I just saw the direct. Congrats to our girl Ayumi! She may have not been inducted into smash
yet but she scored a MAJOR victory. She at least tore down that stupid "No Japan Only" barrier that Sakurai arbitrarily erected. This is a HUGE step in the right direction. It looks like Ayumi is taking the Kid Icarus route to Smash.
This news along with the previous fact that Sakurai has shown a willingness to reconsider ideas he had for previous games by including Sukapon and Ditto, really show that Ayumi has a shot. Also, The inclusion of Pyra and Mithra is reassuring that Spirits alone do not deconfirm a character.
Be sure to buy these games if you want Ayumi in Smash, this is our chance to vote with our wallets. Convince everyone you can to buy them as well! I will be buying both of them. As well as Skyward Sword HD.
Again, Wooo!!! Go Ayumi! That's our girl!
EDIT: On a hilarious side note. I was watching a random live reaction to the Direct on youtube. And the youtuber actually thought "Famicom" was the company making the games. He literally said "I wonder how much Famicom paid to get their games into a Nintendo Direct."