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When do you expect a Switch Successor announcement?

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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
View attachment 394755
It feels so nice knowing I dodge a bullet getting the physical version of this game when it came out at 60 bucks because

The highest it is on amazon is 244 bucks
Highest on ebay is 140s
Gamestop is 89.99
I'm glad I bought and beaten this game.
Once I finish Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (just cleared the third case), I will have beaten every game in the series including the crossover.
Welp, that's 3/4 games done on the Castlevania Advance Collection with only Aria of Sorrow left to go, but I think I'm going to wait a while before playing it because I'm feeling pretty burnt out on the series now.

Some thoughts on each one:

- Circle of the Moon was really fun but the drop rates on cards and equipment were so horrendously low that I just stopped giving a **** about DSS towards the end, which is a shame because one card combination turns you into a funny cartoon bear thing but I just couldn't stomach the grind anymore.

- Harmony of Dissonance had a more interesting castle(s) to explore but it became pretty tedious to traverse thanks to the lack of warp points. I also didn't bother too much with the spell book stuff but I did discover by myself just how ****ing busted the Wind + Cross combo is at destroying bosses. Oh, and while it didn't detract too much from my enjoyment of the game, the soundtrack was pretty damn weak and sometimes even straight up unpleasant.

- Dracula X is just ****ty Rondo and the level design is either really boring or extremely aggravating. Not much more to say about it tbh.
Aria of Sorrow is the best of the four in the collection.
Take as much time as you need to recover before you resume.
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