Do you know how bad it's gonna be for us if he is not playable....
Do you have any idea what is going to happen....
Do you have any idea what people are going to say.....
I actually just stepped out this thread in a long time to gGoogle some stuff saw a few YouTube videos one from Gamexplain titled '' Yellow Devil & Ridley ''
Read some comments on the video......
This Is why Ridleys playable status is indeed a dynasty.
Do you have any idea what is going to be the worse thing if he isn't pplayable?
I tell you it's not because he wasn't playable
It's going to be comments like these
View attachment 16255
This is just borderline disgusting... To say something so ******** based on Bull* and have something turn out the way you expected but then to be so ignorant and say it souly happened because of_________
And probably equally as worse is that we may never get a answer from Sakurai