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Social The Social Thread 3.2.2 - Switch 2 Hype Time!


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I've been playing a lot of Persona 3 Portable lately; I've gotten much farther than I was in the PS2 version. I made it to the fourth gate in Tartarus; Aigis just joined the party (much sooner than I expected - I figured she wouldn't be introduced until the last quarter of the game), and they seem to be setting up for Ken and Koromaru to join (not sure if they're considered separate party members or a package deal).

I'm enjoying it so far - I'm glad that I went with the female protagonist, since she actually gets to have social links with the men of the party (and her social links don't automatically turn romantic unlike the male protagonist's; you get a choice at a certain point). Weirdly enough, I've mainly been sticking with Pixie - she's an early game Persona, but she has no weaknesses, which is a huge help (since in Persona, an enemy hitting you with your weakness means that they get an extra turn), and the skill cards make it so she can use all four of the basic elements.


Also, I saw Ant-Man 3 on Saturday. No idea why the reviews are so mixed - sure, it mainly felt like set-up for the Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars, but it was an entertaining movie.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I've been playing a lot of Persona 3 Portable lately; I've gotten much farther than I was in the PS2 version. I made it to the fourth gate in Tartarus; Aigis just joined the party (much sooner than I expected - I figured she wouldn't be introduced until the last quarter of the game), and they seem to be setting up for Ken and Koromaru to join (not sure if they're considered separate party members or a package deal).

I'm enjoying it so far - I'm glad that I went with the female protagonist, since she actually gets to have social links with the men of the party (and her social links don't automatically turn romantic unlike the male protagonist's; you get a choice at a certain point). Weirdly enough, I've mainly been sticking with Pixie - she's an early game Persona, but she has no weaknesses, which is a huge help (since in Persona, an enemy hitting you with your weakness means that they get an extra turn), and the skill cards make it so she can use all four of the basic elements.


Also, I saw Ant-Man 3 on Saturday. No idea why the reviews are so mixed - sure, it mainly felt like set-up for the Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars, but it was an entertaining movie.
I didn’t know Pixie had no weaknesses. Odd thing to have, tho I suppose it’s fair since it feels like most don’t tend to use her.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
God. Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 is just bad. Like… I love all the Lego games but MSH2 has poor theming, a weird character lineup, a bad color pallet (strangely), and horribly voice acted characters that never shut up. I know they couldn’t help the cast because the game was made during that big voice actors union strike. But I just tried replaying it after having replayed all the previous Lego DC and Marvel games and I can’t bring myself to keep going.

Like, with how low my opinions of Marvel 2 are, it makes me really want them to do a third Lego marvel game (not based on the mcu) just so it can be better than Marvel 2.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Wanted to list out some of the nicknames I’ve given my Pokémon from Violet so far
Skeledirge (M): Pitbull
Clodsire (F): Ina’nis
Sylveon (F): Vibri
Gardevoir (F): Serenity
Garchomp (M): Bruce
Gyarados (M): Wyrm
Annihilape (F): Daisy
Raichu (M): Golden Boy
Tinkaton (F): Amy Rose
Heracross (F): Nenechi
Lurantis (F): Sakura
Azumarill (F): Peko
Houndoom (F): Zuul
Kingambit (F): Onni Musha
Sneasel (F): Softpaws
Forretress (F): Shellby
Grimmsnarl (M): Lobo
Corviknight (M): Knightwing
Revaroom (M): Dragula
Tandemaus: Mic & Min
Gallade (M): Mamoru
Toxtricity (F): Lzzy Hale
Noivern (M): Noipoi
Lucario (M): Sokka
Hawlucha (F): Ladiva
Scizor (M): Slice n Dice
Arboliva (M): Oliver
Amoongus (M): Sheeers Bane
Perrserker (F): Crystal
Dusk Lycanroc (M): Mr. Hyde
Spiritomb (F): Legion
Gengar (M): Chuckles
Baxcalibur (F): Astrid
Pawmot (F): Makoto
Luxray (M): Sparky
Haxorus (M): Lux
Salamence (M): Saucy Jack
Vespiquen (F): Queen Bee
Arcanine (M): Good Boi
Talonflame (M): Douglas
Brambleghast (F): Sage
Lilligant (F): Chiatha
Mabostiff (F): Ma Barker
Ursaring (F): Mama Bear
Dachsbun (F): Korone
Wigglytuff (F): Nanora
Toxicroak (F): Alice Cooper
Blissey (F): Egg
Krookodile (F): Terra Bite
Brozong: Metallica
Ampharos (F): Zap Tap
Floatzel (F): Luz
Delibird (F): Dyllybirdy
Phanpy (F): Ephelant
Espathra (F): Lady Gaga
Gimmighoul (M): Bruno Mars
Honchkrow (F): Kroniichiwa
Beartic (M): Ice Bear
Sandaconda (M): Sand Snek
Avalugg (F): Celine Dion
Vivillon (F): Mirabelle
Greedent (M): Theodore
Dreadnaw (M): Slash
Jolteon (M): Robin
Sunflora (M): Swae Lee
Tropius (F): Nana Slamma
Mudbray (M): Jack Kass
Dragapult (M): Galaga
Slowbro (F): Slowgal
Slowking (F): Slowqueen
Great Tusk: Manny
Iron Hands: Manos
Aug 7, 2021
my office, probably
So you know how I said my psuedo legendary is going to be a Ground/Fairy Sphinx?

I decided to make it a sphinx in the middle stage and have the final stage be a Serpopard, a creature from Egyptian mythology that combines a Serpant and a Leopard, and have it be Fairy/Dragon instead of Ground/Fairy. I think it's a concept that gives off a better Psuedo-Legendary vibe while also fitting the line thematically
An extra thought that I would like some feedback on - I'm considering giving the psuedo line a split evo. Other than my Serpopard I'm thinking of making a Fairy/Poison Manticore Psuedo.

This one I'm not sure about though and would appreciate some feedback


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
In Japan time the Star Fox series has turned 30 years old! :ultfox:

While it has been having trouble getting back on its feet in recent years, it has made some large feats like Nintendo un-cancelling a major game more than 20 years later and even a major crossover with an Ubisoft game (as well as a prototype of Dinosaur Planet for N64 being leaked).

Hopefully we'll get something new soon.
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Banned via Warnings
Nov 27, 2014
Downtown Springdale
Switch FC
Cyclizar and Houndstond? Literally why.

Cyclizar was banned due to Shed Tail, and now Orthworm just is seeing play instead of it. Why not just ban Shed Tail?

Houndstone is a mid-AF Pokemon and is only banned due to Last Respects, which, surprise, Basculegion gets it too, and is an actual, legit threat, especially since it has Swift Swim.
Bans happen because the game is broken and unbalanced.

Reminder it was confirmed in an interview PVP battles were a last minute addition and a complete afterthought when developing RBY. They only ended up getting added cuz Nintendo forced it on them, they would have sooner had the feature use auto attacks like Dragon Quest Monsters and now they're stuck with a meta they don't really seem to care about given they purposefully design things like Mega Rayquaza.

Basculegion has yet to be available and be tested but I wouldn't be surprised about it getting quickbanned.

Orthworm is easier to outspeed and Speed is an arguably busted stat in Pokemon meta. If it gets outsped and takes too much damage, it's easier to stop its Shed Tail as opposed to Cyclizar whom can just Regen and do it again.

Also Smogon's format is ultimately fanmade and there are other formats on Showdown or you could just play VGC. They have to completely rework how Sleep and Freeze work with things like Sleep clause because of how little skill or commitment there can be with those status conditions. Though I admit it is very funny they removed the Anything Goes ladder all because a grand total of 2 users were whining about Tera Electric Air Balloon Shedinja and ReviveCats.

I like competitive Pokemon just to observe it and discuss it because actually playing it is a joke. Personally, my own solution is to just play better games like Coromon where I don't have to put up with this kind of thing. Indie games like that only inspire and motivate me in my journey to learn to code, sprite, program, game develop, write stories and more as I work towards my dream of making my own indie games.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Whenever the next 3D Kirby game is, I hope they make Mata Knight playable.

I think his skillset would be perfect for 3D (and as I said before, in every game he's playable, he's more fun to play than Kirby)
I just wish they'd give him more attacks from his boss fights. He's basically just a clone of Sword Kirby with Wing thrown in the mix, with very few differences between them.
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