That sort of "developer can do no wrong" attitude is disgusting. Sad thing is, so many people believe it with Smash. Everything Sakurai does is the right decision, obviously, whereas everything he doesn't do or everything he disagrees with was obviously the wrong decision. Funny, I can't find the link to it, since it was years ago, but I remember someone posting one of Sakurai's Famitsu columns where he praised Sakamoto for "taking risks in a different direction" with Other M or something to that effect. You guys will love that, I'm sure.
Point being, everyone has their own criteria for buying the game; the people who claim they'd buy it unconditionally are most likely being disingenuous, just because they have the luxury of the conditions they personally need met (e.g. gameplay that's not godawful, the bare bones basic characters) being met, because they'd never not be met. There's no need to lambast anyone whose criteria is different from your own, though if that never happened, we wouldn't have GameFAQs, now would we?
Anyways, I only skimmed the TooBigots' posts in that thread. I'm not worried about them, because even if Ridley is not in the game for whatever reason, they will have succeeded at doing nothing more than reducing their cause down to a pathetic meme, ridiculed by the vast, vast majority of the intelligent forumgoers. Whereas you see people becoming convinced that Ridley could work all the time, you never see anyone devolving into TooBigotry. They're a dying breed, made to seem more prominent than they are by attention-seekers on YouTube like that one guy who talks about turtles and anatomy and stuff.