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The Super Ultra Newest TNR Recruitment Pg *disowns spammers*


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Jigg will you shut the **** up about that ****ing memory card already, jesus man use a God **** PM/IM/PHONE or mabe get off your *** an go to his house to get it because all you do is ***** about that **** in every post and enough is a ****ing nough stop ****ing talking about it already ****!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
do i ****ing care about what you think? nope. so stfu you little *****. ive already sent a pm, so its a lil redundant to send another one, and i figure since he doesnt check smashboards very often anyways, i might as well post about it, and hope that it annoys him as much as it just did to you. so to state once again, shut the **** up, you ****ing ****bag. seriously, why do you even care anyways? this thread is so ****ing full of spam, so i figure "hey why not? might as well post about something that actually pertains to real life (sort of)" (you know what, i'll state it once more, just so your ******** *** actually gets it) SHUT THE **** UP, YOU ****ING MORON, IF MY POSTING ABOUT FOB HAVING MY MEMORYCARD REALLY ANNOYS YOU THAT MUCH, YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO GET A LIFE.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
How the hell do I need a life when you cant move on with yours because of a **** memory card, shut the **** up *** cause you are just talking out of your *** now, anyone who reads this thread can see its YOU who needs a life, *****.

overall you are just an annoying little ****, go die plz


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
wow, i guess you ARE an idiot. you need a life because something as little as me saying "i want my memory card back" is causing you to reply to my posts in such a manner as "Jigg will you shut the **** up about that ****ing memory card already" and "mabe get off your *** an go to his house to get it because all you do is ***** about that **** in every post and enough is a ****ing nough stop ****ing talking about it already ****!" which first of all, isnt ****ing needed, second of all, just make you look like a complete ***, and finally, just makes me look like a victim of some ****** that cant hold his misplaced anger.
its you who chooses to read my posts, do i ****ing force you to read every letter of every word? **** no! do i force you to log onto your account and say "gee, i wonder if jigg has his memory card back yet"? once again. NO! it is your choice. you ****ing choose to read my posts, you ****ing choose to respond to my post with such misplaced anger (i really think that you should see somebody about that too.. that cant be good for your health) you can always just spik over my posts since, as you put it, "i only post about that ****ing memory card" so you already know what the topic of my post is.

just incase your puny mind cant handle all of those words at once, ill make it short.
you choose to read my posts even though you could just skip right over them, and then you choose to reply in a completely ******** fashion, and i choose to make a fool of you because of it.
as you so eloquently put it "go die plz"

one last thing before i go. you actually managed to piss me off, good job. want a cookie? TOO ****ING BAD!

**** it feel good to rip a ****** a new one... seriously.. thats some therapeutic **** right there.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Lol I'm not reading all that, you do realize I am just promoting the team saying "no respect"


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
i figured you wouldnt, or should i say... couldnt, read all of that. and like i said before im feeling good now, but if you wanna keep this up i have some time on my hands, since i wont be sleeping for a long while


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
would help if i was emo, but nice try, ******.. you still want that cookie?

TOO ****ING BAD! (i knew it would resort to kitteh pictures!)


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
- I am doing this for FOB-

- but I'm done spamming here for now-


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2005
I love you guys ^_^

Jigg- yea I'm really sorry about your memory card. I'd rather not mail it.... *Doesn't know how to...* I figure it would be easier to give it to Korn or Boss next time I see them to pass it one to you... But if you really want/need it, I can try to figure out how to mail it... (New technology has isolated me from the works of "mail". and this so called thing.

My reaction to "mail"


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
yeah thats cool, but i gotta do one last pic.

i fugured since we had that awesome argument, this fits (even though i think we both just kinda gave up and started posting kittehs)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
thanks ck, you kept me from having to edit.. awesome!
thats alright fob, if you cant figure it out, i'd rather not risk it getting lost/stolded/whatever, so whatever you're comfortable with is cool with me..
but just so that we're absolutly clear on this.. its been a ***** trying to play my games without having a memory card, so you can kind of feel my plight (try playing ocarina of time or majora's mask without a save file... yeah.)
so yeah, i havent been acting like a ******* just for the sake of getting my memory card back, i actually have a semi-legitimate reason... sort of.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
its the poke, and the mon and the pokemon which are all like blurb blurb blurb.

Jigg- Boss has your memory card.
yeah, boss called me yesterday (it might have been easier to give it to korn tho, since he lives 3 blocks away from me, rather than 4 miles away, but w/e im not complaining)
nice crew fob ;)
Im glad that whole fight is over, phew *sighs*
what fight?
i might quit TNR.. mm
dude.. you dont need to quit.. tnr like... doesnt exist anymore... lol

anybody else happy that the smashbros site is getting updated every weekday? that gooey bomb looks like a fun item.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
i might quit TNR.. mm
With Chozen in jail I don't think TNR is much alive anymore.. as much as I hate to say it. I need to join a crew. Just to refresh your memroies my mains are Marth and Luigi.

Yeah I love the fact that SmashBros Dojo is updating every day. But why didn't they give all of Pit's B moves?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
they'll either keep the forward and down B moves secret, or release them tomorrow (think about it, if they released it all at once, nobody would care about the site once all of the info was out.. this strategy makes people come back)


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
Pit looks so tight. I think his up-b allows him to do arial attacks as he's rising (that's what it looks like to me in the picture). How could you attack somebody with your wings (unless you drank red bull or something...)?


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
Bizy got a lot better.

TNR is dead, Chz admits it.

Chz has about 6 weekends of time, from friday night to sunday morning straight, iirc.

DK's up-b is too good.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Piano Island
Boss has the memory card now?

Shucks, I was gonna go to your this weekend FOB and hide the memory card.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
so.. clearly, im a ****ing ******, and am not allowed to call anybody else ******** for like.. a week, at least. last night at about 10:30-ish i was taking a shower (big suprise) and as i got out of the shower i clonked my head on the cornor of the mirror (i had the medicine cabinet open because i needed some Q-tips) and of course, it started bleeding, and since i didnt really know what to do other than put pressure on it, i sat on the edge of the bathtub and started to dry off so i could put some clothes on (not gonna walk around my house naked... at least not with my parents there)
after about 5 minutes of slight bleeding, i decided that i was dry enough to put on some shorts and talk to my mom about this particular event, so i opened the bathroom door, walked down the hall to the living room, and yell "hey mom! my head is bleeding!"
"what did you do?" she responds.
"i cut it on the mirror" i reply to her question
"did it break?" she asked
"i cut my head open... oh wait what? no it didnt break, but my head is bleeding!"
long story short, after about 45 mins of not being able to stop the bleeding with just pressure, we go to the hospital and spend 2 hours there just to find out it would have healed on its own (duh) and get it glued shut..
funniest part of the story though: i was sent to pediatricts to get treated, because im not 18 yet.
reason why thats funny: i'll be in boot camp for the marines in less then 2.5 months, and i'll still be under the age of 18.

boss: i didnt go to school today... you can kinda guess why


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
so.. clearly, im a ****ing ******, and am not allowed to call anybody else ******** for like.. a week, at least. last night at about 10:30-ish i was taking a shower (big suprise) and as i got out of the shower i clonked my head on the cornor of the mirror (i had the medicine cabinet open because i needed some Q-tips) and of course, it started bleeding, and since i didnt really know what to do other than put pressure on it, i sat on the edge of the bathtub and started to dry off so i could put some clothes on (not gonna walk around my house naked... at least not with my parents there)
after about 5 minutes of slight bleeding, i decided that i was dry enough to put on some shorts and talk to my mom about this particular event, so i opened the bathroom door, walked down the hall to the living room, and yell "hey mom! my head is bleeding!"
"what did you do?" she responds.
"i cut it on the mirror" i reply to her question
"did it break?" she asked
"i cut my head open... oh wait what? no it didnt break, but my head is bleeding!"
long story short, after about 45 mins of not being able to stop the bleeding with just pressure, we go to the hospital and spend 2 hours there just to find out it would have healed on its own (duh) and get it glued shut..
funniest part of the story though: i was sent to pediatricts to get treated, because im not 18 yet.
reason why thats funny: i'll be in boot camp for the marines in less then 2.5 months, and i'll still be under the age of 18.

boss: i didnt go to school today... you can kinda guess why
yea i see what you mean jigg,i hope your cut heals or did it already?????


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Falls Church, VA
well, it stopped bleeding if thats what you mean... that glue really works, too bad i cant get it wet for 24 hours (about 2 am.. lol) so yeah.. im basically staying up just so i can shower (hopefully this time i wont be a ****** and cut my head on a freaking mirror)
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