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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era

Zuba Oki

Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
There needs to be a picture of samus or zss riding on top ridley with the caption saying your argument is invalid


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
So, I've been doing a lot of introspecting about my main man Ridley. I've had a lot of long walks in the gentle spring sunshine, looking on as the traffic drifts by.

I've come to the conclusion that Ridley is in the game, and it's only a matter of confirmation. Our big guy has three primary facts going for him.

1. Sakurai looked to pre-Brawl popularity for newcomers.
If I'm not mistaken, Ridley, K. Rool, and Geno were the only huge characters that didn't get in. Geno's a pipe dream, but the other two, not so much. I think this helps Ridley (and K. Rool) out a lot.

2. Little Mac and Ridley were in a very similar situation, and Little Mac has been confirmed. Sakurai is "taking requests from all around the world".
We all know that Little Mac was only really popular over here. Sakurai also mentioned that he's taking requests from around the world. This doesn't mean that he's taking requests from Pakistan or Ethiopia, it means he's taking requests from Japan, North America, and Europe.

3. There are too many hints directed at Ridley for them to be a coincidence.
Come on. Sakurai's been teasing us with Ridley since the Pyrosphere was revealed. From showing us that hole and being like "BOY IT SURE WOULD SUCK IF RIDLEY WAS IN HERE, HUH?!" to his "SOME CHARACTERS MAY NOT REALLY BE THE RIGHT SIZES IN SMASH I WONDER WHO I COULD POSSIBLY BE REFERENCING HMMMM", Sakurai seems aware of our plight, if not to a fault (in that he's making it a bit obvious).

Yup. Those are the cornerstones of my beliefs. I hope they enrich your souls. Or something. I dunno. I'ma watch some Boondocks.
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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Just reading the past two pages made me conclude that Ridley has the best fans in the world. Goddammit, you guys are the best.

3. There are too many hints directed at Ridley for them to be a coincidence.
Come on. Sakurai's been teasing us with Ridley since the Pyrosphere was revealed.
I'm starting to feel this as well. At first, I thought everything Pyrosphere related was hurting his chances, but I'm starting to think that maybe he's actually hinting at something. Sakurai pls.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
1. Sakurai looked to pre-Brawl popularity for newcomers.
2. Little Mac and Ridley were in a very similar situation, and Little Mac has been confirmed. Sakurai is "taking requests from all around the world".
3. There are too many hints directed at Ridley for them to be a coincidence.
So, now its only a matter of time until he will be revealed?

And just a question - if he will be overpowered for whatever reasons, will you like him more or less? Or just don`t care about it?

:facepalm: oh, i forgot to ask...could you do the same spining with Brawl Ridley and Meta? SORRY...!
Meta Ridley wheee animation:
I forgot to deselect his hip bone, but that doesn`t matters since its only 1 frame out of 180
Ridley wheee animation coming soon...
Not the biggest anymore, Bowser?

Just reading the past two pages made me conclude that Ridley has the best fans in the world. Goddammit, you guys are the best.
Yes, Ridley fans are THE BEST and Ridley is THE BEST too.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
So, now its only a matter of time until he will be revealed?

And just a question - if he will be overpowered for whatever reasons, will you like him more or less? Or just don`t care about it?

Meta Ridley wheee animation:
I forgot to deselect his hip bone, but that doesn`t matters since its only 1 frame out of 180
Ridley wheee animation coming soon...

Not the biggest anymore, Bowser?

Yes, Ridley fans are THE BEST and Ridley is THE BEST too.
:D THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN! i can't wait to see the other Ridley wheee animation! oh and i never saw that detail on his back, not even in the rotating animation of mike sneath, meta and omega's designer...maybe because im a little bit blind xD
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Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
5' 7" isn't THAT small.

If I keep telling myself that maybe one day I'll believe it's true. ;_;
Congratulations! You're now the same height as behemoths like Little Mac, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Bruce Lee!
Owaitjustasecond... :p
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2014
New Pork City
I don't really say much here but i just wanted to say that you guys are all so talented! The pictures and animations I see here are absolutely amazing! Can't wait to see how similar they are to the Ridley that will be in Smash! :D


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Im just so curious if Sakurai will give to the characters alternate physical appearences than just different color swaps....


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2014
New Pork City
Im just so curious if Sakurai will give to the characters alternate physical appearences than just different color swaps....
I mean I don't see a reason not to. We know we have the Male WFT, so why stop there? Meta Ridley over Ridley, Dr. Mario over Mario, Masked Dedede over Dedede, there are so many options that Sakurai has to work with.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
:D THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN! i can't wait to see the other Ridley wheee animation! oh and i never saw that detail on his back, not even in the rotating animation of mike sneath, meta and omega's designer
The one that looks like a...um...spine or whatever its called...that? Or those 2 pieces with holes in them? Maybe it was added by brawl developers like his chin spike was? Oh, and you wanna ridley plushie action figure himself wheeeee animation? Here it is:
I removed toungue in this animation because its easy enough to draw without references. Maybe you should draw him drowning in Ridley plushies? Or just a Ridley plushie (i don`t remember how exacltly they are called).
Im just so curious if Sakurai will give to the characters alternate physical appearences than just different color swaps....
Then we will have Ridley, Meta Ridley, Omega Ridley, Ridley Scott and Ridley Xenomorph as alternate models. At least we will get Ridley then if Roidley is the main model. Oh, and PED, Power, Dark, Light and Dark Samus MP3 suits for Samus! That would be AWESOME! BUT it will require a lot more time than just color swaps...but still awesome.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I mean I don't see a reason not to. We know we have the Male WFT, so why stop there? Meta Ridley over Ridley, Dr. Mario over Mario, Masked Dedede over Dedede, there are so many options that Sakurai has to work with.
Ridley over Roidley will be enough...even, i would still like to see Meta and Omega...yeah, SM,ZM and the Prime series had the best designs for him....but oh well...maybe over the time i will get used to see Roidley's face and body...

The one that looks like a...um...spine or whatever its called...that? Or those 2 pieces with holes in them? Maybe it was added by brawl developers like his chin spike was? Oh, and you wanna ridley plushie action figure himself wheeeee animation? Here it is:
I removed toungue in this animation because its easy enough to draw without references. Maybe you should draw him drowning in Ridley plushies? Or just a Ridley plushie (i don`t remember how exacltly they are called).

Then we will have Ridley, Meta Ridley, Omega Ridley, Ridley Scott and Ridley Xenomorph as alternate models. At least we will get Ridley then if Roidley is the main model. Oh, and PED, Power, Dark, Light and Dark Samus MP3 suits for Samus! That would be AWESOME! BUT it will require a lot more time than just color swaps...but still awesome.
xD i only dream about making a plushie of Ridley, Meta and Omega...and hug them to death

Oh yeah, i would like those versions of Samus too...How hard could it be to put altenate physical appearences if they are going to move in the same way?
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
@little Mac's height
Why did they increase Little Mac's height from 4'8" to 5'7" when they went from the NES game to the newer one? 5'7" isn't really that little at all in the real world.

@Ridley becoming OP
If Meta Knight is any indication, I think I'll be much more worried about Ridley becoming boring to watch/play. Smash is generally balanced enough in the way that if you are good enough you can kick butt with any character if he/she fits with your playstyle.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2014
Just to let you guys know if Ridley does get announced I won't be able to make the cake and cookies right away like I had promised, but I will make it when I get all of my cooking equipment back.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Just to let you guys know if Ridley does get announced I won't be able to make the cake and cookies right away like I had promised, but I will make it when I get all of my cooking equipment back.
:3 I can wait for it....those cookies are going to taste like glory, literally...or taste like Ridley?


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
xD i only dream about making a plushie of Ridley, Meta and Omega...and hug them to death
Oh yeah, i would like those versions of Samus too...How hard could it be to put altenate physical appearences if they are going to move in the same way?
Me too...
Its as hard as making new model or re-rigging existing models to match someone`s skeleton/rig/bone set. But it takes a lot of time for 1 person...so...there IS chance it will be in this way


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Me too...
Its as hard as making new model or re-rigging existing models to match someone`s skeleton/rig/bone set. But it takes a lot of time for 1 person...so...there IS chance it will be in this way
Yeah, it is not just Sakurai alone, there is a lot of people on the proyect...So im hoping they can do something with the characters appearences...i mean, i could get used to Roidley but... in the first months with the game...i think im going to literally KILL some time with him....
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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
@little Mac's height
Why did they increase Little Mac's height from 4'8" to 5'7" when they went from the NES game to the newer one? 5'7" isn't really that little at all in the real world.
It has to do with the move to 3D. On the NES the physical dimensions weren't that important, and you could get away with more unrealistic actions, but in 3D the characters have to interact in a believable way. If Mac were his original size, he'd have to jump much higher to punch his opponents, which affects the timing of the animations and stuff... I MEAN THERE'S A LOT OF FACETS BUT BASICALLY ITS JUST MORE BELIEVABLE.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Yeah, it is not just Sakurai alone, there is a lot of people on the proyect...So im hopping they can do something with the characters appearences...i mean, i could get used to Roidley but... in the first months with the game...i think im going to literally KILL some time with him....
IF it will be Roidley. What if they will heavely edit him (make him leaner, 60% less muscular and maybe edit his beak like i did, but better) or make organic version of Meta Ridley?
And Roidley or not, its still Ridley and he must be in the game. Thats the most important thing.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
IF it will be Roidley. What if they will heavely edit him (make him leaner, 60% less muscular and maybe edit his beak like i did, but better) or make organic version of Meta Ridley?
And Roidley or not, its still Ridley and he must be in the game. Thats the most important thing.
Yeah...you are right....and they could get more original with him and not rip him off directly from other M...like they did with Samus (even i don't see that she changed that much)

and sorry for being a little bit negative...i still can't help it...


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
@ BaganSmashBros BaganSmashBros , I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS: Are you using BrawlBox? Can you view things orthographically? Can you export stuff to .obj/.dae files? I mean really I'd just like a T-Pose Ridley model of my own to tinker with in my own ways, even if I can't pose it very easily, but if you can snap a picture of Brawl Samus and Brawl Ridley standing next to each other in T-Pose, keeping in scale to what they are in game, IN ORTHOGRAPH, that'd be swell too.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
It's Roidley's head that bugs me the most. I could live with that ridiculously muscular body... but that head! Awful.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
@ BaganSmashBros BaganSmashBros , I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS: Are you using BrawlBox? Can you view things orthographically? Can you export stuff to .obj/.dae files? I mean really I'd just like a T-Pose Ridley model of my own to tinker with in my own ways, even if I can't pose it very easily, but if you can snap a picture of Brawl Samus and Brawl Ridley standing next to each other in T-Pose, keeping in scale to what they are in game, IN ORTHOGRAPH, that'd be swell too.
Yes, BrawlBox FTW. What does orthographically means? Yes, i can. In-game in Brawl or Super Metroid or Zero Mission or which game?

And i think Roidley is so muscular because he ate regulary, unlike Ridley, and he isn`t THAT (DBZ muscular as someone said) muscular since you still can see his rib/ribcage when looking at the model.

It's Roidley's head that bugs me the most. I could live with that ridiculously muscular body... but that head! Awful.
Because of the beak? Eyes? Or just head itself?..at least its better than USA Ridley `85, right?
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Yes, BrawlBox FTW. What does orthographically means? Yes, i can. In-game in Brawl or Super Metroid or Zero Mission or which game?

And i think Roidley is so muscular because he ate regulary, unlike Ridley, and he isn`t THAT (DBZ muscular as someone said) muscular since you still can see his rib/ribcage when looking at the model.

Because of the beak? Eyes? Or just head itself?..at least its better than USA Ridley `85, right?
I think Ridley suffers from anorexia, or that his metabolism is so strong that he can't get fat, no matter how much he eats....

but Roidley on the other hand, definitely suffers from bigorexia...

USA Ridley '85????
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