Sorry I'm late to posting to this thread I thought we was switching over to the DLC thread. So here is what I want from Metal Gear Stage's and Songs.
I've Got several ideas for stage's
Zanzibar Land
This is were Solid Snake and Gray Fox fought "Bare handed in a minefield" this would be a bigger stretched out version. I guess the only hazard would be an attack from Metal Gear D
VR Training Stage

It would be a call back to the original MGS, they would be no hazards except the Next Generation Special Forces would show up and when they seen you the infamous ! would show up above there heads.
And what @
HylianHeroBigBoss said I could see Mother Base as a stage in the Wii U Version to promote MGS5 like Shadow Moses was to promote MGS4.
I can see Rokovoj Bereg as a 3DS stage where Naked Snake and the Boss Fought.
There will be no stage hazards. but the Boss will say sometimes "Snake, try to remember some of the basics of CQC"
"Look at this scar. This is proof that I was once a mother." (referring to Ocelot) "Prove your loyalty come and face me"
As for Music, Here's some music I would like to see.
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake- Zanzibar Breeze
Metal Gear Solid - The Best is yet to come-
Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel -Infiltration 2-
Metal Gear Solid 2- Main Theme- (This is long overdue it was suppose to be in Brawl but it was scrapped for some reason)
Metal Gear Solid 3- Virtuous Mission Opening-
Metal Gear Solid 3- Way to Fall-
Metal Gear Solid 3- Snake Eater- (I don't know why Brawl didn't have it is long overdue as well)
Metal Gear Solid 4-Main Theme-
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes -Alert Theme-
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes- Escape-
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes- Encounter-
That's All folks!!!