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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2013
I'm very interested in the reveal trailer. If it should come to pass, I think it could have a mock-horror set-up. Example:

Opening flaming smash banner. In a darkened hallway on an unspecified spacecraft, a yellow blur rushes by. It is revealed to be a panicked Pikachu rapidly turning corners and looking for a spot to hide. The camera angle shifts to being behind the eyes of the Pokémon's pursuer, the viewer breathing raggedly and speeding down the same halls as its prey. Pikachu escapes around another sharp turn and presses himself against the wall, and a purple shadow races past his hiding spot. The electric mouse sighs in relief and begins to step back around the corner to sneak away, when suddenly the creature known as Ridley bursts into view and roars. "RIDLEY JOINS THE HUNT!!!" Pikachu's expresses shifts from one of shock/horror to sudden determination and he begins to charge electricity, and behind him jump in Fox with his blaster and Pit with his bow drawn. Ridley grins and slashes at the screen. From here, gameplay footage is shown with Ridley owning faces, perhaps interlaced with cutscenes of him knocking Pit away with his tail and then breathing fire/plasma/whatever at Fox's reflector. The last few gameplay shots show him getting knocked around badly and finally returns to the cutscene for the finale. Pikachu charges up one last Thunderbolt and blasts the purple space dragon in a grand explosion. Smoke whirls around the area where Ridley stood and it seems to be over. But two red eyes faintly glow in the background as a menacing laugh resounds, and at the last second Ridley lunges at the screen.

This stays true to the character while also integrating him well with the cast. Naturally, this is all just suggestion and any of the cutscene characters could be exchanged for others. I chose Fox and Pit because of projectiles, mobility, and lack of representation in reveal trailers thus far. Thoughts?


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
The only thing that I feel that is off on the Battlefield pics that Hotfeet444 put up is that bowers clips through the lower platforms.
View attachment 10745
This could be an issue considering that Ridley would be a bit larger than him so he might clip entirely through the platform here and in other places.
So even with the scales that are put down, which is a good reach size for him, the people in the pics need to be a bit larger.
The thing is that I recently went back to take a look at Mario and Bowser size differences in Smash Bros 4, and saw that, judging by a picture seen on the Gateway Galaxy Stage of Mario, Peach and Bowser standing next to each other, compared to the Bowser seen during the developer commentary, they actually shrunk Bowser's model in size between said times.

Look at this for example:

Pic of Rosalina and Mario, Rosie's quite tall, but her head is below the level of the platform. Now let's look at this picture:

Mario comes up taller compared to Bowser than to Rosalina, so Rosalina's in fact our tallest current character, but not only that, but that would mean Bowser doesn't come up to the platform either, meaning Bowser has, since the reveal of Smash, been shrunk a little bit. Why? I have no idea, probably to benefit his new fighting style better. But this is a fact, and this is what I went off of when comparing said characters on-stage.

I'm thinking you could get away with making him just a teeny bit bigger. Like he could get away with clipping through the platforms. I'm pretty sure Bowser clips through them, and that Ganondorf would too.
Actually, as you can see above, comparatively, Bowser's model has been shrunk a bit. The only thing I see clipping through platforms now is probably half of Rosalina's crown. Looks like Bowser's not our tallest character anymore.
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Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
The thing is that I recently went back to take a look at Mario and Bowser size differences in Smash Bros 4, and saw that, judging by a picture seen on the Gateway Galaxy Stage of Mario, Peach and Bowser standing next to each other, compared to the Bowser seen during the developer commentary, they actually shrunk Bowser's model in size between said times.

Look at this for example:

Pic of Rosalina and Mario, Rosie's quite tall, but her head is below the level of the platform. Now let's look at this picture:

Mario comes up taller compared to Bowser than to Rosalina, so Rosalina's in fact our tallest current character, but not only that, but that would mean Bowser doesn't come up to the platform either, meaning Bowser has, since the reveal of Smash, been shrunk a little bit. Why? I have no idea, probably to benefit his new fighting style better. But this is a fact, and this is what I went off of when comparing said characters on-stage.

Actually, as you can see above, comparatively, Bowser's model has been shrunk a bit. The only thing I see clipping through platforms now is probably half of Rosalina's crown. Looks like Bowser's not our tallest character anymore.
Keep in mind that Peach is shorter when she does that taunt. I think you might be off on your size comparison because of that.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2014
@ Hotfeet444
Much better I hope i didn't sound like I was against Ridley with the comment that I was making, I was just pointing out that I felt that the scale was a bit off there.
And by all means I am pro-Ridley, I just don't want to get my hopes up ' if ' it doesn't happen.

Lolo Lolo

Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 0891 5407 0511
about Ridley's trailer I think it should looks like another Metroid game and after the ssb4 trailer they should show the real new Metroid trailer


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
xD since it is probably that we are going to get Other Ridley....it will be so funny that it looked like a sequel to Other M, and they later revealed after Ridley's trailer that it is Metroid Prime 4....

If that happened i would be like this:

-Reveal trailer looks like Other M sequel-: :ohwell:

-(probably MOM) Ridley gets revealed-: :)

-They show a new Metroid Prime-: :happysheep:
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
xD Ridley using two double axes looks....kinda strange, but nice....


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
They should make Ridley's trailer make it look like a HD 2D metroid game, and then fool everyone. Then after that play another trailer that looks like prime 4 and announce Dark Samus:troll:


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
They should make Ridley's trailer make it look like a HD 2D metroid game, and then fool everyone. Then after that play another trailer that looks like prime 4 and announce Dark Samus:troll:
xD that may be possible...if it wasn't for the fact that they are getting based in MOM.... :c in Ridley's case...but who knows???
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
:3 Im still hoping that he appears in prime 4, and he gets designed by Mike Sneath (the one who designed MP1 Meta and MP3 Omega...)
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Aurora Jenny

Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2007
Spring. Texas
Someone brought up a point on Skype. Why does Ridley get bashed fwith a too big argument when K.Rool is consistently at least twice DK's height in game? Or have I just missed it?


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014

:3 Look at this little cutie~! It was made by a japanese artist.....I WANT TO HUG IT SO BADLY!!!:love:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2013
BC, Canada
Ridley reveal trailer: Villager, Mario, and Samus are beating each other up in the village. Sky gets dark, everyone goes inside their homes. They stop fighting. Samus looks off into the distance looking worried. We hear a wild screech. Ridley comes out of nowhere and grabs Samus, grinding her against a wall. *Ridley joins the battle!* Villager and Mario both try to attack Ridley but he whacks them away with his tail and gusts of wind from his wings. Ridley is about to finish Samus with a judge fireball but then out of nowhere Captain Falcon lets a huge falcon paaaaunchh go knocking ridley out. (I assume Falcon would have already been confirmed beforehand.) Compilation of other scenes showing off Ridleys moves comes next. Followed by a release date for the games.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Someone brought up a point on Skype. Why does Ridley get bashed fwith a too big argument when K.Rool is consistently at least twice DK's height in game? Or have I just missed it?
A few people use it. It's just as stupid with the green dragon as it is with the purple one. :p
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
So....who wants to play Samus's Epic Yarn now? :p
I do love irony, Slaughtery fluffballs with a pink puffball is amusing. Doing it with a bounty hunter against cutified yarn versions of metroid creatures+bosses just would be awesome.

I'd love to hear whoever did the themes for Kirby's Epic yarn to do Piano versions of the Metroid themes, especially Ridley's.

Count me in. :bubblebobble:


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I think keito means Yarn, like this 毛糸のカービィ, Keito no Kābī, lit. "Yarn Kirby"....then Keitoroid would literally mean Yarntroid xD....Yeah, i like to lurk in japanese sites even if i know little to nothing about the japanese language...

@Keeshu I actually have a really good piano version of Ridley's theme...i tried to find the site where i got it long ago....but i only have the MP3 file...

EDIT: I FOUND IT! http://www.gamersoundtracks.com/files-remixes.php?fileid=363
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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Someone brought up a point on Skype. Why does Ridley get bashed fwith a too big argument when K.Rool is consistently at least twice DK's height in game? Or have I just missed it?
But crocodile's come in all shapes and sizes.

Mythological beings such as dragons don't.

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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014

:/ DEFINITELY. being bored gives me really random ideas.... O__o damn...

Edit: Added the cape....damn you Ezio and your over detailed clothing....
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
Intro Trailer:

Ridley is perched on his command chair thing (or whatever you call it) in his ship from Zero Mission. He has a large mug of steeped tea beside him on a small desk, and is using his monocle to examine his daily reports. He takes a sip, and starts looking through the list of items. Phazon efficiency reports, writeups on progress figuring out Metroid life-sucking capabilities, a list of fallen Zebesians whose families he must contact to tell them the bad news and send monetary compensation. Just the daily stuff. Suddenly, he receives a message in his Space Pirate e-mail inbox marked with a ! important tag (the previous one had been a letter from Crocomire, asking why they never hang out anymore. It was promptly sent to the Trash folder.)

He opens the notice (at this point the camera is looking 3/4 at his face, such that the small, hand-held tablet is partly obscuring his facial features up to around his eye). He reads for a brief moment, and his eyes widen suddenly. The classiest monocle you've ever seen, made from refined Bendezium and quick cooled with a premium Ice Beam, drops to the floor in slow motion and cracks. He begins to shake, and with no announcement he stands up, places the small screen on his perch, and walks towards the elevator to leave the bridge. Confused, the helmsmen space pirates get up from their stations and go to look at his report, only to see a large, red, flashing Smash Bros. symbol on the screen.

Ridley is not seen for hours, but a hull breach warning pops up on the main screen, with the origin being his personal quarters. Upon this recognition, the pirates use a modified galvanizer to melt open the door to his quarters. He's not there, but a few pirates are sucked through the hole in the wall that is very strongly shaped like a space dragon holding a large duffel bag. He has barged out of the ship without alerting anyone, even Mother Brain, shirking off his plundering and marauding duties for the largest opportunity he's ever had: a shot at winning first place in the widely broadcast Smash Bros. tournament. He flies through space with a gleam in his eye and the closest thing to a smile that a purple reptile can produce.

Elsewhere, Tom Nook is about to pick up a letter that had recently littered his beautiful town. Everything goes dark for a moment, and he and the other residents look up to see a dragon flying overhead, casting a menacing shadow on the world below. Ridley soars into the fray.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2014
Intro Trailer:

Ridley is perched on his command chair thing (or whatever you call it) in his ship from Zero Mission. He has a large mug of steeped tea beside him on a small desk, and is using his monocle to examine his daily reports. He takes a sip, and starts looking through the list of items. Phazon efficiency reports, writeups on progress figuring out Metroid life-sucking capabilities, a list of fallen Zebesians whose families he must contact to tell them the bad news and send monetary compensation. Just the daily stuff. Suddenly, he receives a message in his Space Pirate e-mail inbox marked with a ! important tag (the previous one had been a letter from Crocomire, asking why they never hang out anymore. It was promptly sent to the Trash folder.)

He opens the notice (at this point the camera is looking 3/4 at his face, such that the small, hand-held tablet is partly obscuring his facial features up to around his eye). He reads for a brief moment, and his eyes widen suddenly. The classiest monocle you've ever seen, made from refined Bendezium and quick cooled with a premium Ice Beam, drops to the floor in slow motion and cracks. He begins to shake, and with no announcement he stands up, places the small screen on his perch, and walks towards the elevator to leave the bridge. Confused, the helmsmen space pirates get up from their stations and go to look at his report, only to see a large, red, flashing Smash Bros. symbol on the screen.

Ridley is not seen for hours, but a hull breach warning pops up on the main screen, with the origin being his personal quarters. Upon this recognition, the pirates use a modified galvanizer to melt open the door to his quarters. He's not there, but a few pirates are sucked through the hole in the wall that is very strongly shaped like a space dragon holding a large duffel bag. He has barged out of the ship without alerting anyone, even Mother Brain, shirking off his plundering and marauding duties for the largest opportunity he's ever had: a shot at winning first place in the widely broadcast Smash Bros. tournament. He flies through space with a gleam in his eye and the closest thing to a smile that a purple reptile can produce.

Elsewhere, Tom Nook is about to pick up a letter that had recently littered his beautiful town. Everything goes dark for a moment, and he and the other residents look up to see a dragon flying overhead, casting a menacing shadow on the world below. Ridley soars into the fray.
I approve this, just for the fancy monocle.
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