doom, I think the colors work best in v3. She has sort of a sickly skin tone in v2 rofl. Really though, the lighting and effects are well done, there's a lot of color harmony, and I really like the integration of the white lines in v3. My only gripe is she's stuck square in the middle of the composition.
And yeah this thread is sort of dead nowadays. :< I remember when this place always had people posting.
The Sig Shoppe is in a little bit of a drought I guess. We have this thread and several closed shops and that's pretty much it. I was thinking of some way to get some life and activity to the place, and I think Sig of the Week was a good idea when we had it. But I keep running into the same problems.
1. How to decide who gets to be a judge. I would start it myself but I'm not anywhere near an expert sigmaker.
So I don't think really good people would want to me to be a judge, I dunno. Then it becomes a whole big thing about who's good enough/has the right to judge.
2. Prizes/Incentive. In order to get official prizes like colored names/special titles you have to talk to the staff. And since the AE moderators are already busy with Art With Your Power I'm not sure if they'd have enough time in their schedules to judge an entirely different contest altogether. I guess someone could always just make like a small banner or something for the winners to put in their sigs.
But yeah. My 2 cents of late night rambling. I'm probably overthinking it lol.