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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
His only criteria of liking the post is to see it not even read it (he even liked my things even if he strongly disagrees).
Correction. The criteria for liking the post is to read it. If I don't read it, I don't like it (as that is impossible).

However, the real reason I like every post is because I am confident in Ridley's chance as a playable character (feeble attempt at staying on-topic).


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
So is this fake? I don't know what to think of it.
All signs are pointing to this being fake. No signs of Nintendo affiliation, the sounds don't indicate anything Smash Brothers, no announcement confirming it from Nintendo that SHOULD have come along by this point, the HTML only leads back to the E3 website, and the domain is linked to someone with a Hotmail account.

So, pretty incriminating evidence.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Correction. The criteria for liking the post is to read it. If I don't read it, I don't like it (as that is impossible).

However, the real reason I like every post is because I am confident in Ridley's chance as a playable character (feeble attempt at staying on-topic).
I think you liked some of the trollers's posts several pages ago. So it has nothing to do with ridley just the existence of the post is enough.
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
All signs are pointing to this being fake. No signs of Nintendo affiliation, the sounds don't indicate anything Smash Brothers, no announcement confirming it from Nintendo that SHOULD have come along by this point, the HTML only leads back to the E3 website, and the domain is linked to someone with a Hotmail account.

So, pretty incriminating evidence.
Yeah its obviously fake. But I doubt it was referring to Ridley. Mainly because of those background sounds.
OK, the only reason I thought it had anything to do with him was because it was posted here.

Who knows what the countdown will lead to, but I don't want to find out.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
OK, the only reason I thought it had anything to do with him was because it was posted here.

Who knows what the countdown will lead to, but I don't want to find out.
Well, assuming that it actually has something to with Smash, though I highly doubt it, might be the culmination of this.

But I'm still gonna say it's fake.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
You think RIdley's Species is related to the Chozo?
It's a pretty "ehhhh" thought but this depiction of Old Bird from the Super Metroid Comic, there's kind of a resemblance.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2014
It is obviously Ridley they are alluding to! That is why he have not yet seen him, he was practicing his swordplay!
Sakurai: I'm sorry to inform you all, but Ganondorf still has Captain Falcon's Moveset. However, for those who wanted that playstyle....please, take a look.


The audio clip when you click on the site. It sounds like a sword, or at least, that is what everyone is asserting.
It Kinda sounds like Ridley's getting the Crap beaten outta him rather than fighting anyone
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
Obviously it's Ridley grabbing the end of his tail and swinging it around.
I remember someone saying that if Ridley was playble, he'd be a clone of Meta Knight, to which I sarcastically replied with "So he'd spin around like a tornado and hold his tail like a sword?".
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
I remember someone saying that if Ridley was playble, he'd be a clone of Meta Knight, to which I sarcastically replied with "So he'd spin around like a tornado and hold his tail like a sword?".
Like a Smeargle?


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Ridley will be able to learn every move in the game?
Except Chatter
Ridley using Peach's side-special? :troll:
Imagine Ridley with Mr. Game & Watch's moveset. :awesome:

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
His only criteria of liking the post is to see it not even read it (he even liked my things even if he strongly disagrees).

Let me try something....

@ Morbi Morbi you suck and i hate you.

Ahhh......my God....im almost in tears of laughter RealTalk looooool.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
It's the most linear, least exploratory Metroid in the series. The game is constantly taking you by the hand and telling you what to do and where to go, and there's only one legitimate sequence break you can do in the game, but that requires a ton of skill and doesn't actually do anything for you. All the rest aren't intentional and glitches, and don't really help that much. It's a Metroid game, yeah, but only really in name and gameplay. People hated Fusion 'cause at the end of the day, that's all it shared with the series. Plus, it was the precursor to Other M in that they should've realized that people don't play Metroid for story.

Having said that, I still enjoyed it, but its flaws are way more obvious.
If you don't like or play Metroid for the story that's fine, but don't speak for everyone else on the matter. I like the series' plot for the most part, especially Fusion's. And least exploratory Metroid? I think you got that mixed up with Other M, which had only half as much sectors. Most linear? Prime 3 and Other M probably give Fusion a run for its money on that, but regardless, it's been one of my favorite Metroids to speedrun (100% or not) even with the lack of sequence breaks, along with low % running. @_@ Such fun health system and bosses/enemies. Haven't really seen Fusion be hated by the majority either like the last couple Metroids we got, only by a loud minority.

I'd gladly argue with you further if you elaborated more on the "is Metroid in name and gameplay only" part, but I suppose this isn't really the place for that. In the end, Prime (at least the first one or two) pulled it off best for both sides (the sides being those who do and don't want Metroid having a story), with the game's plot mostly being told in optional lores and logs which were written really well.

Some people speculations this countdown is referring to Rids.
I really don't know what to think of this.
Even if that was legit, don't see how it would allude to Ridley, but I like the sound effects. =p And yeah, the mercenary part doesn't sound very Nintendo-like.

Sakurai: I'm sorry to inform you all, but Ganondorf still has Captain Falcon's Moveset. However, for those who wanted that playstyle....please, take a look.

Where has this been all my life?


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
East Coast, US
Holy crap, lots of questions.
Well, I didn't really expect anybody to actually ask about my moveset buuuuut here goes nuthin'...

Neutral B: The balls travel at most 3/4s of FD before they would disappear without hitting anything. The fireballs travel at Mario's fireball speed, but they move slightly faster when there's more of them. The fireballs don't increase in size, only number, maxing at, say 5-6, before the charge becomes the large fireball. Once the fireballs hit the ground, they burst into a small patch of fire (About a Kirby wide) that damages and knocks enemies back, in the air, they only knock back with fire damage before disappearing. He can store the charge of the attack and resume or use it again at a later point. Each fireball causes its own patch of flames, they don't get bigger but the fully charged large fireball gives a large patch of flames (two Kirby's wide). Obviously the fully charged one does more damage and knockback, but it also acts like Ness' PK fire to any enemies that make contact with it on the ground.

Side B: Yes, he can jump around while carrying an opponent. To use his bites or throws, you would press B/B+Direction to perform the attack. But of course enemies can break out of the grab just like traditional grabs, so they have a harder time freeing themselves at higher percentages. Seeing as how Ridley is suppose to be the king of the skies, he doesn't go into a helpless state after a missed Side-B or Up-B.

Up B: He can reactive Up B in order to cancel it, but otherwise he will use attacks and specials as if he were airborne. (Side note: his back-air wouldn't turn him around while in flight). The move behaves like ROB's Up B, he has a set amount of 'air time', so he can activate and deactivate his UP multiple times until he runs out of 'air time', after which he needs to recharge by landing on the ground. Yeah, the gust of wind does no damage and only pushes the enemy, the width of the gust is about Ridley's body size, so it's most effectively against enemies directly under him.

Down B: The radius of the special is just around himself, slightly bigger than what his shield size would be and it fully encompasses his body. Yeah, it would be fair that hitting a stunned foe with the special again would throw them back a set amount with minor damage tacked on. The direction launched would be determined by Ridley, as in the enemies will be thrown 'away' from Ridley, essentially the opposite direction relative to their position. So yes, it could be a pseudo-meteor smash in the air, but it wouldn't likely KO unless both Ridley and the other character are near the lower blast zone. It does have a wind-up and a little wind-down. so it's not an entirely safe move to use. In the air, the attack makes Ridley hovering in the air for a moment, but he will fall during the wind-up and end lag.

Normals: Sure, he can. Jab 3: Ridley swings down with both claws in front of him.
The Follow-up to his D-Smash would only work with the last hit that launches the enemy. Hitting shields would still let him use the follow-up smash, since it's making contact with an enemy.

Aerials: Neutral air is one-sided but with decent range. Up air would be similar to those attacks, but in addition, the first hit (his tail) would pull enemies down into the second hits range. Although, the tail swing can lightly knock enemies downwards as it swings down (similar to Pikachu's up air). It would be like Luigi's, giving damage and knockback with a single hit.

*exhales and flops*

Deleted member

Well, I didn't really expect anybody to actually ask about my moveset buuuuut here goes nuthin'...

Neutral B: The balls travel at most 3/4s of FD before they would disappear without hitting anything. The fireballs travel at Mario's fireball speed, but they move slightly faster when there's more of them. The fireballs don't increase in size, only number, maxing at, say 5-6, before the charge becomes the large fireball. Once the fireballs hit the ground, they burst into a small patch of fire (About a Kirby wide) that damages and knocks enemies back, in the air, they only knock back with fire damage before disappearing. He can store the charge of the attack and resume or use it again at a later point. Each fireball causes its own patch of flames, they don't get bigger but the fully charged large fireball gives a large patch of flames (two Kirby's wide). Obviously the fully charged one does more damage and knockback, but it also acts like Ness' PK fire to any enemies that make contact with it on the ground.

Side B: Yes, he can jump around while carrying an opponent. To use his bites or throws, you would press B/B+Direction to perform the attack. But of course enemies can break out of the grab just like traditional grabs, so they have a harder time freeing themselves at higher percentages. Seeing as how Ridley is suppose to be the king of the skies, he doesn't go into a helpless state after a missed Side-B or Up-B.

Up B: He can reactive Up B in order to cancel it, but otherwise he will use attacks and specials as if he were airborne. (Side note: his back-air wouldn't turn him around while in flight). The move behaves like ROB's Up B, he has a set amount of 'air time', so he can activate and deactivate his UP multiple times until he runs out of 'air time', after which he needs to recharge by landing on the ground. Yeah, the gust of wind does no damage and only pushes the enemy, the width of the gust is about Ridley's body size, so it's most effectively against enemies directly under him.

Down B: The radius of the special is just around himself, slightly bigger than what his shield size would be and it fully encompasses his body. Yeah, it would be fair that hitting a stunned foe with the special again would throw them back a set amount with minor damage tacked on. The direction launched would be determined by Ridley, as in the enemies will be thrown 'away' from Ridley, essentially the opposite direction relative to their position. So yes, it could be a pseudo-meteor smash in the air, but it wouldn't likely KO unless both Ridley and the other character are near the lower blast zone. It does have a wind-up and a little wind-down. so it's not an entirely safe move to use. In the air, the attack makes Ridley hovering in the air for a moment, but he will fall during the wind-up and end lag.

Normals: Sure, he can. Jab 3: Ridley swings down with both claws in front of him.
The Follow-up to his D-Smash would only work with the last hit that launches the enemy. Hitting shields would still let him use the follow-up smash, since it's making contact with an enemy.

Aerials: Neutral air is one-sided but with decent range. Up air would be similar to those attacks, but in addition, the first hit (his tail) would pull enemies down into the second hits range. Although, the tail swing can lightly knock enemies downwards as it swings down (similar to Pikachu's up air). It would be like Luigi's, giving damage and knockback with a single hit.

*exhales and flops*
THANK YOU :seuss: <3


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
If you don't like or play Metroid for the story that's fine, but don't speak for everyone else on the matter. I like the series' plot for the most part, especially Fusion's. And least exploratory Metroid? I think you got that mixed up with Other M, which had only half as much sectors. Most linear? Prime 3 and Other M probably give Fusion a run for its money on that, but regardless, it's been one of my favorite Metroids to speedrun (100% or not) even with the lack of sequence breaks, along with low % running. @_@ Such fun health system and bosses/enemies. Haven't really seen Fusion be hated by the majority either like the last couple Metroids we got, only by a loud minority.
I haven't played Prime 3 or Other M, so I'll take your word on their contender status for most linear, but I can't imagine them being nearly as bad as I remember Fusion to be in that regard.

Like I said, I enjoyed Fusion, it's just not what I was looking for in a Metroid game. It wasn't a memorable game, really, and its attempt to infuse the game with story did it no favors. The cutscenes took me out of the game in almost every case. I don't think people really HATE Fusion. I think in the case of my argument, hate was a bad word to use. Dislike would've been better, but too late now, eh? Besides, Fusion's so old at this point that you're not going to see anyone really complain about it, and Other M kinda took Fusion's place as most disliked Metroid in the series.

I never really touched the Prime games. I played Prime 1 all the way through, tried to play Prime 2 and got turned off half-way through by the stupid plot. Didn't bother with Prime 3. I never touched Other M 'cause I don't have a Wii, but I have a friend who does, and has Other M, so I might well try it now just to formulate my own opinion about it.

I'd gladly argue with you further if you elaborated more on the "is Metroid in name and gameplay only" part, but I suppose this isn't really the place for that. In the end, Prime (at least the first one or two) pulled it off best for both sides (the sides being those who do and don't want Metroid having a story), with the game's plot mostly being told in optional lores and logs which were written really well.
I agree Prime 1 pulled it off well, but that's 'cause they segmented the silly story with long stretches of genuine gameplay and exploration, which I find genuinely amusing since Fusion kinda launched right alongside Prime 1, or close to it, right? I honestly can't recall. Either way, I think they let it get to their head with Prime 2. Anyway, I liked the Metroid games with a minimum of story. Anything more story-wise than Super Metroid's intro is too much for a Metroid game, in my honest opinion. So, I'll concede that I can't speak for everyone, but I think a lot of points people will agree with me on.

All I want is a Metroid game that tells me what I'm doing in the intro and then lets me tackle it any way I want and discover ways to deviate from the normal sequence of events. The games that don't are just a storytelling device pretending to be a Metroid game.

But, I'll agree this isn't really for this topic, so I guess I'm done here.
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