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The Samus Boards are at Peace | The Dead Social

i made this poll before polls were cool

  • Total voters

DtJ Composer

The Heroine Appears
May 9, 2009
Hail to the King, Baby
It's also worth nothing that TOs still have control over their own stage lists.

Which means at most we'll be seeing one of Luigi's/Japes/Green Greens/Distant Planet on any given stagelist (if at all).


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
My favorite game in the Prime series was Echoes for some reason, it was the first one i played and it seemed really fun, the story was in depth, and the more you advanced, it got a bit more challenging, especially finding the keys to the Sky Temple, as i remember.
Anyone have their favorite in the Prime series? I'm dying to get at least an opinion.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
My favorite game in the Prime series was Echoes for some reason, it was the first one i played and it seemed really fun, the story was in depth, and the more you advanced, it got a bit more challenging, especially finding the keys to the Sky Temple, as i remember.
Anyone have their favorite in the Prime series? I'm dying to get at least an opinion.
First, Easilly it was soo much fun!
Three was great too but First still holds true in my heart


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
So today I was frustrated at ssfiv and decided to do some AIB brawl laddering
thankfully they had no cash prizes so more people were willing to play

memorable crap
playing alphazealot. his diddy beat my samus. almost beat his dk with samus D:
he did like my samus though. maybe it was the death combo on his first stock <3

being 3 stocked by frigate orpheon (srsly)

being 3 stocked by olimar as samus, not knowing how to cp, choosing ganondorf (this is what i do) he chose Cf i'm like... ok I proceed to DESTROY HIS SOUL, then he picks Olimar/Delfino I'm like ... ok
didn't know what to do
i chose falco, lost. blah.

beating more people with samus



Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
For starts, double <3 @ KJ for the title and music. :)
If I kill a bunny within the next 10 minutes I'm blaming you. Any bunny murder after that I'm blaming on Ismar - someone's gotta dislike this guy.

PS <3 Ismar

Eee hee <3 I like bunnies though. <\3
Btw, is everyone else hearing both songs at the same time as well? Or is this just because I'm on 40 page count
Know this was answered, but I was gonna say I stuck with the standard amount or w.e, too lazy to quote something else.

Don't judge me because I don't want to feel left out. :(

*Has never played a megaman game*
For shame.
Never actually played any of the games with X/Zero in them either, though. :x
MegaMan 2 is kinda pretty great and I recommend it sometime.
The MegaMan Battle Network stuff was pretty decent, I just never got into it.

I still haven't gotten to play MegaMan 10.
Pretty much this. Enjoyed BN3 mainly, which is apparently one of the better ones. Have played half of the classics, and own 9, would get 10 if I had money/didn't let my cousins blow it on games they already have for their old systems.
May i guess where the new title gained origination...
: bee:
^Hey look, a shark

Okay as of right now, nobody should be hearing a song if you are on 15 or 40.

Prepare the song.
Needs <3 again for more empahsis on the <3

Funny story about. Right before Budokai 1 came out, I was recovering from a surgery I had to correct something in my legs/feet. Seeing as I had to spend most of my time either sitting/laying down or in a wheelchair, didn't have much else to do but play vidya games(back before I really considered myself real gamer/had a chance of escaping). Went out with my bro walking(could with supports/braces, but decided I didn't need them that much at the time) to a few stores to look for that game. We looked everywhere and couldn't find it, so my bro went to get his car to go look farther away, when I fell forward and onto my back as my legs gave out. .-. Laid there for a while before my bro came back and freaked out. Despite that, ended up convincing him to go to this Gamestop in a nearby town, and just my luck, I got the last copy of the game the store had. Spent a few days with an injured ankle/without walking, but <3'd the game, felt it was worth it. :teeth: Finally have an excuse to use that smilie, too. :3


Try to be active there outside of trolling blogs/the chat, but even Issy can liven up negative boards.

Well... I mean.
Who would use AiB characterboards knowing full well that Smashboards exists yaknow.


Official BBR Recommended Rule List 3.0

New ruleset guys. They're against LGLs, they've removed Bowser's Klaw rule, FD can't be a starter unless Castle Siege is, and just wait until you see the rest of the stage list.
When I first heard of it/saw it, I literally said What is this I don't even. Mostly because of the obscene rules about the LGL and suicides, and the stages/rulings to a lesser extent. Came to like 'em, though, hopefully things'll actually change for once. Maybe. Still iffy on the likes of DP, LM(though me finding out ZSS is broken there kinda makes me ok with it), Port Town(like it, but wtfcompetitive, gradually liking it more though) and Pirate Ship(no comment on this one, you CP me there you are getting your *** spiked into a bomb into another spike). happyface that Norfair, PS2 and GGs are back again.

I also think the lot of you are overreacting to DededexDP. If anything the walk off is an advantage for Samus. Get the opponent on higher terrain = Z-air Z-air Z-air gg cp? You get pretty much screwed by Dee if you get grabbed anyway, lol. Poking through his shield underneath like 4 platforms with U-air/tilt/Smash/Z-air/missiles/Up is neat. Bulborb shenanigans are neat. Rain doesn't really bother Samus that much thanks to wall jumping/bomb-stalling and Z-air. And free onions. :lick: That said, still waiting until we see anything in action before determining anything this early.

Im using a modified version on MLG rules for my events. BBR rulesets has a history of not doing whats in the best interest of players who DONT use mk.
At first I was like

I also love the new stage list, it's absolutely gorgeous. A tad MK friendly, but whatever, he dominates regardless of what stages are on.
But then I was like

I've yet to buy my copy of the trilogy, but i'm hoping The Other M can cover for missing that buy :l
It would be SOOOOO much **** if they made Hunters for the Wii and let it keep its wifi, that would be so freggin stoked, lol
Other M will most likely appeal to a lot more people than Trilogy did. Hyped for it, though I'll still like Trilogy.

And **** yeah, been preaching that for years. Metroid Prime Hunters 2 for Wii/Wiiware with online multiplayer and picking up from MP3's secret ending pl0x :smash:

there are two sides to DP.....
/profound saying
I personally like the new rule-set myself
The part that i like most is the LGL. Samus can be the ledge ***** we know her to be :p

J/k, but i don't see any problems with anything except maybe Distant Planet, but you could always just not go on the walk-off area >.>
Agree with this. Norfair + no grab limit, here I come. :D
Dragonmaster's signature too cool
This x infinity. :laugh:
My favorite game in the Prime series was Echoes for some reason, it was the first one i played and it seemed really fun, the story was in depth, and the more you advanced, it got a bit more challenging, especially finding the keys to the Sky Temple, as i remember.
Anyone have their favorite in the Prime series? I'm dying to get at least an opinion.
As much as I like them all, I think I'm in the same boat with Echoes. First one I passed(100%/without a guide, at that.), and I just fell in love with most aspects of the games, be it the fantastic music, awesome fights/bosses, pretty good challenge/difficulty(ashgkdhstlgh#!#2ge Speed Boost Guardian on Hard) or even just the details in the environments. Shames me to say it, but I quit halfway through my first Prime 1 run :( Love that game a bit more for its boss fights, though, and I love what it brought and set in the first place(and the weapons, of course). Corruption was a great game IMO, love the controllers and story, though I had a bit of a complaint in terms of difficulty and...difficulty. Love feeling like a Metroid God every now and then, but Hyper Mode just wastes everything. Not to say it doesn't take skill to use, but I found myself not using it often, if at all to give myself that extra challenge. Also, <3 the music in it(kinda goes for all of them, though if I had to rate, 1>2>3, but Prime 3 had most of my favorite individual tracks), as well as exploring the planets/ship shenanigans. The VA wasn't that bad imo, wasn't too weird seeing Samus working with others for once(in fact I'm pretty hyped up for how they're taking it to the next level in M: OM). Overall, just love the series in general, glad I played through/bought the games.
Still need someone to get me some freakin friend credits though.

@ Del - Good on ya. Hate not being able to get a match worth a **** in there. Hopefully I'll start this weekend.

@ Rishi - Still too good.

@ Me - Man I really hope I didn't miss/delete anything. Also go to sleep.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Ismar, that post made me smile too many times to count.

Wait a minute, I'm supposed to be hating you - PREPARE THE BUNNY!!!

And if you want to screw someone over with the bombs on Pirate Ship, just have port priority and grab them while they're shooting off. Applies to both the bombs and the little plank thing, and if you're up by a stock why the hell not do it?

*wishes port priority mattered to Oli's grabs, which it doesn't, he gets blown up anyways*

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
i have a feeling that match was wifi.........
I have a feeling you're wrong.

All the matches I just uploaded online were completely and totally offline. There's 2 of my Samus if you follow the link and go to the youtube channel.

@ NOID: Yeah it was dash reverse Usmash xP

@ Ismar: <3

playing alphazealot. his diddy beat my samus. almost beat his dk with samus D:
he did like my samus though. maybe it was the death combo on his first stock <3
My Samus is AZ's only loss on AiB atm ^__^
Lost to his Diddy at FD, but he said it would have been close if I didn't SD :/
2 stocked his DK at Brinstar, then beat his Diddy at PS1

k i've edited this post too many times now -__-"


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
ooooh no wonder he had no MU problems

this is all your fault
i had MU problems though, haven't played vs diddy in a while so i wasn't good on my naner combos


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I don't know if it's obvious, but I meant for it to be viewed in a "Z" shaped progression, so she draws her sword, attacks, disengages, and declares victory ^_^


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I don't know if it's obvious, but I meant for it to be viewed in a "Z" shaped progression, so she draws her sword, attacks, disengages, and declares victory ^_^
I may steal your avatar.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Fox boards social is having a compelling discussion about dreams. **** it's cool over there :p

Now! new topic, what is the coolest thing someone hitting on you has ever said?

Minazwel start it off, some girl said I was "Aesthetically Pleasing"


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I may steal your avatar.
Do it and suffer the wrath of her blade :demon:

Fox boards social is having a compelling discussion about dreams. **** it's cool over there :p

Now! new topic, what is the coolest thing someone hitting on you has ever said?

Minazwel start it off, some girl said I was "Aesthetically Pleasing"
I can't remember, nothing all that special apparently :laugh:


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I like it Vocal. Not that many people noticed/cared, but I got the 2nd half of Sneasel's animated sprite from Emerald. Like doing the small things like that.

@New topic - This asian chick told me I had nice something when I volunteered for a big golf tourney earlier this year. Can't remember exactly other than she scored me a free ball signed by someone famous(sadly not Tiger), but who cares, she was asian. jk but can you imagine if I was like that? She was cute though.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I like it Vocal. Not that many people noticed/cared, but I got the 2nd half of Sneasel's animated sprite from Emerald. Like doing the small things like that.

@New topic - This asian chick told me I had nice something when I volunteered for a big golf tourney earlier this year. Can't remember exactly other than she scored me a free ball signed by someone famous(sadly not Tiger), but who cares, she was asian. jk but can you imagine if I was like that? She was cute though.
It makes it special in a way, while still being recognized for the cool factor :)

lol I didn't even see that last sentence until i quoted you XD


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Haha yeah, the chick that said that to me was mediocre, but defs got cool points for sexy librarian theme. They da bes


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Haha yeah, the chick that said that to me was mediocre, but defs got cool points for sexy librarian theme. They da bes
Sounds like a nerdy chick.

Question for clarification: would call her sexier with glasses or without?

I like posting because every time I do I get to look at my avatar <3


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Sounds like a nerdy chick.

Question for clarification: would call her sexier with glasses or without?

I like posting because every time I do I get to look at my avatar <3
Both. Glasses for the first ten minuets of her stripping, and when she's in underwear, the glasses come off, metaphorically saying, she's ****ing pump[ed, and ready to get wild.


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2010
Just call me Omega
I have no idea why, but i could never really get into the Office. I know everyone else loves it though. But i prefer Family Guy and Fututrama :p

Lawl cherry, not often you find a hot brunette in glasses =3
Is there no end to LP's theft?
Back to the Prime games, Echoes and Prime 1 are tied for me. Prime 1 brought all these new aspects to life and set forth a fanatstic storyline. It also has its own little things that make it stand out lik bosses, music, and its own difficulty (love Omega Pirate, Meta Ridley, and Metroid Prime itself)
Echoes brought a whole new banquet to the table, having its own innovative storyline and mechanics with eqauly great music, boss, battles, and difficulty (ie, boost guardian, spider guardian, Emperor Ing and Dark Samus 3/4.) It also added such a great mechanic of "fear" in that before you get the dark and light suit, you are going to take constant damage from dark aether, so you had to high-tail it to the next safe-zone as fast as you could, leaving you to backtrack to anything you missed, plus, it added the imposing force of Dark Samus, not as much as an imposing force as SA-X in fusion, but a force to be cautioned with as something you know is out there, but you don't know when you will face her


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I only half read your post because I was too busy watching your signature in my peripheral vision :lick: Nearly as epic as my avtar...oh who am I kidding, there isn't even a contest, your signature wins by a long shot XD


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
@Cherry I've only watched the first video so far but there's just SO much win - I started laughing at Megaman and I died at the Kirby remix XD

watched the rest, and the first was still my favorite, but it was all good :D


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2010
Just call me Omega
Lawl Vocal, thanks.

@Cherry:...Wow, so much win in those, i agree with Vocal that the first one was my favorite, but then i liked the second then third. The second one was just for that dull montone voice, it made me laugh so much. The third was just lulzy


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Hahaha yeah, first, check out his actual channel. I'ma post some more of his vids, he's SOOO good.

Full homo/ fan girl voice.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I've seen the third one before and I agree with the first comment on that first video (lol), but OH MY GOD THAT SECOND VIDEO IS AMAZING =O

I already heard the first one, but my god the second one is so awesome. The third is also decent.

These remixes though, are pretty **** epic:


They're ok, but we'd all be lying if we didn't admit this is the best remix there is



Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand

All of you need to watch this. skip to 1:15 if you hate this guy, but watch all THREE epic video's. they are all sweet.
Pretty epic. I have never seen any of the videos linked here. Only link I didn't watch was the windwaker one, since I've never played the game.
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