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Which was your favorite new Pokémon revealed from the Scarlet and Violet trailer?

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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
I'm interested
Go for it
Alright. It’s 3v3 but you also get to pick 3 “support” Pokémon like in Pokkén (though they are not limited to sets, you can mix and match) to mimic the 6 v 6 nature of Pokémon battles in the core series. Here’s the lineup of playable characters and support mon in Pokédex Order.

  1. 003 -Venusaur
  2. 006 - Charizard
  3. 009 - Blastoise
  4. 025 - Pikachu
  5. 052 - Meowth
  6. 065 - Alakazam
  7. 068 - Machamp
  8. 094 - Gengar
  9. 105 - Alolan Marowak
  10. 106 - Hitmonlee
  11. 107 - Hitmonchan
  12. 133 - Partner Eevee
  13. 150 - Mewtwo
  14. 157 - Typhlosion
  15. 160 - Feraligatr
  16. 212 - Scizor
  17. 229 - Houndoom
  18. 237 - Hitmontop
  19. 245 - Suicune
  20. 248 - Tyranitar
  21. 254 - Sceptile
  22. 257 - Blaziken
  23. 282 - Gardevoir
  24. 297 - Hariyama
  25. 386 - Deoxys
  26. 392 - Infernape
  27. 395 - Empoleon
  28. 407 - Roserade
  29. 428 - Mega Lopunny
  30. 445 - Garchomp
  31. 448 - Lucario
  32. 454 - Toxicroak
  33. 467 - Weavile
  34. 478 - Froslass
  35. 487 - Giratina (Altered Forme)
  36. 491 - Darkrai
  37. 493 - Arceus
  38. 571 - Zoroark
  39. 648 - Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
  40. 649 - Genesect
  41. 609 - Chandelure
  42. 655 - Delphox
  43. 658 - Greninja
  44. 675 - Pangoro
  45. 681 - Aegislash
  46. 687 - Malamar
  47. 703 - Hawlucha
  48. 709 - Trevenant
  49. 721 - Hoopa
  50. 724 - Decidueye
  51. 727 - Incineroar
  52. 745 - Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
  53. 758 - Salazzle
  54. 803 - Poipole
  55. 807 - Zeraora
  56. 809 - Melmetal
  57. 812 - Rillaboom
  58. 815 - Cinderace
  59. 839 - Coalossal
  60. 849 - Toxtricity
  61. 858 - Hatterene
  62. 861 - Grimmsnarl
  63. 862 - Obstagoon
  64. 865 - Sirfetch’d
  65. 889 - Zacian (Crowned Sword)
  66. 892 - Urshifu
  1. 012 - Gigantimax Butterfree
  2. 024 - Arbok
  3. 038 - Ninetales
  4. 039 - Jigglypuff
  5. 050 - Diglett
  6. 054 - Psyduck
  7. 076 - Alolan Golem
  8. 078 - Galarian Rapidash
  9. 082 - Magneton
  10. 083 - Farfetch’d
  11. 101 - Electrode
  12. 103 - Alolan Exeggutor
  13. 110 - Wheezing
  14. 122 - Mr. Mime
  15. 130 - Gyarados
  16. 131 - Lapras
  17. 149 - Dragonite
  18. 151 - Mew
  19. 183 - Marill
  20. 195 - Quagsire
  21. 196 - Espeon
  22. 197 - Umbreon
  23. 202 - Wobuffet
  24. 241 - Miltank
  25. 251 - Celebi
  26. 272 - Ludicolo
  27. 288 - Slaking
  28. 302 - Sableye
  29. 334 - Mega Altaria
  30. 381 - Latios
  31. 384 - Mega Rayquaza
  32. 385 - Jirachi
  33. 417 - Pachirisu
  34. 429 - Mismagius
  35. 435 - Skuntank
  36. 442 - Spiritomb
  37. 454 - Croagunk
  38. 468 - Togekiss
  39. 474 - Porygon-Z
  40. 477 - Dusknoir
  41. 479 - Rotom
  42. 486 - Regigigas
  43. 488 - Cresselia
  44. 494 - Victini
  45. 495 - Snivy
  46. 501 - Oshawott
  47. 518 - Musharna
  48. 547 - Whimsicott
  49. 560 - Scrafty
  50. 563 - Cofagrigus
  51. 569 - Gigantimax Garbodor
  52. 586 - Emolga
  53. 596 - Galvantula
  54. 635 - Hydreigon
  55. 643 - Reshiram
  56. 653 - Fennekin
  57. 657 - Frogadier
  58. 670 - Sylveon
  59. 717 - Yveltal
  60. 719 - Mega Diance
  61. 725 - Litten
  62. 728 - Popplio
  63. 765 - Oranguru
  64. 771 - Pyukumuku
  65. 778 - Mimikyu
  66. 769 - Nihilego
  67. 801 - Magearna
  68. 823 - Corviknight
  69. 826 - Gigantamax Orbeetle
  70. 834 - Dreadnaw
  71. 855 - Polteageist
  72. 869 - Alcremie
  73. 887 - Dragapult
  74. 889 - Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
  75. 890 - Eternamax Eternatus
  76. 898 - Calyrex (Random Steed)
  77. Basculegion
  78. Wyrdeer


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Alright. It’s 3v3 but you also get to pick 3 “support” Pokémon like in Pokkén (though they are not limited to sets, you can mix and match) to mimic the 6 v 6 nature of Pokémon battles in the core series. Here’s the lineup of playable characters and support mon in Pokédex Order.

  1. 003 -Venusaur
  2. 006 - Charizard
  3. 009 - Blastoise
  4. 025 - Pikachu
  5. 052 - Meowth
  6. 065 - Alakazam
  7. 068 - Machamp
  8. 094 - Gengar
  9. 105 - Alolan Marowak
  10. 106 - Hitmonlee
  11. 107 - Hitmonchan
  12. 133 - Partner Eevee
  13. 150 - Mewtwo
  14. 157 - Typhlosion
  15. 160 - Feraligatr
  16. 212 - Scizor
  17. 229 - Houndoom
  18. 237 - Hitmontop
  19. 245 - Suicune
  20. 248 - Tyranitar
  21. 254 - Sceptile
  22. 257 - Blaziken
  23. 282 - Gardevoir
  24. 297 - Hariyama
  25. 386 - Deoxys
  26. 392 - Infernape
  27. 395 - Empoleon
  28. 407 - Roserade
  29. 428 - Mega Lopunny
  30. 445 - Garchomp
  31. 448 - Lucario
  32. 454 - Toxicroak
  33. 467 - Weavile
  34. 478 - Froslass
  35. 487 - Giratina (Altered Forme)
  36. 491 - Darkrai
  37. 493 - Arceus
  38. 571 - Zoroark
  39. 648 - Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
  40. 649 - Genesect
  41. 609 - Chandelure
  42. 655 - Delphox
  43. 658 - Greninja
  44. 675 - Pangoro
  45. 681 - Aegislash
  46. 687 - Malamar
  47. 703 - Hawlucha
  48. 709 - Trevenant
  49. 721 - Hoopa
  50. 724 - Decidueye
  51. 727 - Incineroar
  52. 745 - Lycanroc (Midnight Form)
  53. 758 - Salazzle
  54. 803 - Poipole
  55. 807 - Zeraora
  56. 809 - Melmetal
  57. 812 - Rillaboom
  58. 815 - Cinderace
  59. 839 - Coalossal
  60. 849 - Toxtricity
  61. 858 - Hatterene
  62. 861 - Grimmsnarl
  63. 862 - Obstagoon
  64. 865 - Sirfetch’d
  65. 889 - Zacian (Crowned Sword)
  66. 892 - Urshifu
  1. 012 - Gigantimax Butterfree
  2. 024 - Arbok
  3. 038 - Ninetales
  4. 039 - Jigglypuff
  5. 050 - Diglett
  6. 054 - Psyduck
  7. 076 - Alolan Golem
  8. 078 - Galarian Rapidash
  9. 082 - Magneton
  10. 083 - Farfetch’d
  11. 101 - Electrode
  12. 103 - Alolan Exeggutor
  13. 110 - Wheezing
  14. 122 - Mr. Mime
  15. 130 - Gyarados
  16. 131 - Lapras
  17. 149 - Dragonite
  18. 151 - Mew
  19. 183 - Marill
  20. 195 - Quagsire
  21. 196 - Espeon
  22. 197 - Umbreon
  23. 202 - Wobuffet
  24. 241 - Miltank
  25. 251 - Celebi
  26. 272 - Ludicolo
  27. 288 - Slaking
  28. 302 - Sableye
  29. 334 - Mega Altaria
  30. 381 - Latios
  31. 384 - Mega Rayquaza
  32. 385 - Jirachi
  33. 417 - Pachirisu
  34. 429 - Mismagius
  35. 435 - Skuntank
  36. 442 - Spiritomb
  37. 454 - Croagunk
  38. 468 - Togekiss
  39. 474 - Porygon-Z
  40. 477 - Dusknoir
  41. 479 - Rotom
  42. 486 - Regigigas
  43. 488 - Cresselia
  44. 494 - Victini
  45. 495 - Snivy
  46. 501 - Oshawott
  47. 518 - Musharna
  48. 547 - Whimsicott
  49. 560 - Scrafty
  50. 563 - Cofagrigus
  51. 569 - Gigantimax Garbodor
  52. 586 - Emolga
  53. 596 - Galvantula
  54. 635 - Hydreigon
  55. 643 - Reshiram
  56. 653 - Fennekin
  57. 657 - Frogadier
  58. 670 - Sylveon
  59. 717 - Yveltal
  60. 719 - Mega Diance
  61. 725 - Litten
  62. 728 - Popplio
  63. 765 - Oranguru
  64. 771 - Pyukumuku
  65. 778 - Mimikyu
  66. 769 - Nihilego
  67. 801 - Magearna
  68. 823 - Corviknight
  69. 826 - Gigantamax Orbeetle
  70. 834 - Dreadnaw
  71. 855 - Polteageist
  72. 869 - Alcremie
  73. 887 - Dragapult
  74. 889 - Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)
  75. 890 - Eternamax Eternatus
  76. 898 - Calyrex (Random Steed)
  77. Basculegion
  78. Wyrdeer
Quite a stacked list there, so what do you have in mind for how they’d all work?

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I remember that CN Mega Man animated series in 2018

it had potential, I really did like the sprite animated segments, but a lot of the jokes fell flat and they didn’t focus on building the plot

it’s a shame, it really could have been better

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
We're now just two weeks away from No Way Home.

Think this is going to be our first COVID-era billion-dollar hit for sure.

And they say theaters are dying...Lol.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
We're now just two weeks away from No Way Home.

Think this is going to be our first COVID-era billion-dollar hit for sure.

And they say theaters are dying...Lol.
Independent ones are not in a great shape, though. It's all chain movie theaters now. There's a theatre in my neighbourhood that had to be closed last year and it was a hallmark of the city that was open since the early 60s.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Independent ones are not in a great shape, though. It's all chain movie theaters now. There's a theatre in my neighbourhood that had to be closed last year and it was a hallmark of the city that was open since the early 60s.
I suspect theaters won't be as big as they used to be but I do think they'll always be here. Think basically the new drive-in theaters but on a bigger scale as streaming becomes more popular. Not sure if I worded it right but you get my drift.

There's always going to be lots of people like me that enjoys the experience and that will keep them going.
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Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
The two copies of Super Robot Wars 30 i ordered have arrive in my hometown, now i just hope they get delivered before my brother gets home from work, one of those two copies is intended for him.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
A live action Mega Man can work well tbh.

I mean, it's gonna require a **** ton of CGI and some overtime with the costume designs, but it can work.

Though if you ask me, I would argue that Mega Man X woupd work better as live action given the fact that Netflix is king of dystopian future genres and MMX seems to be up their alley.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I would love for a sequel series to Hilda involving her grown-up traveling the world with Twig exploring.

It's been a headcanon of mine that the setting of Hilda is an alternate earth set in the 90s where civilization co-exists with mythical creatures of their lands. Examples.

Australia: Bunyip, Malingee, Papinijuwari, Yowie
Egypt: Bennu, Serpopard, Set Animal, Sphinx
Greece: Centaur, Gorgon, Harpy, Satyr
Japan: Kappa, Kitsune, Oni, Yuki-onna
New Zealand: Aitu, Maero, Poukai, Taniwha
Northern Canada: Adlet, Akhlut, Ijiraq, Qallupilluit
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Who in their right mind goes to a theater during a pandemic like, my friend wants tonsee a movie on Sunday, low key hoping plans get cancelled, and I'm only going because she is my friend but I have to think why the hell is she intent on going to movie theaters when there is a virus going around
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Speaking of mythology



“I’m Flight Caladrius. You look fine to me but an examination wouldn’t hurt. Just in case.”

Alignment: Neutral-Law

Origin: Roman mythology. A snow-white bird that lives in the king's house and possesses the ability to diagnose sick people: If it looks into the face of a sick person, the person will live; if it looks away, the person will die. For curable conditions, it takes the sickness into itself and flies to the sun to burn away the disease. In Christianity, it symbolizes Jesus’s sinlessness.

Skills: Media, Makarakarn, Me Patra, Zan

Next time you will meet a demon of the Night race.

Originally, Caladrius has no distinctive traits other than being white so the stethoscope and red cross are good additions to make it more visually interesting. The latter also makes sense since Christians also adopted its myth during the middle ages and occasionally used it to justify discrimination against people who supposedly wouldn't be saved by Caladrius. It usually plays the role of an early game healer.


Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
Also, beinging up the Mega Man movie and Theaters, from what I heard, it was originally suppossed to come out in Theaters, but it got moved to Netflix.

I know this wasn't a must see movie, but I think it's safe to say that streaming will be the future.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Nah, I plan to do so with the No Way Home tickets already.

Real "Hola Peter" hours 😎
Before anyone gets worried, yes It is a joke.
You said it
Now you gotta buy all the remaining Spidey tickets


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
I still feel like a live action movie could work if all the robots’ CGI were styled like Sonic and Detective Pikachu. Cartoon styled robots in a real life setting I feel wouldn’t be too implausible. But putting it on Netflix makes me feel like the budgets gonna be a lot more limited. Or at least not as big as what I’m picturing. To be fair what I am picturing would require a lot of CGI budget but it would’ve been nice to see a little faith being put into this by Capcom.

Think I’m gonna take the time to repost my trailer concept just to show what I personally would think would work for this film.
Dr. Light (narration) (played by Stephen Fry): “I’m counting on you, my son.”

(An overhead light turns on, showing various machine activity)

“You are the product of years of technological advancement.” (A metallic hand clenches)

“A beacon of hope…” (Zoom out on futuristic circuitry)

“And peace.” (A blue robotic eye switches on like a screen)

“Go, my child. And bring balance to this city.” (Silhouette of Rock suiting up in a laboratory, putting on gauntlets and a helmet, his back turned walking out towards the light of the outside world resembling his iconic appearance. Cut to black.)

(Next shot reveals he’s actually in street clothes wearing a bike helmet and arm guards trying to ride a bike)

Rock (voiced by Jacob Tremblay): “Come on, come on!” (struggling to get moving)

Roll (voiced by McKenna Grace): “Come on Rock! You can do it!” (Cheering him on alongside Rush. Rock falls over offscreen with Roll covering her eyes)

Rock (Next to the bike with the wheels bent, unable to support his weight): “Maybe we should take the bus.” (Rush starts licking his face)

(Bon Jovi’s Runaway starts playing. Movie logo variant-20XX Century Studios holographically projected over MM2 Wily’s Castle. Capcom’s logo appears afterwards. Overview of a futuristic city with an abundance of foliage.)

Rock (narration): “This is my home, Mega City. A city where humans and machines live in harmony.” (Various shots of robots interacting with humans, some of them helping out with various tasks)

Rock (narration): “It’s all thanks to my creator, Dr. Thomas Light.” (Dr. Light is standing at a podium with camera flashes holding his Nobel Prize. Rock, Roll, Rush and the 6 DLN Robot Masters stand proudly at his side.)

Rock (narration): “He created my brothers to make the city a better place...” (Shots of the Robot Masters carrying out various tasks such as Guts Man helping out with construction, Cut Man chopping down trees, etc.)

Rock (narration) “…and my sister Roll and I to be his children.” (Shot of the two entering Edison Middle School)

Dr. Light (narration): “I want you two to make some friends and socialize.” (Roll & Rock walk down the school hallway to see all the human students focused their attention on them. Uneasy, the two take each other’s hand for comfort)

Dr. Light (narration): “Experience the world outside this stuffy little lab.” (Roll & Rock find themselves leaning on a fence overlooking Mega City’s skyline.)

(Cut back to the lab)
Dr. Light: “After you finish your chores of course.” (Leaves them to an extremely messy laboratory)

Rock: “Have fun sis, I’m gonna see if I can defeat Cyber-Akuma.” (Pulls out a PlayStation controller)

Roll: “Come on, Rock! Could you please give me a hand?” (Changes expression to annoyed) “If you actually throw your hand at me, I will smack you with it.”

Rock: (Already holding his detached hand) “Heh heh. Couldn’t resist.” (Puts his hand back on)

(Cut to a sinister looking laboratory. MM11 Wily Capsule Theme starts playing)

Dr. Wily (played by Hugh Laurie): “All these years living in your shadow are over, Thomas.” (Smashes a mug while watching Light’s ceremony on his monitor)

Dr. Wily: “Those are MY machines too!” (Wily enters in some commands from his station and the Robot Masters wake up with a flash of red in their eyes.

(Bomb Man throws a couple bombs around the city, knocking away some humans, Ice Man freezing cars and fire hydrants.)

Fire Man (voiced by Nick Offerman): “I’ll burn this place to the ground!!!” (Surrounded by flames in a burning factory)

Dr. Wily : “Let’s show the world what our creations can REALLY do!” (Light, Roll & Rock are watching on the lab monitor in horror as the Robot Masters are wreaking havoc on Mega City and Wily laughs maniacally.)

Dr. Light (in despair): “How could this happen?! I need to stop this somehow!” (Rock looks to the monitor and then to his fists, clenching them)

Rock (narration): “You gotta upgrade me Doctor!” (Cut to his blue suit materializing on his body) “Give me the power to fight back!” (Close up on his head as his helmet and buster appear, his eyes glow brightly)


Guts Man (voiced by Kyle Hebert) (about to throw a boulder when a bomb blows it up in his hands. He turns around to see Mega Man in his Hyper Bomb palette) “Bring it on, kid!” (charges towards him) (Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out for a Hero starts playing)


Cut Man (voiced by Alan Tudyk): “Can you beat THESE scissors, Rock?” (Throws a couple Boomerang Cutters at MM. Montage of MM taking on the Robot Masters, firing his Mega Buster, copying their powers, Roll hooked up to a hydrant and starts spraying down a burning building.)


Dr. Light (narration): “I want to believe there’s still some good in him.” (Wily working on machines and relishing in his evil actions)

Rock: “With all due respect Doctor, I don’t think a non-mad scientist would act like: (using a recording of Wily’s laugh) Mwa-hahaha!!” (imitating Wily’s pose while laughing)

Dr. Light: (raises his finger like he’s about to say something) “…fair point.”


(Giant electric sparks shoot out of a power plant)

Elec Man (voiced by Nathan Fillion): “If it isn’t Light’s golden child.”

(MM finds himself surrounded by all six Robot Masters at once)

Dr. Wily: “Tell me boy, what are you fighting for?” (Taunting MM from his UFO)

Mega Man: “I don’t wanna fight you…” (narrowly avoids Cut Boomerang as it sticks into the wall behind him) (Narration) “but I’ll do what it takes to protect my city.” (Slightly battle damaged with sparks flying, he gets back up with a determined look on his face. Cut to scenes of him
being consoled by Light and Roll.)

Mega Man: “I will fight for everyone's future!” (MM lifts up some rubble that trapped some of his classmates. He offers his hand out to them.)

(Montage of Mega Man dodging energy spheres, chasing down Wily’s UFO and about to fire the finishing blow to Elec Man as he’s charging towards him.)

(Giant “Mega Man” title appears on screen accompanied by an arranged version of the MM2 menu theme)

Human Friend™️: “Can he do any tricks?”

(Cut to Rush interacting with a live dog in the middle of a living room)

Rock: “Well, he can sit, shake, roll over.”

Human Friend: “I mean something my dog can’t do.”

Rock (now standing on top of Rush): “All right Rush, Jet Mode!”

Rush: “Ruff!” (Accidentally activates Rush Coil and sends Rock through the ceiling. Human friend tries to shield themselves while cringing)

Rock (half buried in the ceiling, Rush hanging off his foot trying to pull him out) “We’re still…working on that command.”

Coming Christmas 20XX!

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
At this point just have to accept COVID is pretty much here to stay and we'll have to live with it being seasonal. It's gotten too out of hand that it can't be contained.

Like with the flu, people are just going to have to keep getting yearly shots and COVID is pretty much going to be seen basically another "flu" at this point only more deadly.

And let's prepare ourselves too for in the future more viruses will emerge that will make COVID seem like it was an inconvenience but never the less we'll band together and fight these viruses even if one does collapse civilization at some point which I do believe in due to mutations and bypassing immunities and vaccines. One of these viruses that will most certainly unleash the ugliness in everyone and their true selves if the protesting, rioting, and anti-vaxxers we've seen are anything to go by because keep down no matter how kind anyone maybe, everyone has sin deep down and in nature we're all the same selfish, greedy and only thinking for ourselves which will eventually lead to humanity's downfall.
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Smash Obsessed
Jan 25, 2019
At this point just have to accept COVID is pretty much here to stay and we'll have to live with it being seasonal. It's gotten too out of hand that it can't be contained.

Like with the flu, people are just going to have to keep getting yearly shots and COVID is pretty much going to be seen basically another "flu" at this point only more deadly.

And let's prepare ourselves too for in the future more viruses will emerge that will make COVID seem like it was an inconvenience but never the less we'll band together and fight these viruses even if one does collapse civilization at some point which I do believe in due to mutations and bypassing immunities and vaccines. One of these viruses that will most certainly unleash the ugliness in everyone and their true selves if the protesting, rioting, and anti-vaxxers we've seen are anything to go by because keep down no matter how kind anyone maybe, everyone has sin deep down and in nature we're all the same selfish, greedy and only thinking for ourselves which will eventually lead to humanity's downfall.
I mean, you're right that COVID is gonna stick around for a bit but why did you go full anime villian monolouge at the end?


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
At this point just have to accept COVID is pretty much here to stay and we'll have to live with it being seasonal. It's gotten too out of hand that it can't be contained.

Like with the flu, people are just going to have to keep getting yearly shots and COVID is pretty much going to be seen basically another "flu" at this point only more deadly.

And let's prepare ourselves too for in the future more viruses will emerge that will make COVID seem like it was an inconvenience but never the less we'll band together and fight these viruses even if one does collapse civilization at some point which I do believe in due to mutations and bypassing immunities and vaccines. One of these viruses that will most certainly unleash the ugliness in everyone and their true selves if the protesting, rioting, and anti-vaxxers we've seen are anything to go by because keep down no matter how kind anyone maybe, everyone has sin deep down and in nature we're all the same selfish, greedy and only thinking for ourselves which will eventually lead to humanity's downfall.
Can we like, not enter exaggeratedly depressing levels of cynicism, here?

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I mean, you're right that COVID is gonna stick around for a bit but why did you go full anime villian monolouge at the end?
Can we like, not enter exaggeratedly depressing levels of cynicism, here?
Because as COVID has shown us, it's the truth regarding a virus in the future that will likely collapse civilization. Ours will be no different from previous ones like the Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Aztec Empire, etc.

And this is how humans have been since we first appeared especially if pushed to our absolute limit.

I'm just stating what's sadly the truth whether one doesn't want to admit it or not.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
At this point just have to accept COVID is pretty much here to stay and we'll have to live with it being seasonal. It's gotten too out of hand that it can't be contained.

Like with the flu, people are just going to have to keep getting yearly shots and COVID is pretty much going to be seen basically another "flu" at this point only more deadly.

And let's prepare ourselves too for in the future more viruses will emerge that will make COVID seem like it was an inconvenience but never the less we'll band together and fight these viruses even if one does collapse civilization at some point which I do believe in due to mutations and bypassing immunities and vaccines. One of these viruses that will most certainly unleash the ugliness in everyone and their true selves if the protesting, rioting, and anti-vaxxers we've seen are anything to go by because keep down no matter how kind anyone maybe, everyone has sin deep down and in nature we're all the same selfish, greedy and only thinking for ourselves which will eventually lead to humanity's downfall.
"Humans only think for themselves" is baseless pessimism with no proof.

There are actually a lot more academic studies that show humans are inherently empathetic of each other's needs and prioritizing the community over ourselves is the norm, not selfishness.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
"Humans only think for themselves" is baseless pessimism with no proof.

There are actually a lot more academic studies that show humans are inherently empathetic of each other's needs and prioritizing the community over ourselves is the norm, not selfishness.
Yes but only because most of us live good and normal lives. Say an apocalypse were to occur or pushed to our limit then that's put to the test. COVID has really shown this especially. Survival especially would be on the only thing on our minds.
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