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I feel like a lot of the people that go out of their way to hate things haven't even given what they are hating on a fair try. I think sometimes people just hate things because they've seen lots of other people praise or reference a thing.
Kind of a shame because if they actually gave things a chance they might like them.
A big part of it is that a lot of people think being overly critical makes you inherently smarter or less biased than praising something.
Blind fanboys are a thing and this is a sort of counter culture that is created from their existence.
Another part of it is that... well negative stuff sells. Just look at news reports. Tragedies and negative articles get way more traffic than good ones.
Maybe we're just wired that way? I don't know, but I'm sick of people hating everything nowadays. I dislike a lot of things myself, but I try to keep them to myself.
1. Killing a guy because you're distractedly driving a big rig and trapping them on a bridge with no escape is a whole lot worse than a flat tire.
No one is defending Dumb Driver Dennis. But others are saying that you doing something illegal makes the situation so much worse. Here, I'll use an example from the third graders I just got done teaching.
Kiddo A doesn't like Kiddo B and called them "stupid." Well that's not nice. Teacher needs to deal with that. I hope its reported to authorities so it can be-
Well darn, Kiddo B threw a punch at Kiddo A. Wow, this situation is getting worse. I hope it stops the-
Now both kiddos are on the ground attempting to choke each other. This sucks.
The issue isn't that one bad thing is inherently worse than another.
The issue is that responding to a bad thing, with more bad things escalates the situation instead of deescalating it.
Like, think about it, if you had shot the tire, that's jailtime at a minimum.
But that's ignoring the fact that you would have shot at someone. They now have the right to attack you in self defense. You may say, well I was only aiming for the tire, but how is anyone else supposed to know that in the moment? You have a gun. You fired at their car. The whole situation would have ended badly.
That said, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were just venting out frustrations. We all do that to an extent. But just in case you were seriously considering something like that.
I could certainly go without Youtube recommending me another 2 hour long unbiased essay on why some of my favorite shows are the worst things to happen to the planet.
They're fun on occasion but like... they don't convince anyone of anything.
If you're gonna watch a two hour essay on why something sucks, then you probably agreed with that sentiment to begin with.
Look up Sonic content
Find 30 thousand "Sonic bad give likes" videos you have no interest in
Can't block
Now YouTube keeps shoving them to your dash because "ya like blue hedgehog?"
I would like to look up Pokemon Sword and Shield videos without another essay on why it sucks, please.
If there’s any channel I would want to block on youtube, it’s the channels that post gruesome videos of animals dying that pop up whenever I watch wholesome pet videos.
Report that. Unless its a nature documentary with predator and prey interactions, that is against the law.
And whew. I responded to.... a lot of people.
In other news, I completed the Photodex in New Pokemon Snap.
It took forever and some of those photos are cryptic as ****. Like absurdly so. I needed a guide for a lot of these.
But there's so much detail to this game. I kind of wish I could just stop the vehicle to admire it all sometimes.
8.5/10 Really liked it.