Katty Shepherd
Smash Ace
It's still a great song.I'd rather have the MGS4 version of Here's to you but you know either will do.
I have a soft spot for brass instraments as well I just thought that song didn't feel very "Metal Gear" especially after the incredible credits theme that was "The Best is Yet to Come."
Thanks for all these great points and defending Snake! My faith in his return has been renewed! ^-^I'm going to post what I posted on another thread and you try to make it out:
There's another article on Castlevania Lords of Shadow being considered on Wii U but scrapped. The newest PES is skipping Wii U (again). Konami has no games to publish for Wii U and in their conference a few months back they had zero listings beyond 2014. The only two games listed for Nintendo platforms were Love Plus+ and Yu-Gi-Oh.
I guess Konami will only put out VC games? If so, I'd hope for Castlevania DS games. I loved Portrait of Ruin.
It's a really big deal when a major Japanese company such as Konami is pulling support. Things have changed quite a bit between Konami and Nintendo since 2005. Please refer to this article: http://nintendoeverything.com/konam...down-on-nintendos-third-party-relations-more/People think Snake is safe because it's all on Sakurai, or that Kojima and him are best friends, or that he has an original moveset- no. That's not how things work.
People fail to realize that negotiations and licensing are huge factors in third-party relations. It's the same reason why Capcom cannot publish MvC any time they want. They have to go through Marvel and ultimately Disney for approval. Recently, they pulled MvC3 off digital store fronts. The license has expired. No one knows how that works for Brawl but Tatsunoko vs Capcom on Wii also got the plug pulled in 2012 officially.
Kojima Productions isn't even credited in Brawl as far as I know. Everything is under Konami Digital Entertainment as they hold the intellectual property rights. If Kojima left Konami today, he wouldn't be able to take MGS with him. Same thing for Inafune who left Capcom in 2010-2011. He couldn't take his creation, Megaman, with him. Konami's reluctance is not surprising but it is disappointing withe massive Wii install base, their games sold poorly. And Konami published fantastic games, too. Now, all we see is Konami playing extra safe and seldom releasing the games they used to in the past or even taking risks. And in a way, Konami has been somewhat pulling away from the gaming industry and they have been running sporting shops across Japan because it is assumed that it's another thing to fall back on financially.
Back to Smash Bros, Sakurai even has to go through The Pokemon Company to gain approval for any Pokemon represented and that's a 2nd party. This information is readily available to everyone but people refuse to be objective and face the facts. As much as Snake was a fresh character for the Smash Bros series and imo a welcome addition, his appearance in Smash 4 is slim to none at this point. It isn't 2005 anymore when Konami and Nintendo had a great relationship collaborating on projects such as the successful DDR Mario Mix that released here in the US the same month Brawl began its development cycle. The industry is totally different today.
And yes, while it is true Nintendo's third party relationship with most are not stable (mostly the western divisions such as EA, Bethesda, Epic Games, etc), Nintendo has still collaborated with Namco, SEGA and Capcom numerous times more than Konami. Those three are really the only major Japanese publishers who have games panned out for Wii U and 3DS mostly because their brands do well on Nintendo's platforms where Konami doesn't see that. I don't think whoever is in charge of Marketing and Licensing would give the okay to license Snake knowing their platform is capable of having the latest entry to the series especially when Nintendo was going for the same audience Sony and Microsoft goes for this generation. It also doesn't help when Kojima himself think it is unlikely for Snake to return. The only thing keeping Snake from making a welcome come back is the "bad blood" between Nintendo and Konami.
For Snake to return, there has to be a demand. I can see Snake returning as DLC if this happens and I'm sure Nintendo and Konami may even work out a deal to publish MGSV in some form as Nintendo has done this for Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge in 2012 (released earlier that year on PS3 and 360) among other 3rd party games such as Dragon Quest 6, 9 Joker 2, Bravely Default, Fantasy Life and a few other titles. They're even publishing Capcom's Ace Attorney vs Professor Layton. So, really, no one can actually compare Konami's situation and claim it is the same as Capcom, Namco and SEGA.
My point exactly! It's gorgeous!
If we do get zanzibar breeze this time, I want the original msx version,not the integral or whatever.