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Which was your favorite new Pokémon revealed from the Scarlet and Violet trailer?

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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I agree that people can be real big bullies with that mentality. But, IMO. Smash looses so much of it's appeal, some of what they're even marketing it on with the whole "celebration of gaming history" angle, when it becomes just "whatever random thing Nintendo and Sakurai decide to do". It's one of the reasons people on both sides of the game (developers and fans alike) fight so hard to keep non-gaming characters out of it.

I don't know. I just feel like if you put me down at the very announcement and asked me to map out Smash's roster based on personal tastes, upcoming marketing tactics, and perception of the communities desires you'ed get a very different roster then what we got. Or at the very least a bigger one.

I still want them to try to get to 100 fighters. In fact, Pyra and Mythra having unique numbers actually gets them one step closer to that goal.

I don't get how you can think about it like that. To me, that just takes so much away from the game's identity. Even it's whole reason for existing.

I don't know. Again, we'll have to see who comes next and if they really are the last characters. But.... sighs. There really is no point to this. I can't change anyone's minds any more then you can change mine. What's even the point of anything anymore.

I don't know. Just being big names... it... sighs. I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. The first... okay, second newcomer revealed for this game was friggin Ridley. They rode that train until the infamous Kencineroar direct, breifly recaptured the magic for the first three DLC characters, and then fell off again until right about now with no sign that it will get better besides a potential orange marsupial. That just does not feel like the way to end this game.

And I have to ask, where am I supposed to go once this game is over? Like, I still want to hang around and talk with you guys but I can't imagine how much longer that's gonna stick when Smash is no longer getting new expansions. I remember how I used to go on the Killer Instinct forums every day and it was such a thriving community constantly talking about this game, and related other nerdy stuff. But then the game stopped getting new characters and the board has basically been a ghost town. What's gonna replace Smash? What other game is going to come along that can really hold the attention of practically the entire world like a good TV show or film series and have hundreds of people all gathered together talking about it for such a long stretch of time. Mortal Kombat aint gonna do that. Street Fighter aint gonna do that. And even then I can only imagine how much more detached I'll become from the gaming community (which I am already pretty damn detached from to the point of frustration) now that next gen has come and I can't get ahold of one of the new consoles. So everyone keeps on playing and talking about new releases and I'm just left behind again growing ever more lonley and.....

Aw whatever. You guys hate it when I enter one of these kinds of funks. So I guess I should stop. It's kind of telling that I don't have any really angry or emotional responses to this this time. Because i'm not riled up and ready to rant. I'm just disappointed, sad, and scared.
When Ultimate ends, I admit I will miss always having a smash reveal to look forward to. That’s kinda been my life for the past three years. And even though I **** on smash speculation, having speculation for this incredible game finally end will be kinda sad. Even if I get bored or annoyed if it sometimes, I really have appreciated spending the last few years talking about smash with you guys.

But when it’s over, I’ll move on. I don’t need another web forum to latch on to. I’ll just get back to living a life without smash speculation. And though I’ll miss some of you guys, I’ll be sure to find ways to keep in touch once this all ends.

And it’s been said a million gazillion times, but you shouldn’t rely so heavily and emotionally on video games my guy it’s not healthy. It’s hard right now because of you know what but when things chill out, you should really consider getting your life together.
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Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Because, it is. It's a crossover event, but it also works as free promotional material. When say, DC or Marvel heroes team up in their big, annual crossover events, sure, part of it is to tell a cool story, but another part is to bring to light characters that readers may not know of and get eyes on them. Smash has always been one giant commercial to me, alongside being a pseudo-hall of fame, but I don't hate it for being a commercial, I adore it.

It's all about how you look at it. If you're set in your mind that "ONLY THE BEST!" are allowed in, you're going to be disappointed.

For me?

"Haha, Plant spit bol."
I don't know. I guess it's cause I don't like memes.
Gonna be honest, it isn't healthy to rely on any game this heavily.
Well I don't have anything else to rely on! My parents want me out of the house, I suck at making friends, I'm unemployable, and the media that's supposed to act like my We Happy Few style pain suppressant is continuously failing to actually work. I have nothing else to turn to. No one else to rely on. And life seams to continuously try to squeeze the last few drops of hope that things will get better out of me so I can accept the status quo and suffer in numbness. I just want the world to have some color again. Is there anything wrong with that?


Sep 26, 2013
I don't know. I guess it's cause I don't like memes.

Well I don't have anything else to rely on! My parents want me out of the house, I suck at making friends, I'm unemployable, and the media that's supposed to act like my We Happy Few style pain suppressant is continuously failing to actually work. I have nothing else to turn to. No one else to rely on. And life seams to continuously try to squeeze the last few drops of hope that things will get better out of me so I can accept the status quo and suffer in numbness. I just want the world to have some color again. Is there anything wrong with that?
There's nothing wrong with that.

But at the same time, nothing lasts forever. You say life is squeezing you, but you're turning around and squeezing Smash and setting your expectations crazy high for it.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
While Smash is mostly all-stars, its safe to say that quite a few of the characters clearly aren't. R.O.B being a flop originally or that most people still wouldn't know Bayonetta or Richter unless you were decently into games being solid examples. Hell, we've got no idea if ARMS has a future like Splatoon does currently. And any newer character is pretty debatable. So I don't know why people make THAT huge of a deal about it, but then turn around and ask for Geno or Ashley ect. in spite of their self-imposed standards.

At the end of the day, shill for who you like and hope they get in. If you're a cool guy, you'll like Mega Man X or Ryu Hayabusa, or Lara Croft or Crash. If they don't there's like 80 somethin' other characters to try.

Of course the end of any game you like is always gonna be bittersweet. But it is what it is.

Deleted member

Honestly I dunno what I’m gonna do when Smash Ultimate stuff ends in the near future. Will I stay here? Will I not? Will I just stop using this site and delete my account? Who knows.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
What does this mean?
I have some manga i want to scan, and debinding is the only way to do it justice. But it is destroying the manga to some. And i hate breaking books. So i am seeing what general consensus is. If many see it as breaking books, i will just not do it.



Sep 26, 2013
I have some manga i want to scan, and debinding is the only way to do it justice. But it is destroying the manga to some. And i hate breaking books. So i am seeing what general consensus is. If many see it as breaking books, i will just not do it.

View attachment 306203
I mean, you are breaking it, but that's a price you have to pay for sharing it online.

What's more important to you, the value of the book, or sharing a book that potentially isn't even online to read?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
her also...she should’ve worn her more appropriat...and also rare...clothes
View attachment 306201
Best custom stage hands down.
personally my favorite custom stage involves either Hugh Neutron sending a man to the Shadow Realm or Thanos killing Gamora
When say, DC or Marvel heroes team up in their big, annual crossover events, sure, part of it is to tell a cool story, but another part is to bring to light characters that readers may not know of and get eyes on them
don’t forget the part where they do it to make a massive yet mostly limited change to their main universes...looking at you Marvel mainly (but you DC...you take it over the top). Can’t wait for the next 2 massive game changing Marvel event and for DC to prepare for another reboot of sorts


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Honestly if there's a shorter let's play I may just watch that, but I dunno, I've heard Chugga's stuff is good. I just gotta decide if I want something shorter that still gets the whole game across, or something shorter but more in depth-
I mean you could probably skip the episodes that focus on a particular optional blade.

Dutch Raikuna

Life's a sweet bitter beauty song.......
Dec 7, 2019
My Generation
I agree that people can be real big bullies with that mentality. But, IMO. Smash looses so much of it's appeal, some of what they're even marketing it on with the whole "celebration of gaming history" angle, when it becomes just "whatever random thing Nintendo and Sakurai decide to do". It's one of the reasons people on both sides of the game (developers and fans alike) fight so hard to keep non-gaming characters out of it.

I don't know. Just being big names... it... sighs. I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. The first... okay, second newcomer revealed for this game was friggin Ridley. They rode that train until the infamous Kencineroar direct, breifly recaptured the magic for the first three DLC characters, and then fell off again until right about now with no sign that it will get better besides a potential orange marsupial. That just does not feel like the way to end this game.

And I have to ask, where am I supposed to go once this game is over? Like, I still want to hang around and talk with you guys but I can't imagine how much longer that's gonna stick when Smash is no longer getting new expansions. I remember how I used to go on the Killer Instinct forums every day and it was such a thriving community constantly talking about this game, and related other nerdy stuff. But then the game stopped getting new characters and the board has basically been a ghost town. What's gonna replace Smash? What other game is going to come along that can really hold the attention of practically the entire world like a good TV show or film series and have hundreds of people all gathered together talking about it for such a long stretch of time. Mortal Kombat aint gonna do that. Street Fighter aint gonna do that. And even then I can only imagine how much more detached I'll become from the gaming community (which I am already pretty damn detached from to the point of frustration) now that next gen has come and I can't get ahold of one of the new consoles. So everyone keeps on playing and talking about new releases and I'm just left behind again growing ever more lonley and.....
I'll agree with you on the more wanting for more in the base game content point.

"Like, I still want to hang around and talk with you guys but I can't imagine how much longer that's gonna stick when Smash is no longer getting new expansions."

Sad to say it has to happen at somepoint. That's why you should try to branch out and find ways to keep in contact with some outside of the boards. I've found out my writing talent and now talking to some here outside as well as keeping in contact with those who I call friends and I intend to strengthen it that way.

Well I don't have anything else to rely on! My parents want me out of the house, I suck at making friends, I'm unemployable, and the media that's supposed to act like my We Happy Few style pain suppressant is continuously failing to actually work. I have nothing else to turn to. No one else to rely on. And life seams to continuously try to squeeze the last few drops of hope that things will get better out of me so I can accept the status quo and suffer in numbness. I just want the world to have some color again. Is there anything wrong with that?
Snake I'm in a similar boat but add times 10 on a very messed past. I'm trying to find my way out. Games, anime and all are nice but at the same time I hope to become more humble and less rely on them.

I would love to see the world being painted in colours, everyone sees common sense and we all live in some eco-futuristic utopia but that's never going to happen. I'll always enjoy imagining it but as reality kicks in, I've to realise I need to make the most of the hand I have been dealt.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Well I don't have anything else to rely on! And life seams to continuously try to squeeze the last few drops of hope that things will get better out of me so I can accept the status quo and suffer in numbness. I just want the world to have some color again. Is there anything wrong with that?
You have the power to change that. Even if you think you don’t, you do.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
I mean, you are breaking it, but that's a price you have to pay for sharing it online.

What's more important to you, the value of the book, or sharing a book that potentially isn't even online to read?
Can i do both? Probably not. For me, the knowledge that by removing the cover and seperating all the pages is only damaging the glue and nothing more, is no different then pages falling out and that the book is not considered trash afterwards. That if i put all the pages back in the spine, in order, and bag it, it is still a book. Just one with no glue. And that it will not degrade faster due to loose pages.

Deleted member

Well I don't have anything else to rely on! My parents want me out of the house, I suck at making friends, I'm unemployable, and the media that's supposed to act like my We Happy Few style pain suppressant is continuously failing to actually work. I have nothing else to turn to. No one else to rely on. And life seams to continuously try to squeeze the last few drops of hope that things will get better out of me so I can accept the status quo and suffer in numbness. I just want the world to have some color again. Is there anything wrong with that?
Have you tried doing something, anything, new to see if you like it? How about trying fishing? knitting? a sport?

Like, I get that the world is looking pretty gloomy and all that, but it's just a layer on top of everything else. You gotta be able to look past the bad and see the good in it if you wanna succeed.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Got my latest name change in.

Basically, a humanoid version. I don't actually have Wyvy's dragon phoenix form sprited out just yet.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
When it comes to the DLC, pass one is good, but pass two has absolutely crushed it imo.

Pass one has a neat selection of characters, and then plant sort of. But Byletth was very hated and still is and got ignored, plant has gone under the radar and so had Terry from what I’ve seen online and in actual smash matches online.

Banjo was excitable for many but he kinda of dropped off too, and joker I see a l still.

But pass two has something that can appeal to everyone. The character choices were much more interesting have amazing play styles. I’ve enjoyed pass two more and I see those characters a lot more. There’s some big icon characters, good Nintendo picks and we still have two slots left. One of which I’m still betting is crash which would be another iconic choice.

Pass two is everything great about the franchise imo and shows the love and dedication the team puts in.

Deleted member

So anyway, Vtubers. :4pacman:

I’ve been getting this particular vtuber in my school recommended for weeks

.... I don’t even watch Vtubers on my school computer

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Infinite Verses is basically a 3D M.U.G.E.N. It seems dank. At some point I gotta play more fan-games, or at least really clean up my own M.U.G.E.N. build. It's just that its time consuming to add all the stages and music too.

Then I can finally start the WoL nuzlocke I’ve wanted to do for a year but swore I wouldn’t start until every characters out.
I'd have to re-start any time I lost MM. Not sure how you'd do the Galeem/Darkhon fights without pulling hair out tho. Then again, I only played it on the hardest difficulty cause I thought I'd miss out on something if I played on anything less.
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
One thing I'm noticing right out the gate with Xenoblade 2 is that the voice over feels a bit wonky. It sounds like the actors weren't given the full context for their lines, or were directed poorly. That aside, I love this game's presentation, and the story so far is very interesting!


Sep 26, 2013
One thing I'm noticing right out the gate with Xenoblade 2 is that the voice over feels a bit wonky. It sounds like the actors weren't given the full context for their lines, or were directed poorly. That aside, I love this game's presentation, and the story so far is very interesting!
The clunky as **** BRI'ISH is what I kinda love about it, from just the videos I've seen.

It sounds soo off that it loops around to being funny to me.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
One thing I'm noticing right out the gate with Xenoblade 2 is that the voice over feels a bit wonky. It sounds like the actors weren't given the full context for their lines, or were directed poorly. That aside, I love this game's presentation, and the story so far is very interesting!
That's because the voice direction is laughably bad. You have some dumbasses who insist it's perfect but Skye Bennett, who plays Pyra and Mythra, said the voice direction was bad herself.


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
The clunky as **** BRI'ISH is what I kinda love about it, from just the videos I've seen.

It sounds soo off that it loops around to being funny to me.
Eh, I wouldn't say it's the BRI'ISH. Sounds more like poor voice direction to me. For example, there's one scene where Nia snaps at Malos for attacking Rex, but Nia just sounds like she's mad that someone stepped on her foot or something.
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