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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
See, that's the thing, no-one has any idea of what Sakurai perceives as worthy of a role in Smash. With characters like Wii Fit Trainer, Pichu, Dr. Mario and Young/Toon Link, it's pretty clear Sakurai's definition of 'worthy' is pretty fast and loose.

Anyway, Ridley's clearly the most worthy here.
Ridley it's definetly the most worthy, dragons are always the most worthy.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2014

Wii Fit Trainer: "Two more days.....Work out that body and posture, Ridley"

Ridley: "Hai!"

Wii Fit Trainer: "We can't have a clumsy and flabby space dragon join the Smash Roster, can we?"

Ridley: "No ******* way, I will show all those who mock me what a Prime Space Dragon and a Pirate High Commander can do in a fight"

Wii Fit Trainer: "Well said....now 1000 push-ups, then we will go for a 3-hour jog"

Ridley: "I am under your capable hands, Coach...Push me to the limit"

Wii Fit Trainer: "*chuckle* We'll just see how far are your limits"

Wii Fit Trainer X Ridley coming soon :p
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Wii Fit Trainer helped Ridley get in shape for his role in Other M.

Zuba Oki

Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
Keeping up with this thread is work but it is worth it see such support for our favorite purple space dragon


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
Well. I would make an excuse for being 3 pages late to page 800 but that was hours ago.
I was working on something I guess I was distracted Peanuts
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Fell asleep for a bit, and now we're talking about Geno? Is my bed a time machine?
Apparently. I wandered between a few threads and found a good twenty different people going off about how "We're definitely 100% not getting Ridley in this game". How many people do you have in your time bed? And since the game apparently came out in the future, hurry and tell us the full roster. :troll:
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Smash Ace
Jun 13, 2013
Wandering the Gerudo wastes
Apparently. I wandered between a few threads and found a good twenty different people going off about how "We're definitely 100% not getting Ridley in this game". How many people do you have in your time bed? And since the game apparently came out in the future, hurry and tell us the full roster. :troll:
Ok, I'm back from another time trip. I don't want to say too much for fear of Nintendo's ninjas, but can let slip that Ridley definately mostly in this game. Sakurai couldn't fit him all in though, so he's missing his left leg and some of his teeth. He has to use his tail as a crutch on the ground.

I have to hop back in my time bed now. I think the ninjas are already after me.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
On the other forum I visit, people have made some E3 bingo things with mention of Ridley. Most of them expect further trolling, and one pretty much expects a dis-confirmation. It's because of that shadow that they've made their mind up 100%, rather than waiting for Sakurai to explain.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
14 minutes without a post? You guys disappoint me.



Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
The post from the previous page inspired this.


"Well, fine, that's the one thing you're better at"

Roidley is so smug.

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Dec 24, 2013
Savannah, GA
Keeping up with this thread is work but it is worth it see such support for our favorite purple space dragon
yeah i leave for two days and it jumps 30 pages. i mentioned hitting 800 pages on page 770 and people were hoping to hit 777 by E3, its crazy how fast this thread moves


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Sakurai's done some pretty hypocritical stuff before, so I don't see why anyone would be surprised over one more.
Those that have complete faith in him to fully deliver on Ridley might be surprised, not that I'm one of them. Wasn't putting it past him though; I know being hypocritical isn't beneath him.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2014
Cape Coral

Wii Fit Trainer: "Two more days.....Work out that body and posture, Ridley"

Ridley: "Hai!"

Wii Fit Trainer: "We can't have a clumsy and flabby space dragon join the Smash Roster, can we?"

Ridley: "No ******* way, I will show all those who mock me what a Prime Space Dragon and a Pirate High Commander can do in a fight"

Wii Fit Trainer: "Well said....now 1000 push-ups, then we will go for a 3-hour jog"

Ridley: "I am under your capable hands, Coach...Push me to the limit"

Wii Fit Trainer: "*chuckle* We'll just see how far are your limits"

Wii Fit Trainer X Ridley coming soon :p


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Well, I promised it yesterday but now it is time for my big speech of...


So, first, why ridley was a boss in brawl? Why would we think he's playable if he was chosen to be a boss in a previous game?

I think SSE influenced his role like other things. The main reason I believe this is because he acts like dyna blade which means that it would respect the kirby theme adopted in SSE. But this is'n only him; there was other content that seems very questionable and it might be explained by the needs of the SSE to make sense. For exampe, why the only M&L music is a desert one and sounds pretty bland while I can pick a number of song JUST on superstar saga which is the only M&L game I played, I can guarantee you that I could find a better one for ssbb. Which lead me to think that the sole purpose of taking the particular song over another is because it felt fitting for a bland environment and it turns out that it is used in such an environment in SSE. There's also that mp2 multiplayer battle music instead of lower norfair. The mp2 music is used in an area that is actually fitting in SSE by attacking a sort of a base.

There's some really questionable choices like this that makes me think that if Sakuai didn't put ridley as a playable character, it might have to do with his need for the SSE and we know how much development time it took to make it. In fact, mewtwo was cut because of time constraints but why they did have those constraints in the first place? That's right: there's a good chance that it was caused by the time that took the SSE to be made. If they were ok to cut characters for the benefit of the SSE, I believe that it would make sense that ridley wasn't put on priority as playable and that it would be easier to put him as an SSE boss.

So, this explains why he can still be playable in SSB4 but would he suited for it? Or at least, would he be able to even fit in smash at all?

This question lead to a so big argument that I even question his existence. Let's be direct and frank here: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE'S BIG CANON. There's several proof that this thread discussed a lot like the Olimar size being very up scaled. This however is also true for other characters (heard that it was the case with sonic vs mario's height). More and more evidences was pointed in this thread multiples times, but I think that the most solid one I found was the melee trophy.

This is a model and you can rotate it and look at it with an almost free camera which makes this evidence trusted. This model wasn't even designed to be playable but it was designed to look cool in the opening and pretty on a trophy which explains the pose he has. However, if you think about it, this model could've easily be playable minus some really minor adjustment like the size of its tail. What this trophy tells me is that even if it wasn't intended to be playable, there's a model that exists in which he could've been playable and since this model was obviously scaled down, it makes the whole size argument irrelevant.

As for if he would fit, well, we already know how unique he could be by being strong in the air and have more grapple moves than usual so his potential is not a problem. The only problem he would have is his body structure: it's more complex than usual. This complexity means that he would need more effort to be put in order for him to be playable but I think the effort will be worthy here. He's one of the most requested character and also, being considered as the main villain of metroid which, let me remind you is a very important series for Nintendo, he definitely is a great addition despite the effort needed.

So, before and after E3 2013, his chances situation didn't changed that much. Being popular and still supported, he could've even been considered as "somewhat likely" at this point. I think there was potd where Sakurai clearly said that the ssb4 series doesn't stay true to scale or that olimar isn't supposed to be taller than kirby which means that he was up scaled quite a lot. I don't remember if those were released before August 20 (more detail later) but I tend to believe they was. It truly shows that Sakurai has acknowledged the size of the character canon doesn't have to be the same in SSB4.

Some tough that those potds could've been a hint at ridley but I'm very doubtful. The one that talks about the scale doesn't have anything to do with ridley specifically. However, the one that talks about Olimar is a suspicious one. Remember that the Olimar argument is a very common one to counter the "ridley is too big" and it is one of the most mentioned. Why talking about Olimar specifically? I don't think I can answer for now but Sakurai could've have searched what people thought of ridley and made a little reference but let's just take this as personal theory that shouldn't be considered serious.

And then, the fateful came. I'll call it The day of the 50/50 seal.

His situation totally changed on this day where Sakurai revealed the pyrosphere, a new metroid other m stage for the WiiU version of SSB4.
An enemy from Samus's past may appear at any second...
Masahiro Sakurai, POTD of August 20 2013.
Now, if you look at the Japanese post, it can be translated as "Samus's trauma". In other words, he;s talking about ridley without any doubt.

This quote means A LOT because it seal ridley in a perfect 50/50 situation that we are still today. It either meant that he's playable by saying "at any second" which literally means "at any time" as sort of "however you would want". He could've also meant that he will appear "at some point in the stage and specifically this stage". It's really ambiguous because there's no way to tell and we had practically no clue to prove what he wanted to say. It's not even clear if the ambiguity itself had a purpose for teasing since it could've talked about the stage canon which is where you fight ridley. In other words, there's a hight chance to even see him in the game but the question hazard or playable still doesn't have any answer. Because both possibility has equal chance of happening, this is why it became to be a 50/50.

However, the prior controversy lead some people to not look further and still think he couldn't be playable anyway. Now, I don't think it was necessarily that annoying but it did influenced what happened later.

After months of speculation over what made even more controversy, on April 8 2014, the 50/50 just solidified so much that it became frozen in this state.

While talking about stages, Sakurai did a little sub section to talk about yellow devil as a boss hazard. He showed and talked about practically everything we had to know and then, did a little 10 seconds to add something which caused the biggest storm of controversy in this thread and on the whole internet I might say.

He showed a shadow of what looks like ridley on pyrosphere while saying: "Other boss characters makes appearances on other stages, not just this one." It is implied that the "not just this one" is the yellow devil. Because was saw the tail tip, it is undeniable to be none other than ridley.

At this point, lots of people was sure that it was a direct deconfirmation and that the 50/50 was broken. However, there are so much problem with this that you cannot tell if confirmed or not but only speculate about it. You can think he has 1 to 99% chance of being there but the facts all point again to a bigger 50/50.

So, the size of ridley here could have been made to LOOK big but if you check how zoomed in the angle is compared to the overview of the stage, you can't tell that he's that big compared to brawl. In fact, he seems to have been downscaled compared to his previous appearance. There's also the fact that a shadow could be bigger because of the lights (I believe their physics engine is precise enough to simulate light). Then, you have his movement but then again, it looks weird. It just seems like he would move awkwardly if he was an hazard which should be fluid but you can't draw any conclusion. The stage version seems to be the normal version which again could mean both outcome. Also, we don't hear any audio in the clip except Sakurai's voice but we hear both his voice and the game audio in the yellow devil showed just before the ridley's shadow. It sounds like it was made so that we can't tell his fate but here again, this is speculation.

Where it gets very interesting is the 2 most fishy evidences: his words and the showing the shadow itself.

First, the quote. It might sounds like he's talking about ridley appearing in another stage than willy's caste because he's showing pyrosphere at the same time. But it could mean the total opposite let me requote him: "Other boss characters" (which might not be ridley) "makes appearance on other stages" (which might not be pyrosphere). See? The quote alone has a double meaning and if we take this quote literally, it's already true because of the ultimate ghost saw in the find mii stage. So, it can even mean that ridley isn't an hazard.

But probably the most suspicious action he did was showing the shadow itself. Now, it can be for development reason but it won't make any sense. Let me remind you that we were in a character drought since the direct of February which makes a 2 months gap before showing any new characters. There's was even a big rise of new info on potd since November 4 which was months after the first trailer. In other words, if they let us wait months before feeling ready to show stuff, they would've have done that for ridley in the direct. The fact that he even showed us his shadow means that he was probably ready to be shown. But this isn't even the biggest problem...

He showed yellow devil and talked about it JUST before showing ridley's shadow which if he was an hazard, would have a similar status to yellow devil and so, not showing him wouldn't make any sense. In fact, and even after the direct, ALL deconfirmation was clear and hope breaker and said in the most direct way possible. You could argue about starly but being shown as an assist while he said that assist = not playable implies a deconfirmation. The direct did the same thing for A LOT of them: shown as assist without saying it but since you already told us, they aren't playable. He even saud that he doesn't even like to give false hope
I don't like it when a tweet or whatever leads to needless speculation getting spread around," he wrote. "For example, when I tweet about playing some game, some people immediately get the idea that that character is in the new Smash Bros. Then people fan the flames on it, people start to think it's really true, people get angry about it. Nobody benefits.
Source: http://www.polygon.com/2012/12/12/3...ling-twitter-whiners-and-oh-yes-the-new-smash
So, tell me, if he really wanted to deconfirm ridley, why the potd quote of August 20 2013 even exists at all? And why still keeping this speculation intensive situation ONLY for him? In fact, I can still prove that he can be an hazard (those are meaning for playable but the opposite exists) but what I just proved is that there was a PURPOSE behind this clip.

Now, I told some opinions here. But if you ignore them and only take the facts, you can't be sure and this remains a 50/50 between playable and hazard but this time, he was shown for a purpose which corresponds to one of the 2 fates. He could've have teased the fact that he's an hazard or, he could've hidden the fact that he's playable. Both already happened just look at how the SMG stage was teased or how the smash run was unveiled MUCH later than being showed without even knowing that it was smash run.

Now, let me talk about how the controversy shouldn't have reach this level. I said that the prior controversy made some people think of him showed to be big and suitable for an hazard. However, because he CAN be playable and that the odds of the opposite happening are 50%, this thread got into a lot of argument that were irrelevant in the first place. I tried to tell my opinion on him several time but it ended up of me having to remind the facts because supporters were called "in denial". If it is provable that the position I'm advocating has 50% of happening, how is this called "in denial"? To be in denial (which i would have assumed btw), I would have to see a SOLID evidence deconfirming him but as I told above, all we got are double meaning and ambiguous ones.

I already got an enjoyable argument about how Paper Mario, my most wanted, isn't unique as I argued. Here, since most of the facts have been used and taken into consideration (this include me doing lots of mistake and admitting them), what I got is an alternative way to see his situation which made me realize that not everyone HAS to consider him as unique. Overall, it was enjoyable but both of us had completely opinions that are against each other. It just have to do with how you debate and not turn the discussion into flaming.

Here, if I saw people calling the supporter "in denial" with a 50% chance of the opposite happening, I think there's a clear problem about how they consider the facts. What I won't deny is being doubtful I am because it's a 50/50 after all so I can understand people saying that they THINK he's not playable. But people that are sure is just contradicting the fact that it's not sure and the ambiguity itself can be proven with again facts. You can speculate however you want but I do not accept such terrible debate condition which is why I was holding this wall of text for so long: to reduce the backslash it would cause because we'll see in 2 days anyway. This btw explains why this post is long because I would've normally type this in multiple posts but I decided to let the time pass and the dust to vanish.

From now on, this will be speculation on those facts from me that is favourable to him being playable. I repeat this is INTERPRETATION of facts so I'm not stating facts.

I think that now, it is too late if he's an hazard. Nintendo released his E3 video at the beginning of May and now, we are 2 days before Nintendo's E3 event. Since this video was released, Nintendo began to hype their fans for E3 and there's LOTS of evidences here. For instance, they made an option on their E3 website to save the date of June 10 2014 on your calendar such as google calendar. Throughout the month, they released more and more info about their E3 as time pass and the video about the invitationnal was probably the most hyped of them ESPECIALLY the music chosen when they announced the Gamecube controller adapter (do I really need to explain it it sounds like they knew that this will get people hyped).

What does this all have to do with the ridley not being an hazard? Well, if I knew that I should get my customer hyped for a month, I would try as much to not disappoint them in this period. Any hype killer could be a bigger deal than it was in April so here's my question: As ridley is one of the most requested character for being playable in SSB4, why solidifying his 50/50 situation so much a month before the E3 hype?

The only way it would have made sense is Sakurai not being aware of his request which doesn't seem like it would make sense for me. There's so much evidences all pointing towards the behaviour of Sakurai to properly talk to his fan that ignoring him would be practically impossible or he deliberately ignored it or the most plausible would be that he's not playable and he knew about the request but couldn't do it. The problem with the latest one is that it would still not explain why you showed the shadow instead of his full model and clearly mentioning something like "FYI, ridley is an hazard that attacks the player" which would be so direct and uncountable that I would accept it.

As for deliberately ignoring it, it just doesn't make any sense considering he did acknowledge mega man and little mac (which is less requested in Japan so no favouritism there). Even the villager; on the developer direct, he said "At last, the long awaited villager" when he wanted to tell that he's a newcomer. If you acknowledged mega man, villager and little mac, you are blind to not have acknowledged ridley ESPECIALLY with how much controversy he had even before the first trailer.

And the April 8 direct oh there's so much I don't even know where to start so here's a list:
  • "Yes I'm still alive"
  • Both Iwata directly jokes
  • Showing Waluigi figurine when talking about assist trophies (a reference to how he was deconfirmed despite people trying hard lol)
  • The subsitute joke
  • The pseudo Palutena faking as Palutena
  • The ZSS being deconfirmed for 5 seconds (this is the most obvious one)
  • Showing figurine and objects of games (like showing a pokeball instead of just talking about them)
  • The little bye bye gesture at the end
Those behaviour point all towards the point of Sakurai caring a lot for his fans. There's even a more obvious statement about how he care for us:
The amount of stress I feel, it's almost to the brink of death. Because it's not just a matter of me personally thinking this character or that character is going to be in the game; it's that we also have the game balance, animation, graphics and sound to think about in order to make that character fully fleshed out in that universe. I have to think about all of that when I go through this decision-making process.
Masahiro Sakurai, right after E3 2013
Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/17/44...director-masahiro-sakurai-character-selection

So, if he care for us and considering he's one of the most requested character, I don't think it's in his nature to completely ignore him (he didn't even ignored waluigi by saying that the supporter tried hard). What would make sense is that he would be deconfirming ridley BEFORE May which as of this post, it didn't happen and E3 is in 2 days and I'm myself very hyped and you should be too.

Let's put the pieces back together: he set the 50/50 on August 20 2013 but no clear purpose. Then, he solidified this situation even more by providing even more ambiguous evidences but this time, there's a purpose which is hiding his fate but the question about his fate remains. We are now with the same situation but now, we are 2 days before E3 and this means that for a character as requested as him, he would've been showed before May if he was an hazard to not disappoint the fans before E3. It didn't happen and since it's not in Sakurai's nature to give false hope and ignoring so much fan request. Since E3 seems the only appropriate place to generate such hype, I THINK that the most likely outcome possible based on my speculation is:


And, that's it. I said everything I had to say. Remember I said that I THINK it's the most likely outcome. I didn't give any sense of being sure because I'm aren't. It's, for me, what would make the most sense. Feel free to like this post or doing a quick review HOWEVER I will not get into ANY argumentation towards criticism of this opinion simply because I said I didn't want to argue in those terrible debate conditions and if you want to argue with me, wait in 2 days ok?

So, I hope you like it and I wish you for every determined ridley supporter doubtful or not a great E3. LET'S HYPE
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Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2013
Brooklyn, New York
Well, I promised it yesterday but now it is time for my big speech of...


So, first, why ridley was a boss in brawl? Why would we think he's playable if he was chosen to be a boss in a previous game?

I think SSE influenced his role like other things. The main reason I believe this is because he acts like dyna blade which means that it would respect the kirby theme adopted in SSE. But this is'n only him; there was other content that seems very questionable and it might be explained by the needs of the SSE to make sense. For exampe, why the only M&L music is a desert one and sounds pretty bland while I can pick a number of song JUST on superstar saga which is the only M&L game I played, I can guarantee you that I could find a better one for ssbb. Which lead me to think that the sole purpose of taking the particular song over another is because it felt fitting for a bland environment and it turns out that it is used in such an environment in SSE. There's also that mp2 multiplayer battle music instead of lower norfair. The mp2 music is used in an area that is actually fitting in SSE by attacking a sort of a base.

There's some really questionable choices like this that makes me think that if Sakuai didn't put ridley as a playable character, it might have to do with his need for the SSE and we know how much development time it took to make it. In fact, mewtwo was cut because of time constraints but why they did have those constraints in the first place? That's right: there's a good chance that it was caused by the time that took the SSE to be made. If they were ok to cut characters for the benefit of the SSE, I believe that it would make sense that ridley wasn't put on priority as playable and that it would be easier to put him as an SSE boss.

So, this explains why he can still be playable in SSB4 but would he suited for it? Or at least, would he be able to even fit in smash at all?

This question lead to a so big argument that I even question his existence. Let's be direct and frank here: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE'S BIG CANON. There's several proof that this thread discussed a lot like the Olimar size being very up scaled. This however is also true for other characters (heard that it was the case with sonic vs mario's height). More and more evidences was pointed in this thread multiples times, but I think that the most solid one I found was the melee trophy.

This is a model and you can rotate it and look at it with an almost free camera which makes this evidence trusted. This model wasn't even designed to be playable but it was designed to look cool in the opening and pretty on a trophy which explains the pose he has. However, if you think about it, this model could've easily be playable minus some really minor adjustment like the size of its tail. What this trophy tells me is that even if it wasn't intended to be playable, there's a model that exists in which he could've been playable and since this model was obviously scaled down, it makes the whole size argument irrelevant.

As for if he would fit, well, we already know how unique he could be by being strong in the air and have more grapple moves than usual so his potential is not a problem. The only problem he would have is his body structure: it's more complex than usual. This complexity means that he would need more effort to be put in order for him to be playable but I think the effort will be worthy here. He's one of the most requested character and also, being considered as the main villain of metroid which, let me remind you is a very important series for Nintendo, he definitely is a great addition despite the effort needed.

So, before and after E3 2013, his chances situation didn't changed that much. Being popular and still supported, he could've even been considered as "somewhat likely" at this point. I think there was potd where Sakurai clearly said that the ssb4 series doesn't stay true to scale or that olimar isn't supposed to be taller than kirby which means that he was up scaled quite a lot. I don't remember if those were released before August 20 (more detail later) but I tend to believe they was. It truly shows that Sakurai has acknowledged the size of the character canon doesn't have to be the same in SSB4.

Some tough that those potds could've been a hint at ridley but I'm very doubtful. The one that talks about the scale doesn't have anything to do with ridley specifically. However, the one that talks about Olimar is a suspicious one. Remember that the Olimar argument is a very common one to counter the "ridley is too big" and it is one of the most mentioned. Why talking about Olimar specifically? I don't think I can answer for now but Sakurai could've have searched what people thought of ridley and made a little reference but let's just take this as personal theory that shouldn't be considered serious.

And then, the fateful came. I'll call it The day of the 50/50 seal.

His situation totally changed on this day where Sakurai revealed the pyrosphere, a new metroid other m stage for the WiiU version of SSB4.

Masahiro Sakurai, POTD of August 20 2013.
Now, if you look at the Japanese post, it can be translated as "Samus's trauma". In other words, he;s talking about ridley without any doubt.

This quote means A LOT because it seal ridley in a perfect 50/50 situation that we are still today. It either meant that he's playable by saying "at any second" which literally means "at any time" as sort of "however you would want". He could've also meant that he will appear "at some point in the stage and specifically this stage". It's really ambiguous because there's no way to tell and we had practically no clue to prove what he wanted to say. It's not even clear if the ambiguity itself had a purpose for teasing since it could've talked about the stage canon which is where you fight ridley. In other words, there's a hight chance to even see him in the game but the question hazard or playable still doesn't have any answer. Because both possibility has equal chance of happening, this is why it became to be a 50/50.

However, the prior controversy lead some people to not look further and still think he couldn't be playable anyway. Now, I don't think it was necessarily that annoying but it did influenced what happened later.

After months of speculation over what made even more controversy, on April 8 2014, the 50/50 just solidified so much that it became frozen in this state.

While talking about stages, Sakurai did a little sub section to talk about yellow devil as a boss hazard. He showed and talked about practically everything we had to know and then, did a little 10 seconds to add something which caused the biggest storm of controversy in this thread and on the whole internet I might say.

He showed a shadow of what looks like ridley on pyrosphere while saying: "Other boss characters makes appearances on other stages, not just this one." It is implied that the "not just this one" is the yellow devil. Because was saw the tail tip, it is undeniable to be none other than ridley.

At this point, lots of people was sure that it was a direct deconfirmation and that the 50/50 was broken. However, there are so much problem with this that you cannot tell if confirmed or not but only speculate about it. You can think he has 1 to 99% chance of being there but the facts all point again to a bigger 50/50.

So, the size of ridley here could have been made to LOOK big but if you check how zoomed in the angle is compared to the overview of the stage, you can't tell that he's that big compared to brawl. In fact, he seems to have been downscaled compared to his previous appearance. There's also the fact that a shadow could be bigger because of the lights (I believe their physics engine is precise enough to simulate light). Then, you have his movement but then again, it looks weird. It just seems like he would move awkwardly if he was an hazard which should be fluid but you can't draw any conclusion. The stage version seems to be the normal version which again could mean both outcome. Also, we don't hear any audio in the clip except Sakurai's voice but we hear both his voice and the game audio in the yellow devil showed just before the ridley's shadow. It sounds like it was made so that we can't tell his fate but here again, this is speculation.

Where it gets very interesting is the 2 most fishy evidences: his words and the showing the shadow itself.

First, the quote. It might sounds like he's talking about ridley appearing in another stage than willy's caste because he's showing pyrosphere at the same time. But it could mean the total opposite let me requote him: "Other boss characters" (which might not be ridley) "makes appearance on other stages" (which might not be pyrosphere). See? The quote alone has a double meaning and if we take this quote literally, it's already true because of the ultimate ghost saw in the find mii stage. So, it can even mean that ridley isn't an hazard.

But probably the most suspicious action he did was showing the shadow itself. Now, it can be for development reason but it won't make any sense. Let me remind you that we were in a character drought since the direct of February which makes a 2 months gap before showing any new characters. There's was even a big rise of new info on potd since November 4 which was months after the first trailer. In other words, if they let us wait months before feeling ready to show stuff, they would've have done that for ridley in the direct. The fact that he even showed us his shadow means that he was probably ready to be shown. But this isn't even the biggest problem...

He showed yellow devil and talked about it JUST before showing ridley's shadow which if he was an hazard, would have a similar status to yellow devil and so, not showing him wouldn't make any sense. In fact, and even after the direct, ALL deconfirmation was clear and hope breaker and said in the most direct way possible. You could argue about starly but being shown as an assist while he said that assist = not playable implies a deconfirmation. The direct did the same thing for A LOT of them: shown as assist without saying it but since you already told us, they aren't playable. He even saud that he doesn't even like to give false hope

Source: http://www.polygon.com/2012/12/12/3...ling-twitter-whiners-and-oh-yes-the-new-smash
So, tell me, if he really wanted to deconfirm ridley, why the potd quote of August 20 2013 even exists at all? And why still keeping this speculation intensive situation ONLY for him? In fact, I can still prove that he can be an hazard (those are meaning for playable but the opposite exists) but what I just proved is that there was a PURPOSE behind this clip.

Now, I told some opinions here. But if you ignore them and only take the facts, you can't be sure and this remains a 50/50 between playable and hazard but this time, he was shown for a purpose which corresponds to one of the 2 fates. He could've have teased the fact that he's an hazard or, he could've hidden the fact that he's playable. Both already happened just look at how the SMG stage was teased or how the smash run was unveiled MUCH later than being showed without even knowing that it was smash run.

Now, let me talk about how the controversy shouldn't have reach this level. I said that the prior controversy made some people think of him showed to be big and suitable for an hazard. However, because he CAN be playable and that the odds of the opposite happening are 50%, this thread got into a lot of argument that were irrelevant in the first place. I tried to tell my opinion on him several time but it ended up of me having to remind the facts because supporters were called "in denial". If it is provable that the position I'm advocating has 50% of happening, how is this called "in denial"? To be in denial (which i would have assumed btw), I would have to see a SOLID evidence deconfirming him but as I told above, all we got are double meaning and ambiguous ones.

I already got an enjoyable argument about how Paper Mario, my most wanted, isn't unique as I argued. Here, since most of the facts have been used and taken into consideration (this include me doing lots of mistake and admitting them), what I got is an alternative way to see his situation which made me realize that not everyone HAS to consider him as unique. Overall, it was enjoyable but both of us had completely opinions that are against each other. It just have to do with how you debate and not turn the discussion into flaming.

Here, if I saw people calling the supporter "in denial" with a 50% chance of the opposite happening, I think there's a clear problem about how they consider the facts. What I won't deny is being doubtful I am because it's a 50/50 after all so I can understand people saying that they THINK he's not playable. But people that are sure is just contradicting the fact that it's not sure and the ambiguity itself can be proven with again facts. You can speculate however you want but I do not accept such terrible debate condition which is why I was holding this wall of text for so long: to reduce the backslash it would cause because we'll see in 2 days anyway. This btw explains why this post is long because I would've normally type this in multiple posts but I decided to let the time pass and the dust to vanish.

From now on, this will be speculation on those facts from me that is favourable to him being playable. I repeat this is INTERPRETATION of facts so I'm not stating facts.

I think that now, it is too late if he's an hazard. Nintendo released his E3 video at the beginning of May and now, we are 2 days before Nintendo's E3 event. Since this video was released, Nintendo began to hype their fans for E3 and there's LOTS of evidences here. For instance, they made an option on their E3 website to save the date of June 10 2014 on your calendar such as google calendar. Throughout the month, they released more and more info about their E3 as time pass and the video about the invitationnal was probably the most hyped of them ESPECIALLY the music chosen when they announced the Gamecube controller adapter (do I really need to explain it it sounds like they knew that this will get people hyped).

What does this all have to do with the ridley not being an hazard? Well, if I knew that I should get my customer hyped for a month, I would try as much to not disappoint them in this period. Any hype killer could be a bigger deal than it was in April so here's my question: As ridley is one of the most requested character for being playable in SSB4, why solidifying his 50/50 situation so much a month before the E3 hype?

The only way it would have made sense is Sakurai not being aware of his request which doesn't seem like it would make sense for me. There's so much evidences all pointing towards the behaviour of Sakurai to properly talk to his fan that ignoring him would be practically impossible or he deliberately ignored it or the most plausible would be that he's not playable and he knew about the request but couldn't do it. The problem with the latest one is that it would still not explain why you showed the shadow instead of his full model and clearly mentioning something like "FYI, ridley is an hazard that attacks the player" which would be so direct and uncountable that I would accept it.

As for deliberately ignoring it, it just doesn't make any sense considering he did acknowledge mega man and little mac (which is less requested in Japan so no favouritism there). Even the villager; on the developer direct, he said "At last, the long awaited villager" when he wanted to tell that he's a newcomer. If you acknowledged mega man, villager and little mac, you are blind to not have acknowledged ridley ESPECIALLY with how much controversy he had even before the first trailer.

And the April 8 direct oh there's so much I don't even know where to start so here's a list:
  • "Yes I'm still alive"
  • Both Iwata directly jokes
  • Showing Waluigi figurine when talking about assist trophies (a reference to how he was deconfirmed despite people trying hard lol)
  • The subsitute joke
  • The pseudo Palutena faking as Palutena
  • The ZSS being deconfirmed for 5 seconds (this is the most obvious one)
  • Showing figurine and objects of games (like showing a pokeball instead of just talking about them)
  • The little bye bye gesture at the end
Those behaviour point all towards the point of Sakurai caring a lot for his fans. There's even a more obvious statement about how he care for us:

Masahiro Sakurai, right after E3 2013
Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/17/44...director-masahiro-sakurai-character-selection

So, if he care for us and considering he's one of the most requested character, I don't think it's in his nature to completely ignore him (he didn't even ignored waluigi by saying that the supporter tried hard). What would make sense is that he would be deconfirming ridley BEFORE May which as of this post, it didn't happen and E3 is in 2 days and I'm myself very hyped and you should be too.

Let's put the pieces back together: he set the 50/50 on August 20 2013 but no clear purpose. Then, he solidified this situation even more by providing even more ambiguous evidences but this time, there's a purpose which is hiding his fate but the question about his fate remains. We are now with the same situation but now, we are 2 days before E3 and this means that for a character as requested as him, he would've been showed before May if he was an hazard to not disappoint the fans before E3. It didn't happen and since it's not in Sakurai's nature to give false hope and ignoring so much fan request. Since E3 seems the only appropriate place to generate such hype, I THINK that the most likely outcome possible based on my speculation is:


And, that's it. I said everything I had to say. Remember I said that I THINK it's the most likely outcome. I didn't give any sense of being sure because I'm aren't. It's, for me, what would make the most sense. Feel free to like this post or doing a quick review HOWEVER I will not get into ANY argumentation towards criticism of this opinion simply because I said I didn't want to argue in those terrible debate conditions and if you want to argue with me, wait in 2 days ok?

So, I hope you like it and I wishes you for every determined ridley supporter doubtful or not a great E3. LET'S HYPE

Really great use of sakurai 'direct' quotes. posts like these are what make me renew my hope in Ridley every once in a while.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Well, I promised it yesterday but now it is time for my big speech of...


So, first, why ridley was a boss in brawl? Why would we think he's playable if he was chosen to be a boss in a previous game?

I think SSE influenced his role like other things. The main reason I believe this is because he acts like dyna blade which means that it would respect the kirby theme adopted in SSE. But this is'n only him; there was other content that seems very questionable and it might be explained by the needs of the SSE to make sense. For exampe, why the only M&L music is a desert one and sounds pretty bland while I can pick a number of song JUST on superstar saga which is the only M&L game I played, I can guarantee you that I could find a better one for ssbb. Which lead me to think that the sole purpose of taking the particular song over another is because it felt fitting for a bland environment and it turns out that it is used in such an environment in SSE. There's also that mp2 multiplayer battle music instead of lower norfair. The mp2 music is used in an area that is actually fitting in SSE by attacking a sort of a base.

There's some really questionable choices like this that makes me think that if Sakuai didn't put ridley as a playable character, it might have to do with his need for the SSE and we know how much development time it took to make it. In fact, mewtwo was cut because of time constraints but why they did have those constraints in the first place? That's right: there's a good chance that it was caused by the time that took the SSE to be made. If they were ok to cut characters for the benefit of the SSE, I believe that it would make sense that ridley wasn't put on priority as playable and that it would be easier to put him as an SSE boss.

So, this explains why he can still be playable in SSB4 but would he suited for it? Or at least, would he be able to even fit in smash at all?

This question lead to a so big argument that I even question his existence. Let's be direct and frank here: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE'S BIG CANON. There's several proof that this thread discussed a lot like the Olimar size being very up scaled. This however is also true for other characters (heard that it was the case with sonic vs mario's height). More and more evidences was pointed in this thread multiples times, but I think that the most solid one I found was the melee trophy.

This is a model and you can rotate it and look at it with an almost free camera which makes this evidence trusted. This model wasn't even designed to be playable but it was designed to look cool in the opening and pretty on a trophy which explains the pose he has. However, if you think about it, this model could've easily be playable minus some really minor adjustment like the size of its tail. What this trophy tells me is that even if it wasn't intended to be playable, there's a model that exists in which he could've been playable and since this model was obviously scaled down, it makes the whole size argument irrelevant.

As for if he would fit, well, we already know how unique he could be by being strong in the air and have more grapple moves than usual so his potential is not a problem. The only problem he would have is his body structure: it's more complex than usual. This complexity means that he would need more effort to be put in order for him to be playable but I think the effort will be worthy here. He's one of the most requested character and also, being considered as the main villain of metroid which, let me remind you is a very important series for Nintendo, he definitely is a great addition despite the effort needed.

So, before and after E3 2013, his chances situation didn't changed that much. Being popular and still supported, he could've even been considered as "somewhat likely" at this point. I think there was potd where Sakurai clearly said that the ssb4 series doesn't stay true to scale or that olimar isn't supposed to be taller than kirby which means that he was up scaled quite a lot. I don't remember if those were released before August 20 (more detail later) but I tend to believe they was. It truly shows that Sakurai has acknowledged the size of the character canon doesn't have to be the same in SSB4.

Some tough that those potds could've been a hint at ridley but I'm very doubtful. The one that talks about the scale doesn't have anything to do with ridley specifically. However, the one that talks about Olimar is a suspicious one. Remember that the Olimar argument is a very common one to counter the "ridley is too big" and it is one of the most mentioned. Why talking about Olimar specifically? I don't think I can answer for now but Sakurai could've have searched what people thought of ridley and made a little reference but let's just take this as personal theory that shouldn't be considered serious.

And then, the fateful came. I'll call it The day of the 50/50 seal.

His situation totally changed on this day where Sakurai revealed the pyrosphere, a new metroid other m stage for the WiiU version of SSB4.

Masahiro Sakurai, POTD of August 20 2013.
Now, if you look at the Japanese post, it can be translated as "Samus's trauma". In other words, he;s talking about ridley without any doubt.

This quote means A LOT because it seal ridley in a perfect 50/50 situation that we are still today. It either meant that he's playable by saying "at any second" which literally means "at any time" as sort of "however you would want". He could've also meant that he will appear "at some point in the stage and specifically this stage". It's really ambiguous because there's no way to tell and we had practically no clue to prove what he wanted to say. It's not even clear if the ambiguity itself had a purpose for teasing since it could've talked about the stage canon which is where you fight ridley. In other words, there's a hight chance to even see him in the game but the question hazard or playable still doesn't have any answer. Because both possibility has equal chance of happening, this is why it became to be a 50/50.

However, the prior controversy lead some people to not look further and still think he couldn't be playable anyway. Now, I don't think it was necessarily that annoying but it did influenced what happened later.

After months of speculation over what made even more controversy, on April 8 2014, the 50/50 just solidified so much that it became frozen in this state.

While talking about stages, Sakurai did a little sub section to talk about yellow devil as a boss hazard. He showed and talked about practically everything we had to know and then, did a little 10 seconds to add something which caused the biggest storm of controversy in this thread and on the whole internet I might say.

He showed a shadow of what looks like ridley on pyrosphere while saying: "Other boss characters makes appearances on other stages, not just this one." It is implied that the "not just this one" is the yellow devil. Because was saw the tail tip, it is undeniable to be none other than ridley.

At this point, lots of people was sure that it was a direct deconfirmation and that the 50/50 was broken. However, there are so much problem with this that you cannot tell if confirmed or not but only speculate about it. You can think he has 1 to 99% chance of being there but the facts all point again to a bigger 50/50.

So, the size of ridley here could have been made to LOOK big but if you check how zoomed in the angle is compared to the overview of the stage, you can't tell that he's that big compared to brawl. In fact, he seems to have been downscaled compared to his previous appearance. There's also the fact that a shadow could be bigger because of the lights (I believe their physics engine is precise enough to simulate light). Then, you have his movement but then again, it looks weird. It just seems like he would move awkwardly if he was an hazard which should be fluid but you can't draw any conclusion. The stage version seems to be the normal version which again could mean both outcome. Also, we don't hear any audio in the clip except Sakurai's voice but we hear both his voice and the game audio in the yellow devil showed just before the ridley's shadow. It sounds like it was made so that we can't tell his fate but here again, this is speculation.

Where it gets very interesting is the 2 most fishy evidences: his words and the showing the shadow itself.

First, the quote. It might sounds like he's talking about ridley appearing in another stage than willy's caste because he's showing pyrosphere at the same time. But it could mean the total opposite let me requote him: "Other boss characters" (which might not be ridley) "makes appearance on other stages" (which might not be pyrosphere). See? The quote alone has a double meaning and if we take this quote literally, it's already true because of the ultimate ghost saw in the find mii stage. So, it can even mean that ridley isn't an hazard.

But probably the most suspicious action he did was showing the shadow itself. Now, it can be for development reason but it won't make any sense. Let me remind you that we were in a character drought since the direct of February which makes a 2 months gap before showing any new characters. There's was even a big rise of new info on potd since November 4 which was months after the first trailer. In other words, if they let us wait months before feeling ready to show stuff, they would've have done that for ridley in the direct. The fact that he even showed us his shadow means that he was probably ready to be shown. But this isn't even the biggest problem...

He showed yellow devil and talked about it JUST before showing ridley's shadow which if he was an hazard, would have a similar status to yellow devil and so, not showing him wouldn't make any sense. In fact, and even after the direct, ALL deconfirmation was clear and hope breaker and said in the most direct way possible. You could argue about starly but being shown as an assist while he said that assist = not playable implies a deconfirmation. The direct did the same thing for A LOT of them: shown as assist without saying it but since you already told us, they aren't playable. He even saud that he doesn't even like to give false hope

Source: http://www.polygon.com/2012/12/12/3...ling-twitter-whiners-and-oh-yes-the-new-smash
So, tell me, if he really wanted to deconfirm ridley, why the potd quote of August 20 2013 even exists at all? And why still keeping this speculation intensive situation ONLY for him? In fact, I can still prove that he can be an hazard (those are meaning for playable but the opposite exists) but what I just proved is that there was a PURPOSE behind this clip.

Now, I told some opinions here. But if you ignore them and only take the facts, you can't be sure and this remains a 50/50 between playable and hazard but this time, he was shown for a purpose which corresponds to one of the 2 fates. He could've have teased the fact that he's an hazard or, he could've hidden the fact that he's playable. Both already happened just look at how the SMG stage was teased or how the smash run was unveiled MUCH later than being showed without even knowing that it was smash run.

Now, let me talk about how the controversy shouldn't have reach this level. I said that the prior controversy made some people think of him showed to be big and suitable for an hazard. However, because he CAN be playable and that the odds of the opposite happening are 50%, this thread got into a lot of argument that were irrelevant in the first place. I tried to tell my opinion on him several time but it ended up of me having to remind the facts because supporters were called "in denial". If it is provable that the position I'm advocating has 50% of happening, how is this called "in denial"? To be in denial (which i would have assumed btw), I would have to see a SOLID evidence deconfirming him but as I told above, all we got are double meaning and ambiguous ones.

I already got an enjoyable argument about how Paper Mario, my most wanted, isn't unique as I argued. Here, since most of the facts have been used and taken into consideration (this include me doing lots of mistake and admitting them), what I got is an alternative way to see his situation which made me realize that not everyone HAS to consider him as unique. Overall, it was enjoyable but both of us had completely opinions that are against each other. It just have to do with how you debate and not turn the discussion into flaming.

Here, if I saw people calling the supporter "in denial" with a 50% chance of the opposite happening, I think there's a clear problem about how they consider the facts. What I won't deny is being doubtful I am because it's a 50/50 after all so I can understand people saying that they THINK he's not playable. But people that are sure is just contradicting the fact that it's not sure and the ambiguity itself can be proven with again facts. You can speculate however you want but I do not accept such terrible debate condition which is why I was holding this wall of text for so long: to reduce the backslash it would cause because we'll see in 2 days anyway. This btw explains why this post is long because I would've normally type this in multiple posts but I decided to let the time pass and the dust to vanish.

From now on, this will be speculation on those facts from me that is favourable to him being playable. I repeat this is INTERPRETATION of facts so I'm not stating facts.

I think that now, it is too late if he's an hazard. Nintendo released his E3 video at the beginning of May and now, we are 2 days before Nintendo's E3 event. Since this video was released, Nintendo began to hype their fans for E3 and there's LOTS of evidences here. For instance, they made an option on their E3 website to save the date of June 10 2014 on your calendar such as google calendar. Throughout the month, they released more and more info about their E3 as time pass and the video about the invitationnal was probably the most hyped of them ESPECIALLY the music chosen when they announced the Gamecube controller adapter (do I really need to explain it it sounds like they knew that this will get people hyped).

What does this all have to do with the ridley not being an hazard? Well, if I knew that I should get my customer hyped for a month, I would try as much to not disappoint them in this period. Any hype killer could be a bigger deal than it was in April so here's my question: As ridley is one of the most requested character for being playable in SSB4, why solidifying his 50/50 situation so much a month before the E3 hype?

The only way it would have made sense is Sakurai not being aware of his request which doesn't seem like it would make sense for me. There's so much evidences all pointing towards the behaviour of Sakurai to properly talk to his fan that ignoring him would be practically impossible or he deliberately ignored it or the most plausible would be that he's not playable and he knew about the request but couldn't do it. The problem with the latest one is that it would still not explain why you showed the shadow instead of his full model and clearly mentioning something like "FYI, ridley is an hazard that attacks the player" which would be so direct and uncountable that I would accept it.

As for deliberately ignoring it, it just doesn't make any sense considering he did acknowledge mega man and little mac (which is less requested in Japan so no favouritism there). Even the villager; on the developer direct, he said "At last, the long awaited villager" when he wanted to tell that he's a newcomer. If you acknowledged mega man, villager and little mac, you are blind to not have acknowledged ridley ESPECIALLY with how much controversy he had even before the first trailer.

And the April 8 direct oh there's so much I don't even know where to start so here's a list:
  • "Yes I'm still alive"
  • Both Iwata directly jokes
  • Showing Waluigi figurine when talking about assist trophies (a reference to how he was deconfirmed despite people trying hard lol)
  • The subsitute joke
  • The pseudo Palutena faking as Palutena
  • The ZSS being deconfirmed for 5 seconds (this is the most obvious one)
  • Showing figurine and objects of games (like showing a pokeball instead of just talking about them)
  • The little bye bye gesture at the end
Those behaviour point all towards the point of Sakurai caring a lot for his fans. There's even a more obvious statement about how he care for us:

Masahiro Sakurai, right after E3 2013
Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/17/44...director-masahiro-sakurai-character-selection

So, if he care for us and considering he's one of the most requested character, I don't think it's in his nature to completely ignore him (he didn't even ignored waluigi by saying that the supporter tried hard). What would make sense is that he would be deconfirming ridley BEFORE May which as of this post, it didn't happen and E3 is in 2 days and I'm myself very hyped and you should be too.

Let's put the pieces back together: he set the 50/50 on August 20 2013 but no clear purpose. Then, he solidified this situation even more by providing even more ambiguous evidences but this time, there's a purpose which is hiding his fate but the question about his fate remains. We are now with the same situation but now, we are 2 days before E3 and this means that for a character as requested as him, he would've been showed before May if he was an hazard to not disappoint the fans before E3. It didn't happen and since it's not in Sakurai's nature to give false hope and ignoring so much fan request. Since E3 seems the only appropriate place to generate such hype, I THINK that the most likely outcome possible based on my speculation is:


And, that's it. I said everything I had to say. Remember I said that I THINK it's the most likely outcome. I didn't give any sense of being sure because I'm aren't. It's, for me, what would make the most sense. Feel free to like this post or doing a quick review HOWEVER I will not get into ANY argumentation towards criticism of this opinion simply because I said I didn't want to argue in those terrible debate conditions and if you want to argue with me, wait in 2 days ok?

So, I hope you like it and I wishes you for every determined ridley supporter doubtful or not a great E3. LET'S HYPE

There are no words. What you just said is perfect. If Sakurai doesn't deliver with Ridley this E3, then we have all the right to distrust him from here on.
Last edited:


Smash Cadet
Apr 16, 2014
Well, I promised it yesterday but now it is time for my big speech of...


So, first, why ridley was a boss in brawl? Why would we think he's playable if he was chosen to be a boss in a previous game?

I think SSE influenced his role like other things. The main reason I believe this is because he acts like dyna blade which means that it would respect the kirby theme adopted in SSE. But this is'n only him; there was other content that seems very questionable and it might be explained by the needs of the SSE to make sense. For exampe, why the only M&L music is a desert one and sounds pretty bland while I can pick a number of song JUST on superstar saga which is the only M&L game I played, I can guarantee you that I could find a better one for ssbb. Which lead me to think that the sole purpose of taking the particular song over another is because it felt fitting for a bland environment and it turns out that it is used in such an environment in SSE. There's also that mp2 multiplayer battle music instead of lower norfair. The mp2 music is used in an area that is actually fitting in SSE by attacking a sort of a base.

There's some really questionable choices like this that makes me think that if Sakuai didn't put ridley as a playable character, it might have to do with his need for the SSE and we know how much development time it took to make it. In fact, mewtwo was cut because of time constraints but why they did have those constraints in the first place? That's right: there's a good chance that it was caused by the time that took the SSE to be made. If they were ok to cut characters for the benefit of the SSE, I believe that it would make sense that ridley wasn't put on priority as playable and that it would be easier to put him as an SSE boss.

So, this explains why he can still be playable in SSB4 but would he suited for it? Or at least, would he be able to even fit in smash at all?

This question lead to a so big argument that I even question his existence. Let's be direct and frank here: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE'S BIG CANON. There's several proof that this thread discussed a lot like the Olimar size being very up scaled. This however is also true for other characters (heard that it was the case with sonic vs mario's height). More and more evidences was pointed in this thread multiples times, but I think that the most solid one I found was the melee trophy.

This is a model and you can rotate it and look at it with an almost free camera which makes this evidence trusted. This model wasn't even designed to be playable but it was designed to look cool in the opening and pretty on a trophy which explains the pose he has. However, if you think about it, this model could've easily be playable minus some really minor adjustment like the size of its tail. What this trophy tells me is that even if it wasn't intended to be playable, there's a model that exists in which he could've been playable and since this model was obviously scaled down, it makes the whole size argument irrelevant.

As for if he would fit, well, we already know how unique he could be by being strong in the air and have more grapple moves than usual so his potential is not a problem. The only problem he would have is his body structure: it's more complex than usual. This complexity means that he would need more effort to be put in order for him to be playable but I think the effort will be worthy here. He's one of the most requested character and also, being considered as the main villain of metroid which, let me remind you is a very important series for Nintendo, he definitely is a great addition despite the effort needed.

So, before and after E3 2013, his chances situation didn't changed that much. Being popular and still supported, he could've even been considered as "somewhat likely" at this point. I think there was potd where Sakurai clearly said that the ssb4 series doesn't stay true to scale or that olimar isn't supposed to be taller than kirby which means that he was up scaled quite a lot. I don't remember if those were released before August 20 (more detail later) but I tend to believe they was. It truly shows that Sakurai has acknowledged the size of the character canon doesn't have to be the same in SSB4.

Some tough that those potds could've been a hint at ridley but I'm very doubtful. The one that talks about the scale doesn't have anything to do with ridley specifically. However, the one that talks about Olimar is a suspicious one. Remember that the Olimar argument is a very common one to counter the "ridley is too big" and it is one of the most mentioned. Why talking about Olimar specifically? I don't think I can answer for now but Sakurai could've have searched what people thought of ridley and made a little reference but let's just take this as personal theory that shouldn't be considered serious.

And then, the fateful came. I'll call it The day of the 50/50 seal.

His situation totally changed on this day where Sakurai revealed the pyrosphere, a new metroid other m stage for the WiiU version of SSB4.

Masahiro Sakurai, POTD of August 20 2013.
Now, if you look at the Japanese post, it can be translated as "Samus's trauma". In other words, he;s talking about ridley without any doubt.

This quote means A LOT because it seal ridley in a perfect 50/50 situation that we are still today. It either meant that he's playable by saying "at any second" which literally means "at any time" as sort of "however you would want". He could've also meant that he will appear "at some point in the stage and specifically this stage". It's really ambiguous because there's no way to tell and we had practically no clue to prove what he wanted to say. It's not even clear if the ambiguity itself had a purpose for teasing since it could've talked about the stage canon which is where you fight ridley. In other words, there's a hight chance to even see him in the game but the question hazard or playable still doesn't have any answer. Because both possibility has equal chance of happening, this is why it became to be a 50/50.

However, the prior controversy lead some people to not look further and still think he couldn't be playable anyway. Now, I don't think it was necessarily that annoying but it did influenced what happened later.

After months of speculation over what made even more controversy, on April 8 2014, the 50/50 just solidified so much that it became frozen in this state.

While talking about stages, Sakurai did a little sub section to talk about yellow devil as a boss hazard. He showed and talked about practically everything we had to know and then, did a little 10 seconds to add something which caused the biggest storm of controversy in this thread and on the whole internet I might say.

He showed a shadow of what looks like ridley on pyrosphere while saying: "Other boss characters makes appearances on other stages, not just this one." It is implied that the "not just this one" is the yellow devil. Because was saw the tail tip, it is undeniable to be none other than ridley.

At this point, lots of people was sure that it was a direct deconfirmation and that the 50/50 was broken. However, there are so much problem with this that you cannot tell if confirmed or not but only speculate about it. You can think he has 1 to 99% chance of being there but the facts all point again to a bigger 50/50.

So, the size of ridley here could have been made to LOOK big but if you check how zoomed in the angle is compared to the overview of the stage, you can't tell that he's that big compared to brawl. In fact, he seems to have been downscaled compared to his previous appearance. There's also the fact that a shadow could be bigger because of the lights (I believe their physics engine is precise enough to simulate light). Then, you have his movement but then again, it looks weird. It just seems like he would move awkwardly if he was an hazard which should be fluid but you can't draw any conclusion. The stage version seems to be the normal version which again could mean both outcome. Also, we don't hear any audio in the clip except Sakurai's voice but we hear both his voice and the game audio in the yellow devil showed just before the ridley's shadow. It sounds like it was made so that we can't tell his fate but here again, this is speculation.

Where it gets very interesting is the 2 most fishy evidences: his words and the showing the shadow itself.

First, the quote. It might sounds like he's talking about ridley appearing in another stage than willy's caste because he's showing pyrosphere at the same time. But it could mean the total opposite let me requote him: "Other boss characters" (which might not be ridley) "makes appearance on other stages" (which might not be pyrosphere). See? The quote alone has a double meaning and if we take this quote literally, it's already true because of the ultimate ghost saw in the find mii stage. So, it can even mean that ridley isn't an hazard.

But probably the most suspicious action he did was showing the shadow itself. Now, it can be for development reason but it won't make any sense. Let me remind you that we were in a character drought since the direct of February which makes a 2 months gap before showing any new characters. There's was even a big rise of new info on potd since November 4 which was months after the first trailer. In other words, if they let us wait months before feeling ready to show stuff, they would've have done that for ridley in the direct. The fact that he even showed us his shadow means that he was probably ready to be shown. But this isn't even the biggest problem...

He showed yellow devil and talked about it JUST before showing ridley's shadow which if he was an hazard, would have a similar status to yellow devil and so, not showing him wouldn't make any sense. In fact, and even after the direct, ALL deconfirmation was clear and hope breaker and said in the most direct way possible. You could argue about starly but being shown as an assist while he said that assist = not playable implies a deconfirmation. The direct did the same thing for A LOT of them: shown as assist without saying it but since you already told us, they aren't playable. He even saud that he doesn't even like to give false hope

Source: http://www.polygon.com/2012/12/12/3...ling-twitter-whiners-and-oh-yes-the-new-smash
So, tell me, if he really wanted to deconfirm ridley, why the potd quote of August 20 2013 even exists at all? And why still keeping this speculation intensive situation ONLY for him? In fact, I can still prove that he can be an hazard (those are meaning for playable but the opposite exists) but what I just proved is that there was a PURPOSE behind this clip.

Now, I told some opinions here. But if you ignore them and only take the facts, you can't be sure and this remains a 50/50 between playable and hazard but this time, he was shown for a purpose which corresponds to one of the 2 fates. He could've have teased the fact that he's an hazard or, he could've hidden the fact that he's playable. Both already happened just look at how the SMG stage was teased or how the smash run was unveiled MUCH later than being showed without even knowing that it was smash run.

Now, let me talk about how the controversy shouldn't have reach this level. I said that the prior controversy made some people think of him showed to be big and suitable for an hazard. However, because he CAN be playable and that the odds of the opposite happening are 50%, this thread got into a lot of argument that were irrelevant in the first place. I tried to tell my opinion on him several time but it ended up of me having to remind the facts because supporters were called "in denial". If it is provable that the position I'm advocating has 50% of happening, how is this called "in denial"? To be in denial (which i would have assumed btw), I would have to see a SOLID evidence deconfirming him but as I told above, all we got are double meaning and ambiguous ones.

I already got an enjoyable argument about how Paper Mario, my most wanted, isn't unique as I argued. Here, since most of the facts have been used and taken into consideration (this include me doing lots of mistake and admitting them), what I got is an alternative way to see his situation which made me realize that not everyone HAS to consider him as unique. Overall, it was enjoyable but both of us had completely opinions that are against each other. It just have to do with how you debate and not turn the discussion into flaming.

Here, if I saw people calling the supporter "in denial" with a 50% chance of the opposite happening, I think there's a clear problem about how they consider the facts. What I won't deny is being doubtful I am because it's a 50/50 after all so I can understand people saying that they THINK he's not playable. But people that are sure is just contradicting the fact that it's not sure and the ambiguity itself can be proven with again facts. You can speculate however you want but I do not accept such terrible debate condition which is why I was holding this wall of text for so long: to reduce the backslash it would cause because we'll see in 2 days anyway. This btw explains why this post is long because I would've normally type this in multiple posts but I decided to let the time pass and the dust to vanish.

From now on, this will be speculation on those facts from me that is favourable to him being playable. I repeat this is INTERPRETATION of facts so I'm not stating facts.

I think that now, it is too late if he's an hazard. Nintendo released his E3 video at the beginning of May and now, we are 2 days before Nintendo's E3 event. Since this video was released, Nintendo began to hype their fans for E3 and there's LOTS of evidences here. For instance, they made an option on their E3 website to save the date of June 10 2014 on your calendar such as google calendar. Throughout the month, they released more and more info about their E3 as time pass and the video about the invitationnal was probably the most hyped of them ESPECIALLY the music chosen when they announced the Gamecube controller adapter (do I really need to explain it it sounds like they knew that this will get people hyped).

What does this all have to do with the ridley not being an hazard? Well, if I knew that I should get my customer hyped for a month, I would try as much to not disappoint them in this period. Any hype killer could be a bigger deal than it was in April so here's my question: As ridley is one of the most requested character for being playable in SSB4, why solidifying his 50/50 situation so much a month before the E3 hype?

The only way it would have made sense is Sakurai not being aware of his request which doesn't seem like it would make sense for me. There's so much evidences all pointing towards the behaviour of Sakurai to properly talk to his fan that ignoring him would be practically impossible or he deliberately ignored it or the most plausible would be that he's not playable and he knew about the request but couldn't do it. The problem with the latest one is that it would still not explain why you showed the shadow instead of his full model and clearly mentioning something like "FYI, ridley is an hazard that attacks the player" which would be so direct and uncountable that I would accept it.

As for deliberately ignoring it, it just doesn't make any sense considering he did acknowledge mega man and little mac (which is less requested in Japan so no favouritism there). Even the villager; on the developer direct, he said "At last, the long awaited villager" when he wanted to tell that he's a newcomer. If you acknowledged mega man, villager and little mac, you are blind to not have acknowledged ridley ESPECIALLY with how much controversy he had even before the first trailer.

And the April 8 direct oh there's so much I don't even know where to start so here's a list:
  • "Yes I'm still alive"
  • Both Iwata directly jokes
  • Showing Waluigi figurine when talking about assist trophies (a reference to how he was deconfirmed despite people trying hard lol)
  • The subsitute joke
  • The pseudo Palutena faking as Palutena
  • The ZSS being deconfirmed for 5 seconds (this is the most obvious one)
  • Showing figurine and objects of games (like showing a pokeball instead of just talking about them)
  • The little bye bye gesture at the end
Those behaviour point all towards the point of Sakurai caring a lot for his fans. There's even a more obvious statement about how he care for us:

Masahiro Sakurai, right after E3 2013
Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/17/44...director-masahiro-sakurai-character-selection

So, if he care for us and considering he's one of the most requested character, I don't think it's in his nature to completely ignore him (he didn't even ignored waluigi by saying that the supporter tried hard). What would make sense is that he would be deconfirming ridley BEFORE May which as of this post, it didn't happen and E3 is in 2 days and I'm myself very hyped and you should be too.

Let's put the pieces back together: he set the 50/50 on August 20 2013 but no clear purpose. Then, he solidified this situation even more by providing even more ambiguous evidences but this time, there's a purpose which is hiding his fate but the question about his fate remains. We are now with the same situation but now, we are 2 days before E3 and this means that for a character as requested as him, he would've been showed before May if he was an hazard to not disappoint the fans before E3. It didn't happen and since it's not in Sakurai's nature to give false hope and ignoring so much fan request. Since E3 seems the only appropriate place to generate such hype, I THINK that the most likely outcome possible based on my speculation is:


And, that's it. I said everything I had to say. Remember I said that I THINK it's the most likely outcome. I didn't give any sense of being sure because I'm aren't. It's, for me, what would make the most sense. Feel free to like this post or doing a quick review HOWEVER I will not get into ANY argumentation towards criticism of this opinion simply because I said I didn't want to argue in those terrible debate conditions and if you want to argue with me, wait in 2 days ok?

So, I hope you like it and I wishes you for every determined ridley supporter doubtful or not a great E3. LET'S HYPE
This... This is the kind of thing I like to read before E3. Bravo.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 20, 2014
Long Beach, California
Well, I promised it yesterday but now it is time for my big speech of...


So, first, why ridley was a boss in brawl? Why would we think he's playable if he was chosen to be a boss in a previous game?

I think SSE influenced his role like other things. The main reason I believe this is because he acts like dyna blade which means that it would respect the kirby theme adopted in SSE. But this is'n only him; there was other content that seems very questionable and it might be explained by the needs of the SSE to make sense. For exampe, why the only M&L music is a desert one and sounds pretty bland while I can pick a number of song JUST on superstar saga which is the only M&L game I played, I can guarantee you that I could find a better one for ssbb. Which lead me to think that the sole purpose of taking the particular song over another is because it felt fitting for a bland environment and it turns out that it is used in such an environment in SSE. There's also that mp2 multiplayer battle music instead of lower norfair. The mp2 music is used in an area that is actually fitting in SSE by attacking a sort of a base.

There's some really questionable choices like this that makes me think that if Sakuai didn't put ridley as a playable character, it might have to do with his need for the SSE and we know how much development time it took to make it. In fact, mewtwo was cut because of time constraints but why they did have those constraints in the first place? That's right: there's a good chance that it was caused by the time that took the SSE to be made. If they were ok to cut characters for the benefit of the SSE, I believe that it would make sense that ridley wasn't put on priority as playable and that it would be easier to put him as an SSE boss.

So, this explains why he can still be playable in SSB4 but would he suited for it? Or at least, would he be able to even fit in smash at all?

This question lead to a so big argument that I even question his existence. Let's be direct and frank here: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE'S BIG CANON. There's several proof that this thread discussed a lot like the Olimar size being very up scaled. This however is also true for other characters (heard that it was the case with sonic vs mario's height). More and more evidences was pointed in this thread multiples times, but I think that the most solid one I found was the melee trophy.

This is a model and you can rotate it and look at it with an almost free camera which makes this evidence trusted. This model wasn't even designed to be playable but it was designed to look cool in the opening and pretty on a trophy which explains the pose he has. However, if you think about it, this model could've easily be playable minus some really minor adjustment like the size of its tail. What this trophy tells me is that even if it wasn't intended to be playable, there's a model that exists in which he could've been playable and since this model was obviously scaled down, it makes the whole size argument irrelevant.

As for if he would fit, well, we already know how unique he could be by being strong in the air and have more grapple moves than usual so his potential is not a problem. The only problem he would have is his body structure: it's more complex than usual. This complexity means that he would need more effort to be put in order for him to be playable but I think the effort will be worthy here. He's one of the most requested character and also, being considered as the main villain of metroid which, let me remind you is a very important series for Nintendo, he definitely is a great addition despite the effort needed.

So, before and after E3 2013, his chances situation didn't changed that much. Being popular and still supported, he could've even been considered as "somewhat likely" at this point. I think there was potd where Sakurai clearly said that the ssb4 series doesn't stay true to scale or that olimar isn't supposed to be taller than kirby which means that he was up scaled quite a lot. I don't remember if those were released before August 20 (more detail later) but I tend to believe they was. It truly shows that Sakurai has acknowledged the size of the character canon doesn't have to be the same in SSB4.

Some tough that those potds could've been a hint at ridley but I'm very doubtful. The one that talks about the scale doesn't have anything to do with ridley specifically. However, the one that talks about Olimar is a suspicious one. Remember that the Olimar argument is a very common one to counter the "ridley is too big" and it is one of the most mentioned. Why talking about Olimar specifically? I don't think I can answer for now but Sakurai could've have searched what people thought of ridley and made a little reference but let's just take this as personal theory that shouldn't be considered serious.

And then, the fateful came. I'll call it The day of the 50/50 seal.

His situation totally changed on this day where Sakurai revealed the pyrosphere, a new metroid other m stage for the WiiU version of SSB4.

Masahiro Sakurai, POTD of August 20 2013.
Now, if you look at the Japanese post, it can be translated as "Samus's trauma". In other words, he;s talking about ridley without any doubt.

This quote means A LOT because it seal ridley in a perfect 50/50 situation that we are still today. It either meant that he's playable by saying "at any second" which literally means "at any time" as sort of "however you would want". He could've also meant that he will appear "at some point in the stage and specifically this stage". It's really ambiguous because there's no way to tell and we had practically no clue to prove what he wanted to say. It's not even clear if the ambiguity itself had a purpose for teasing since it could've talked about the stage canon which is where you fight ridley. In other words, there's a hight chance to even see him in the game but the question hazard or playable still doesn't have any answer. Because both possibility has equal chance of happening, this is why it became to be a 50/50.

However, the prior controversy lead some people to not look further and still think he couldn't be playable anyway. Now, I don't think it was necessarily that annoying but it did influenced what happened later.

After months of speculation over what made even more controversy, on April 8 2014, the 50/50 just solidified so much that it became frozen in this state.

While talking about stages, Sakurai did a little sub section to talk about yellow devil as a boss hazard. He showed and talked about practically everything we had to know and then, did a little 10 seconds to add something which caused the biggest storm of controversy in this thread and on the whole internet I might say.

He showed a shadow of what looks like ridley on pyrosphere while saying: "Other boss characters makes appearances on other stages, not just this one." It is implied that the "not just this one" is the yellow devil. Because was saw the tail tip, it is undeniable to be none other than ridley.

At this point, lots of people was sure that it was a direct deconfirmation and that the 50/50 was broken. However, there are so much problem with this that you cannot tell if confirmed or not but only speculate about it. You can think he has 1 to 99% chance of being there but the facts all point again to a bigger 50/50.

So, the size of ridley here could have been made to LOOK big but if you check how zoomed in the angle is compared to the overview of the stage, you can't tell that he's that big compared to brawl. In fact, he seems to have been downscaled compared to his previous appearance. There's also the fact that a shadow could be bigger because of the lights (I believe their physics engine is precise enough to simulate light). Then, you have his movement but then again, it looks weird. It just seems like he would move awkwardly if he was an hazard which should be fluid but you can't draw any conclusion. The stage version seems to be the normal version which again could mean both outcome. Also, we don't hear any audio in the clip except Sakurai's voice but we hear both his voice and the game audio in the yellow devil showed just before the ridley's shadow. It sounds like it was made so that we can't tell his fate but here again, this is speculation.

Where it gets very interesting is the 2 most fishy evidences: his words and the showing the shadow itself.

First, the quote. It might sounds like he's talking about ridley appearing in another stage than willy's caste because he's showing pyrosphere at the same time. But it could mean the total opposite let me requote him: "Other boss characters" (which might not be ridley) "makes appearance on other stages" (which might not be pyrosphere). See? The quote alone has a double meaning and if we take this quote literally, it's already true because of the ultimate ghost saw in the find mii stage. So, it can even mean that ridley isn't an hazard.

But probably the most suspicious action he did was showing the shadow itself. Now, it can be for development reason but it won't make any sense. Let me remind you that we were in a character drought since the direct of February which makes a 2 months gap before showing any new characters. There's was even a big rise of new info on potd since November 4 which was months after the first trailer. In other words, if they let us wait months before feeling ready to show stuff, they would've have done that for ridley in the direct. The fact that he even showed us his shadow means that he was probably ready to be shown. But this isn't even the biggest problem...

He showed yellow devil and talked about it JUST before showing ridley's shadow which if he was an hazard, would have a similar status to yellow devil and so, not showing him wouldn't make any sense. In fact, and even after the direct, ALL deconfirmation was clear and hope breaker and said in the most direct way possible. You could argue about starly but being shown as an assist while he said that assist = not playable implies a deconfirmation. The direct did the same thing for A LOT of them: shown as assist without saying it but since you already told us, they aren't playable. He even saud that he doesn't even like to give false hope

Source: http://www.polygon.com/2012/12/12/3...ling-twitter-whiners-and-oh-yes-the-new-smash
So, tell me, if he really wanted to deconfirm ridley, why the potd quote of August 20 2013 even exists at all? And why still keeping this speculation intensive situation ONLY for him? In fact, I can still prove that he can be an hazard (those are meaning for playable but the opposite exists) but what I just proved is that there was a PURPOSE behind this clip.

Now, I told some opinions here. But if you ignore them and only take the facts, you can't be sure and this remains a 50/50 between playable and hazard but this time, he was shown for a purpose which corresponds to one of the 2 fates. He could've have teased the fact that he's an hazard or, he could've hidden the fact that he's playable. Both already happened just look at how the SMG stage was teased or how the smash run was unveiled MUCH later than being showed without even knowing that it was smash run.

Now, let me talk about how the controversy shouldn't have reach this level. I said that the prior controversy made some people think of him showed to be big and suitable for an hazard. However, because he CAN be playable and that the odds of the opposite happening are 50%, this thread got into a lot of argument that were irrelevant in the first place. I tried to tell my opinion on him several time but it ended up of me having to remind the facts because supporters were called "in denial". If it is provable that the position I'm advocating has 50% of happening, how is this called "in denial"? To be in denial (which i would have assumed btw), I would have to see a SOLID evidence deconfirming him but as I told above, all we got are double meaning and ambiguous ones.

I already got an enjoyable argument about how Paper Mario, my most wanted, isn't unique as I argued. Here, since most of the facts have been used and taken into consideration (this include me doing lots of mistake and admitting them), what I got is an alternative way to see his situation which made me realize that not everyone HAS to consider him as unique. Overall, it was enjoyable but both of us had completely opinions that are against each other. It just have to do with how you debate and not turn the discussion into flaming.

Here, if I saw people calling the supporter "in denial" with a 50% chance of the opposite happening, I think there's a clear problem about how they consider the facts. What I won't deny is being doubtful I am because it's a 50/50 after all so I can understand people saying that they THINK he's not playable. But people that are sure is just contradicting the fact that it's not sure and the ambiguity itself can be proven with again facts. You can speculate however you want but I do not accept such terrible debate condition which is why I was holding this wall of text for so long: to reduce the backslash it would cause because we'll see in 2 days anyway. This btw explains why this post is long because I would've normally type this in multiple posts but I decided to let the time pass and the dust to vanish.

From now on, this will be speculation on those facts from me that is favourable to him being playable. I repeat this is INTERPRETATION of facts so I'm not stating facts.

I think that now, it is too late if he's an hazard. Nintendo released his E3 video at the beginning of May and now, we are 2 days before Nintendo's E3 event. Since this video was released, Nintendo began to hype their fans for E3 and there's LOTS of evidences here. For instance, they made an option on their E3 website to save the date of June 10 2014 on your calendar such as google calendar. Throughout the month, they released more and more info about their E3 as time pass and the video about the invitationnal was probably the most hyped of them ESPECIALLY the music chosen when they announced the Gamecube controller adapter (do I really need to explain it it sounds like they knew that this will get people hyped).

What does this all have to do with the ridley not being an hazard? Well, if I knew that I should get my customer hyped for a month, I would try as much to not disappoint them in this period. Any hype killer could be a bigger deal than it was in April so here's my question: As ridley is one of the most requested character for being playable in SSB4, why solidifying his 50/50 situation so much a month before the E3 hype?

The only way it would have made sense is Sakurai not being aware of his request which doesn't seem like it would make sense for me. There's so much evidences all pointing towards the behaviour of Sakurai to properly talk to his fan that ignoring him would be practically impossible or he deliberately ignored it or the most plausible would be that he's not playable and he knew about the request but couldn't do it. The problem with the latest one is that it would still not explain why you showed the shadow instead of his full model and clearly mentioning something like "FYI, ridley is an hazard that attacks the player" which would be so direct and uncountable that I would accept it.

As for deliberately ignoring it, it just doesn't make any sense considering he did acknowledge mega man and little mac (which is less requested in Japan so no favouritism there). Even the villager; on the developer direct, he said "At last, the long awaited villager" when he wanted to tell that he's a newcomer. If you acknowledged mega man, villager and little mac, you are blind to not have acknowledged ridley ESPECIALLY with how much controversy he had even before the first trailer.

And the April 8 direct oh there's so much I don't even know where to start so here's a list:
  • "Yes I'm still alive"
  • Both Iwata directly jokes
  • Showing Waluigi figurine when talking about assist trophies (a reference to how he was deconfirmed despite people trying hard lol)
  • The subsitute joke
  • The pseudo Palutena faking as Palutena
  • The ZSS being deconfirmed for 5 seconds (this is the most obvious one)
  • Showing figurine and objects of games (like showing a pokeball instead of just talking about them)
  • The little bye bye gesture at the end
Those behaviour point all towards the point of Sakurai caring a lot for his fans. There's even a more obvious statement about how he care for us:

Masahiro Sakurai, right after E3 2013
Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/17/44...director-masahiro-sakurai-character-selection

So, if he care for us and considering he's one of the most requested character, I don't think it's in his nature to completely ignore him (he didn't even ignored waluigi by saying that the supporter tried hard). What would make sense is that he would be deconfirming ridley BEFORE May which as of this post, it didn't happen and E3 is in 2 days and I'm myself very hyped and you should be too.

Let's put the pieces back together: he set the 50/50 on August 20 2013 but no clear purpose. Then, he solidified this situation even more by providing even more ambiguous evidences but this time, there's a purpose which is hiding his fate but the question about his fate remains. We are now with the same situation but now, we are 2 days before E3 and this means that for a character as requested as him, he would've been showed before May if he was an hazard to not disappoint the fans before E3. It didn't happen and since it's not in Sakurai's nature to give false hope and ignoring so much fan request. Since E3 seems the only appropriate place to generate such hype, I THINK that the most likely outcome possible based on my speculation is:


And, that's it. I said everything I had to say. Remember I said that I THINK it's the most likely outcome. I didn't give any sense of being sure because I'm aren't. It's, for me, what would make the most sense. Feel free to like this post or doing a quick review HOWEVER I will not get into ANY argumentation towards criticism of this opinion simply because I said I didn't want to argue in those terrible debate conditions and if you want to argue with me, wait in 2 days ok?

So, I hope you like it and I wish you for every determined ridley supporter doubtful or not a great E3. LET'S HYPE
Great read! You eliminated my doubts that I was starting to get.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Well, I promised it yesterday but now it is time for my big speech of...


So, first, why ridley was a boss in brawl? Why would we think he's playable if he was chosen to be a boss in a previous game?

I think SSE influenced his role like other things. The main reason I believe this is because he acts like dyna blade which means that it would respect the kirby theme adopted in SSE. But this is'n only him; there was other content that seems very questionable and it might be explained by the needs of the SSE to make sense. For exampe, why the only M&L music is a desert one and sounds pretty bland while I can pick a number of song JUST on superstar saga which is the only M&L game I played, I can guarantee you that I could find a better one for ssbb. Which lead me to think that the sole purpose of taking the particular song over another is because it felt fitting for a bland environment and it turns out that it is used in such an environment in SSE. There's also that mp2 multiplayer battle music instead of lower norfair. The mp2 music is used in an area that is actually fitting in SSE by attacking a sort of a base.

There's some really questionable choices like this that makes me think that if Sakuai didn't put ridley as a playable character, it might have to do with his need for the SSE and we know how much development time it took to make it. In fact, mewtwo was cut because of time constraints but why they did have those constraints in the first place? That's right: there's a good chance that it was caused by the time that took the SSE to be made. If they were ok to cut characters for the benefit of the SSE, I believe that it would make sense that ridley wasn't put on priority as playable and that it would be easier to put him as an SSE boss.

So, this explains why he can still be playable in SSB4 but would he suited for it? Or at least, would he be able to even fit in smash at all?

This question lead to a so big argument that I even question his existence. Let's be direct and frank here: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE'S BIG CANON. There's several proof that this thread discussed a lot like the Olimar size being very up scaled. This however is also true for other characters (heard that it was the case with sonic vs mario's height). More and more evidences was pointed in this thread multiples times, but I think that the most solid one I found was the melee trophy.

This is a model and you can rotate it and look at it with an almost free camera which makes this evidence trusted. This model wasn't even designed to be playable but it was designed to look cool in the opening and pretty on a trophy which explains the pose he has. However, if you think about it, this model could've easily be playable minus some really minor adjustment like the size of its tail. What this trophy tells me is that even if it wasn't intended to be playable, there's a model that exists in which he could've been playable and since this model was obviously scaled down, it makes the whole size argument irrelevant.

As for if he would fit, well, we already know how unique he could be by being strong in the air and have more grapple moves than usual so his potential is not a problem. The only problem he would have is his body structure: it's more complex than usual. This complexity means that he would need more effort to be put in order for him to be playable but I think the effort will be worthy here. He's one of the most requested character and also, being considered as the main villain of metroid which, let me remind you is a very important series for Nintendo, he definitely is a great addition despite the effort needed.

So, before and after E3 2013, his chances situation didn't changed that much. Being popular and still supported, he could've even been considered as "somewhat likely" at this point. I think there was potd where Sakurai clearly said that the ssb4 series doesn't stay true to scale or that olimar isn't supposed to be taller than kirby which means that he was up scaled quite a lot. I don't remember if those were released before August 20 (more detail later) but I tend to believe they was. It truly shows that Sakurai has acknowledged the size of the character canon doesn't have to be the same in SSB4.

Some tough that those potds could've been a hint at ridley but I'm very doubtful. The one that talks about the scale doesn't have anything to do with ridley specifically. However, the one that talks about Olimar is a suspicious one. Remember that the Olimar argument is a very common one to counter the "ridley is too big" and it is one of the most mentioned. Why talking about Olimar specifically? I don't think I can answer for now but Sakurai could've have searched what people thought of ridley and made a little reference but let's just take this as personal theory that shouldn't be considered serious.

And then, the fateful came. I'll call it The day of the 50/50 seal.

His situation totally changed on this day where Sakurai revealed the pyrosphere, a new metroid other m stage for the WiiU version of SSB4.

Masahiro Sakurai, POTD of August 20 2013.
Now, if you look at the Japanese post, it can be translated as "Samus's trauma". In other words, he;s talking about ridley without any doubt.

This quote means A LOT because it seal ridley in a perfect 50/50 situation that we are still today. It either meant that he's playable by saying "at any second" which literally means "at any time" as sort of "however you would want". He could've also meant that he will appear "at some point in the stage and specifically this stage". It's really ambiguous because there's no way to tell and we had practically no clue to prove what he wanted to say. It's not even clear if the ambiguity itself had a purpose for teasing since it could've talked about the stage canon which is where you fight ridley. In other words, there's a hight chance to even see him in the game but the question hazard or playable still doesn't have any answer. Because both possibility has equal chance of happening, this is why it became to be a 50/50.

However, the prior controversy lead some people to not look further and still think he couldn't be playable anyway. Now, I don't think it was necessarily that annoying but it did influenced what happened later.

After months of speculation over what made even more controversy, on April 8 2014, the 50/50 just solidified so much that it became frozen in this state.

While talking about stages, Sakurai did a little sub section to talk about yellow devil as a boss hazard. He showed and talked about practically everything we had to know and then, did a little 10 seconds to add something which caused the biggest storm of controversy in this thread and on the whole internet I might say.

He showed a shadow of what looks like ridley on pyrosphere while saying: "Other boss characters makes appearances on other stages, not just this one." It is implied that the "not just this one" is the yellow devil. Because was saw the tail tip, it is undeniable to be none other than ridley.

At this point, lots of people was sure that it was a direct deconfirmation and that the 50/50 was broken. However, there are so much problem with this that you cannot tell if confirmed or not but only speculate about it. You can think he has 1 to 99% chance of being there but the facts all point again to a bigger 50/50.

So, the size of ridley here could have been made to LOOK big but if you check how zoomed in the angle is compared to the overview of the stage, you can't tell that he's that big compared to brawl. In fact, he seems to have been downscaled compared to his previous appearance. There's also the fact that a shadow could be bigger because of the lights (I believe their physics engine is precise enough to simulate light). Then, you have his movement but then again, it looks weird. It just seems like he would move awkwardly if he was an hazard which should be fluid but you can't draw any conclusion. The stage version seems to be the normal version which again could mean both outcome. Also, we don't hear any audio in the clip except Sakurai's voice but we hear both his voice and the game audio in the yellow devil showed just before the ridley's shadow. It sounds like it was made so that we can't tell his fate but here again, this is speculation.

Where it gets very interesting is the 2 most fishy evidences: his words and the showing the shadow itself.

First, the quote. It might sounds like he's talking about ridley appearing in another stage than willy's caste because he's showing pyrosphere at the same time. But it could mean the total opposite let me requote him: "Other boss characters" (which might not be ridley) "makes appearance on other stages" (which might not be pyrosphere). See? The quote alone has a double meaning and if we take this quote literally, it's already true because of the ultimate ghost saw in the find mii stage. So, it can even mean that ridley isn't an hazard.

But probably the most suspicious action he did was showing the shadow itself. Now, it can be for development reason but it won't make any sense. Let me remind you that we were in a character drought since the direct of February which makes a 2 months gap before showing any new characters. There's was even a big rise of new info on potd since November 4 which was months after the first trailer. In other words, if they let us wait months before feeling ready to show stuff, they would've have done that for ridley in the direct. The fact that he even showed us his shadow means that he was probably ready to be shown. But this isn't even the biggest problem...

He showed yellow devil and talked about it JUST before showing ridley's shadow which if he was an hazard, would have a similar status to yellow devil and so, not showing him wouldn't make any sense. In fact, and even after the direct, ALL deconfirmation was clear and hope breaker and said in the most direct way possible. You could argue about starly but being shown as an assist while he said that assist = not playable implies a deconfirmation. The direct did the same thing for A LOT of them: shown as assist without saying it but since you already told us, they aren't playable. He even saud that he doesn't even like to give false hope

Source: http://www.polygon.com/2012/12/12/3...ling-twitter-whiners-and-oh-yes-the-new-smash
So, tell me, if he really wanted to deconfirm ridley, why the potd quote of August 20 2013 even exists at all? And why still keeping this speculation intensive situation ONLY for him? In fact, I can still prove that he can be an hazard (those are meaning for playable but the opposite exists) but what I just proved is that there was a PURPOSE behind this clip.

Now, I told some opinions here. But if you ignore them and only take the facts, you can't be sure and this remains a 50/50 between playable and hazard but this time, he was shown for a purpose which corresponds to one of the 2 fates. He could've have teased the fact that he's an hazard or, he could've hidden the fact that he's playable. Both already happened just look at how the SMG stage was teased or how the smash run was unveiled MUCH later than being showed without even knowing that it was smash run.

Now, let me talk about how the controversy shouldn't have reach this level. I said that the prior controversy made some people think of him showed to be big and suitable for an hazard. However, because he CAN be playable and that the odds of the opposite happening are 50%, this thread got into a lot of argument that were irrelevant in the first place. I tried to tell my opinion on him several time but it ended up of me having to remind the facts because supporters were called "in denial". If it is provable that the position I'm advocating has 50% of happening, how is this called "in denial"? To be in denial (which i would have assumed btw), I would have to see a SOLID evidence deconfirming him but as I told above, all we got are double meaning and ambiguous ones.

I already got an enjoyable argument about how Paper Mario, my most wanted, isn't unique as I argued. Here, since most of the facts have been used and taken into consideration (this include me doing lots of mistake and admitting them), what I got is an alternative way to see his situation which made me realize that not everyone HAS to consider him as unique. Overall, it was enjoyable but both of us had completely opinions that are against each other. It just have to do with how you debate and not turn the discussion into flaming.

Here, if I saw people calling the supporter "in denial" with a 50% chance of the opposite happening, I think there's a clear problem about how they consider the facts. What I won't deny is being doubtful I am because it's a 50/50 after all so I can understand people saying that they THINK he's not playable. But people that are sure is just contradicting the fact that it's not sure and the ambiguity itself can be proven with again facts. You can speculate however you want but I do not accept such terrible debate condition which is why I was holding this wall of text for so long: to reduce the backslash it would cause because we'll see in 2 days anyway. This btw explains why this post is long because I would've normally type this in multiple posts but I decided to let the time pass and the dust to vanish.

From now on, this will be speculation on those facts from me that is favourable to him being playable. I repeat this is INTERPRETATION of facts so I'm not stating facts.

I think that now, it is too late if he's an hazard. Nintendo released his E3 video at the beginning of May and now, we are 2 days before Nintendo's E3 event. Since this video was released, Nintendo began to hype their fans for E3 and there's LOTS of evidences here. For instance, they made an option on their E3 website to save the date of June 10 2014 on your calendar such as google calendar. Throughout the month, they released more and more info about their E3 as time pass and the video about the invitationnal was probably the most hyped of them ESPECIALLY the music chosen when they announced the Gamecube controller adapter (do I really need to explain it it sounds like they knew that this will get people hyped).

What does this all have to do with the ridley not being an hazard? Well, if I knew that I should get my customer hyped for a month, I would try as much to not disappoint them in this period. Any hype killer could be a bigger deal than it was in April so here's my question: As ridley is one of the most requested character for being playable in SSB4, why solidifying his 50/50 situation so much a month before the E3 hype?

The only way it would have made sense is Sakurai not being aware of his request which doesn't seem like it would make sense for me. There's so much evidences all pointing towards the behaviour of Sakurai to properly talk to his fan that ignoring him would be practically impossible or he deliberately ignored it or the most plausible would be that he's not playable and he knew about the request but couldn't do it. The problem with the latest one is that it would still not explain why you showed the shadow instead of his full model and clearly mentioning something like "FYI, ridley is an hazard that attacks the player" which would be so direct and uncountable that I would accept it.

As for deliberately ignoring it, it just doesn't make any sense considering he did acknowledge mega man and little mac (which is less requested in Japan so no favouritism there). Even the villager; on the developer direct, he said "At last, the long awaited villager" when he wanted to tell that he's a newcomer. If you acknowledged mega man, villager and little mac, you are blind to not have acknowledged ridley ESPECIALLY with how much controversy he had even before the first trailer.

And the April 8 direct oh there's so much I don't even know where to start so here's a list:
  • "Yes I'm still alive"
  • Both Iwata directly jokes
  • Showing Waluigi figurine when talking about assist trophies (a reference to how he was deconfirmed despite people trying hard lol)
  • The subsitute joke
  • The pseudo Palutena faking as Palutena
  • The ZSS being deconfirmed for 5 seconds (this is the most obvious one)
  • Showing figurine and objects of games (like showing a pokeball instead of just talking about them)
  • The little bye bye gesture at the end
Those behaviour point all towards the point of Sakurai caring a lot for his fans. There's even a more obvious statement about how he care for us:

Masahiro Sakurai, right after E3 2013
Source: http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/17/44...director-masahiro-sakurai-character-selection

So, if he care for us and considering he's one of the most requested character, I don't think it's in his nature to completely ignore him (he didn't even ignored waluigi by saying that the supporter tried hard). What would make sense is that he would be deconfirming ridley BEFORE May which as of this post, it didn't happen and E3 is in 2 days and I'm myself very hyped and you should be too.

Let's put the pieces back together: he set the 50/50 on August 20 2013 but no clear purpose. Then, he solidified this situation even more by providing even more ambiguous evidences but this time, there's a purpose which is hiding his fate but the question about his fate remains. We are now with the same situation but now, we are 2 days before E3 and this means that for a character as requested as him, he would've been showed before May if he was an hazard to not disappoint the fans before E3. It didn't happen and since it's not in Sakurai's nature to give false hope and ignoring so much fan request. Since E3 seems the only appropriate place to generate such hype, I THINK that the most likely outcome possible based on my speculation is:


And, that's it. I said everything I had to say. Remember I said that I THINK it's the most likely outcome. I didn't give any sense of being sure because I'm aren't. It's, for me, what would make the most sense. Feel free to like this post or doing a quick review HOWEVER I will not get into ANY argumentation towards criticism of this opinion simply because I said I didn't want to argue in those terrible debate conditions and if you want to argue with me, wait in 2 days ok?

So, I hope you like it and I wish you for every determined ridley supporter doubtful or not a great E3. LET'S HYPE

Talk just got real.

(Nice BGM choice, mate!)
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