and active Generator stops him. Childs leaves to find easier prey, and Blake says they need to understand what’s going on. MacReady leads him towards the Surveillance Room.

-Clint is bandaged, and him and Dmitri smoke in the Medical Room, discussing what to do. They decide they have to kill Childs first, and then they can check to see if Gabriel is alive or dead, and if he’s alive kill him. However, they don’t have a helicopter key, and they have no idea if MacReady is alive or dead. They realize that the Rescue Team must have come with a helicopter, so they could always try to kill Gabriel and check out his corpse for a key, or turn off the furnace and check the ashes for a key from Shepard’s body, if it didn’t melt from the heat.

-Gabriel systematically checks every Room on the first floor, deciding that he has to do it before he can progress elsewhere.

- MacReady and Blake head to the surveillance room, where they watch the Russians head to the Dog Storage room, and see Gabriel by himself. They notice the extra blood, and Blake thinks that his teammates are dead. MacReady notices that Windows is gone, and thinks that the Russians and the Rescue team had a shootout, and that Windows and the other team members where killed. Blake is upset at the death of O’Connel and Davis, not knowing that they were Things, while MacReady feels nothing anymore for Windows.

-The Russians see the broken window in the Dog Storage and crawl out of it, thinking Childs might have escaped that way. Outside, they see that MacReady’s cabin is burned down, and as they check it out they see the burned remains of two more Things, which they deduce to be extra team members. They realize that Gabriel is probably still alive and did this, so they had back inside.

-Gabriel, down checking out all the rooms he could enter (as the surveillance room is locked), heads down to the first basement.

- Dmitri and Clint, back inside, light up their last cigarettes, and smoke them quietly in Study B, and see the gunshots fired inside, but lack of blood. They realize that it is likely they will die here, but that it’s their duty to continue on as Russians, and so they finish their smoke and walk on.

-MacReady tells Blake that they need to find the last helicopter key, and so they head back into the ventilation shafts in order to travel to different rooms and search for their escape. Blake mentions the Rescue Team’s helicopter, but that Gabriel has the key. MacReady is not ready to attack Gabriel, knowing that Blake is not a strong fighter, and that Gabriel will be hard to surprise, and might very well kill him, so they continue searching.

-Clint and Dmitri use their fire axe to start breaking down the door to the surveillance room, but before they can finish they are attacked by Childs. Dmitri uses the axe to stab the Thing and cut off tentacles, while Clint fires into the body with his shotgun. They have no more Molotovs, and so they try to lead the Thing back to the opening to the furnace. Childs, wounded from the attack by MacReady, is slower then he should be, and so is led by them. Right before they enter the room Childs manages to wrap Clint in a tentacle and drag him towards himself, but Dmitri cuts it off, though the fire axe is then snapped in half by Childs after this. The Russians enter the furnace and Childs follows. The room is cramped, and Childs manages to use his tentacles to hold himself above the floor, and grabs both Dmitri and Clint in his grip, pulling them up. Clint uses his knife to cut himself loose, but Dmitri cant reach his knife, as his arm is wrapped up too. Just as Dmitri is about to be consumed, Clint fires his shotgun into Child’s underside, blowing the Thing off the wall and onto the floor, where Clint kicks the Thing into the furnace opening. Dmitri is let loose and falls of the ground, where he gets up and pulls out his AK and starts firing at the Thing, blowing it deeper into the hole, but Childs is using his tentacles to hold himself up, but after MacReady’s attack is wounded and is having trouble doing so. Dmitri stomps on the Thing, but a tentacle shoots up, impaling Dmitri’s hand, a barb on it. Dmitri falls back from shock, and Clint gives the Thing another shot, sending Childs into the furnace to die. Dmitri just stares at his hand, knowing what is going to happen to him. He begs Clint to throw him into the furnace, but Clint instead punches Dmitri in the face, dazing him, and pulls Dmitri over his shoulders, rushing towards the stairs, then straight past the medical room towards Basement 2.

-Gabriel, in the Kennel, hears panicked footsteps, and rushes towards the door, ecstatic over the possibility of finding somebody, but then he hears something above him, and fires his gun into the ceiling. Hearing no screams, he goes back outside, though the footsteps are gone.

-Clint rushes Dmitri down towards the opening to the furnace room, which was built to host the massive mechanical furnace in the middle of it. There is a panel that is used to clear out the ash, but Clint forces it open, shooting fire out a fair distance. He then pulls out his knife, and, apologizing to his brother, hacks at Dmitri’s wrist. He cuts off the hand that was stabbed, and shoves his brother’s stump into the fire, to Dmitri’s screams. After cauterizing it, he brings it out, but Dmitri fainted. Clint stands guard over his brother’s body until he awaked.

-MacReady and Blake find the last helicopter key in the Pharmacy, after narrowly being shot by Gabriel when he fired into the ceiling. They decide to head back to the security room to make see what is going on one last time.

- Dmitri wakes up, and sees what was done to his right hand. He mentions to Clint that they don’t know if it will stop the infection, which Clint acknowledges, but also says that it was the best they could do. Dmitri asks Clint to promise to kill him if he shows signs of being sick, which Clint agrees to. They get up, but right then the door to their room bursts open, to reveal Gabriel holding his gun. Dmitri tries to reach for his AK, but out of habit does it with his right arm. Gabriel fires, blowing back Clint, but Dmitri uses his left hand to pull out his revolver and shoot Gabriel in the arm, blowing his gun away, then fire again, hitting him in the stomach. Dmitri looks at Clint and sees that Gabriel had shot Clint in the neck and head, instantly killing him. Dmitri breaks down, crying over his brother, but then hears Gabriel crawling, gasping for breath, and his grief turns to anger as he runs towards Gabriel, pulling out his knife. He stands over Gabriel and quickly, barbarously, cuts him to pieces. He cuts off his finger tips first, and then the joints, then the rest of his fingers, then cauterizes it in the furnace, and then slowly starts to cut the flesh off Gabriel’s bones as Gabriel screams, taking all of his anger out on the man’s body.

-MacReady and Blake see what is going on. Blake vomits at the sight of the torture, and MacReady says they need to continue on, as the Things are likely all dead. It is now night.

-Dmitri stands over his finished work. Gabriel has both arms and legs left, though now it’s just bones, ligaments, and a few hunks of flesh, the rest sliced off and burned. Gabriel begs for his life, but Dmitri cuts out his eyes and tongue, and leaves Gabriel there to die. He takes his brother’s lighter, promising to remember him when he uses it, and places his brother’s body in the furnace. Thinking that he’s the only survivor left alive, Dmitri remembers how his brother flew the helicopter, and, having no idea if he could fly it or not, takes the key from the dying Gabriel’s jacket and leaves.

-MacReady and Blake are fuelling up the helicopter, planning on leaving for good. Blake is distraught over everything that has happened, with how he even got there, while MacReady is simply silent. MacReady decides to go check on the Rescue team’s helicopter, to see if it would be more likely to survive the journey then their own. Blake agrees, and stays behind to finish fuelling. As MacReady checks out the helicopter, Blake decides to crawl inside the team’s helicopter to get warmed up. He’s visibly shaken up by everything that has occurred, and starts to cry. He wipes his tears away, and looks out the helicopter window to see a man standing in the night's snow.

-MacReady just leaves the helicopter and first goes to check out his cabin, and notices that there are two dead things there, which he concludes to be Davis and O’Connell. He continues on, when there is a roaring noise behind him, and he’s forced to the ground. Standing up, he sees the skeletal remains of the base’s helicopter, an inferno taking the rest.

-Dmitri stands alone, not knocked over, holding his AK in his hands. He had used up the last of his bullets to shoot at the man inside the helicopter, which accidentally sparked the explosion that destroyed it. Dmitri drops his gun and pulls out his revolver, as he saw MacReady walk elsewhere. A gunshot echoes by, and, using the noise to judge location, Dmitri fires back. Dmitri hides behind the roaring inferno as MacReady shoots at him. Dmitri is not used to firing with his left hand, but still manages to make semi-accurate shots. MacReady runs towards where Dmitri is, and they both pop out and charge at the same time, firing. MacReady is shot just above the knee, while Dmitri is shot in the chest, at close enough range to puncture the worn down body armor. MacReady and Dmitri both collapse in the snow, gasping. MacReady manages to stand up over Dmitri, but he has no more bullets to finish the job, as Dmitri is still alive. Dmitri struggles up himself, but also has no more bullets. They stare at each other, before MacReady asks Dmitri why he killed so many, not thinking Dmitri could understand him. Dmitri speaks in English, telling MacReady of the glories of Russia, and how he couldn’t let this incident, his own team’s decisions, tarnish that glory. MacReady doesn’t answer, though he’s surprised he speaks English, but instead starts to walk away towards the other helicopter, leaving Dmitri behind. Dmitri asks MacReady if he had filled up the other helicopter, which MmacReady answers truthfully with a no. Dmitri points out that he will likely be too low on fuel to make it anywhere, which MacReady agrees with, but says that it doesn’t matter, as he doesn’t have the key. Dmitri says he knows where it is, and will tell MacReady if he promises to not tell anybody where the Thing came from. MacReady agrees, and Dmitri pulls the key out. But as MacReady gets close, Dmitri drops the key and pulls out his knife and stabs towards MacReady, but the bullet in his stomach spasms, causing him to only slice MacReady’s arm. MacReady doesn’t say anything, and just watches Dmitri pant on the ground, but then takes the key and walks off. Dmitri lays in the ground, the bullet in his stomach bleeding everywhere, and he wonders if loosing his hand stopped the infection or not. He sees MacReady fly away, and wonders if MacReady will make it back, or tell anybody where the Thing was. Dmitri realizes he probably will, and forces himself up. He rips his sack he carries into a long strip that he ties around his stomach, and heads towards the inferno that was the helicopter. There is a single, small canister of Kerosene left, which he takes, then heads towards the snowmobile. He fuels it up, and finds the key on the dashboard. He takes it, and realizes that moving is making his bleeding worse, but doesn’t care, as he drives off in the same direction as MacReady, dazed from the blood loss, his stomach a roaring area of pain, and the cold bites deep to his bones as he drives.


A year ago, this game started. Now it is over. Mistakes where made by everybody, me included, but that doesn’t detract from how fun the game was. Nobody here can say it wasn’t an enjoyable experience, not if they’ve actually played it.

To start it off, I’ll post what was happening throughout the game.

To start it off, we started with one Thing. And the Thing was <3, who played an amazing game. On a one-by-one case, he was my favorite to watch. He had a hard job, and constantly met the challenges presented to him. Even when faced with the test he managed to delay it on him longer then most could even think of.

A few things about the base: Keys would match with the doorknob colors. Unfortunately, I don’t have the key list with me anymore, and I didn’t make it until later. In reality, this was something I was almost making up as I went along. I had a few keys planned out, then others I started imaging as people found them.

I also didn’t have descriptions written for each room. I knew what was in them, but a few things I created as I wrote them. I didn’t make the rooms up as I went, I knew before the game started where certain items where, but the actual descriptions weren’t prepared. This was fine until close to the end, when people would start to return to old rooms, and I’d have to go far back in my PMs order to find the description I used. I think I messed up once, though I can’t remember where.

That said, the only thing I made up was a single battery pack location. If nobody looked in the cabinets in Laboratory B, then it would be in there. If they did, then it would be in Study C. Somebody looked, and so the Russians found the battery pack in the Study.

Unfortunatly, a year passed, and I don’t have the locations for items or battery packs anymore. I can’t post a full list of what was what, sadly, because I don’t have it. That was one reason I stopped the game. I don’t even have the Key information, except for a few people, which I wrote down. Here it is.

Eor said:
Frozenflame751: small silver key (cabinet in rec center)

Ronike: Large grey key (holding cell)

Comonyoshi: dull, silver key (trunk in Office A), bright gold key (vault)

Chill: Large orange key (helicopter)
Disappointing, isn’t it? It’s not that bad, actually. There was another Helicopter key that was needed to fly it, but I can’t remember where it was. I think it was in the Laundry Room.

To start it off, the following people are dead (in order of death):

1. Camo man (clark)
2. Marthmaster (bennings)
3. Smashman90 (fulchs)
4. Commonyoshi (Norris)
5. Deathreaver780 (Palmer)

Of those, only Commonyoshi was a Thing, or infected.

Sheepyman left by himself for a long long time, if you recall. His reason was that he wanted to preserve himself. He was the doctor, he knew he would be targeted, and so he hid. And he did hide. He even smashed through a window in the basement, crawled out the narrow opening, and ran in the cold, almost freezing to death, until he warmed up in Chill’s cabin and sneaked back in just so he wouldn’t be found. If you remember walking into either Mechanical storage/Food storage and seeing the window broken (somebody did this), then that was why. I don’t know if that was the smartest thing to do, as I have no idea what would have happened to him if he stayed with the group, but it seemed to work. Though I’m surprised he wasn’t killed by one of you when he returned. Luckily for him, he did it in an intelligent manner.

Lets go more specific. The start of the game.

When Marthmaster pulled the cloth off and caused the vapors to rise, he could have killed everybody. If somebody had stayed, the vapors would have knocked them out, then suffocate them to death. Luckily, people left.

Ronike whispered the following to Ligolski around that time

Ronike said:
I have one other piece of information that will likely be of use. Don't reveal it please. I keep a revolver in office A along with 15 bullets in the next drawer. The key for the drawers is in study A in the drawer under the lamp. Also, please do not set off on your own. Ignore this, and I will be forced to suspect you greatly.
Sheepyman already posted what he did during this time, with the exact PMs, so I won’t post it again. It’d take a long time.

Rest will come later. Unfortunately, I'm going out now, so the rest will come tomorrow.

At least the game is over.

And for Nauls: When he was knocked out, he was slightly infected. It was going through his body, and he would have started vomiting blood if he hadn't died. When he died, the Thing managed to take over more of the body very quickly, though the tissue died quickly, meaning he was only a half thing, and couldn't transform very well. As he wasn't a full thing, or even more then an eighth, the test showed nothing.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
Is stupidity a side effect of Thingyness?

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have acted that idiotically if I became a Thing. I mean, I could have just trapped MacReady in the freezer, left a note telling people he was a Thing, and walked away. As far as I would have known, he would have been as good as dead.

Still, it was a good ending, despite my dissatisfaction with my character's actions.

Anyhow, I had all sorts of weird plans for if I became a Thing, and I'm unhappy that I was unable to implement any of them.

One of my ideas was to dilute the molotov cocktails with water, effectively ruining the only effective weapon the group had against the things. I was also thinking of canning my own blood, in order to fool future blood tests, or canning a Thing's blood, in order to frame other people and get them killed.

I had a few other plans I was considering too, but those were my favorite.

But, really, I didn't think I was turning into a Thing. I assumed I might be going a little paranoid or something, because of some of the messages Eor was sending me, but I thought I was still human. These plans were all just backup, really.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
yeah... I wouldn't of fought anyone head on, and I'd of sabotaged the furnace!

I look forward to another game like this in the future.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I stopped caring what you people would have done and instead just wrote what was cool. I don't think that's what would of happened if the game continued, not at all, I actually think the Russians would of probably killed everybody then die fighting things, or that the generator would never get repaired. But really, that's not an interesting ending. So you can always just not care about what I posted if you wanted to, it's not like that's set in stone. People just wanted an ending, so I made up what I thought was a cool way to end it.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I stopped caring what you people would have done and instead just wrote what was cool
Well, I can understand that it would be nearly impossible to write an ending while having to keep each player's individual personalities and strategies in mind.

I just wish that I could have made use of some of the ideas I developed for outwitting the other players. Hopefully, I can do something similar in EE's upcoming adventure game.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Eorlingas said:
-MacReady goes upstairs and finds the rotting corpse of Camo-Man (Clark) in the recreation room, and realizes that he has been dead almost since the incident started.
:grr: >:O Dead since New Years. >_>


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I know what you mean, Mediocre. I had planned from the start to infect the food in the food storage room from the momment I became a Thing, but the plan never got pulled off. It doesn't seem like the characters even needed to eat during this game so it was all useless.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Frozenflame shot Camo-man in the back of the head, then murdered Marthmaster the same way when he was bending over to pick up the flame thrower, then shot marthmaster in the arms and used the flame thrower to light a shelf to make it look like a fight, but what he light was an explosive, which blew up and made him smack his head against a wall and almost die.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Jeez, this was a fun game. Although I died kinda early, but that was mainly my fault for doing something ********. And to think I almost ran into <3 absorbing commonyoshi, but unfortunately they finished right before I found them. I am kinda surprised they didn't try to absorb me. I couldn't help but lmao that I was the only one that ever bothered to hide in the bathrooms.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
wow...frozen ur a bad@ss motherfooker...what compelled you to kill everyone without even making sure...i understand camo being hte dog dude...but marth? u lied to us a great deal lol


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
The Russians had a long plan to kill Frozenflame when he wasn't expecting it, and to also kill Nauls by torture.


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2006
jeez no wonder u guys were all jumpy about me and ronike...we were the only ones not plotting to kill each other...

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Bah, should've seen that coming. >_< Outsiders ALWAYS have ulterior motives. XP

That was a great ending Eor, a great ending to a great game. Twas very enjoyable. ^_^


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Wow... Paranoia much guys? Jeez, specially you frozen...

Well, twas great fun, and high five liggy for being the only two that didnt want to try to kill each other to start...


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I think it's funny Liggy is saying that, considering him and Ronike where planning on killing Nauls by trapping him in the flaming room, and openly discussed killing frozenflame and even had it set in stone they where going to flamethrower him while he was unconscious.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Ahaha, you guys were nuts in this game which is what made it so easy to turn everyone against you. There's the irony of you two getting pissed off at me for attacking one of you though. >_>


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I wasn't planning on killing anybody unless I turned out to be a Thing, in which case I had tons of plans to kill everybody. I'm surprised so many people thought it would be a good idea to kill other human players. It's kind of self defeating, don't you think?


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Russians actually gave me a plan on how they where going to kill Nauls if they got the oportunity. I forgot how it went, but it involved Clint, who was a train medic, to use his knowledge and his knife to inflict the most amount of pain possible. Something about cutting nerves and fingers, I lost the exact details when my computer crashed, though I tried to use what i remebered when Dmitri kills Gabriel.

And I'm slightly upset that the Rescue Team never arrived, it would have made it interesting, though it might very well have been unfair.

Anybody, just ask me questions. Go back in the thread, ask me a question if you have one. It'll be easier.

Oh, and the black out was caused by the Russian helicopter crashing, and the impact destroyed wires under where they where. The Russians parachuted out. So **** you Duke, I didn't just do it to destroy everyones roles! Just like I said.


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
Russians actually gave me a plan on how they where going to kill Nauls if they got the oportunity. I forgot how it went, but it involved Clint, who was a train medic, to use his knowledge and his knife to inflict the most amount of pain possible. Something about cutting nerves and fingers
EE, you jerkface.

But then I would have come back to haunt you as a Thing, so that would have been pretty cool.

Anyway, what advantage did they gain by torturing me to death? Was it strategic, or was EE just playing a character? I really can't understand the benefit of torturing someone to death, because it would take a lot of time and anyone who found out about it would assume your character was a raving lunatic.
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