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The Roy For Brawl Thread: Support Our Boy Roy (Roy Subspace story made in latest post


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Are you serious? Roy??

How many of you knew who he was before Melee? Better yet, how many FE fans even knew who he was before Melee?

I didn't know who Marth or Roy were before Melee. I also didn't know who Samus, Captain Falcon, Fox, and Ness were before I played SSB. That doesn't mean a thing.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Well, the Sword of Seals did have a projectile attack so that would definitely be a part of his new moveset. Also, he would probably take some moves from his father such as that quick thrust move (it would probably work like Fox's Phantasm, only it would also set the opponent on fire), the ability to throw a javelin, and summoning a war horse. I also thought of a unique recovery move for him called "Wheel of Fire" in which the Sword of Seals goes on fire and he spins in a circle (much like Samus's Screw Attack).

Also, we now have 19 Knights of Elibe. It certainly is growing. :)
Ike already has Ranger Critical which works like that. Since they did leave out Ragnell's projectile attack they could use the SOS's.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2007
Um, Roy's game was not even out before Melee.
Gee, ya think? :******:

....did...you do your homework?
You're a funny guy. Insult? Yeah...who's the one who supports a pointless character? That's what I thought.

I didn't know who Marth or Roy were before Melee. I also didn't know who Samus, Captain Falcon, Fox, and Ness were before I played SSB. That doesn't mean a thing.
Gee, it seems someone missed what I said. "Better yet, how many FE fans knew who Roy was before Melee." You didn't know who Samus or Fox were before Smash...that's your fault. But people who followed the games didn't even know who Roy was. Why? Because he was put in as a promo character. He is filler. Nothing more and nothing less. He's not important in the least.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Gee, ya think? :******:

You're a funny guy. Insult? Yeah...who's the one who supports a pointless character? That's what I thought.

Gee, it seems someone missed what I said. "Better yet, how many FE fans knew who Roy was before Melee." You didn't know who Samus or Fox were before Smash...that's your fault. But people who followed the games didn't even know who Roy was. Why? Because he was put in as a promo character. He is filler. Nothing more and nothing less. He's not important in the least.
If you are going to insult other people you better just get out of this thread because you are obviously not contributing anything meaningful to it. Roy helped make Fire Emblem popular and well-known outside Japan. Heck, I bet the two most well-known Fire Emblem characters outside Japan are still Marth and Roy. If you think Roy is dated, support Eliwood who is very similar to his son, only that his game was internationally released and considered to be the best out the three GBA Fire Emblems. If you don't support any of those two characters you don't belong in this thread.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
Gee, ya think? :******:

You're a funny guy. Insult? Yeah...who's the one who supports a pointless character? That's what I thought.

Gee, it seems someone missed what I said. "Better yet, how many FE fans knew who Roy was before Melee." You didn't know who Samus or Fox were before Smash...that's your fault. But people who followed the games didn't even know who Rs trooy was. Why? Because he was put in as a promo character. He is filler. Nothing more and nothing less. He's not important in the least.
i award you honoree of the roy's troll award... wat does roy do with his trolls again... i know it sounds something like sleighing... it'll come to me

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
I didn't even know who LINK was before I played SSB. Doesn't mean a thing.
That's the biggest lie I've heard since OJ didn't kill his wife. Link is the 3rd most selling game in Nintendo History. You should of heard of him, unless you're a kid.
If you are going to insult other people you better just get out of this thread because you are obviously not contributing anything meaningful to it. Roy helped make Fire Emblem popular and well-known outside Japan. Heck, I bet the two most well-known Fire Emblem characters outside Japan are still Marth and Roy. If you think Roy is dated, support Eliwood who is very similar to his son, only that his game was internationally released and considered to be the best out the three GBA Fire Emblems. If you don't support any of those two characters you don't belong in this thread.
Did Roy do that, or did Ike? Think before you make all your conclusions false and biased. That's the spirit! Drive out all people with opposing opinions(Which is a right of all Americans)!

What does Eliwood being the first FE in America have to do with anything?

Once again, drive out all the people who don't support your opinion.

i award you honoree of the roy's troll award... wat does roy do with his trolls again... i know it sounds something like sleighing... it'll come to me
Loving the reasoning: Troll=one with opposing opinions.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
That's the biggest lie I've heard since OJ didn't kill his wife. Link is the 3rd most selling game in Nintendo History. You should of heard of him, unless you're a kid.

Did Roy do that, or did Ike? Think before you make all your conclusions false and biased. That's the spirit! Drive out all people with opposing opinions(Which is a right of all Americans)!

What does Eliwood being the first FE in America have to do with anything?

Once again, drive out all the people who don't support your opinion.

Loving the reasoning: Troll=one with opposing opinions.
Gee, ya think? :******:

You're a funny guy. Insult? Yeah...who's the one who supports a pointless character? That's what I thought.

Gee, it seems someone missed what I said. "Better yet, how many FE fans knew who Roy was before Melee." You didn't know who Samus or Fox were before Smash...that's your fault. But people who followed the games didn't even know who Roy was. Why? Because he was put in as a promo character. He is filler. Nothing more and nothing less. He's not important in the least.

what happened to the mature optimism and intelligent discussion?? i thought this was for roy's support
not his public execution

man i wish i could show some of u guys to the haterade thread, and i'd expect something else from someone who supports geno and wolf.----=----you seem to forget that the conditions for words; perhaps if this were the
'debate; does roy deserve it?" thread, your words would not even need to be uttered as his comment would be completely just.

but when the thread say point blank "Support our boy Roy!" and someone comes to speak filth, that's not a matter of opinion. Unless people aren't reading the title, there isn't an excuse for going out to offend people who are aiming only to discuss and support. We shouldn't be forced into a corner to protect out thoughts, nor should anyone be approaching us with intent of attack. We've all had our moments when we've looked at a character and said "man just wtf?!" but we learn to take it all in stride just because he's not for us doesn't mean he's not for someone else.

we all have opinions on everything-- you could look and find my name in the pichu for brawl thread but you wouldn't find it often becuase i would only go there to say "i don't like him" but not go on numerous tirade on why he is the scum of the earth.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
ignore this post
This is Ashley's thread all over again. Trolls are not people that think different of a character, they're people like Pieman, Megatron, and Dylan.

If this is the thread for Roy, it is a general discussion about his inclusion. To not argue would indicate that you acknowledge he won't be included. Instead of whining about people who think differently of Roy, provide logical reasoning on why he should be in t3h Brawl.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Why can't we just support Roy? Is that such a huge crime? We know he doesn't have that big of a chance coming back...

I don't see anybody around here flaming each other like the Ashley thread.

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
Why can't we just support Roy? Is that such a huge crime? We know he doesn't have that big of a chance coming back...

I don't see anybody around here flaming each other like the Ashley thread.
Why can't you argue back on why Roy is comming back to Brawl? You're whining, which is what I mentioned earlier. Unless you can provide logic to he deserves a spot, you're getting questioned on his appearence./


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
I never said that Roy IS coming back, I just want Roy to return.

I'm not whining, I'm asking why in the world can we not just want a character to be in?

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
I never said that Roy IS coming back, I just want Roy to return.

I'm not whining, I'm asking why in the world can we not just want a character to be in?
This statement reminds me of Ashley. Just replace ''Roy" with "Ashley", "back" with "to Brawl", "return" with "be in Brawl".

Anyways, mods lock topics of characters that could be wanted for Brawl. I wanted the Wu Tang Clan and Biggie Smalls in Brawl in my wanted roster, but the mods shut it down. So yeah, you can't.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
u need a reason wu tang its called a do over

we all know that when melee was made it was in some ways rushed and thus characters were cloned and some of them might have even been afterthoughts but with this they are basically saying "we're going to do it all again and do it all beautifully" it's evident already in lucas and could anyone say he even deserves a spot sure and someone could say he doesnt for w/e reasons

someone could also argue for mario being too old and link's sword AND shield as uber cheap equip but that's just pointless as our friend sinister lizard loves to say

and considered that he was a different way to play, unlike the rest of the cast he had no previous information on which to base a moveset so they were at a lost but this time is different

so while you see my troll=one with opposing opinions
i see your hopes=a high and drunken stupor becuase as much as we love the wu tang would a whole moveset of drive by and jumping dk make for a pretty lame char??!

and by support=/= whining have a nice morning

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
u need a reason wu tang its called a do over

we all know that when melee was made it was in some ways rushed and thus characters were cloned and some of them might have even been afterthoughts but with this they are basically saying "we're going to do it all again and do it all beautifully" it's evident already in lucas and could anyone say he even deserves a spot sure and someone could say he doesnt for w/e reasons

someone could also argue for mario being too old and link's sword AND shield as uber cheap equip but that's just pointless as our friend sinister lizard loves to say

and considered that he was a different way to play, unlike the rest of the cast he had no previous information on which to base a moveset so they were at a lost but this time is different

so while you see my troll=one with opposing opinions
i see your hopes=a high and drunken stupor becuase as much as we love the wu tang would a whole moveset of drive by and jumping dk make for a pretty lame char??!

and by support=/= whining have a nice morning
Hey, can anyone translate this?


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
then again we could always choose to 'ignore' people who confuse their goal of a conversation with an outlet for their own frustration

Wu Tang Gang

Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2007
With your girlfriend.
I could barely understand what you meant. At least TRY to type coherently. You had NO periods, yet you had question marks and exclamation points, you didn't really have any points, unless that post wasn't a waste of bandwidth.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
moving on, if by some way either roy or eliwood were too appear in brawl, had anyone considered what eliwood would play like a different sword and style makes for a very big difference


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
I'd imagine he would play like Roy but faster. However if he is using Duradel he could be a faster Ike-'ish' character.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I'd imagine he would play like Roy but faster. However if he is using Duradel he could be a faster Ike-'ish' character.
Yeah, I think Eliwood might be a balanced character if he is using a rapier (like he was in Blazing Sword), and if he is using Durandal he wil be slightly faster than Ike.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
if sak brings him he wont be as slow as ike and i bet sak is gonna regret on making ike so slow


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
if sak brings him he wont be as slow as ike and i bet sak is gonna regret on making ike so slow
Yeah, I bet he will. The Ike fanboys are going to go after him with some pitchforks and torches if he becomes a bottom tier character. :p


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
This statement reminds me of Ashley. Just replace ''Roy" with "Ashley", "back" with "to Brawl", "return" with "be in Brawl".

Anyways, mods lock topics of characters that could be wanted for Brawl. I wanted the Wu Tang Clan and Biggie Smalls in Brawl in my wanted roster, but the mods shut it down. So yeah, you can't.
lol. Ashley. I still think she has less of a chance of being in the game.

The reason your topics were locked is because they were ridiculous character ideas. Characters that have a 0% chance of making it. Characters that aren't even video game characters. They were joke topics. -_-

This really isn't a joke topic, we truly want Roy to return. Besides he was PLAYABLE in Melee. He doesn't have a great chance of making it back, but he doesn't have a 0% chance either.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
that rapier

is actually a good point no pun intended

it would make for a more varied sword game with more stabs then slices, i'd imagine.

it only seems like the logical thing to do

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
I'd imagine he would play like Roy but faster. However if he is using Duradel he could be a faster Ike-'ish' character.
Well first in foremost the Durandal would have to be resized because it's a huge sword like Ike's Ragnell. I'd rather not have any character be similar to Ike to be perfectly honest.

is actually a good point no pun intended

it would make for a more varied sword game with more stabs then slices, i'd imagine.

it only seems like the logical thing to do
Well, since the Fire Emblem lords thus far are presented with their final weapons, I don't think Eliwood's rapier could be an option for his main sword. However if they could somehow incorporate his Rapier critical animation into a B move or something; that would be a sight to see. (To this day Eliwood has the best critical animation in my opinion).



Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
that one this has been an issue for me, the appearance of swords, spears, and other weaponry changing if a particular class changes, regardless of mount or not. I bring this up because it's been a while since i played a fe game the last 2 for the gba and the first for the gc and it occured to me that aside from an all critical attack mode, mounts and triangle attacks might also be considered for final smashes

also who uses the rekka no ken?? anyone at all?? what do you think the odds are lyn's attack is basic and there might be another critical?? and why wouldn'y/shouldn't roy inherit any of his father's swords?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Well first in foremost the Durandal would have to be resized because it's a huge sword like Ike's Ragnell. I'd rather not have any character be similar to Ike to be perfectly honest.

Well, since the Fire Emblem lords thus far are presented with their final weapons, I don't think Eliwood's rapier could be an option for his main sword. However if they could somehow incorporate his Rapier critical animation into a B move or something; that would be a sight to see. (To this day Eliwood has the best critical animation in my opinion).

I think that the Durandal should get thiner and a bit shorter to be like the sword of seals


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
yea he could also get some stabs with his moveset not only slashes like wen he grabs


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
yea he could also get some stabs with his moveset not only slashes like wen he grabs
you would think with the fe guys doing nothing but fighting and link doing the adventure thing, they would have more skill with the sword, and while they do it simply comes off as "pretty" they need game--a moveset with more multi-hit attacks in one to slowly add onto combos as well as more variety or sword techniques even if the smash world is limited


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Well first in foremost the Durandal would have to be resized because it's a huge sword like Ike's Ragnell. I'd rather not have any character be similar to Ike to be perfectly honest.
It is a huge sword like Ragnell. Elwood can't even use it without speed lost.
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