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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
If those characters had a negative impact on the series in the past I may have agreed but that hasn't been the case. I enjoy the off the wall characters as much as the fan favorites to be honest, then again the characters on the roster has never been the selling point of the game in general to me, so even if none of hte character on the list in my signature had made it in I still would have been fine with it, Ridley isn't any different to me in that regard.
And I understand where you're coming from here. Yes, none of the characters have had a negative impact on the series IN HINDSIGHT. I was around for Melee and Brawl's correct leaks, and their subsequent launches. Not necessarily here, but I was definitely around, and I remember those days. I won't go into a ton of detail to save people from a boring read, but I can sum those days up in one word I've used in similar arguments before: disappointment. In hindsight, everyone's like 'Yeah, I love Ice Climbers, Dr. Mario, Falco, Wolf, and Toon Link!' because those are characters that turned out to be good and widely used fighters competitively in spite of their mediocrity as picks and, let's be honest, most people here on Smash Boards are here 'cause of the competitive scene and are hardly the best judges just simply based on what I said there.

Anyway, you say that rosters have never been a selling point for you, but it's a selling point to the other 99.9999%. The roster is the most important thing in ANY fighting game, and I've got thirty five pages worth of topics on this very forum, and thirty sub-forums worth of topics that prove me right. Go anywhere else that talks about Smash and you'll find more evidence, but I've got all I need here on Smashboards to present an argument. People don't buy the games for the stages, the modes, or the trophies. They buy the game to play their favorite characters. All the other stuff is gravy atop the delicious turkey and mashed taters.

Even so, it can be a little frustrating. Not having x character isn't that big of a deal as long as there is another who's just as cool/interesting. But in the event that we don't get highly requested fan favorites like Ridley and K. Rool, but instead get mostly Wii Fit Trainers and Miis (which for the former nobody, I repeat, nobody seriously asked for), then yeah, that's kind of a downer.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
I agree like you said were hardcore and were getting the game anway.

Buuuut Sakurai can't keep adding these lame *** newcomers and expect everyone to suck it up and buy his freakin game. This should be a Nintendo All Stars characters game not a Nintendo half baked characters game.
Smash is kinda both those things now if anything... The roster being the Nintendo all-stars aspect of it, with other stuff like assist trohpies (most of which could've easily been made playable like Dark Samus or Samurai Goroh) and stage hazards being the half-baked portion of the game, and if anyone's supported character gets shafted they're expected by the Sakurai squad to settle for rubbish.

The ridiculousness of current Ridley debates and speculation is so painful though it's starting to make me care less and less for what actually happens with him in SSB4.
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Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
EDIT: Seriously. Watch this. The applause and laughter don't even overcome the audio on the clip itself. People are laughing and clapping 'cause they're wondering if it's some kind of joke.
"I could tell everyone there was like. Hahahaha. Oh wait... They're not kidding... Oh..."

Hahaha one of the comments I seen in there.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Just wait till this year when we get a similar scenario with Chorus Men (I would say Miis, but they are really predictable by now). :rolleyes:
That's if the leak is actually legitimate. And even then, if Chorus Men are in, I get the feeling they'd probably be kept secret. Something like that is probably not the best thing for E3, I think.

Also, I might say that there's reason to doubt the Miis at this point, but whatever...

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
It should mean that he's in, simply for the fact that listening to the fans is going to sell more units and push more consoles out the door. Fairly certain Iwata wandered over to Sakurai after they saw him putting in Villager, Rosalina and Wii Fit Trainer and said, 'Hey, look, I know the eccentric game developer thing's worked for you in the past, but I think now's a good time to put that aside for the rest of the development cycle and start focusing on characters the fans are asking for.'

'cause, y'know, when the only fan requested characters so far revealed are Greninja and Little Mac, and we're something like three years into development, things are lookin' really bleak.
Iwata doesn't do that though. They let Sakurai pretty much do his own thing and they trust him to make the right decisions.

Like I said. Popularity isn't the only thing Ridley would need. It's not a scenario that equates Popularity to him without doubt completely being in. K.Rool outweighs him in that regard anyway. So if K.Rool isn't in, what does that mean for Ridley?

It would point to him not being in if we're going to start saying he's automatically in because of his popularity.


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
Just wait till this year when we get a similar scenario with Chorus Men (I would say Miis, but they are really predictable by now). :rolleyes:
Yeah its alittle sad when Wii Fit Trainer who imo should have just been a background cameo in the Wii Fit stage is a playable character.

Sakurai added her just cause nobody asked for her and for it to be abit of a joke character. If you ask me you get one of those....Not two....Thats whats making me think at least the second batch of characters from the Sal leak are fake.


Smash Ace
May 2, 2014
Yeah its alittle sad when Wii Fit Trainer who imo should have just been a background cameo in the Wii Fit stage is a playable character.

Sakurai added her just cause nobody asked for her and for it to be abit of a joke character. If you ask me you get one of those....Not two....Thats whats making me think at least the second batch of characters from the Sal leak are fake.
There's also the fact that Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus have over 40 million sales globally combined. It's not like he pulled WFT solely for being a joke, she also represented the Wii's titanic success in the casual crowd.


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
There's also the fact that Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus have over 40 million sales globally combined. It's not like he pulled WFT solely for being a joke, she also represented the Wii's titanic success in the casual crowd.
True but ehhh.....I don't think all the 40 million soccer Moms who got the game are gonna go out and buy Super Smash because of her inclusion.

I guess I have a pissy way of thinking about it. I'm just gonna be grumpy until E3 and Ridley is confirmed as whatever...


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Iwata doesn't do that though. They let Sakurai pretty much do his own thing and they trust him to make the right decisions.

Like I said. Popularity isn't the only thing Ridley would need. It's not a scenario that equates Popularity to him without doubt completely being in. K.Rool outweighs him in that regard anyway. So if K.Rool isn't in, what does that mean for Ridley?

It would point to him not being in if we're going to start saying he's automatically in because of his popularity.
When Sakurai says something like:

I think that would probably be impossible. [laughs] If we had put our best efforts into it, we may have been able to do it. But he might have been a little slow. Would that have been all right? [laughs]
That says to me that they'd have at least been willing to consider him as a playable character. Note that at this juncture, I have a hard time taking anything that Sakurai says at face value because the guy's flip-flopped so many times on matters involving Smash Brothers that I prefer simply to consider not even using them. Still, it's pretty much the only relevant thing in this argument where Sakurai actually refers to a character by name, so I figure why not.

Having said that, Ridley SHOULD be in because of his popularity. It's not as though they're going to be hurting for things to do with the character. And, honestly, if they can make characters like Wii Fit Trainer work, and completely 180 on their original opinion on a playable Villager and flesh him out in a way that they consider to be a fully fledged playable fighter, then I think they can do Ridley.. but I digress.

What else besides popularity do we need? Relevance? Other M isn't that old, 2010 isn't what I consider particularly old, anyway, but we're getting there. What if they announce a Metroid game at E3? Then the relevance thing is solved, no sweat, without question. Do people have to recognize the character for him to be in? If that were the case we'd not be seeing Ness, Marth or Roy, Game & Watch, etc. etc.. What else do you feel that Ridley needs in order to be seriously considered as a playable character, 'cause I'm struggling at this point to see what Ridley lacks that people don't see him getting in?

And as an aside, if K. Rool isn't in, I don't feel that necessarily says much about Ridley, but every major franchise deserves AT LEAST their most popular antagonist, Ridley and K. Rool included. They might be villains, but they're certainly more all-star than Wii Fit Trainer, Shulk or Palutena.


Smash Ace
Nov 1, 2013
When Sakurai says something like:

That says to me that they'd have at least been willing to consider him as a playable character. Note that at this juncture, I have a hard time taking anything that Sakurai says at face value because the guy's flip-flopped so many times on matters involving Smash Brothers that I prefer simply to consider not even using them. Still, it's pretty much the only relevant thing in this argument where Sakurai actually refers to a character by name, so I figure why not.

Having said that, Ridley SHOULD be in because of his popularity. It's not as though they're going to be hurting for things to do with the character. And, honestly, if they can make characters like Wii Fit Trainer work, and completely 180 on their original opinion on a playable Villager and flesh him out in a way that they consider to be a fully fledged playable fighter, then I think they can do Ridley.. but I digress.

What else besides popularity do we need? Relevance? Other M isn't that old, 2010 isn't what I consider particularly old, anyway, but we're getting there. What if they announce a Metroid game at E3? Then the relevance thing is solved, no sweat, without question. Do people have to recognize the character for him to be in? If that were the case we'd not be seeing Ness, Marth or Roy, Game & Watch, etc. etc.. What else do you feel that Ridley needs in order to be seriously considered as a playable character, 'cause I'm struggling at this point to see what Ridley lacks that people don't see him getting in?

And as an aside, if K. Rool isn't in, I don't feel that necessarily says much about Ridley, but every major franchise deserves AT LEAST their most popular antagonist, Ridley and K. Rool included. They might be villains, but they're certainly more all-star than Wii Fit Trainer, Shulk or Palutena.
He was in Nintendo Land too so 2012 in my eyes. He also has uniqueness out the wazoo.

Smash is gonna mostly sell to younger people and what do young people love? Dragons....Who doesn't love them? WHO doesn't wanna play as one?


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
He was in Nintendo Land too so 2012 in my eyes. He also has uniqueness out the wazoo.

Smash is gonna mostly sell to younger people and what do young people love? Dragons....Who doesn't love them? WHO doesn't wanna play as one?
You know what the kids love more than dragons? Pirates. Ridley's a PIRATE DRAGON. Smash is going to sell millions!


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
I declare that should Ridley gets his dues this E3, we all should listen to this.
Also imagine Squilliam is a TooBigot. :smirk:
Be ready to post this again.

From the info i gathered its looking good for Ridley.

And also i can upgrade to making my own gifs eventually so im working on Ridleys shadow with his wings flapping compare too charizard X wings flapping
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2014
Newburyport, Massachusetts
At the very least, Ridley's popularity should buy him a direct deconfirmation if he was a hazard, rather than dragging it out with this shadow ambiguous BS. Deconfirming such a highly requested character at E3 would be sizeable shot in the foot, as opposed to doing it months before the event to let the fans get over it.
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Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2014
Quebec Tabarnak
Ridley would be the best addition possible to the character roster. It would add balance to the game because if one character is too strong it would have a very different metagame to couter it I'm thinking aout lil' Mac in particular. Plus we need heavyweights because they are under represented. I don't want another scenario where it's only fox, falco, shiek, marth, falcon and climbers. Or even worse only MK. If MK dosen't return I would be happy altho that's very unlikely. I'd rather have a scenario in competitive play where it depends on adaptability and counter picks with characters that determines who's the best smasher.


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
I completely expect Sakurai to pull the same stunt he did with Zamus.

"And here's the boss of the Pyrosphere-Ridley! I'm sure a lot of people here are excited to see him in.
Wait-hold on...Is Ridley fighting outside the Pyrosphere?"


"That's right, after years of requests, Ridley has made it into battle. I apologize for any grief I may have caused any fans, I'm not sure how that footage got into the Bosses section."


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Pretty much all debate at this point will lead to the same conclusion... wait and see. I don't think there is much more I or anyone else can speak on the issue as the debate has been so circularly for so long.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
The ridiculousness of current Ridley debates and speculation is so painful though it's starting to make me care less and less for what actually happens with him in SSB4.
you make it sound like you want Ridley in because is just, is popular or the Ridley fans have better arguments than the average toobigots

I personally want Ridley because i want t play with him and against him, simple as that. and i doubt any ammount of debate is going to change that... even if all Ridley fans would become suddenly frogs coated on boiling chocolate i would still want Ridley in..

I mean, Metroid is amazing, Gargoyles-like creatures are amazing, Dragons are neat, villians are neat and I like purple and red colors...

Like I said. Popularity isn't the only thing Ridley would need. It's not a scenario that equates Popularity to him without doubt completely being in. K.Rool outweighs him in that regard anyway. So if K.Rool isn't in, what does that mean for Ridley?

It would point to him not being in if we're going to start saying he's automatically in because of his popularity.
thats totally true, but Ridley doesn't have only popularity, there is also the fact that metroid is one of the important franchises of Nintendo, with strong following and unlike mario, zelda, starfox or pokemon, metroid have only 2 characters, which in terms of having a following, is the same character at the end. I don't think that is that farfetched to ask for a third metroid rep, and is mostly him or anthony higgs :v

It also have potential for uniqueness, it only overlaps a little with charizard, and it wouldn't be that hard to make them different. (unlike say, a fourth plumber in the form of waluigi, not saying couldn't be unique.. but it would certainly be harder)


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
True but ehhh.....I don't think all the 40 million soccer Moms who got the game are gonna go out and buy Super Smash because of her inclusion.

I guess I have a pissy way of thinking about it. I'm just gonna be grumpy until E3 and Ridley is confirmed as whatever...
Sad thing is that i actually bought wii fit... and enjoyed it :denzel:


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Sad thing is that i actually bought wii fit... and enjoyed it :denzel:
That souldn't really be something of shame really. I also have mine I use regularly. Though I don't believe most people that dislike the Wii Fit Trainer have a issue with Wii Fit by itself presay, if they do, they're probably not even worth bothering with those special individuals.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
I completely expect Sakurai to pull the same stunt he did with Zamus.

"And here's the boss of the Pyrosphere-Ridley! I'm sure a lot of people here are excited to see him in.
Wait-hold on...Is Ridley fighting outside the Pyrosphere?"


"That's right, after years of requests, Ridley has made it into battle. I apologize for any grief I may have caused any fans, I'm not sure how that footage got into the Bosses section."
OK...I think I would actually burst into tears if that happens at E3. Tears of joy, I mean.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
That souldn't really be something of shame really. I also have mine I use regularly. Though I don't believe most people that dislike the Wii Fit Trainer have a issue with Wii Fit by itself presay, if they do, they're probably not even worth bothering with those special individuals.
Oh i'm aware i was just trying to make a joke, it's actually a pretty fun game, and that wuhu island strolling was addicting ...


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
you make it sound like you want Ridley in because is just, is popular or the Ridley fans have better arguments than the average toobigots
Heh. Well, depending on how things turn out for Ridley in this game, I don't think he'll be as popular a candidate for the next Smash and so on. I'd always support him in spirit whether it's the popular thing or not, but ya also have to be realistic. If he's not happening, he's not happening. And if you want me to be honest on the fans, a number of them leave something to be desired with how they defend Ridley from the toobiggers. Like even pre-direct, people still using the itty bitty NES sprite as a source for how he could be "resized"... Or some argument equally weak, not that that has any bearing on my views of the character itself. On that note,

I personally want Ridley because i want t play with him and against him, simple as that. and i doubt any ammount of debate is going to change that... even if all Ridley fans would become suddenly frogs coated on boiling chocolate i would still want Ridley in..

I mean, Metroid is amazing, Gargoyles-like creatures are amazing, Dragons are neat, villians are neat and I like purple and red colors...
Admirable that there are still those such as you who feel that way on the matter, with all the "Bowser and Charizard are all the dragons I/Smash needs" kind of posts I'm more used to seeing now. :\


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014

xD this is a little piece of an idea I had with those two...and I have no idea why I like to draw my silly version of Roidley with big watery eyes...

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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
I still expect Ridley's trailer to involve some sort of joke that involves him bumping his head against something, only to destroy it moments later.

Deleted member

I consider this an off-chance, but something I recently discovered leads me to believe a boss Ridley and playable Ridley is actually plausible.
No, I'm still not convinced that the Pyrosphere Ridley is anything but a boss, so don't bother trying to preach that crap.

Anyways, do you remember the Subspace Emissary?
Well, you know Ridley was featured in both his organic state and in his Prime 1 Meta Ridley state after his first defeat, right?
Now, think about when Tabuu revived the previous bosses to guard the Great Maze. Tabuu revived Ridley and Meta Ridley as separate beings.

Granted, SSE isn't really "canon" and is not likely to be referenced much outside of some enemies in Smash Run, but think about the important aspect here: There are two Ridleys in co-existence within Smash. One organic, one cyborg.

Another thing I'd like to point out is Dark Samus.

Dark Samus is in her Prime 3 appearance. This shows that content from Metroid isn't strictly Other M (though Mother Brain being Zero Mission styled already did that), but more importantly, that Prime 3, which came after Brawl in Japan and had no content, is being recognized.

You know who was in Prime 3? Meta Ridley.

So what I think is a possibility (not a strong one, but plausible) is that we could get the organic Ridley in his Other M appearance as the Pyrosphere boss, and Meta Ridley in his Prime 3 appearance as a playable character.

Now, some of you may say "But Prime 3's Meta Ridley is actually pretty damn huge!".
Here's where I get to what I recently discovered.

This is beta footage for Prime 3. Originally, there was no Omega Ridley; Samus would fight Meta Ridley again (and apparently in the Varia Suit).
Though, if you see what I see, Ridley is quite small. On all fours, he appears to be shorter than Samus here! (not counting wings)

And the movements? Slow. Didn't Sakurai say Ridley "might have to be a little slow"?
Ok, yeah, the clip is running at a slow framerate, but his walking doesn't exactly scream "go in for quick kill".
You know what it makes me think of?

A ****in' alligator creeping up menacingly.

But that's beside the point.
Anywho, that's the off-chance I now believe in. Whether it's the outcome you guys would want is up to you, but I'm pretty sure with how loved Other M Ridley is among the fans, you'd much prefer it being the case.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
The pic of the day really give me hope that we can get alternate appearances of Rids and not just a fusion between Ridley and Roidley...but maybe it's just me...


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
And the movements? Slow. Didn't Sakurai say Ridley "might have to be a little slow"?
Ok, yeah, the clip is running at a slow framerate, but his walking doesn't exactly scream "go in for quick kill".
You know what it makes me think of?

A ****in' alligator creeping up menacingly.
He looks more like a gharial if anything :awesome:

But yeah, good point.

Literally 69 pages of catching up I had to do.

I feel like I missed a lot.
When I came back, I noticed I had over 34 alerts, great chunk of them being likes from you. :p


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
It kind of creeps me out thinking of those Villagers...all of them with a bloody axe...

Oh well...let's see what I can do later with Rids...


Damn it...I need to draw more of him like this...freaking fear, it hate it......


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Ridley can eat a big ol' ween, I got the female Villager now I don't care about anything else.
Your crossdressing/maid alt still isn't going to happen.

When I came back, I noticed I had over 34 alerts, great chunk of them being likes from you. :p
Your avatar changed 4 times throughout the entire session.

Drama. Comedy. Tears. Of pain and joy.

This thread has got everything.
I'm gonna go with @BKupa666 on this one and say both sides are sights to behold sometimes.
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