I play gravity suit. 
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Yes. Hehe. Even though I don't have an X-Box 360, the one I am using here in San Jose has the name "Nightfall." I don't know. I thought it would be an interesting name, especially for a character I want to make up.NIGHTFALL+DARK SUIT
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Only in the Brawl forums... smh.LOL that moment was just terrible xD. Just wait until the later episodes, it gets very very deep.
Edit: That's see who we can pull:
And me apparently... dammit... >.>It's for namesearchers. They search themselves and see what people say about them in various (sometimes random) threads.
Some people like to post lists of namesearchers to get them to look at a thread only to find they've been "baited."
People like KJ!
It is a sign, join us, and fail even harder <3!!!!^ cute avatar!
I've been pulled. It's actually weird since I've been really interested in Samus lately. It's almost like a sign.![]()
<3Aw mannnn x)
We do ;____; <33333333333333KJ, I thought we had something special.
I feel loved.It's for namesearchers. They search themselves and see what people say about them in various (sometimes random) threads.
Some people like to post lists of namesearchers to get them to look at a thread only to find they've been "baited."
People like KJ!
:3And me apparently... dammit... >.>
Oooohh.... Ahhaha, that's pretty funny (late laugh). I was wondering where all those posts came fromIt's for namesearchers. They search themselves and see what people say about them in various (sometimes random) threads.
Some people like to post lists of namesearchers to get them to look at a thread only to find they've been "baited."
People like KJ!
LOL that moment was just terrible xD. Just wait until the later episodes, it gets very very deep.
Edit: That's see who we can pull:
Thats just silly,lol that moment was just terrible xd. Just wait until the later episodes, it gets very very deep.
Edit: That's see who we can pull:
I know, what on earth was I thinkingThats just silly,
It'll never work.