Character: Roy
Current Tier: Bad
Tier he SHOULD be: D or even C
Improvements I'd like to see:
- Flare Blade can be held at full charge, releases when B is released, instead of godly
timing for %50 hit. He could be an even better edgeguarder
- Aerials that are easier to sweetspot instead of having a **** aerial game where his
sword sounds more like a punching bag being hit than a legendary sword.
- More "countering" frames for counter; not as good as Marth, but nearly as good.
- Being able to do the same neutral-A infinite as Marth.
- Being able to spike with not just up+DED but also down+DED. Gives him slight
advantage over Marth, having two spikes with one move.
- Making it easier to spike with his dair. I've never done it and don't know if it's possible.
- Being in the next SSB game or possibly SSBB DLC with at least one of these
- Better opinion than "inferior clone" of Marth. Roy is solid as a counterpick against
power-characters with his counter and being able to keep up with them better than,
say, the Star Fox pilots. He is good against Ganondorf, C.Falcon, Bowser. I prefer
Marth for most of the other character matchups for his superior attack speed and
the fact that spacing is safer and more powerful than being as in their face as Roy.
I may prefer Marth but I don't see Roy as his inferior clone. Roy has similar moves,
but is really much different. Each of them excels in different situations, even if
Marth may excel in more, that does not make me feel of Roy as an inferior clone. He may
be bad, but not too bad. His Up+B is easier to recover with (better attacking
properties IMO) than Marth's Up+B. Neutral B charges longer than Marth's, and
can deliver an instant KO in most situations. It's an excellent edgeguard tool if you
don't hurt yourself w/ %10 at full charge. Down+B can be better in SOME situations,
like if you see a powerful move like a smash or against a lot of Ganon/C.Falcon's moves.
Roy's DED has a better-ranged spike than Marth's DB. It slashes while Marth does a
limited-range stab in a downward 45 degree angle depending on where he faces. I
am able to spike more this way than Marth's DB spike. Although, Marth's dair spike
is much better, Roy beats him in the side-B spike category. Although not much of
a victory, it's there...
New Tier: C, and B if he's made slightly faster
Character: Marth
Current Tier: A
*This isn't about improvements, just my opinion on why he should be S-tier again*
My opinion: WHAT!? I've had some old FAQ's on my non-internet computer at home
which have been the basis on my tier list opinion of SSBM until I found this site. HOW
did Jigglypuff trade tiers with MARTH!? I understand the floatiness, quick attacks,
insane Rest move, jumps, but... let's see. Marth has much better attack and grab
range than Jigglypuff. Marth can deal insane damage over time with proper spacing
of his weapon. Marth's grab range is amazing. Marth has amazing reach and
great priority. His weapon is a disjointed hitbox as well. He has a recovery attack,
Jiggly doesn't; just jumps. IDK if Jiggly can spike, but even if it could, Marth's dair
would most likely be a superior one. Marth is heavier, even if he's a tall target.
Even with the floatiness and aerial movement of Jigglypuff, Marth's sword does a
great job of juggling and can keep Jiggly in the air much like playing volleyball
by himself with a sword. I'm suprised he doesn't pop that annoying little ball.
Matchup-wise, I've only compared the two characters against each other in this
rant. I see Marth as more convienient than Jigglypuff in most situations.
I don't really have time to keep writing. I'm not really a pro on this stuff, I've
only had about 300-400 hours in my lifetime with SSBM and very few human
opponents. I have watched stuff on YouTube but not much. I really think Marth
should get his spot back, but the tier lists are made with a lot of research and
careful thinking >_> maybe my opinion isn't that good as I've never been in
tournaments or seen a good jiggly player IRL outside of the Internet. I've
played Jiggles and I like the Star Fox and Fire Emblem dudes a lot more.
Notice I've only done FE characters for my opinions lol. So this is a bit biased