Smash Lord
It's the most linear, least exploratory Metroid in the series. The game is constantly taking you by the hand and telling you what to do and where to go, and there's only one legitimate sequence break you can do in the game, but that requires a ton of skill and doesn't actually do anything for you. All the rest aren't intentional and glitches, and don't really help that much. It's a Metroid game, yeah, but only really in name and gameplay. People hated Fusion 'cause at the end of the day, that's all it shared with the series. Plus, it was the precursor to Other M in that they should've realized that people don't play Metroid for story.I got the 3DS Ambassador thing, So I got Fusion for Free
Is rly cool, Don't see why people wouldn't like it
Having said that, I still enjoyed it, but its flaws are way more obvious.
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