To be quite honest, I think It is time I take some stuff out of my chest which has been creeping me out and made anxious online these past months. It is a problem which has gone on for way longer than It should have been, and I feel that my honest words need to be shared on the matter. And since I'm gonna delete my account here ideally for good (if Cyndane lends me a hand with being able to fill an account deletion request), may as well do It right now.
So, with all that said...
, I don't know how you are with the rest of the thread as of now, but at least with me... You have treated me worse than a butler or a videogame store employee these past months.
I get It, I wasn't the greatest person back then, and I did a lot of stuff even I regret... But the fact everyone but you has moved on, the fact you ghost me as if I were nothing but dust, and specially the fact you have refused to sort things out politely between us, has made me take this choice of bringing it up publicly.
And ngl, based on past experiences over at your "cool kids club" (The Experience Point Discord server) where I genuiely saw you using that place to clown on me over being "an annoying F4 fan who poops themselves over them not appearing in a game" and from which btw I have been blacklisted for reasons nobody from the server wants to talk with me... I have nothing but genuine reasons to be concerned about whatever stuff you are sharing around regarding my identity.
And say what you will, but look at how I've acted on the server these past five months: there hasn't been any weird episodes regarding my presence probably until now, and I've seeked professional help to genuiely improve as a person. Besides my parents I have like three professionals helping me out to become a greater person, overcome my traumas of the past, deal with all my IRL stuff going on right now with my grandpa and studies. I have also made a lot of IRL friends just being the way I am right now... So idk, I feel the one who is being kinda petty right now is you.
This may sound even more rude, but these past months you reminded me of the two persons Who made me drop out of university: they were walking bombs which at the bare minuscule change of tone leaning towards a more negative light went into full mental breakdowns. They were texting me at 3am to tell me to stay away from their lifes just because I told them in the most polite way possible "ey, I wanna have normal conversations with you two about how our days are going. Maybe don't look at me in weird ways and neglect any sort of visual/verbal contact with me just for asking how's your day going".
Anyways, tl;dr: I have genuine reasons to feel that you haven't been a decent person towards me, even if at some point you had completely fair and respectable reasons to do so. I'm at a point where I don't care about whether or not you are gonna reply to me with a post or if some people from the thread Will come to your defense for being "the more mentally stable one" as a certain friend of yours would imply.
That's all, I won't respond to any messages on the thread or by Wade at all unless they are PMs from people who I have deep trust with. The moment this post gets sent I will talk with staff to try to delete my account and spend more time with people who do care more than him about my well-being.