Ridley would be boss. Here's a move set I invented for him a little while ago.
B-Fireball-Could It be more obvious? Ridley shoots a fireball that get smaller if you use them consecutively.
Over B-Vital Rend-Ridley dashes forward and if he grabs you, he scrapes you along the ground, dealing more damage the higher your weight is. In midair, he would dive straight down and bury you on contact with the ground. Also good for Ridley-cide

Down B-Outrage-Ridley spits out a limited range "wave" of fire. The more damage Ridley has, the more effective it is. Can reach OHKO potential
Up B-Vulture Twist-Ridley spins upward, generating a semi-powerful vacuum, dealing more damage to lighter characters.
Final Smash-Ground Zero-Ridley grabs the opponent and proceeds to deliver a FEROCIOUS beating. It ends with the character being sent off. You have to tap the A button in time with the hits to increase damage. The more accurate your button presses, the more powerful the finishing blow, can reach OHKO potential.
Ridley CANNOT use his Brawl model or any variation thereof. It sucked, to be blunt. Please Reply. Thanks!