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The SURVIVOR series (Season 26 airs Feb. 13!)


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Sandra... the only two-time winner. She really might be the only person to ever win the game twice.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
You're soooo lucky to have photos with someone from Survivor, I've yet to have my experience with someone off the cast. It was kind of funny, when I went to Utah to visit my friend, I looked around for Tyson like he would conveniently be right where I was all the time, x]

If I could just get a photo with Courtney... -sighs- <3

I think Sandra will be the only two time winner, though I won't say that with too much confidence. People are now okay to the fact a winner can win again, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Hatch, Herzog, or Yul was able to pull off another victory. Well, Hatch and Herzog I'd be surprised, since they'd be early targets, but I think Yul could win again. Maybe even Earl, or Chris.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I think Yul and Earl would have an easier time at winning again than Hatch or Todd because they're generally seen as less threatening. Chris I think would do well too because he's just so damn good socially.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
"You question a woman's character, you question a woman's ability, she'll snap your neck. You open up your heart, show a women you're vulnerable, then they start thinking with their heart. That's when they open up that back door. That's what's happened this time."

Sexist, Feminist, or just a plain hater. When someone balls up and says something like this on national TV, you either look like a complete loser or a badass.

He pulled the latter.

LMFAO. On Rob's podcast (11/11/10), Fairplay said that for a short period of time, Na'Onka and Dreamz were dating. Worst relationship ever? x]


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
So, I finished all of Guatemala. It was a brutal season. I can't say it was my favorite, but it was worth watching. However long it takes, I will get to where I've seen every season. I'm almost there.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I've always thought Guatemala's a really solid and good all around season with an overall good cast. Most people really seem to underrate it just because aside from Stephenie there's not HUGE Coach or whatever type character that sucks up all the airtime and instead we get a cast where most of them are very good characters in their own right that split up the airtime.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I'm downloading season 12. I don't know when I'll have time to watch it, but at least I'll have it for when I do.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Season 12's alright, but it's a bit of a letdown after Guatemala, I think.

Edit: I can link you to something that has all seasons if you want to make it easier to find the rest. There's one that has all up to season 19, but it's easy enough to find.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
If you've sat through Fiji, Tocantins, Samoa, and Africa, than Thailand'll seem pretty good, lol. He just thinks the cast is mean spirited and unlikable.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I started Fiji. I burnt out after two episodes. It blows. I'll have to restart it later.

I liked Tocantins and Samoa.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, Fiji is just terrible. Nobody but Yau's really that close to likable, it takes forever for people to seem like they're playing the game, the pre-merge is the most boring ever. Aside from 2, maybe 3 Tribal Councils, it''s totally meh. I can see people liking Tocantins since Tyson, Stephen, JT, and Coach were good characters but it's mostly meh other than that. And I really don't see how anybody who's not a delusional Russhole fanboy can possibly like Samoa. :glare:


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Russell is a fantastic player. Yes, yes, he blows at jury management. Aside from that, he made a very fair assumption: idols are often hidden around camp. It has happened in China, Micronesia, and other seasons. He deserves credit for the way he played the game. Personally, I cheered him on all the way through Samoa. He came in to actually play the game rather than have a vacation, make friends, and "play with honesty/integrity". Lex, on the other hand, can't handle losing, so he makes "Survivor = life" speeches. Russell has never been voted out. ;)

It goes beyond Russell, though. I liked Erik, Dave, and Shambo.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
*sigh* My point still stands exactly as I said it. Russhole's just as bad of a loser as Lex was. So what if he found an Idol without a clue? Gary did that 8 seasons before him. And the second one he found was planted there AFTER Dave and Laura both looked under that exact same bridge. And Russell hasn't been voted out yet because he's a giant goat that would never win against anybody on the face of the earth. Even Sugar would beat him. Sugar of all people. Therefore giving him a 0% chance of winning the game. And when you have a 0% chance of ever winning, I don't care how far you make it, you're still a terrible player. And when you whine and make a site called "Russell was screwed" that asks for money donations from fans, you know you're a giant baby. Did a lot of people feel Rob should've won All-Stars? Yes, but Mariano manned up about it and accepted the fact this his loss was his fault. Russell can't do that.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
...as opposed to people like Rupert who flat out never make it to the finals? Russell is a better player than you give him credit for. The Samoa jury openly stated that after watching the season, they felt Russell should have won, not Natalie. Again, it's a case where someone wins by diving behind someone else rather than playing the game for his or her self. It was in HvV where Russell went overboard and scored ZERO votes.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Rupert was a pretty bad player in Pearl Islands, I'll give you that, but if he makes the finals in All-Stars or HvV then he wins. It's better to be taken out near the end because you'll win, then get dragged to the end as a goat and prove you never could. How good at the game you are isn't based by what the jury thinks after watching it, it's what they think when they're out there. The editing can be skewed any single way the editors want it to be, what you say to someone's face can't. And really, Samoa is easily the worst season to use as a "oh, after watching the season the jury thought this" since Russell was, without a shadow of a doubt to where no sane person can deny it, sucking up ALL of the camera time as the producers were just trying to promote him being on HvV so the audience would know who he was. Look at it this way: Confessional count- Russell= 125, Shamu= 38, Natalie= 15 and none until episode 4. Now, you tell me, if someone has literally 9 times more confessionals than the winner and is shoved down the audience's throat like you wouldn't believe, do you HONESTLY think that the average fan or editing slaved sheep WOULDN'T be surprised that Russell lost? And I mean, speak from a non-biased perspective here.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Russell is a fantastic player. Yes, yes, he blows at jury management. Aside from that, he made a very fair assumption: idols are often hidden around camp. It has happened in China, Micronesia, and other seasons. He deserves credit for the way he played the game. Personally, I cheered him on all the way through Samoa. He came in to actually play the game rather than have a vacation, make friends, and "play with honesty/integrity". Lex, on the other hand, can't handle losing, so he makes "Survivor = life" speeches. Russell has never been voted out. ;)

It goes beyond Russell, though. I liked Erik, Dave, and Shambo.
Buzz and I have something in common with each other, ;]
On the dot, actually. X] I love the same players. Erik should of made it further.

*sigh* My point still stands exactly as I said it. Russhole's just as bad of a loser as Lex was. So what if he found an Idol without a clue? Gary did that 8 seasons before him. And the second one he found was planted there AFTER Dave and Laura both looked under that exact same bridge. And Russell hasn't been voted out yet because he's a giant goat that would never win against anybody on the face of the earth. Even Sugar would beat him. Sugar of all people. Therefore giving him a 0% chance of winning the game. And when you have a 0% chance of ever winning, I don't care how far you make it, you're still a terrible player. And when you whine and make a site called "Russell was screwed" that asks for money donations from fans, you know you're a giant baby. Did a lot of people feel Rob should've won All-Stars? Yes, but Mariano manned up about it and accepted the fact this his loss was his fault. Russell can't do that.
Mariano didn't exactly care, he still got the money, x]

Rupert was a pretty bad player in Pearl Islands, I'll give you that, but if he makes the finals in All-Stars or HvV then he wins. It's better to be taken out near the end because you'll win, then get dragged to the end as a goat and prove you never could. How good at the game you are isn't based by what the jury thinks after watching it, it's what they think when they're out there. The editing can be skewed any single way the editors want it to be, what you say to someone's face can't. And really, Samoa is easily the worst season to use as a "oh, after watching the season the jury thought this" since Russell was, without a shadow of a doubt to where no sane person can deny it, sucking up ALL of the camera time as the producers were just trying to promote him being on HvV so the audience would know who he was. Look at it this way: Confessional count- Russell= 125, Shamu= 38, Natalie= 15 and none until episode 4. Now, you tell me, if someone has literally 9 times more confessionals than the winner and is shoved down the audience's throat like you wouldn't believe, do you HONESTLY think that the average fan or editing slaved sheep WOULDN'T be surprised that Russell lost? And I mean, speak from a non-biased perspective here.
Are those ACTUAL confessional counts? If so, that's absolutely crazy.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, Shamu and Natalie's are right (I remember the people who confessional counted in Samoa saying Natalie didn't have a confessional until episode 4 and that she had less confessionals than there were episodes). I don't have an exact number on Russhole's, but I know 100% for a fact that he had between 120 and 130. His amount was lowered to 75-78 for HvV though.

Edit: It's also worth noting that Shamu's confessional count was the second highest of the season. Now, look at who the top 2 were for fan favourite. Coincidence? I think not.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Rupert was a pretty bad player in Pearl Islands, I'll give you that, but if he makes the finals in All-Stars or HvV then he wins. It's better to be taken out near the end because you'll win, then get dragged to the end as a goat and prove you never could. How good at the game you are isn't based by what the jury thinks after watching it, it's what they think when they're out there. The editing can be skewed any single way the editors want it to be, what you say to someone's face can't. And really, Samoa is easily the worst season to use as a "oh, after watching the season the jury thought this" since Russell was, without a shadow of a doubt to where no sane person can deny it, sucking up ALL of the camera time as the producers were just trying to promote him being on HvV so the audience would know who he was. Look at it this way: Confessional count- Russell= 125, Shamu= 38, Natalie= 15 and none until episode 4. Now, you tell me, if someone has literally 9 times more confessionals than the winner and is shoved down the audience's throat like you wouldn't believe, do you HONESTLY think that the average fan or editing slaved sheep WOULDN'T be surprised that Russell lost? And I mean, speak from a non-biased perspective here.
BULLLLLLLLLLL crap. You can't honestly tell me you would prefer to die a martyr than at least make it to the end. I don't care how "well" you played the game. If you're voted out before the final tribal council, your chances are 0%. You can mock Russell all you want; his chances were INFINITELY better than anyone sitting on the jury. Rupert was not a good player. He played THREE TIMES, and in every attempt, he landed on the jury somewhere. Russell is 2 for 2 in making it to the end and never getting voted off. I would much rather be in Russell's situation and simply refine my jury strategy than be in Rupert's situation and refine my entire strategy of simply surviving to the end.

And Gary did not find the idol without a clue. The entire tribe was given a clue. Gary then derived clue #2 by observing Judd. Russell hunted for the idol before being prompted that one even EXISTED.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
BULLLLLLLLLLL crap. You can't honestly tell me you would prefer to die a martyr than at least make it to the end. I don't care how "well" you played the game. If you're voted out before the final tribal council, your chances are 0%. You can mock Russell all you want; his chances were INFINITELY better than anyone sitting on the jury. Rupert was not a good player. He played THREE TIMES, and in every attempt, he landed on the jury somewhere. Russell is 2 for 2 in making it to the end and never getting voted off. I would much rather be in Russell's situation and simply refine my jury strategy than be in Rupert's situation and refine my entire strategy of simply surviving to the end.
I think Buzz kinda has a point here, Livey. I agree, Russell has terrible jury performances (though again, he should of won Samoa) because he can't make people respect him or how he plays, but he gets to the end. Amanda gets to the end, has terrible performances, and still gets respect for playing great games.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Amanda gets respect because she only lost due to her jury performances. Russell gets none because he never would have won even with a good one.

And Probst saying "hey, there's an Idol!" does NOT count as a clue. Judd then got a clue and lied about what it is. If anything, Gary found the idol with a negative clue.

Also, it's BS and editing mumbo jumbo to say Russell found the Idol without knowing it existed. The only reason he found the Idol is because once they kidnapped Yasmin and found out she had a clue to where the HII was, he saw her looking around trees and got lucky and happened to look in the right one. I can prove it too. If you look closely in the beginning of the scene where Russell finds the HII, you can see that Ben's wearing facepaint from the challenge that they all had in episode 2 where they kidnapped Yasmin. Which further proves my point.



Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Amanda gets respect because she only lost due to her jury performances. Russell gets none because he never would have won even with a good one.

And Probst saying "hey, there's an Idol!" does NOT count as a clue. Judd then got a clue and lied about what it is. If anything, Gary found the idol with a negative clue.

Also, it's BS and editing mumbo jumbo to say Russell found the Idol without knowing it existed. The only reason he found the Idol is because once they kidnapped Yasmin and found out she had a clue to where the HII was, he saw her looking around trees and got lucky and happened to look in the right one. I can prove it too. If you look closely in the beginning of the scene where Russell finds the HII, you can see that Ben's wearing facepaint from the challenge that they all had in episode 2 where they kidnapped Yasmin. Which further proves my point.

Well, Hogaboon did use common sense when Jud wasn't looking on the ground, so that is JUST as much of a clue as Russell had...


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
True, but Yasmin didn't say "nah, it's totally not in these trees I'm about to look in", lol. So that's all I meant. Plus it was Yasmin having the clue that made them aware of it, so...


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Amanda gets respect because she only lost due to her jury performances. Russell gets none because he never would have won even with a good one.
Ridiculous. You like Amanda. You hate Russell. We get it. However, this statement right here is 100% biased proof of that. Amanda lost. So did Russell. Amanda didn't do any better. They both lost.

And Probst saying "hey, there's an Idol!" does NOT count as a clue. Judd then got a clue and lied about what it is. If anything, Gary found the idol with a negative clue.
Dude, I just barely watched the season. Gary saw Judd and saw that he was looking up high after reporting that the idol would be down low. He turned the "negative clue" into a positive one. Had he not observed Judd, he probably would have continued to look in the wrong place. Again, Gary has two clues before finding the idol.

Also, it's BS and editing mumbo jumbo to say Russell found the Idol without knowing it existed. The only reason he found the Idol is because once they kidnapped Yasmin and found out she had a clue to where the HII was, he saw her looking around trees and got lucky and happened to look in the right one. I can prove it too. If you look closely in the beginning of the scene where Russell finds the HII, you can see that Ben's wearing facepaint from the challenge that they all had in episode 2 where they kidnapped Yasmin. Which further proves my point.

This makes zero sense. You're going to have to elaborate. Russell hunted for the idol unprompted.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Reminds me TRG, since you've started watching Australia, what're your thoughts so far?
I've only seen the first episode so far but I'm liking it! It's really cool to see young Colby and Jerri as opposed to their older counterparts in HvV. Apparently Colby was hot stuff in his prime so I'm expecting him to dominate in the challenges. And I know he and some other woman make it to the F2, and Colby loses thanks to the "dumbest moments in survivor history segment." The cast seems pretty good. And the location for the TCs is AMAZING! Right on top of a waterfall you can't get any more epic than that.

I met Sandra once; she lives in my hometown and she was the master of events at the anniversary of the Commissary opening this summer. Apparently, my mom sees her shopping there sometimes too.
That is actually really cool.

I wish I could live near Parvati... or Amanda... or Brenda... :laugh:



Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I actually don't really like Amanda that much, Buzz. I just think she's hot when she's wearing glasses.

The Russell thing I think I made perfectly clear, but however I'll go over it step by step.

1. The editing footage of Russell looking for the HII before he finds it has been switched around as he didn't find it until day 5. You can notice by Ben having on the facepaint from the episode 2 challenge that ended with Mike being removed, even though when he's shown finding the HII, the challenge hadn't been aired yet.

2. Following said episode 2 challenge, Yasmin was kidnapped by Foa Foa and came back to their beach. She gets a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol and is seen opening it and looking in trees. This is revealed in interviews. Also revealed is that Russell saw her looking, actually was able to put 2 and 2 together, and deciding to start looking in trees himself, hence him thinking to look in the giant tree for his. There are plenty of these interviews on RNO.

3. Using common sense to observe Judd does not count as a clue, and I really don't see how you can call Jeff announcing it's existence a clue. Also, Erik found his HII without a clue, but that's not often talked about.

I really don't see what there is to be confused about when it comes to Russell finding the first HII and needing a clue. You saying he had less clues than Gary, but providing ways that Gary had clues are actually also serving to show why Russell had clues unless you wish to have a double standard, which I don't think is your intent. The second one sure, I'll give you that, but Laura and Dave were already searching around there first, so it's entirely possible he saw them looking and it's also entirely possible that it was planted since they checked the bridge, but that's a whole other discussion.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
I actually don't really like Amanda that much, Buzz. I just think she's hot when she's wearing glasses.
Then why are you going off about how wonderfully Amanda played and how terribly Russell played? They have pretty similar track records, dude.

The Russell thing I think I made perfectly clear, but however I'll go over it step by step.

1. The editing footage of Russell looking for the HII before he finds it has been switched around as he didn't find it until day 5. You can notice by Ben having on the facepaint from the episode 2 challenge that ended with Mike being removed, even though when he's shown finding the HII, the challenge hadn't been aired yet.

2. Following said episode 2 challenge, Yasmin was kidnapped by Foa Foa and came back to their beach. She gets a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol and is seen opening it and looking in trees. This is revealed in interviews. Also revealed is that Russell saw her looking, actually was able to put 2 and 2 together, and deciding to start looking in trees himself, hence him thinking to look in the giant tree for his. There are plenty of these interviews on RNO.

3. Using common sense to observe Judd does not count as a clue, and I really don't see how you can call Jeff announcing it's existence a clue. Also, Erik found his HII without a clue, but that's not often talked about.

I really don't see what there is to be confused about when it comes to Russell finding the first HII and needing a clue. You saying he had less clues than Gary, but providing ways that Gary had clues are actually also serving to show why Russell had clues unless you wish to have a double standard, which I don't think is your intent. The second one sure, I'll give you that, but Laura and Dave were already searching around there first, so it's entirely possible he saw them looking and it's also entirely possible that it was planted since they checked the bridge, but that's a whole other discussion.
Even so, Russell anticipated one existing before anyone else did. If he saw someone looking around awkwardly, it only confirmed his prediction, but he still had no idea where it would be located. He spoke with Jaison about finding the idol preemptively. So, unless you think that whole section was staged by production, Russell was still taking initiative unique to any Survivor player. Gary started hunting after it was broadcast to the entire tribe that an idol existed. It blows my mind that you see that as the same thing as Russell's situation. Again, Gary was explicitly told by Judd that the idol was down low; so, he followed Judd out and confirmed an opposite clue. If Judd said nothing about the clue, it would not have been so clear cut.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I was never going off on how well Amanda played. I simply said she actually had a shot to win while he didn't.

As for the scene where Russell's talking to Jaison about whether or not an HII exists and goes on to talk about it, it's all essentially one long scene at the beginning of episode 2. Do you REALLY think that since Russell needed Yasmin to accidentally show him where the HII was in order to find it, that he wouldn't have had a discussion about whether it existed until he saw her looking around or reading the note? I mean, it certainly would make a lot of things make more sense and is far from a stretch.


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Lol I'm curious why are you so into Courtney?

She's so small. :laugh: She has a fun personality though.
Because she's so snarky. She's real, she's hilarious. I'd give my left testicle for a chance to go out at least once with her. I'd probably regret that later, but Courtney would be worth it. At least for a short amount of time, x]

Who is your Survivor crush, TRG? I know you have to have one, x]

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Who is your Survivor crush, TRG? I know you have to have one, x]
That's an easy one Parvati Shallow no question. She has the perfect balance of sex appeal, humor, and flirtyness that really turns me on.

What I would do for just 10 minutes with her... *sigh*


Smash Master
May 24, 2007
Biloxi, Mississippi
Parvati is probably second up for me, but I'm actually having trouble thinking of a lot of the girls right now, x]
If I were older, I'd go for Jerri. She looks REALLY good still. Just out of my age limit, x]

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Did you know Jerri posed naked for playboy? Google image it sometime if you haven't seen it yet. I couldn't believe it honestly.
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