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The Dragos do help him at some point, though. And that Dragon only killed his mother because of Porky messing with it, so he's the one at fault for all that mess, in the truth. Lucas must have realized that, too
Premium users that want normal user's nick to be pink Just that. Aside from the name color change and title, there's nothing else to that.
It's been around for a long time already, I think?
Personally, I like the masked man one.no kumatora alt, though. welp.
A Drago is a creature in MOTHER 3 that's basically a dinosaur. So the purple one with the lizard sprite on the front is the Drago alt. The blue/white stripes with the brown hair is based off of Duster, a party member in the game. Boney alt is the green shirt with the doggy on the front. Masked Man alt is the black/grey/orange one. Claus is the ginger one, it's based off of Lucas's brother. The rest are just colors.
I am of the opinion that having a Duster alt and a Boney alt and even a Claus alt but no Kuma alt is criminal, but the ones we have still look awesome. I'm really torn between Duster Lucas and Drago Lucas, but I'm thinking I'll go with Drago. I usually use blue Ness, but that's because I <3 the lavender stripes. Suggestions? It's a tough choice for me.
Mine was changed because I was liking the posts of the peeps counting in the 'count to 50 bob-ombs before the regular users post' thread and planning on ruining their count, and in a flurry the premium users pranked all of the regular users who were hovering around that thread so that we weren't 'regular' users anymore and instead could only help them count.
Also in regards to the Dragos:
Lucas definitely realises it, because even after the mecha-drago kills Hinawa, Lucas goes out and gets the other Dragos to help him take on Fassad and the Pork troops.
*stumbles in*
Hey you guys. I've been playing Ness a lot since I finished Earthbound. I need tips on how to play him better! Thought I would finally join this board.
Use lots of aerials, learn when it's best to use your specials since they tend to leave you vulnerable, try to get some grabs in but try not to be too obvious with your grab intentions. That's just the core of Ness pretty much, there's obviously a lot more but it'll come over time and practice.
*stumbles in*
Hey you guys. I've been playing Ness a lot since I finished Earthbound. I need tips on how to play him better! Thought I would finally join this board.
Welcome man, don't have a lot to say, Ness is kind of simple to play as it is. Just search for the techs and tutorials on him and you'll get used to him quickly. Obviously try doing more mixups and not to be predictable because almost every Smash player knows Ness's PK Fire is his strong suit.
Awww that's awesome! I love it when two peeps that are close to each other in RL go on the same board and stuff. Have you guys tried doing doubles together in tournament? My brother and I used to do that.
Awww that's awesome! I love it when two peeps that are close to each other in RL go on the same board and stuff. Have you guys tried doing doubles together in tournament? My brother and I used to do that.
Nah we don't go to any tournaments, she just likes doing 2v2's against CPU's that's all. I'm watching her play Earthbound right now, struggling through the first Sanctuary Guardian, god the first part of Earthbound is way too unbalanced I forgot how annoying it was.
Nah we don't go to any tournaments, she just likes doing 2v2's against CPU's that's all. I'm watching her play Earthbound right now, struggling through the first Sanctuary Guardian, god the first part of Earthbound is way too unbalanced I forgot how annoying it was.
I can't ever play against @SuperTorn
! He two-stocks me easily. Also he lives in Puerto Rico and I live in North Carolina so we aren't as close as we like.
And omg yeah, the Sanctuary Guardian was tough. Those black antoids made it annoying.
I can't ever play against @SuperTorn
! He two-stocks me easily. Also he lives in Puerto Rico and I live in North Carolina so we aren't as close as we like.
And omg yeah, the Sanctuary Guardian was tough. Those black antoids made it annoying.
Hey guys i know I posted this before but I got 16 out of 256 at the Smash Wii U at the Nintendo World Store. I'm super happy. I lost to a Mario main as Falcon.
Hey guys i know I posted this before but I got 16 out of 256 at the Smash Wii U at the Nintendo World Store. I'm super happy. I lost to a Mario main as Falcon.
I didn't have much trouble with Sharks and Franky. Only died once with Franky but it took me 4 tries for Titanium Ant. I was raging so much!
Also thanks!
Generally if you grind enough then yeah you'll be fine, but EB is one of those games where it can be difficult to start with, because the difference in damage taken from the dogs/crows/snakes and the sharks is really big. It's not uncommon to randomly get defeated because the skater called like 3 hula hoop guys and they're doing like 15 damage each and you have like 60 hp.
Mother 1 is even worse, you go outside your house at level 2 and get defeated by Wallace (or whatever his name is) who gets angry and his offense suddenly goes up to the point where he 2-shots you. You have to go home after like every battle, heal and save and hope you don't run into him until level 4/5.
Mother 3 on the other hand is easy to start off with, but if you rush through it you'll find you gradually fall behind so you have to grind once or twice to stay up to par in it. For the most part the difficulty curve of the Mother games are perfect except for M1 in which you don't feel powerful until like the end of the game when it doesn't really matter.
Yesterday @Earthbound360
played against my friend Suarsuar in tournament. He was a sheik player you beat in losers Mik!. I played with him a lot when he lived in FL, and now he goes to MD/VA tournaments. He's getting pretty discouraged because he doesn't practice anymore and keeps getting wrecked in tournament. But when he said he lost to you I told him "Oh Mik! is a good player, I chat with him all the time."
Mine was changed because I was liking the posts of the peeps counting in the 'count to 50 bob-ombs before the regular users post' thread and planning on ruining their count, and in a flurry the premium users pranked all of the regular users who were hovering around that thread so that we weren't 'regular' users anymore and instead could only help them count.
Also in regards to the Dragos:
Lucas definitely realises it, because even after the mecha-drago kills Hinawa, Lucas goes out and gets the other Dragos to help him take on Fassad and the Pork troops.
Lol that's hilarious. Oh and I almost forgot about that event! Nvm then lol.
The Mother games aren't too hard, but they do have hard parts in them. Except for M1. That stuff was intense the whole way through.
Mother spoilers from here on out, for the whole series.
Getting killed by Wally just outside of Ninten's house, dying to Raeb Yddets and those tree stump enemies that explode in Magicant, that insane haunted mansion in Spookane, and trying to get Ana 3 feet away from her house without her dying was so hard lol. Ana dies if you so much as look in her direction. And don't even get me started with Mt. Itoi.
In M2 it was mostly just the beginning with the sharks, the Peaceful rest Valley, and one big difficulty spike in the Fourside Department Store.
And idk about you guys, but I found Duster's chapter in M3 fairly challenging, He just doesn't have the tools to sustain himself solo.
Yesterday @Earthbound360
played against my friend Suarsuar in tournament. He was a sheik player you beat in losers Mik!. I played with him a lot when he lived in FL, and now he goes to MD/VA tournaments. He's getting pretty discouraged because he doesn't practice anymore and keeps getting wrecked in tournament. But when he said he lost to you I told him "Oh Mik! is a good player, I chat with him all the time."
Oh geez lol. I don't mean to discourage. He shouldn't feel too bad about losing to me. If he doesn't practice, I'm sure ample amounts of practice and tournament experience will do him wonders. There's no reason to defeat yourself early.
I also find it cool that I played someone you know in tournament. Small world huh?
Apparently I made a number of people salty yesterday. I took out Acid (our region's best Falcon) in round 1, and took out Bengalz (region's best ZSS) in losers. I was so happy about that second win too. It was an incredibly close set, down to game 3, next hit wins sort of thing. Bengals had formerly beaten me pretty handily on stream, so it felt really good to get my revenge >:3