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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Have you seen my "Infinite flying Ridley" moveset?

I mean, I doubt that will be implemented in game, but I expect Ridley to have lots of airtime.
I have, and as much as I love it, I don't think of it as true "infinite flight" by which I really mean complete and true aerial mobility/control, not just never being on the ground. Full ignoring gravity, no option to "rest." Like full on M.O.D.O.K. vs Firebrand deal.

Nightmare to balance (either godlike if done right or utter trash, no in between), I realize, but if it fit Ridley to a T, I'd love it.


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
East Coast, US
Eh, I'm bored, here's my moveset again.

Neutral B: Plasma Scatter:
Ridley shoots a fireball from his mouth that moves over a randomly selected trajectory with low damage. Holding down the button makes him charge the attack. A half-charged Plasma Scatter causes him to spit out five fireballs, all shooting out in different trajectories. A fully charged Plasma Scatter causes him to launch a large ball of plasma in front of him (diagonally downward in the air). Any fireball that hits the ground or a platform will cause a small fire to burn for about 2 seconds or until an enemy touches it.

Side B: Killer Claw:
Ridley reels back and lunges forward. If he makes contact with a foe within a certain distance, he will grab them. If used in the air, he will grab diagonally out below himself. From here, he can use a Direction and the B button to do a few different things including bite the enemy and throw them in four directions. However, each throw behaves differently.
--Forward throw - Ridley claws the foe with his free hand.
--Back throw - Throws the foe away behind himself.
--Up throw - Ridley blasts the foe with plasma, sending them off at an upward angle.
--Down throw- On the ground, Ridley drags the foe across the ground before tossing the forward. In the air, Ridley flies up and then comes crashing down, slamming the foe into the ground. It's very possible to SD while dragging the foe down with him.
If he grabs an enemy in the air, Ridley can still jump while holding them.

Up B: Flight:
Obvious enough, Ridley crouches and then pushes himself up into the air. Not meant to be an actual damaging move, the only hitbox is when Ridley leaps up, knocking enemies up with him. When used in the air, this move acts differently, he flaps his wings and ascends into the air. As he goes up, he creates a gust of wind beneath him, which is capable of pushing opponents downwards in the air. He can use normal and special attacks while in flight. This special move does not put him into a helpless state.

Down B: Terrify:
Ridley will inhale sharply then let out a terrifying roar, briefly surrounding himself with a shock-wave. If it hits an enemy while they're on the ground, it will paralyze them. The time stunned is relevant to the amount of damage they have. If it hits an airborne enemy, it will force them into a tumbling state. Foes can still recover after this attack though.

Final Smash: Adaptation:
Ridley roars and his skin darkens. In this state, he gains super armor and reflects projectiles off his body for a short time. As the FS comes to an end, Ridley expels his hardened skin in a shock wave surrounding himself. (Only Samus' Super Missiles can break this FS, but unfortunately Adam hasn't authorized that to happen.)

Jab: Downward claw swipe, mirrored for second jab.
Dash: Ridley lunges and swings his claws in a downward arc.
F-tilt: Ridley does a one-handed claw swipe in front of himself.
U-Tilt: Ridley snaps his jaws upward.
D-tilt: Ridley jabs his tail forward, stabbing the ground in front of him. Long reach.

F-smash: Ridley swings his arm in an upward motion, juggling enemies up into the air in front of him.
--F-smash 2: Ridley lunges diagonally up, tackling juggled foes and putting himself airborne.*
U-smash: Ridley turns sideways and swings both hands above his head in a downward arc.
--U-smash 2: Ridley lunges straight up, tackling juggled foes and putting himself airborne.*
D-smash: Ridley spins in place, swinging his tail around him. This attack hits multiple times, dragging the foe along with the motion of the tail before tossing them up and away from Ridley.
--D-smash 2: Ridley lunges up after tossed foes, putting himself airborne.*
(*The second part each Smash attack can only be used if an enemy is struck with the attack.)

N-Air: A general claw swipe
F-air: Ridley does a double-handed swipe in a downward motion. Meteor smash.
B-air: Ridley kicks back with his leg, turning himself to face behind him. Changes Ridley's facing.
U-air: Ridley does a front-flip, swiping his tail upwards followed by his talons.
D-air: Ridley stabs downward with his tail.

Grab/Pummel: Ridley grabs the enemy/Ridley bites the enemy
F-throw: Throws the foe up and forward into the air
B-throw: Basic backhanded throw up into the air
U-throw: Lifts foe above his head them skewers them with his tail
D-throw: Slam the foe onto the ground then hit them with a blast of fire


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Eh, I'm bored, here's my moveset again.

Neutral B: Plasma Scatter:
Ridley shoots a fireball from his mouth that moves over a randomly selected trajectory with low damage. Holding down the button makes him charge the attack. A half-charged Plasma Scatter causes him to spit out five fireballs, all shooting out in different trajectories. A fully charged Plasma Scatter causes him to launch a large ball of plasma in front of him (diagonally downward in the air). Any fireball that hits the ground or a platform will cause a small fire to burn for about 2 seconds or until an enemy touches it.

Side B: Killer Claw:
Ridley reels back and lunges forward. If he makes contact with a foe within a certain distance, he will grab them. If used in the air, he will grab diagonally out below himself. From here, he can use a Direction and the B button to do a few different things including bite the enemy and throw them in four directions. However, each throw behaves differently.
--Forward throw - Ridley claws the foe with his free hand.
--Back throw - Throws the foe away behind himself.
--Up throw - Ridley blasts the foe with plasma, sending them off at an upward angle.
--Down throw- On the ground, Ridley drags the foe across the ground before tossing the forward. In the air, Ridley flies up and then comes crashing down, slamming the foe into the ground. It's very possible to SD while dragging the foe down with him.
If he grabs an enemy in the air, Ridley can still jump while holding them.

Up B: Flight:
Obvious enough, Ridley crouches and then pushes himself up into the air. Not meant to be an actual damaging move, the only hitbox is when Ridley leaps up, knocking enemies up with him. When used in the air, this move acts differently, he flaps his wings and ascends into the air. As he goes up, he creates a gust of wind beneath him, which is capable of pushing opponents downwards in the air. He can use normal and special attacks while in flight. This special move does not put him into a helpless state.

Down B: Terrify:
Ridley will inhale sharply then let out a terrifying roar, briefly surrounding himself with a shock-wave. If it hits an enemy while they're on the ground, it will paralyze them. The time stunned is relevant to the amount of damage they have. If it hits an airborne enemy, it will force them into a tumbling state. Foes can still recover after this attack though.

Final Smash: Adaptation:
Ridley roars and his skin darkens. In this state, he gains super armor and reflects projectiles off his body for a short time. As the FS comes to an end, Ridley expels his hardened skin in a shock wave surrounding himself. (Only Samus' Super Missiles can break this FS, but unfortunately Adam hasn't authorized that to happen.)

Jab: Downward claw swipe, mirrored for second jab.
Dash: Ridley lunges and swings his claws in a downward arc.
F-tilt: Ridley does a one-handed claw swipe in front of himself.
U-Tilt: Ridley snaps his jaws upward.
D-tilt: Ridley jabs his tail forward, stabbing the ground in front of him. Long reach.

F-smash: Ridley swings his arm in an upward motion, juggling enemies up into the air in front of him.
--F-smash 2: Ridley lunges diagonally up, tackling juggled foes and putting himself airborne.*
U-smash: Ridley turns sideways and swings both hands above his head in a downward arc.
--U-smash 2: Ridley lunges straight up, tackling juggled foes and putting himself airborne.*
D-smash: Ridley spins in place, swinging his tail around him. This attack hits multiple times, dragging the foe along with the motion of the tail before tossing them up and away from Ridley.
--D-smash 2: Ridley lunges up after tossed foes, putting himself airborne.*
(*The second part each Smash attack can only be used if an enemy is struck with the attack.)

N-Air: A general claw swipe
F-air: Ridley does a double-handed swipe in a downward motion. Meteor smash.
B-air: Ridley kicks back with his leg, turning himself to face behind him. Changes Ridley's facing.
U-air: Ridley does a front-flip, swiping his tail upwards followed by his talons.
D-air: Ridley stabs downward with his tail.

Grab/Pummel: Ridley grabs the enemy/Ridley bites the enemy
F-throw: Throws the foe up and forward into the air
B-throw: Basic backhanded throw up into the air
U-throw: Lifts foe above his head them skewers them with his tail
D-throw: Slam the foe onto the ground then hit them with a blast of fire
You make me want ridley even more!!!

Seriously screw the shadow. talk he needs more movesets!


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
My heart skipped a beat when I didn't find this thread at the top of the Character Discussion page... I guess that's a first haha!

Anyway, I stumbled across the E3 reveal of Melee again while browsing on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfQ75gr2znA) and whenever I watch it, I can't help but wonder what was going on in peoples' heads when the Samus vs Ridley part comes up in the intro. The people get so excited of that specific part, or that's how it feels and sounds like. Not sure if it's more because of Samus or Ridley, but it must have been quite a disappointment not to see Ridley as a playable character nevertheless... and that was over 10 years ago, when I wasn't really intro the franchise or speculative scene yet. But now, when I'm more into all this, and a full supporter of Ridley, I do hope we get to experience that similar kind of excitement of which I can also be a part of, but this time with a concrete, positive outcome and something to actually hype about. E3 can't come soon enough, make it happen Sakurai, people have waited long enough!

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Or we don't believe the leak and are hoping for Robin.

I guess the reveal of Ike just shows that characters a lot of people thought wouldn't make it in for one reason or another can still make it in.
Tbh i never thought Ike would be cut i also think Snake & R.O.B will return i only think Squirtle, Ivysaur are cut and if push comes to shove Wolf aswell even though i want Wolf to return.

Abit Erriey on Ness and Lucas but i think they will both be back.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
I'm trying to predict the unpredictable. Sakurai is pretty nutty sometimes so I try to come up with nutty ideas for what he might have planned for Ridley.

I already mentioned the idea of temporarily controling him, but what about transforming into him?

Yes, notice those strange purple object on the sides of the Pyrosphere? Many people have brought up how those things disappear when you're playing Final Destination mode. Not only that... but they change in appearance too. What if the player can bust those things open releasing purple chemical DNA onto the player. They'd transform into the man himself and unleash hell!

Does this sound crazy? Of course! Does this sound stupid? That too! But that's the point. After getting Wii Fit Trainer we don't know what wackiness to expect. I have to continue to come up with more ridiculous Ridley theories! Time is running short!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
Tbh i never thought Ike would be cut i also think Snake (…) will return …
Oh I hope he does. He's such a standout character playstyle-wise. Sakurai knows that. The reveal of Ike definitely gave me hope.
Still, I don't think Squirtle and Ivysaur are likely to return, too.
Regarding Wolf, I really can't say.
Could be cut, could be replaced by Krystal (what I'd appreciate), could be still in.
Regarding Jigglypuff, I really wouldn't mind if he was missing.
I think Lucas has a fair chance of being excluded from the next installment. He was a nice addition for Mother 3 fans back then, just like Roy was in Melee days for Fire Emblem Advance fans. He still could return as a costume for Ness though, which I'd like to see.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
I think the most obvious assumption is that they are alarms to tell you that Larva is gonna rise.
Could be the case. But I wonder why those things have to look different in normal and FD mode, if it really is just an alarm.
I also thought of it reacting with the rising lava directly.
Maybe those "containers" explode when lava touches them, or they're controlling the level of lava when it's to high. For example by producing some cold liquid, to create additional platforms on the lava's surface, or to lower the lava again. Or maaaaaybe, it's used to interact with a Stage Hazard like Ridley in some way.. :B
Here's a better look at the FD version of them:
The difference between those two versions is that the first one has some sort of cage around it, while the latter hasn't. It might be the case that this "cage" is destroyable. By players or more likely by the hazard, since only the "hazard version" seems to have it. So, why are the containers protected by some sort of armor? What is inside?
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2014

Here is a map of the Pyrosphere from Metroid Other M and the Pyrosphere in SSB4...

There are three MAJOR bosses in this sector:

1- Ridley (Geothermal Power Plant)

2-Goyagma (Crater Interior)

3-Vorash (Blast Furnace Observation)

It is possible that the Pyrosphere is a transition stage...similar to Castle Siege from Brawl, where the stage changes with time to a new location.

We might get three stage hazards; Ridley, Goyagma and Vorash...HOWEVER, if the player chooses Ridley as a playable, then Ridley will NOT APPEAR AS A STAGE HAZARD...but don't worry, Goyagma and Vorash will still be there to cover Ridley's shift.;)

When Ridley joins the battle, Goyagma and Vorash cover Ridley's shift as stage hazards.
Goyagma and Vorash: "LEAVE IT TO ME":grin:
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I've already pinned down Ridley's size as a playable character size, but just in case...
@ Angelglory Angelglory , could I get a shot of Other M Ridley's tail from above or below? You know, in case Ridley's tail changes skinniness depending on whether you view him in profile or from bird's eye.
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Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2013
Brooklyn, New York
So what conclusions can we draw out of these Analysis? I personally find some of them confusing and can't understand. can someone please explain?


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
So what conclusions can we draw out of these Analysis? I personally find some of them confusing and can't understand. can someone please explain?
Basically Smash 4 Ridley isn't all that big compared to past games. The only Ridley that is smaller is this one.



Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
It's tail widths. Pikachu is apparently six Ridley tails wide, and that's being used as a measurement unit here to determine character size.

also y'all are crazy if you think Wolf is getting cut but that's not for here


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
Here is a fun shadow comparison. Look at the size of Ridley's shadow tail bone in the center heptagon.

Now look an Samus's, Kirby's and Rosalina's shadows in pretty much the same spot.

There all larger then the tailbone.....Even Kirby by a little bit. I know everyone is sick of the shadow stuff but eh felt like pointing it out.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
S'cuse me, yes, I've noticed something in one of Ike's recent photos and I'd like to know

Have we seen those pillars in the back broken before?


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
My heart skipped a beat when I didn't find this thread at the top of the Character Discussion page... I guess that's a first haha!

Anyway, I stumbled across the E3 reveal of Melee again while browsing on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfQ75gr2znA) and whenever I watch it, I can't help but wonder what was going on in peoples' heads when the Samus vs Ridley part comes up in the intro. The people get so excited of that specific part, or that's how it feels and sounds like. Not sure if it's more because of Samus or Ridley, but it must have been quite a disappointment not to see Ridley as a playable character nevertheless... and that was over 10 years ago, when I wasn't really intro the franchise or speculative scene yet. But now, when I'm more into all this, and a full supporter of Ridley, I do hope we get to experience that similar kind of excitement of which I can also be a part of, but this time with a concrete, positive outcome and something to actually hype about. E3 can't come soon enough, make it happen Sakurai, people have waited long enough!
I think it's because Ridley was never even alluded to being a playable character in Melee. When people first saw him fighting Samus in a recreation of Super Metroid's intro, they went wild, for not only was the franchise on hiatus at that point, but that they thought it was another newcomer.

But yeah, Metroid was still a very popular franchise even back in 2001.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
Well slap me in the face and called me a bat cause I must be blind to have missed that.


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
So, in other words, the Pryosphere is already significantly damaged by default.

This stage just feels like the aftermath of the epic battle between Samus and Ridley and not so much like an epic battle is about happen.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
So, in other words, the Pryosphere is already significantly damaged by default.
I imagine this is because it takes place after Samus' battle against Ridley in Other M.

My theory as to why the second hole is in there is that it probably relates to Ridley's character reveal trailer.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
I imagine this is because it takes place after Samus' battle against Ridley in Other M.

My theory as to why the second hole is in there is that it probably relates to Ridley's character reveal trailer.
Ridley breaks into the fight!

Ridley: "Oops. I meant to use the hole I came in through!"

Samus: "Who else but Ridley?!"

Ridley shrugs and looks at the camera, eyes rolled up and mouth open in a smile.


Deleted member

Eh, I'm bored, here's my moveset again.

Neutral B: Plasma Scatter:
Ridley shoots a fireball from his mouth that moves over a randomly selected trajectory with low damage. Holding down the button makes him charge the attack. A half-charged Plasma Scatter causes him to spit out five fireballs, all shooting out in different trajectories. A fully charged Plasma Scatter causes him to launch a large ball of plasma in front of him (diagonally downward in the air). Any fireball that hits the ground or a platform will cause a small fire to burn for about 2 seconds or until an enemy touches it.

Side B: Killer Claw:
Ridley reels back and lunges forward. If he makes contact with a foe within a certain distance, he will grab them. If used in the air, he will grab diagonally out below himself. From here, he can use a Direction and the B button to do a few different things including bite the enemy and throw them in four directions. However, each throw behaves differently.
--Forward throw - Ridley claws the foe with his free hand.
--Back throw - Throws the foe away behind himself.
--Up throw - Ridley blasts the foe with plasma, sending them off at an upward angle.
--Down throw- On the ground, Ridley drags the foe across the ground before tossing the forward. In the air, Ridley flies up and then comes crashing down, slamming the foe into the ground. It's very possible to SD while dragging the foe down with him.
If he grabs an enemy in the air, Ridley can still jump while holding them.

Up B: Flight:
Obvious enough, Ridley crouches and then pushes himself up into the air. Not meant to be an actual damaging move, the only hitbox is when Ridley leaps up, knocking enemies up with him. When used in the air, this move acts differently, he flaps his wings and ascends into the air. As he goes up, he creates a gust of wind beneath him, which is capable of pushing opponents downwards in the air. He can use normal and special attacks while in flight. This special move does not put him into a helpless state.

Down B: Terrify:
Ridley will inhale sharply then let out a terrifying roar, briefly surrounding himself with a shock-wave. If it hits an enemy while they're on the ground, it will paralyze them. The time stunned is relevant to the amount of damage they have. If it hits an airborne enemy, it will force them into a tumbling state. Foes can still recover after this attack though.

Final Smash: Adaptation:
Ridley roars and his skin darkens. In this state, he gains super armor and reflects projectiles off his body for a short time. As the FS comes to an end, Ridley expels his hardened skin in a shock wave surrounding himself. (Only Samus' Super Missiles can break this FS, but unfortunately Adam hasn't authorized that to happen.)

Jab: Downward claw swipe, mirrored for second jab.
Dash: Ridley lunges and swings his claws in a downward arc.
F-tilt: Ridley does a one-handed claw swipe in front of himself.
U-Tilt: Ridley snaps his jaws upward.
D-tilt: Ridley jabs his tail forward, stabbing the ground in front of him. Long reach.

F-smash: Ridley swings his arm in an upward motion, juggling enemies up into the air in front of him.
--F-smash 2: Ridley lunges diagonally up, tackling juggled foes and putting himself airborne.*
U-smash: Ridley turns sideways and swings both hands above his head in a downward arc.
--U-smash 2: Ridley lunges straight up, tackling juggled foes and putting himself airborne.*
D-smash: Ridley spins in place, swinging his tail around him. This attack hits multiple times, dragging the foe along with the motion of the tail before tossing them up and away from Ridley.
--D-smash 2: Ridley lunges up after tossed foes, putting himself airborne.*
(*The second part each Smash attack can only be used if an enemy is struck with the attack.)

N-Air: A general claw swipe
F-air: Ridley does a double-handed swipe in a downward motion. Meteor smash.
B-air: Ridley kicks back with his leg, turning himself to face behind him. Changes Ridley's facing.
U-air: Ridley does a front-flip, swiping his tail upwards followed by his talons.
D-air: Ridley stabs downward with his tail.

Grab/Pummel: Ridley grabs the enemy/Ridley bites the enemy
F-throw: Throws the foe up and forward into the air
B-throw: Basic backhanded throw up into the air
U-throw: Lifts foe above his head them skewers them with his tail
D-throw: Slam the foe onto the ground then hit them with a blast of fire
And just like that you win the award for my favorite Ridley moveset so far (don't worry @ Dalek_Kolt Dalek_Kolt I like yours a lot too <3)

I just have a few questions for you, if you would be so kind as to take a look at them:

For Ridley's Neutral B, would the random trajectories you mentioned have the capability to cross the entire stage if fired directly forward (no initial upwards or downwards angle)? Also, approximately how fast would these projectiles be relative to others (would it be Mario's Fireball Speed, Sheik's Needle Speed, Samus's Charge Shot Speed, etc.), and would the size of the fireballs (before final charge) gradually increase as more are charged or would the number of fireballs increase (after the half-charged number of 5) until Ridley became fully charged (changing to the one large fireball)? Would these fireballs, upon contact with the ground or enemy, cause an explosion of some sort or simple knockback damage? Also, could Ridley save his Neutral-B's charge progress like Samus? Finally, when the fireball hits the ground and burns for a few seconds, would the size of this fire a) be affected by how long Ridley charged the attack and b) deal multi-hit damage like Ness's PK Fire? Also, would there be potential fire "splashing" causing multiple smaller fires the more the move is charged?

With regards to his Side-B,you mentioned Ridley could still jump after grabbing his opponents, does this mean that he can jump with directional input so as to jump forward or backwards and literally carry his opponents off the stage or can he only jump straight up? Also, would this move put Ridley into a helpless state midair if he misses, or would it be like Bowser's Side-B where he returns to a neutral state?

For his Up-B, would Ridley be able to cancel this flight state with an attack and then reactivate it, or would all moves be within the flight state? If he is able to cancel it, would he able to jump again afterwards or have to resort to using his Up-B again? Also, it is a safe assumption to make that the gust of air he creates midair will simply push enemies down like Mario's F.L.U.D.D? (How large is the AoE of this gust?)

For his Down-B, approximately how large is the stun radius of this move? Also, it is a full circle around him, just on either side, etc.? Since on the ground it puts the opponent into a stun state, would a second execution of this move while the opponents are stunned knock them away like Mewtwo's Disable (would this deal 1% damage, more damage or no damage)? Also, would the trajectories of the opponent vary depending on their location when struck by this move, or would the knockback trajectory be about the same regardless of this (with a mirrored trajectory on each side of Ridley?) Furthermore, since Ridley "inhales sharply" would this move have significant starting/ending lag so as to not be viable in the air? Going back to the trajectory question, would this move have the possibility of being a low-damage Meteor Smash if the opponent is below him?

For his jabs, would he have a third "finisher" type strike or is it just the two claw swipes (similar to Bowser)?
For his Down Smash, would Ridley execute his jumping follow up if only one of the hits connected or would the final hit have to connect for him to do so? Also, for all smashes, would he perform the follow up if the first Smash Attack hit a shielding opponent or would he only follow up if the Smash Attack did damage?

For his aerials, would his claw swipe Nair be two-sided (as is customary) or would it be a rare one-sided attack? For his Uair, would it work similar to Fox/Falco's Uair in that the first hit deals light damage with little to no knockback for the sake of comboing with the second attack or does each attack have independent, significant knockback? Finally, for his Dair, would this have Meteor Smash capabilities (giving Ridley a Fair and Dair Meteor Smash like DK) or would this be like Luigi's Dair in the sense that it is one hit but sends the opponent sideways/upwards?

Thank you for taking the time to read through these questions.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2013

This stage just feels like the aftermath of the epic battle between Samus and Ridley and not so much like an epic battle is about happen.
Good call. The fight has already happened. The stage is what's left after that fight. So why would Ridley suddenly appear all stage hazard-y if he already got beat by Samus?


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
Good call. The fight has already happened. The stage is what's left after that fight. So why would Ridley suddenly appear all stage hazard-y if he already got beat by Samus?
Reminds me of this stage abit.


Metal Gear REX/RAY would burst through the walls all bad*** like. Just seems so freakin lame for such an awesome character like Ridley to just fly through and already made hole and not knock it down himself with an awesome entrance.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Good call. The fight has already happened. The stage is what's left after that fight. So why would Ridley suddenly appear all stage hazard-y if he already got beat by Samus?
This isn't necessarily objective evidence, per se. Nevertheless, it makes me even more confident; so any doubt that may have existed (there wasn't much) is now gone.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
This isn't necessarily objective evidence, per se. Nevertheless, it makes me even more confident; so any doubt that may have existed (there wasn't much) is now gone.
Well, let's not forget that this is Smash. Even if things don't make sense, they'll still get done if it fits. Having Ridley come back to the battlefield doesn't sound that far fetched to me. I mean, the guy is dumb enough to pick a fight with the Queen Metroid, I can see him coming back to the scene of the crime, so to speak.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Well, let's not forget that this is Smash. Even if things don't make sense, they'll still get done if it fits. Having Ridley come back to the battlefield doesn't sound that far fetched to me. I mean, the guy is dumb enough to pick a fight with the Queen Metroid, I can see him coming back to the scene of the crime, so to speak.
I suppose that could always happen, but I don't necessarily believe that Sakurai is going to write a plot for this stage. It would be cool if Ridley was a stage-boss, but you couldn't defeat him because he just keeps coming back.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Well, let's not forget that this is Smash. Even if things don't make sense, they'll still get done if it fits. Having Ridley come back to the battlefield doesn't sound that far fetched to me. I mean, the guy is dumb enough to pick a fight with the Queen Metroid, I can see him coming back to the scene of the crime, so to speak.

Ridley: "Heh. I told you...you are dumb."

Roidley: "Sniff..."

xD Just a random quick doodle that came to my mind...
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Clock Town, Termina
I never noticed it until now, but the concept art for "Roidley" looks so much better then the in game version.
There're many details that differ from it, like his chest, wings or his head. I'd be quite pleased if he'd look exactly like that.
How do you think about it?

Now look at that ugly son of Donkey Kong and Aerodactyl.
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