About the options thing. There is a high gravity mode in Brawl that makes the game more similar to melee from the match vids that I have seen with it.
Let me tell you guys a story. I love KoF XI. Right now it is probably my fave 2-D fighter. Me and some of my boys was playing it this past weekend and we had alot of fun. After about 4 hours we popped in some third strike. Once I started playing I was like...
Why is the game so slow?!! How come I don't have as many options on defense?! How come I can't run?!
How come I can't do awesome beastly combos?! How come I can't short hop?! (Yes, you can short hop on KoF) This game really needs a roll function, wtf?! Then after about 30 minutes, I said, I have to play Third Strike. Not play KoF XI while Third Strike is in my PS2.
Do you get me? Brawl and Melee have two different engines. Can you do less in Brawl then Melee? Yes. But is it limiting? Well, I wouldn't use that word. The thing is with Brawl is that now unlike Melee, it has very specific laws and boundaries in place. Melee's engine laws were easily bended and broken or exploited. With Brawl, things are a bit tougher to exploit because of the boundaries in place.
Is this bad? Yes and no. Yes, because like we all agree, the game is more restricted then Melee. But good, because I had beef with quite a few things in Melee. I didn't like CCing for example. I just didn't like the fact that CCing could destroy someones approach. To me that was lame. I have argued with Kashif countless times about how Shiek is a good character only to be rebukked when he says, in hgih level play she isn't that good since spacies CC her **** all day. To me that isn't fair at all.
In Brawl things are removed from Melee and the laws are in place. Instead of trying to make brawl like melee and super fast and what not, why not just accept that it has a new system with actual boundaries, like pretty much all other fighters. Cept MvC2 of course. lol. That game knows no limits.
And Robert my heart goes out to you man. The system changes just happened to hit CF harder then anyone else. He is still too awesome for words though.