What buttons did you press? Don't you remember? That can help us to figure out what was that...
BTW I found the Super Roll very useful to mind game. Use it once to retreat, then dash again and super roll behind them. The Spin Dash sound confuses my opponents and they'll attack in front of them , finally ftilt them XD ... Spin Dash Pivot stuff isn't as good, FrostByte was right
Have somebody find a way to use super roll too?
@TwinkleToes: To answer you something about Super Roll. The distance increased is similar (or equal) to the distance Sonic moves back when he fully charges a Spin Dash. If you full dash and do a side B, Sonic will move that distance forward. Try it this way: Full dash and side B (hold) near the edge... You'll end Spin Dash charging off stage lol...
About the name... I couldn't think something else, just used "super roll" (maybe for the SD sound).