Since there is nothing to talk about, I'm going to a
little off topic. It's Metroid related so it's not that bad. I recently finished the Trilogy edition of Echoes for the second time, and realized just how much I like the music that plays during the final battle. Especially how it incorporates the title theme of the game into the melody. I REALLY like when games do this for some reason. I was wondering if there were any other songs that do this. I know a few such as Magmoor=LowerNorfair, SubTorvus=LowerBrinstar, TallonOverworld=Brinstar(IIRC?), GreenBrinstar=EchoesMultiplayer(can't remember the name of the song), PirateHomeworld=SpacePirates(SM), and even Phendrana=Arcterra(Hunters). Of course there is the obvious usage of the same title screen music in several games, along with Samus' theme, Ridley's theme (of course

), and the entrance and item jingles. But are there any other songs that reference other songs within the series, and if not, what songs would you like to see from the series represented in Smash?