Btw guys, random question about Ness that I never really thought about. Is our air dodge... above average?
Like, it sounds kinda stilly at first, but the more I play people, the more the attribute their losses to Ness air dodge (well, and bthrow lol). They say that I can act so quickly out of it' and it's hard to hit Ness even if they have the read. And I'm not talking scrubs that are saying this here, I'm talking players like Tantalus, JDawg, GimR, and another really good Bowser friend of mine (who got pretty darn salty over it lol). They all at some point have mentioned how Ness' air dodge is crazy.
I mean admittedly, I've been air dodging a lot because I feel like it's so low risk. But I never thought it to be any better than other air dodges. Are these guys all just delusional or is something actually special here?