_______CURRENT CODE_______
I finally got the code finished.
So long as you leave the .bat and the 2 .txt files it creates in the same folder it works.
(What this means: Before using the .bat file, put it where you want it (Desktop /Folder on Desktop, for example. I prefer it in a folder on my desktop)
Place the .bat file in the folder. Follow the setting of the variables below, then do the below step.
Run it, hit y then enter once, then hit n then enter once. You now have both .txt files in the folder, you don't have to edit anything until you get down to level or changing your pokemon.
Download the file below.
v1 - 1.38 KB - Manual Open Text File (Must manually open your signature file)
v2 - 1.4 KB - Auto Open Text File (Opens your signature text file upon running)
NOTE: It will only open if you say "n" not "y". If I did both it'd be a loop.
v3 - 1.18 KB - Auto Open and Auto Close (Opens your signature text file, and then closes the script, leaving the signature text file open. To get your new signature, simply run the file again ;O)
Note: Still requires 1 button input (to show you read the ECHO in the code..)
v4.5 - 0.51 KB - Auto Open (signature file) and auto close (closes script process) - Streamlined (no user input required, no echo inside of code, no REM comments. - Smallest file size - Just double click to run (After editing settings) and copy and close your signature.
How to use:
Change "set pc=381" to your remaining post count + 1
(eg; if you need 300 change it to 301)
Change "set poke=: mewtwo :" to the code for your pokemon. (eg, I use : mewtwo : without the spaces)
Change "set level=1" to your current level. Don't worry, I'm working on a way to do this automatically.
Change "set name=mewtwo" to the filename you will be using
It automatically overwrites the file!, I suggest using your pokemons name!
__________HOW IT WORKS__________
First, I have 4 lines of explanation, then I set the variables. It then pauses so you can read the ECHO and says "Press any key to continue", do so. Just press anything once. It should then automatically create your file for you, then ask the question "Do you want to subtract 1 from post count?"
Hitting y then enter will have it overwrite the previous thing (500) with (499). Hitting N stops the script.
Only touch the following lines, or you'll ruin it all.
Change only after the = sign!
set pc=501
set poke=:mewtwo:
set level=1
set name=mewtwo
[color="#1f1f1f"]%level% [url="http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=6214646&postcount=256"]%poke%[/url] %pc%[/color]
For the SPECIAL EDIT you may change the bbcode. Leave the %level% %poke% and %pc% how they are, those are calls to the variable. Without those there your PokeScript will not work! (I reccommend just not touching that unless you know what you are doing, or you are removing the COLOR bbcode)
Touching anything but those 5 lines will totally screw up your code, I am not responsible for any damage done to your computer by screwing with anything but those 5.
Right click the .bat file > Go to EDIT > Open in NOTEPAD (if it asks...) > Change those 4 variables (explained above) > SAVE