I feel like when the matchup is low risk, high reward for one guy, and high risk, high reward for the other, it's generally in their favor.
But it's good you're getting Sonic matchup experience. I'll need to absorb everything you learn since I'm terrified of the Blue Blur.
On a similar note, I just got back from one of my first real tournament appearances for Smash 4. Didn't do terrible, but I didn't get as far as I had hoped either (though I'm currently unsure of my specific placement). It was a Xanadu tournament (S@X). I went against PinkFresh in round 2, so I got put into losers rather early (and what saddens me is that I really should have won my set against him). What I'm most happy about is the amount of funny/hype stuff I managed to do in my matches. Never realized how much of a goofball I play like.
My first victory was against a Pacman who was actually wrecking me at first. But then I learned the matchup as I went along, finally closing it out in victory by... reflecting a strawberry at point blank. Yeah.
Then I took on Pinkfresh, winning round 1 by getting a PKT2 on him at like 40%. I sent PKT out as an edgeguard and turned it into PKT2 when he jumped over me to recover

But then I got nervous and lost the last game despite my 70% damage lead on him. I uaired him twice and bthrew him once and he didn't die >.<
Then in my 3rd game I got ANOTHER really early PKT against a Rosalina with a stupid gimmick combo of dthrow, dash under them, PKT2.
Finally, I was losing a match against Tantalus' Diddy by like 60%. He tried to jump out and edgeguard me, but he ended up taking the sweetspot of my dair for his troubles XD
So yeah, reflected strawberries, PKT2 KOs at ludicrous percentages, and counter edgeguard dairs are some hype ****.