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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Fairly certain that the whole Mother Brain/Space Pirates alliance thing happens because Mother Brain knows she can get done what needs to get done with people who have no problem doing whatever it takes to get things done. If I remember correctly, she had intended to turn against them when it was appropriate, anyway.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2011
Ashley's thread
Maybe M1 was Ridley's initial decision to stick with MB, but there's zero debate that SM Ridley and SM MB would result in a hilariously one-sided fight which would end as soon as MB got tired of entertaining her pet dragon.
Well they both have beaten Samus at some point of this game but yeah, dinosaur MB would kick Ridley's butt with her laser.

I always consider that the Ridley fights are the point of the games where you are put against your equal and then the following bosses (usually the final ones) is a fight where Samus have to surpass herself to become even stronger =)


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Speaking of what I do in this thread...

Scaling with T-Models. Ridley's max size and min size as compared to Pikachu, using the tailbone for reference.

People who hung around when I was extrapolating Ridley's size from his tail will no doubt remember me freaking out over the fact that I thought he was as small as Pikachu.
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Deleted member

A quick comment regarding the lava situation on regular vs. FD pyrosphere.
Obviously there is lava on regular Pyrosphere (denoted by the stream and small particles in the air), and obviously, the lava stream is sealed off (with no air particles in the FD version) however I still think that the Lava in the pit below the stage is still there in the stages FD form and not 100% removed from the stage.
I went back and compared the lighting between regular and FD Pyrosphere and:

You can notice by looking at the bottom portions of the stage that the same orange glow that would come from lava still seems to exist on the stage's FD and regular forms. (Go to 22:39 in the Smash Direct for a better look at the bottom parts of FD Pyrosphere.)

This is just something I thought I would point out to show that not ALL the lava is gone in Pyrosphere's FD form as the lava deep in the pit still exists as an aesthetic feature (plausibly, going off of my observations). Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I never liked the idea to Ridley being controlled/mastered by something like Mother Brain or Dark Samus. My Idea of him is that he can't be controlled in any way, as he has a strong free will. Also, I think he would feel indignation because something made him second in command since HE IS the original leader of the Space Pirates...he just "acts" being summisive to them, but in reality he would love to stab them in the back....REALLY hard... :3 But that's just me...
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Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
Well they both have beaten Samus at some point of this game but yeah, dinosaur MB would kick Ridley's butt with her laser
I believe Ridley would have stabbed her in the face/eye before she even thought of charging that very slow laser.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Isn't it entirely possible that the lava just didn't happen to be spewing out at the moment that the FD Pyrosphere footage was captured? The hole where it comes from is still very much intact and looks ready to spew lava again "at any moment".

I think the lava being "removed" is merely circumstantial evidence and that it truly is simply cosmetic, and just not flowing at the moment. If Ridley has anything going for him left, it's his supposedly "playable-like stature".

Also, Ridley would tear Mother Brain apart. Samus basically had to out-power MB in a clash of "Who Has a Bigger Laser: Rainbow Edition". Ridley would be able to smash through most of the obstacles in her room, avoid the acid altogether, latch onto her tank, then go to town with his tail and plasma breath. The primary advantage that Ridley has over both Samus and MB is his insane mobility, and, for all we know, Ridley is strong enough to dislodge her container entirely.

Mother Brain wouldn't be able to get out more than a dozen Death Cheerios before Ridley turned her into a fine pink mist.
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Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
It's not a gorilla, actually, it's based on a Daruma doll. As for Slaking...damnit, I guess he's a gorilla. A gorilla with a horrible ability, but a gorilla.

Anyways, Ridley needs some good Ridley puns. Let's think of 'em!
We're all just dragon this out, or winging it, if you will. We need to get Ridley of all of these fast and high-tail it out of here before he gets angry.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
It's not a gorilla, actually, it's based on a Daruma doll. As for Slaking...damnit, I guess he's a gorilla. A gorilla with a horrible ability, but a gorilla.

Anyways, Ridley needs some good Ridley puns. Let's think of 'em!
Actually, funny thing about Slaking? He outspeeds a LOT of Pokemon. Just a lot of his downside comes from his ability.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I subscribe to the idea that Ridley is a mercenary-for-hire, the "fee" being giving Ridley free reign to kill. After all, the GF is constantly pestering him to stop killing, so no GF=No limits to his slaughter.

He shows loyalty to Mother Brain because her Metroids are going to allow him to kill people in new, gruesome ways. He joins Dark Samus because her Phazon is killing everything. Both are devoted to destroying the GF, and by extension the people that want to stop his rampage. Even the Space Pirates seem to acknowledge him as hired muscle, but his military experience defaults him to leader.

Ridley's no king or ruler. He's an assassin with a fetish for blood.

Isn't it entirely possible that the lava just didn't happen to be spewing out at the moment that the FD Pyrosphere footage was captured? The hole where it comes from is still very much intact and looks ready to spew lava again "at any moment".

I think the lava being "removed" is merely circumstantial evidence and that it truly is simply cosmetic, and just not flowing at the moment.
Has it ever been not flowing in the normal version?

And if you're correct, why put in footage in which it's not flowing when you're trying to show off an alternate version of the stage?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
I believe Ridley would have stabbed her in the face/eye before she even thought of charging that very slow laser.
I dunno, if MB no-sold Samus' Power Bombs and Super Missiles, I don't think her no.2 would be able to even make her flinch, and Ridley doesn't have The Baby to bail him out.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Has it ever been not flowing in the normal version?

And if you're correct, why put in footage in which it's not flowing when you're trying to show off an alternate version of the stage?
Well, I dunno. Has it? :V (Like seriously, I don't know.)

And, again, I dunno. Why hype a massively requested character up only to "reveal" them as a boss? Why make any ****ty decision Sakurai has made? You're more than likely right, as I don't know enough about the stage and its intricacies to truly get into some real **** with anyone over it. I'm just trying to help everyone keep in mind that, no matter how much evidence we claim to have to the contrary, Sakurai may not give even a single **** and Ridley really is just a janky, poorly-animated, small boss character.

This is Sakurai we're talking about. The man who's made three "pretty good" games and gets called an absolutely infallible genius for it. He'll do whatever he sees fit, and that is, unfortunately and more likely than not, failing to include Ridley as a playable character.

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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I never liked the idea to Ridley being controlled/mastered by something like Mother Brain or Dark Samus. My Idea of him is that he can't be controlled in any way, as he has a strong free will. Also, I think he would feel indignation because something made him second in command since HE IS the original leader of the Space Pirates...he just "acts" being summisive to them, but in reality he would love to stab them in the back....REALLY hard... :3 But that's just me...
I like to think of it this way too. In Dark Samus's case he could've just joined her willingly even with how much he and the pirates benefited from her providing them with Phazon. Same with Mother Brain because of the knowledge and resources she provided on Zebes perhaps.

Besides that, Ridley has been known to show or have some respect to others with position of power like himself, which he even reluctantly showed to Gray Voice despite having to kill him later when Gray tried to assassinate Mother.

I subscribe to the idea that Ridley is a mercenary-for-hire, the "fee" being giving Ridley free reign to kill. After all, the GF is constantly pestering him to stop killing, so no GF=No limits to his slaughter.

He shows loyalty to Mother Brain because her Metroids are going to allow him to kill people in new, gruesome ways. He joins Dark Samus because her Phazon is killing everything. Both are devoted to destroying the GF, and by extension the people that want to stop his rampage. Even the Space Pirates seem to acknowledge him as hired muscle, but his military experience defaults him to leader.

Ridley's no king or ruler. He's an assassin with a fetish for blood.
I would actually like to see this assassin take on Ridley in a future game, where he's not necessarily affiliated with the pirates but acting out only on his own interests. It would show he can work well as both a team leader and an individual mercenary for hire.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
Isn't it entirely possible that the lava just didn't happen to be spewing out at the moment that the FD Pyrosphere footage was captured? The hole where it comes from is still very much intact and looks ready to spew lava again "at any moment".

I think the lava being "removed" is merely circumstantial evidence and that it truly is simply cosmetic, and just not flowing at the moment. If Ridley has anything going for him left, it's his supposedly "playable-like stature".

Also, Ridley would tear Mother Brain apart. Samus basically had to out-power MB in a clash of "Who Has a Bigger Laser: Rainbow Edition". Ridley would be able to smash through most of the obstacles in her room, avoid the acid altogether, latch onto her tank, then go to town with his tail and plasma breath. The primary advantage that Ridley has over both Samus and MB is his insane mobility, and, for all we know, Ridley is strong enough to dislodge her container entirely.

Mother Brain wouldn't be able to get out more than a dozen Death Cheerios before Ridley turned her into a fine pink mist.
We have like 50+ pictures of normal pyrosphere, plus video footage of it, and all of it has the lava in the background, the one picture of FD pyrosphere does not have it in the background. I mean, there's reaching, and then there's this.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
It was less reaching and more me not knowing that the lava was always there. :| Why would I reach to further deconfirm the character I want above all else and who wholly decides whether or not I buy the game?
Well i am srry I did not realize you did not know the stage well, just thought I would make a point.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2013
United States
It was less reaching and more me not knowing that the lava was always there. :| Why would I reach to further deconfirm the character I want above all else and who wholly decides whether or not I buy the game?
I understand preferences but I've always thought basing a $60 decision on one single component of a massive game was a bit extreme. That's like me finding out there's a new Pokemon generation, but Mienshao, my favorite pokemon, is unavailable in it by normal means, so I refuse to get the game.

I think most of us consider Sakurai to be someone worthy of praise because:

1. He made Smash possible to begin with. His idea. Be thankful.
2. More often than not, he gives us much of what we want, and usually has good reasons for not giving us the stuff he doesn't.
3. His games, particularly Brawl, have been more than 'pretty good.' I'm assuming you're citing lack of competitive balance as Sakurai's failing since you're a Project M fan, but outside of balance, Smash games are massive multiplayer fun packed with unspeakable amounts of content relative to the average game. Ridley alone will not make or break this game, and if it does, you're riding on your desire for him a bit too much.

And no one said Sakurai was an infallible genius. But he is pretty respectable and good at what he does. This is in response to your other comment. All-in-all, keep faith that he will be in, and stop acting like Sakurai does **** just to piss you off and not care about what you want (Ridley), because he doesn't. Ridley has been explicitly stated to have been held back by technical limitations in the past, not vindictiveness.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 25, 2010
Also, Ridley would tear Mother Brain apart. Samus basically had to out-power MB in a clash of "Who Has a Bigger Laser: Rainbow Edition". Ridley would be able to smash through most of the obstacles in her room, avoid the acid altogether, latch onto her tank, then go to town with his tail and plasma breath. The primary advantage that Ridley has over both Samus and MB is his insane mobility, and, for all we know, Ridley is strong enough to dislodge her container entirely.

Mother Brain wouldn't be able to get out more than a dozen Death Cheerios before Ridley turned her into a fine pink mist.
Do what? Ridley hits no harder than a Super Missile, and MB's tank took several smacks from those. Nevermind he's a heartbeat key into Tourian in both games. If Ridley decided to try and stage a coup, he had his chance in M1 if he was going to backstab MB. Now, not only would MB know of his treachery(when her doors opened and he was still alive), but one good rainbow laser and Ridley'll be kneeling the same as Samus did.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Lol, some people give Sakurai too much praise. It is almost like he does everything in Smash by himself. He should just fire all the employees in Sora Ltd. :p The idea of Sakurai giving us stuff is very weird too. He doesn't give us anything, he is SELLING a product. He puts certain characters in the game because people will buy the game for said characters, not because he is a good guy. If Ridley isn't in, it is because from a business perspective, it wasn't worth putting him in the game.

By the way, I don't know why some are so bothered by the idea of others not wanting to buy Smash 4 if Ridley (or any other character) isn't playable. It is entirely reasonable to not spend $40 or $60 (don't forget there will be an amazing 3DS version which will cost $20 less) if a character/feature/whatever you REALLY want isn't in the game.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2013
United States
Lol, some people give Sakurai too much praise. It is almost like he does everything in Smash by himself. He should just fire all the employees in Sora Ltd. :p The idea of Sakurai giving us stuff is very weird too. He doesn't give us anything, he is SELLING a product. He puts certain characters in the game because people will buy the game for said characters, not because he is a good guy. If Ridley isn't in, it is because from a business perspective, it wasn't worth putting him in the game.

By the way, I don't know why some are so bothered by the idea of others not wanting to buy Smash 4 if Ridley (or any other character) isn't playable. It is entirely reasonable to not spend $40 or $60 (don't forget there will be an amazing 3DS version which will cost $20 less) if a character/feature/whatever you REALLY want isn't in the game.
And what better way to sell a product then by answering gamers' requests, which UltimateWario is implying he doesn't do. He doesn't have to be a good guy, but he's definitely not an asshole who ignores everyone and does what he wants without considering what's best for his series. He delivers when he can. And of course he has a staff, but Sakurai is Smash's representative and director and so its easiest to make reference to him when it comes to major parts of the game, instead of employee #482 whose name I don't know who happens to play a bigger role in that particular decision. Common sense.

And I never said I was bothered, I just find it a bit vain. Unless the game is butchered and no longer feels like Smash, one newcomer not making it in isn't going to keep me from buying and enjoying a game. If its still a good game, I'd get it, even if my favorite smasher, Wolf, isn't in. I could understand not buying it because half of the past roster was cut, but one newcomer who may or may not still be too difficult to implement and may not be in as a result, doesn't seem sufficient.
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Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Lol, some people give Sakurai too much praise. It is almost like he does everything in Smash by himself. He should just fire all the employees in Sora Ltd. :p The idea of Sakurai giving us stuff is very weird too. He doesn't give us anything, he is SELLING a product. He puts certain characters in the game because people will buy the game for said characters, not because he is a good guy. If Ridley isn't in, it is because from a business perspective, it wasn't worth putting him in the game.

By the way, I don't know why some are so bothered by the idea of others not wanting to buy Smash 4 if Ridley (or any other character) isn't playable. It is entirely reasonable to not spend $40 or $60 (don't forget there will be an amazing 3DS version which will cost $20 less) if a character/feature/whatever you REALLY want isn't in the game.
I give Sakurai a lot of praise. He really puts in the extra mile on these games. He goes above and beyond the average lead developer. On top of having wrist injuries from testing the game and working so much in general, that he underplays to get people to stop worrying about him, he goes to work earlier than he needs to, and updates a website with daily pictures and quotes with extra information about the game. He does all the balancing himself, (or at least has until this game), and makes most of the key decisions about the game.

On top of this, he feels it is his personal responsibility to make an accurate and well represented history of Nintendo's major IP's in these games. In Brawl, he even threw in playable versions of certain classics. These aren't just fighters to Sakurai. They are history.

Sakurai is doing a lot, lot more than selling a product. He's trying to give an accurate picture of Nintendo's history, in the most presentable way he knows how. It's an insane undertaking, but look at how much detail is in brawl, between the stickers, trophies, ect.

So when he makes decisions about the roster, I can't imagine how heavily it weighs on him. Just because he acts like a troll during reveals doesn't mean he takes this very seriously.

If someone doesn't want to buy a game because a character they want isn't in it, that's fine. I have no squabble with that.

If someone wants to get on Sakurai's case because of it, though, then that person really, really doesn't know what they're talking about, and needs to realize the world doesn't revolve around them and their fantasy roster.

And I stand by that statement regardless of Ridley's playability status.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I don't care for begrudging Sakurai over a character or any of that, but this debate about him is getting kinda dumb.

Do what? Ridley hits no harder than a Super Missile, and MB's tank took several smacks from those. Nevermind he's a heartbeat key into Tourian in both games. If Ridley decided to try and stage a coup, he had his chance in M1 if he was going to backstab MB. Now, not only would MB know of his treachery(when her doors opened and he was still alive), but one good rainbow laser and Ridley'll be kneeling the same as Samus did.
In Super Metroid Ridley's tail could flick away a normal or super missile, not to mention break through the otherwise invincible Screw Attack. At any rate, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here or what you're trying to argue with all this. A villain's power level doesn't have any bearing on how good they are as a character. The best villains and most powerful/deadly villains aren't necessarily the same. The only thing Mother Brain's really done in antagonizing Samus for the most part is killing the baby. Ridley's done much more in hurting her and earning the status of Samus's arch-nemesis and most longstanding one, regardless of who leads the space pirates the most.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I give Sakurai a lot of praise. He really puts in the extra mile on these games. He goes above and beyond the average lead developer. On top of having wrist injuries from testing the game and working so much in general, that he underplays to get people to stop worrying about him, he goes to work earlier than he needs to, and updates a website with daily pictures and quotes with extra information about the game. He does all the balancing himself, (or at least has until this game), and makes most of the key decisions about the game.

On top of this, he feels it is his personal responsibility to make an accurate and well represented history of Nintendo's major IP's in these games. In Brawl, he even threw in playable versions of certain classics. These aren't just fighters to Sakurai. They are history.

Sakurai is doing a lot, lot more than selling a product. He's trying to give an accurate picture of Nintendo's history, in the most presentable way he knows how. It's an insane undertaking, but look at how much detail is in brawl, between the stickers, trophies, ect.

So when he makes decisions about the roster, I can't imagine how heavily it weighs on him. Just because he acts like a troll during reveals doesn't mean he takes this very seriously.

If someone doesn't want to buy a game because a character they want isn't in it, that's fine. I have no squabble with that.

If someone wants to get on Sakurai's case because of it, though, then that person really, really doesn't know what they're talking about, and needs to realize the world doesn't revolve around them and their fantasy roster.

And I stand by that statement regardless of Ridley's playability status.
I imagine that the game as a whole would drain an ordinary man, so it would make sense that Sakurai gets whatever jollies he can by screwing with the fanbase; that's probably his only source of joy.

He's a fun guy, but he treats his games with utmost seriousness.


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2014
North Charleston, SC
Hey all of you Ridley supporters, I wanted to ask you a quick question or two. I've been wanting to get into Metroid lately because I realize Samus is a bad*** and Ridley is one of the best villains ever, and I've always been interested in the plot in the series and how there's an actual timeline, kinda like Zelda. But I, of course, am not too familiar with the series, and I assume most of you are quite familiar with it due to supporting Ridley so much. I wanted to ask which of yhe Metroid games you would say is a good start or which games you thought were the best. All I know is to not start with Metroid: Other M. Speaking of that actually, why was that game hated on so much? Was it really just because Samus talks for once or is it because how she is portrayed? All I really know is that Team Ninja made it instead of Retro and it was based off of the manga, I think.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Hey all of you Ridley supporters, I wanted to ask you a quick question or two. I've been wanting to get into Metroid lately because I realize Samus is a bad*** and Ridley is one of the best villains ever, and I've always been interested in the plot in the series and how there's an actual timeline, kinda like Zelda. But I, of course, am not too familiar with the series, and I assume most of you are quite familiar with it due to supporting Ridley so much. I wanted to ask which of yhe Metroid games you would say is a good start or which games you thought were the best. All I know is to not start with Metroid: Other M. Speaking of that actually, why was that game hated on so much? Was it really just because Samus talks for once or is it because how she is portrayed? All I really know is that Team Ninja made it instead of Retro and it was based off of the manga, I think.
Chronologically, based on the best ones in the series to play?

Metroid: Zero Mission -> Metroid Prime -> Super Metroid -> Other M -> Metroid Fusion

I know a lot of people have genuine disdain for Other M, but it's still a good game if you just kinda ignore the narrative and take away what's required to have a better grasp of Fusion. If you intend to squeeze in all three Metroid Prime games, play them in order. They take place between Metroid 1 and Metroid 2 (Zero Mission is a remake of 1, and Metroid 2 desperately needs one and is difficult to really swallow in its original format).


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Other M is the furthest thing from what defines a "Metroid" game. Basically linearity (so many restrictions, so little freedom), plot (or at least interfering plot), and janky controls/mechanics (everything controlled by the Wiimote alone is a turn off even for "classic" Metroid fans used to just the original 2-button controller. Plus the FPS mechanics feel tacked on, pixel hunts are nightmares, and the forced saving/no health pick ups + infinite replenishable missiles) are all things people tend to want to stray from. If you can look past all of that (which basically means you don't compare it to any other Metroid games at all), then it's not a bad experience. Just not the best to start with, either.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
Hey all of you Ridley supporters, I wanted to ask you a quick question or two. I've been wanting to get into Metroid lately because I realize Samus is a bad*** and Ridley is one of the best villains ever, and I've always been interested in the plot in the series and how there's an actual timeline, kinda like Zelda. But I, of course, am not too familiar with the series, and I assume most of you are quite familiar with it due to supporting Ridley so much. I wanted to ask which of yhe Metroid games you would say is a good start or which games you thought were the best. All I know is to not start with Metroid: Other M. Speaking of that actually, why was that game hated on so much? Was it really just because Samus talks for once or is it because how she is portrayed? All I really know is that Team Ninja made it instead of Retro and it was based off of the manga, I think.
Super Metroid, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Fusion, and then Other M if you care about the (badly written) backstory for Fusion. It was how they did her and that the cutscenes weren't skipable like, say, Twilight Princess. She spoke monotone even though the voice actress for Samus wanted to do her justice. The plot was convoluted and poorly executed, and Samus chooses to serve under her former CO out of respect for him as a father figure without any questions asked, which includes not being able to use some of her (very much vital) power-ups until he says so. I could go on but I don't want to pollute your mind with it. If you wanna give Other M a shot, I can't stop you, but I am one of its largest critics. I was excited for it when it was revealed at E3, and it was a huge letdown for me. Just my 2 cents as a big Metroid fan, I've beaten every game in the series, 100% in all applicable games. With Prime and Super, you can't go wrong though. They're excellent games.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Hey all of you Ridley supporters, I wanted to ask you a quick question or two. I've been wanting to get into Metroid lately because I realize Samus is a bad*** and Ridley is one of the best villains ever, and I've always been interested in the plot in the series and how there's an actual timeline, kinda like Zelda. But I, of course, am not too familiar with the series, and I assume most of you are quite familiar with it due to supporting Ridley so much. I wanted to ask which of yhe Metroid games you would say is a good start or which games you thought were the best. All I know is to not start with Metroid: Other M. Speaking of that actually, why was that game hated on so much? Was it really just because Samus talks for once or is it because how she is portrayed? All I really know is that Team Ninja made it instead of Retro and it was based off of the manga, I think.
I recommend Fusion as a starter game.

People complain about its linearity and focus on a story, but it's still a great video game on its own. Sadly, Other M basically rehashed Fusion settings-wise.

Then I'd recommend either Zero Mission or Metroid Prime, then delve into Super Metroid. But that's just me.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
I would need to buy fusion on the WiiU vc but I played quite some time on the 3DS (yay ambassador!). From what i can tell, I know it's linear BUT the music is so ****ing creepy! Just the music and the game is so Immersive. Nightmare is the best example look at how it basically devastate the path that you had to go to reach him and don't get me started on the boss itself. Also, SA-X is stressful.

So, why being so linear is such a big problem? I know it doesn;t follow a metroid game but it's just so creepy.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I would need to buy fusion on the WiiU vc but I played quite some time on the 3DS (yay ambassador!). From what i can tell, I know it's linear BUT the music is so ****ing creepy! Just the music and the game is so Immersive. Nightmare is the best example look at how it basically devastate the path that you had to go to reach him and don't get me started on the boss itself. Also, SA-X is stressful.

So, why being so linear is such a big problem? I know it doesn;t follow a metroid game but it's just so creepy.
I'm not a "hardcore" Metroid fan, but what seems integral to the mindset of a fan is speedrunning and exploiting shortcuts to complete the game faster. Fusion has no such shortcuts, except for one hard-to-pull-off sequence break that accomplishes nothing.

A beginner Metroid fan when faced with too high a wall would seek some hi-jump boots. A speedrunner pulls an infinite bomb jump or Shinespark.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
I would need to buy fusion on the WiiU vc but I played quite some time on the 3DS (yay ambassador!). From what i can tell, I know it's linear BUT the music is so ****ing creepy! Just the music and the game is so Immersive. Nightmare is the best example look at how it basically devastate the path that you had to go to reach him and don't get me started on the boss itself. Also, SA-X is stressful.

So, why being so linear is such a big problem? I know it doesn;t follow a metroid game but it's just so creepy.
Yeah, Metroid music does a REALLY good job of immersing you in the game. It's one of the things that Metroid games, for the most part, universally do.

Being linear isn't necessarily a problem, it's just a problem with Metroid, which is usually a series that normally encourages exploration and trying to do things out of the norm. The game has you set on a linear path, but most of the good Metroid games let you do things out of order. I mean, Super Metroid, with a bit of skill, technique and luck, you can beat the main bosses in reverse order. And, yeah, that means fighting Ridley first, who's normally the second to last major boss. That's friggin' wild.

Some of the later Metroid games, unfortunately, don't follow that tradition and it's earned a lot of disdain as a result.. but they're still by and large good games.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2013
Southern Indiana
Hey all of you Ridley supporters, I wanted to ask you a quick question or two. I've been wanting to get into Metroid lately because I realize Samus is a bad*** and Ridley is one of the best villains ever, and I've always been interested in the plot in the series and how there's an actual timeline, kinda like Zelda. But I, of course, am not too familiar with the series, and I assume most of you are quite familiar with it due to supporting Ridley so much. I wanted to ask which of yhe Metroid games you would say is a good start or which games you thought were the best. All I know is to not start with Metroid: Other M. Speaking of that actually, why was that game hated on so much? Was it really just because Samus talks for once or is it because how she is portrayed? All I really know is that Team Ninja made it instead of Retro and it was based off of the manga, I think.
I've only played two Metroid games, but but based on that experience, I can just say that I'm very glad that I played Super Metroid before Metroid: Zero Mission.

Zero Mission, and other Metroids from what I hear, reference Super Metroid quite a bit, so I'm happy that it (Super) was my first one.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I've only played two Metroid games, but but based on that experience, I can just say that I'm very glad that I played Super Metroid before Metroid: Zero Mission.

Zero Mission, and other Metroids from what I hear, reference Super Metroid quite a bit, so I'm happy that it (Super) was my first one.
Due to how Fusion was my first game, Zero Mission is my favorite 2D Metroid game. It combines Fusion's streamlined controller setup and physics with Super Metroid's exploration aspect.
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