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Which was your favorite new Pokémon revealed from the Scarlet and Violet trailer?

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Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I’ve always called it the film effect. If the movies are doing good for Marvel than DC’s comics are going to be better and Vice versa. It’sa weird thing but it’s strangely accurate. So I’m not surprised they aren’t that great. Aside I haven’t read a comic arc since Civil War and Avengers vs. X-Men tbh and I really wasn’t all that impressed with them in itself.
it's weird for Marvel to have the Avengers be bad, but most of their other too comics are still good, tho DC is the same with BMB's Justice League. Gonna need that film effect thing to make those comics better
Tbf, crossover events usually suck. Like, the only remotely good one I've read was Children's Crusade and that was hardly a crossover.

I usually just stick to one title I like and hope they don't kill my fave for the latest crossover event. I recommend it.
Secret Wars (2015 specifically) and Spider-Verse are some recent and amazing crossovers
I feel like i’m missing some important context
no full context outside of the comics, but I mainly tagged you in case you were to have any sort of Marvel ideas...that way you could use the best Avengers team as an example

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I honestly wonder if I'm the only one who feels A Quiet Place movies would have worked better being set in the 17th Century during Colonial America. What especially helps is the first movie really does give you that feel, more the reason why I wish this and its sequel were alternate history movies. The potential IMO was definitely missed there. That and we could use more historic alien films.

Having the films also set in the 17th century also would have been a good way and reason for European colonizers and settlers working together with Native Americans against the creatures which eventually leads to both realizing they're no different from each other if you get what I mean bringing some moral, lesson and theme to it. More the reason I wish it was set during Colonial America.

Plus Native Americans fighting aliens is a cool idea and concept.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I honestly wonder if I'm the only one who feels A Quiet Place movies would have worked better being set in the 17th Century during Colonial America. What especially helps is the first movie really does give you that feel, more the reason why I wish this and its sequel were alternate history movies. The potential IMO was definitely missed there. That and we could use more historic alien films.

Having the films also set in the 17th century also would have been a good way and reason for European colonizers and settlers working together with Native Americans against the creatures which eventually leads to both realizing they're no different from each other if you get what I mean bringing some moral, lesson and theme to it. More the reason I wish it was set during Colonial America.

Plus Native Americans fighting aliens is a cool idea and concept.
Interesting idea but I'm a bit iffy on the "colonizers and colonized people aren't different from each other" angle. I feel like the only way they can be equal in that sort of power dynamic is if you include aliens to the mix, which kinda defeats the purpose of giving the story a moral theme.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Interesting idea but I'm a bit iffy on the "colonizers and colonized people aren't different from each other" angle. I feel like the only way they can be equal in that sort of power dynamic is if you include aliens to the mix, which kinda defeats the purpose of giving the story a moral theme.
Except that's what I said...The colonizers and settlers working together with Native Americans to face a much greater enemy which is the Quiet Place aliens which then overtime finds neither are different and pretty much the same uniting as one.
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Deleted member

So I've been on the website for 2,665 days. So close to 2666. I have 30,724 posts as I'm typing this.

So on average, my daily ratio is a solid 11.5 ****posts per day. :bowsette:
Hah, those are rookie numbers. :p

Not counting my old account, I've been here for 330 days, and made 8,517 posts. Doing the math, that means my daily post ratio is.... 25.8 posts per day!

I have a problem

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
osby osby , Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah!

Alright, let's do this.

Let me explain how I got this crazy damage on those bosses....and how I learned the second case wasn't as impressive as I thought. (Spoilers, BIG post)

So before we get to the bosses in question, I first went to a are in Black Space that....not alot is know actually, called the glitched graveyard, thanks to the Tv in Otherworld Sprout Village.

Basically, you see a ton of NPC sprites glitching like crazy, outside of one: The Old Sprout, who can be interact and say this:
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There's also a weird red object on the lower end of the map, but due to the screen getting darker & darker, I couldn't tell was it represented, but it's definitly no goodie, and BS continue to be surreal & scary.

That done, we go back to the farm house with the portait and..
Screen Shot 05-06-21 at 02.38 PM.PNG
Yeah, think you get the point that Something presence in Headspace as only grown stronger, touching the portrait cause it to fade away, but really, it's clear the good we have now are only temporary....

All the gloomy & doomy stuff said, let's go back to the fun, shall we?

Going now to Spaceboy house, his father ask us to find him and thanks to his bird chief, we get batteries to use in the igloo located in the little snow section in Otherworld, and once we do so. Thanks a summoning circle, we go to the Snowglobe Moutain!

Now, there's alot to go about this are, so let's go 1 by 1, shall we?

1) First thing first, the last two KEYS are here, once you got them, the Hangman game is completed and the game crash on you, HOWEVER, it save just before the crash, so no worry of losing hours of progress. Doing this will fully unlock The Abyss, and with that, the bonus boss ABBI.

2) This area as two weapons that both unlock a skill for Hero & Kel: the Tenderizer unlock Tenderize for Hero and Snowball unlock....snowball for Kel.

While I don't think Kel new skill will help much at this point of the game, and both weapon are overshadowed by the LOL sword & the Chicken ball respectively. Tenderize is I say a very good move to have on Hero if you like buff & debuff party, that and the attack is really strong on itself, so Hero can finally do some big damages if needed. Tho he is still a healer/buffer otherwise.

3) The actual area in itself is...weird, like there isn't alot of enemies (beside one type, come back to it later), there isn't alot of NPC, outside of getting items, it's very linear, and the "puzzles" range from veryyyy simple to...."Wait, why does to this room look so complicate when I can just go right to the exit?".

Like idk if this was intentional or not, but this area really went fast without much going on outside of the boss & some enemies. The music is nice and it's always nice to see environemment, but really, I kinda felt like it could have been better developped, especially since it's a bonus area, so there's no worry about the pacing of the story or difficult balance, but guess thy didn't have much time to work on it. Oh well.

-Now for those enemies, the Snow Angels...

A swarm of them attack you before you can reach Space Ex-Husband, and those girls are weirds.

While they don't have alot of healths, they can attack REALLY hard and can add/remove emotions from your party, and I feel like if I was a lower levels/didn't have the tools I have now(the 3 Something Skills & Gator Aid come to mind), I feel those angelic monsters would have caused me alot more trouble. Alas, they were only a middle challenge despite the numbers of them you need to fight. Their designs are beautiful, the implications about them are unsettling (the first time you fight them, they play the same theme you get while fighting lesser forms of Something), beating them up can give you alot of Life Jam, and they're probably the most memorable part of the area, but ultimaly, i'm too determinated and overlevel for their deadly attack to matter too much. Still, definitly a high point.

-And there, we finally find Ex-Husband...who decided to become a snowman and pretty much died alone with the cold comfort of ice. Of course, beating peoples up is always a great way to make depress peoples feel better about themselves, so the gang fight the captain of the space pirate once again after all this time.

The gimmick of the fight is the following: Space Ex-Husband is basically almost invincibles to anything you throw at him (outside of debuff), so long his emotion is neutral.

At various point in the fight, he will mention a memory of him & Sweetheart and you have to guess which emotion to inflict on him to make him come out of his shell & make him vulnerable for a bit. He will return to his neutral state after awhile, and you have to rinse & repeat until he is defeated.

That all said, this fight is kinda of special to me, as you see, video of this fight were one of the first few I saw about Omori in general. The music, the arts, the way Ex-Husband just SNAP with each emotion and the way the battle system looked made me REALLY interested in this game at the start, and later on, I wanted to try out this fight for myself. All the drama & attack on my sanity this route kept throwing at me was worth it just for this fight alone...even if went quite easily.

Remember me mentionning you can throw debuff at him? Even when he is in Neutral state? Well, combine that with Hero buffing everyone defense with Gator Aid. Space Ex-Husband damages on your party get ridiculously weak as the fight goes on. To the point he could barely reach 2 digits numbers toward the end of the fight. And his defense kept gettting lower & lower too, which combined with:

-Him being angry
-Kel being Ectastic
-Kel having use Flex on the previous
-Kel base speed being ULTRA big thanks to the Chicken Ball
-Kel using run'n'gun

leaded to the end of the fight with this:
Screen Shot 05-06-21 at 03.41 PM 001.PNG

Yeah, if anyone ever tell you that Kel is weak & useless, please show them this image to them. With the right tool, Kel can be the most overpowered member of the group next to Omori himself, and mind you, I COULD HAVE INCREASE HIS SPEED & DAMAGE WITH ITEMS EVEN MORE, THIS ISN'T EVEN HIS FINAL ULTIMATE ATTACK. (Disregarding even this, Tickles giving free critical hit for a turn can make Omori & Aubrey damages ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS, AND I DIDN'T EVEN USE RED HAND IN THIS FIGHT. And Rally combined with Hero follow-up attack can make the whole group juice easy to keep up high without using too much of your best healing items.) What i'm sayin' is, Kel is a absolute unit and I will murder anyone who doesn't think the same way as I do...cough

But yeah, after basically shooting him in the heart with a shotgun. Capt.Spaceboy finally return back to normal and give us a wedding rin in return...which is all but useless to me since all the items I have are much than it, buuut eh, still nice to get a reward for doing all of this. That, and after a talk with his dad, Cap can finally move on from Sweetheart...hopefully.

In spite of being overshadowed by the pink ***** after his arc is done. It's easy to see why Capt.Spaceboy is such a fan-favourite among fans. He is nice, too nice some might say, but it's balanced with a edgy bad boy double personality. His themes are great, he still apparear in small way during your journey in Headspace. His boss fight is a fun wake-up boss if you don't know yet how to play the game, and most important of all, he deserve much, much better than what he got with Sweetheart. He may be simp-y, but he is a good person at heart, and i'm so thankful I played this game thanks in part to him. See ya around, Space Cowboy.

With that done, there's only 1 noteworthy challenge left in Otherworld, that being the rematch with EXPANDED Pluto & Earth.

Now, while the beginning of the fight is quite scary at first glance (with Earth making you unable to exploit emotions due to making everyone sad). Once you put all of your effort on taking down Earth. It get quite easy, and once again, the buff on your party & debuff on your enemies make their damages output quite trivial and easy to deal with, while making the damages you do extremely good. This is especially noteworthy since there is no zero damage gimmick here, as long you can keep your focus, this fight will go quite easily overall.

Still, Pluto see how powerful the group as become, and decide it's time to unleash his final, utlimate attack. Charging his power with each turn, it look like we might not be fast enough to take him down in time, as he is ready to go all out.....only for Omori to deal 4000~ damage on him via Vertigo, just before his turn, ending the fight.....awww.

Now, remember how I said the second BIG damages wasn't as impressive as I first thought? Looking at video of the fight, it seem like Pluto defense get REALLY low before he unleash his ultimate attack. To the point none of the videos I seen as him being able to show off his last attack. Which is kinda of sad tbh, as I love Pluto as a character, but here, I couldn't help but feel like this fight ended on a rather anti-climatic note. Which might be intentional, but considering he is a superboss. I was expecting frankly alot more from the rogue planet himself combined with Earth the worst planet itself. You don't even get a reward for beating them up outside of a achievement, which is alot less cool imo. Though really, I guess i'm really overpower now.

But yeah, that aside, that is all I did....beside giving my clams to the shady moles for clems, then getting back to the shady mole lair to kill it and get all my clams back. Do this for a achievement & filling the foe fact book.

With that all done, thereeeeee's not much to do left actually.

All I got left is beating Abbi & getting the ultimate weapons from her, beat the boss rush, beat Perfectheart, get all the drawing from Rococo, change SH castle to Omori room (will reload my save before the fact, just doing for the achievement sake), explore Black Space 2 some more, annnnnnd this journey will finally be done! Huh.... Not getting all the achievements btw, just getting those that interest me.

The end is coming to a near for me, but whatever happen next, I hope the final reports will be fun for you to read, and that seeing my opinions on the Omori Route will make you want to give it a shot. The balance may be all over the place if you know what you're doing, but imo, I say it's worth trying it for yourself.

With that said, thanks for reading & have a great day.~ Next stop is...The Abyss.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
I'll dial up the weirdness of my pfp but still keep it anime.

Been trying to get a weird Kotaro pfp and this week's episode just did it for me.

Return to Mudskipper.jpg

Reject humanity. Return to mudskipper.
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