So since we were on the topic of emulation and paying full price for games and stuff, what's your thoughts in this?
I mean, don't be that person that pirates new enough releases where developers actually get hurt, but I think in general there are bigger things at play as to why new releases don't do as well as they might otherwise; except for the Nintendo DS which was pirated to hell and back. People have always complained about prices, and given inflation I don't think it's that so much as:
1. Social Media "spoiling" a lot of games. Surprises are hard to do these days. You get a full look at a game before paying for it.
2. Many games no longer truly shipping "complete."
3. F2P games being easily available and offering hard competition for player time.
4. Exclusivity slowing dying out both between companies & systems.
5. Digital releases allow companies to have full control over the prices of games so flash sales are a short term waiting game for consumers.
6. Game ownership. Granted some are fine with this given the popularity of Digital, but why pay in full for a game you might not truly own?
There is probably more but this is what I can come up with without resorting to hard hot takes as someone who doesn't buy AAA games not made by Nintendo.