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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
Pit : "Wow Hewdraw sure have changed since the last time I saw him !"

Viridi :"No, Pit this is Ridley aka the cunning god of death !"

Pit "Any relation with Thanatos ?"

Viridi : "No, Ridley got his title because of his habit of always finding a way to come back to life to -"

Pit : "I see, kinda like the Phoenix !"

Viridi : "FOCUS PIT, Ridley is a space pirate commander-".

Pit : "The same space pirates who stole the three sacred treasures ?"

Viridi : "OUR universe and HIS universe have NOTHING to do with each other !"

Pit "I see, so is Ridley from the Komayto universe ?"

Viridi : "..."
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Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
I have a feeling they are not going to confirm Ridley at e3. But I do think Sakurai is going to troll Ridley followers by revealing Giga Bowser as a stage hazard, thus validating the possibility of a character being both playable and a stage hazard.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I have a feeling they are not going to confirm Ridley at e3. But I do think Sakurai is going to troll Ridley followers by revealing Giga Bowser as a stage hazard, thus validating the possibility of a character being both playable and a stage hazard.
I fail to see how that would be a good idea. Assuming Ridley is playable, then Sakurai has obviously been building the hype for him all these months, and this E3 is the last major marketing exposer the game(s) will get before the 3DS version comes out at some point this summer where the full roster will be known. Not to mention Ridley's request group is, for the most part, Western based. And guess where E3, the biggest gaming event of the year is? That's right, Western territory.

If Ridley is to be playable, we will see him as such at E3.


Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
Pit codec with Ridley
Pit: What is this thing? IT IS TOO BIG!!! Nevermind, He should prepare to meet the light
Hades: It is useless Pit, I have heard way too many times but sammy has never been able to kill old good Ridley for good
Pit: Sammy? Do you mean Samus? Anyway I see that he has gotten smaller compared to the last time I saw him but I have learned new moves
Hades: So did Samus, she was still unable to kill him regardless of the number of fights they had
Pit: Oh come on, it can't be that persistent, can he?
Hades: Oh pitty pal, it seems you have never played Metroid, you are fighting Ridley, also named the cunning god of death and the leader of the space pirates
Pit: So this guy is what would happen if Thanatos ever joins the space pirates?
Hades: Not even close Pitty, he is way more dangerous than Thanatos and the space pirates of the metroid universe makes the space pirates of our universe look like a bunch of kindergarten kids playing with wood swords
Pit: Oh come one, they can't be that bad
Hades: Indeed they aren't, they just killed an entire colony to steal their fuel leaving a little girl as the only survivor
Pit: That's so cruel!! What happened to the little girl?
Hades: A bunch of super intelligent birds took care of her, teaching her martial arts and a super powerful suit that puts the great sacred treasure into shame
Pit: Is that Samus?
Hades: No, I'm obviously talking about Viridi, anyway, the poor girl eventually grew up becoming the most powerful bounty hunter in the galaxy, she fought Ridley once, then fought Meta Ridley, then fought new and improved Meta Ridley, then she fought Omega Ridley until she finally killed the original Ridley
Pit: So she had to fight Ridley 5 times to kill him?
Hades: Yes, then she killed her clone and her zombie counterpart and will kill him again soon, oops, spoilers
Pit: Why didn't anyone warn me that I would have to fight against an inmortal space dragon
Hades: They gave you a book with info about the fighters, if only you could read then you wouldn't be in this situation, fortunately, Ridley is a master tactician and has designed a variety of strategies to counter all your attack
Pit: Well, if samus could beat him before then there is no way I'm losing this
Hades: You know what he can do but you don't?
Pit: What?
Hades: Fly
Pit: That's a low blow Hades
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I will just say that if Ridley isn't confirmed at E3, I will lose any hope I still have about him being playable. There is no reason to NOT announce him at E3, if he is playable.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I will just say that if Ridley isn't confirmed at E3, I will lose any hope I still have about him being playable. There is no reason to NOT announce him at E3, if he is playable.
I do agree with that sentiment to an extent; however, I will not lose "hope" until he is officially deconfirmed.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
I think we will see him as a boss at E3. Too bad guys, but pyrosphere will probably be a playable stage, and the truth will be revealed...


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
I actually feel there's a pretty good reason not to announce him at E3, in that while he's most surely a shoe-in given that Little Mac got in, he's not that popular in the East. That said, I can see him being revealed along side some more international characters. Possibly something like Shulk, who gets few requests on Miiverse and possibly GameFAQs outside of Japan. We seem to support him the most.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I think we will see him as a boss at E3. Too bad guys, but pyrosphere will probably be a playable stage, and the truth will be revealed...
I think we will see him as a playable character at E3. Too bad guys, but Pyrosphere will probably be a playable stage, and the truth will be revealed... :denzel:


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
I actually feel there's a pretty good reason not to announce him at E3, in that while he's most surely a shoe-in given that Little Mac got in, he's not that popular in the East. That said, I can see him being revealed along side some more international characters. Possibly something like Shulk, who gets few requests on Miiverse and possibly GameFAQs outside of Japan. We seem to support him the most.
Shulk is not really a internationally popular character. Most people in the west have no idea who he is, Xenoblade is an extremely niche game. A few requests on Miiverse and Gamefaqs doesn't make a character internationally popular. Don't get me wrong, I do want Shulk in Smash, but he doesn't feel the role you are suggesting.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
This may be contrary to what most people think, but if Ridley isn't announced playable at E3, yet for whatever reason, we never see him as a boss, I think that would be good for his chances. With all the new footage we're probably going to get and all the people actually playing the game, it would be very hard for them to hide a Ridley hazard without outright preventing people from playing on the Pyrosphere. And in that event, that would raise the question of why they didn't let people try out the Pyrosphere.

Personally, I'm not going to lose hope for Ridley if he just isn't announced playable at E3. I'll be waiting for them to show an official de-confirmation before I jump to conclusions.
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
I don't know why, but earlier I was imaging a scene with Ridley and Roidley. Roidley is excited about potentially joining the roster, but Ridley warns him of the dangers. In song.

"The 'Net is cruel. The 'Net is wicked. It's I alone whom you can trust in this whole website! I am your only friend."


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
I think we will see him as a playable character at E3. Too bad guys, but Pyrosphere will probably be a playable stage, and the truth will be revealed... :denzel:

You sir got me there. But well, what I meant is, after reading most of the reactions after the direct on this thread, I can only assume most people are already with Ridley boss in mind, thus no point for Sakurai to make a fuss around our Dragon. I dunno, I think we are expecting a bit too much for E3 and Ridley.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I don't know why, but earlier I was imaging a scene with Ridley and Roidley. Roidley is excited about potentially joining the roster, but Ridley warns him of the dangers. In song.

"The 'Net is cruel. The 'Net is wicked. It's I alone whom you can trust in this whole website! I am your only friend."
I keep imagining the two doing a Fusion Dance and becoming Concept Artley, myself.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
Shulk is not really a internationally popular character. Most people in the west have no idea who he is, Xenoblade is an extremely niche game. A few requests on Miiverse and Gamefaqs doesn't make a character internationally popular. Don't get me wrong, I do want Shulk in Smash, but he doesn't feel the role you are suggesting.
I meant that we would have a character who isn't that popular in the west but highly popular in the east as well as a character that isn't that popular in the east but highly popular in the west.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML

You sir got me there. But well, what I meant is, after reading most of the reactions after the direct on this thread, I can only assume most people are already with Ridley boss in mind, thus no point for Sakurai to make a fuss around our Dragon. I dunno, I think we are expecting a bit too much for E3 and Ridley.
After reading most of the reactions after the reactions after the Direct on this thread, I can only assume that most people already have playable Ridley in mind, thus there is a point for Sakurai to make a fuss about our favorite purple space dragon (that is not really a dragon).


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
After reading most of the reactions after the reactions after the Direct on this thread, I can only assume that most people already have playable Ridley in mind, thus there is a point for Sakurai to make a fuss about our favorite purple space dragon (that is not really a dragon).


They all pretty much lost faith.

BTW I'm not sure about the english word, but isn't it some Pterodactyl monster ? Not sure the word though.
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Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Martinsburg, WV
I fail to see how that would be a good idea. Assuming Ridley is playable, then Sakurai has obviously been building the hype for him all these months, and this E3 is the last major marketing exposer the game(s) will get before the 3DS version comes out at some point this summer where the full roster will be known. Not to mention Ridley's request group is, for the most part, Western based. And guess where E3, the biggest gaming event of the year is? That's right, Western territory.

If Ridley is to be playable, we will see him as such at E3.
You're probably right, but Sakurai loves to troll with Ridley. There's a small chance he may be a secret reveal. Alternatively, I could also see him doing this if Ridley is NOT playable, just to provide false hope a little longer.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
Precisely, that is in the past, on page 492. Why do you utterly disregard every page after that one?
I'm not putting aside the other pages who did a nice job concerning the Ridley animations, but while i's a point showing Ridley playable (idle animation), it doesn't eliminate the Boss possibility. It could be a small or big Ridley, it's still more likely a boss.
My point with page 492 is that the direct was meant to show Ridley as a boss. The only thing that I find strange is no direct pics of Ridley, even so, the points against him are strong.

I swear if Ridley is playable despite what we saw until now, I will have a Ridley avatar and main him instead of Yoshi.

Im already starting to regret my bet.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I'm not putting aside the other pages who did a nice job concerning the Ridley animations, but while i's a point showing Ridley playable (idle animation), it doesn't eliminate the Boss possibility. It could be a small or big Ridley, it's still more likely a boss.
My point with page 492 is that the direct was meant to show Ridley as a boss. The only point that I find strange is no direct pics of Ridley, even so, the points against him are strong.

I swear if Ridley is playable despite what we saw until now, I will have a Ridley avatar and main him instead of Yoshi.
I do not really find the "points" against him as plausible. There is only one point, the ambiguous allusion to Ridley's shadow. If we want to get as literal as the detractors, that would indicate that Ridley's shadow is a boss character as Ridley's shadow was shown while Sakurai confirmed additional boss characters. No one is that delusional though, you utilize logic to come to the conclusion that it was Ridley he was alluding to, just as we (supporters) attributed logic to our conclusion that it was playable Ridley he was alluding to.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I'm not putting aside the other pages who did a nice job concerning the Ridley animations, but while i's a point showing Ridley playable (idle animation), it doesn't eliminate the Boss possibility. It could be a small or big Ridley, it's still more likely a boss.
My point with page 492 is that the direct was meant to show Ridley as a boss. The only point that I find strange is no direct pics of Ridley, even so, the points against him are strong.

I swear if Ridley is playable despite what we saw until now, I will have a Ridley avatar and main him instead of Yoshi.

Im already starting to regret my bet.
I think it's worth pointing out that shortly after the Direct, most people would automatically assume that Ridley is a boss and lose hope for him being playable. It would only be after that state of depression passed that people would start analyzing things more thoroughly and start to think that maybe Ridley isn't out of the question.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC

They all pretty much lost faith.

BTW I'm not sure about the english word, but isn't it some Pterodactyl monster ? Not sure the word though.
A Pterodactyl is a prehistoric creature that had only four limbs: a pair of legs and a pair of wing. The latter ones are basically rather long arms with a immensely long pinky that is connected to its short legs by a thin membrane, which enables it to fly.

Ridley's anatomy resembles more to that of dragons, which have six limbs: two arms, two legs, and two wings. Their wings are similar to that of bats, in which every finger (except for one) is elongated and connected with each other by membrane. It also has a long, versatile tail, uncommon among most pterosaurs, which are mostly short and stiff.

The only thing that Ridley has that gives it some resemblance to pterosaurs that dragons usually lack is the craneal protuberance at the back of its head.

TL:DR: Ridley is a dragon, not a pterasaur. Whoever wrote the trophy descriptions in Brawl is an idiot.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
My point with page 492
Good glory, has it really been 300 pages since the Smash Direct discussions? And yet we have heard nothing about Ridley in any PotD. Plenty of opportunities, a handful of Pryosphere pictures here and there, but still no sign of him... or any other new bosses for that matter. Not even Yellow Devil was teased this long. Seriously... if nothing about Ridley's status is confirmed at E3, I don't even know anymore.

And to think this topic's post count'll only climb higher as E3 approaches and the anticipation builds. #page1000


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
Personally, I'm not going to lose hope for Ridley if he just isn't announced playable at E3. I'll be waiting for them to show an official de-confirmation before I jump to conclusions.
If they officially disconfirm him, you won't need to jump to conclusions.



Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
I do not really find the "points" against him as plausible. There is only one point, the ambiguous allusion to Ridley's shadow. If we want to get as literal as the detractors, that would indicate that Ridley's shadow is a boss character as Ridley's shadow was shown while Sakurai confirmed additional boss characters. No one is that delusional though, you utilize logic to come to the conclusion that it was Ridley he was alluding to, just as we (supporters) attributed logic to our conclusion that it was playable Ridley he was alluding to.
Well, while supporters made a good point with their analysis leading to an almost correct size, I still use the words from Sakurai ; he said an enemy from Samus' past would appear at any moment while showing the stage. Now who is an enemy from her past ? Difficult to say since we don't know from which game we are supposed to take Samus ; other M ? After Ridley's last death ? I'm pretty sure it's still about Ridley. Which enemy is worth taking a potd AND the caracteristic of being an enemy from her past ? Wasnt one of the main points of Other M revealing a bit of Samus' past ?

And then I got trolled by Sakurai, who reveals Ridley playable, destroying my theory. :yoshi:


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Good glory, has it really been 300 pages since the Smash Direct discussions? And yet we have heard nothing about Ridley in any PotD. Plenty of opportunities, a handful of Pryosphere pictures here and there, but still no sign of him... or any other new bosses for that matter. Not even Yellow Devil was teased this long. Seriously... if nothing about Ridley's status is confirmed at E3, I don't even know anymore.

And to think this topic's post count'll only climb higher as E3 approaches and the anticipation builds. #page1000
What the-- 300 pages?! If that's true, then the controversy on the shadow from last month has created more pages than the entire 2+ years of the K. Rool support thread's existence!

Sorry for breaking the subject, but I was gone for a long time since the Direct. This bit of news really took me by surprise.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML

Well, while supporters made a good point with their analysis leading to an almost correct size, I still use the words from Sakurai ; he said an enemy from Samus' past would appear at any moment while showing the stage. Now who is an enemy from her past ? Difficult to say since we don't know from which game we are supposed to take Samus ; other M ? After Ridley's last death ? I'm pretty sure it's still about Ridley. Which enemy is worth taking a potd AND the caracteristic of being an enemy from her past ? Wasnt one of the main points of Other M revealing a bit of Samus' past ?

And then I got trolled by Sakurai, who reveals Ridley playable, destroying my theory. :yoshi:
I honestly do not even pay attention to the size argument. I do not believe that it is possible to accurately discern his size based on a shadow. Maybe it is, I am not an expert on lighting or scaling different models. However, logic is always there to help lazy people like me. So I have my own argument, one that I wrote so long ago that I cannot even remember it, I just remember that I thoroughly convinced myself that Ridley was playable (which is all that is relevant from my perspective).


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I'm now imagining Sakurai looking at Smashboards and seeing the 700+ page Ridley support thread.

"Wow, they must REALLY be looking forward to that Ridley boss that I've come up with!"
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Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
What the-- 300 pages?! If that's true, then the controversy on the shadow from last month has created more pages than the entire 2+ years of the K. Rool support thread's existence!

Sorry for breaking the subject, but I was gone for a long time since the Direct. This bit of news really took me by surprise.
And we are only 50 pages away from the main character discussion thread. Look at how big it is.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
If all of the Ridley discussion from the character discussion thread was imputed to this thread, we would probably surpass it.
Not only the character thread, but rumor/leaks thread as well. I've seen people talking about Ridley in so many threads here in the SSB4 sub-forum. People say Mewtwo is the most wanted "newcomer" in the west, but given how much people talk about Ridley, I wonder if that really is the case.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Not only the character thread, but rumor/leaks thread as well. I've seen people talking about Ridley in so many threads here in the SSB4 sub-forum. People say Mewtwo is the most wanted "newcomer" in the west, but given how much people talk about Ridley, I wonder if that really is the case.
Considering that Mewtwo itself isn't actually a newcomer, I would say no.
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