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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
It is my personal mission to scratch the data of Ridley off of the disc of every person who has so far refused to acknowledge just how likely his chances are (or how sadistic Sakurai has been in regards to the situation).

I am not saying he IS playable, but so far the only alternative I can see is something along the lines of playable boss character; certainly not just a boss alone. Something of actual merit which Sakurai would find worth of teasing.

and RIP Takamaru.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
I see you're very passionate but please be cautious and read the facts, a lot is going against him and it begins to look more and more that he is not getting in. If you keep holding the knife into the flames of your passion it is going to hurt a he'll of a lot more if you keep trying to expect him to be playable. Just push for him to be dlc, he's worthy of being dlc right?
Read post #2 Weavel, you won't think the evidence is so stacked against him after that. Unlike every other character that has been EXPLICITLY deconfirmed (particularly Chrom, which they clarified again later that day saying he was not playable, period), Ridley was shown. "Boss characters make appearances on other stages, not just this one." Ridley's name was not even mentioned. He was very jerky for a boss that would have been at the very least in the final stages of development. He jumps at the end back towards the middle of the stage, right before it cut to the trophy quiz. More things point to him being playable than you think, my friend, and knocking someone for believing is not cool anyways. Belief, as Ridley supporters, is all we have since Sakurai is very reserved about Ridley, and it's very likely that it's because of all of the controversy surrounding him. DLC would most likely not be characters, in my opinion, because that would just be chaos. Everyone would still clamor for all these guys that may be deconfirmed by that point, and it wouldn't be pretty. If Ridley wasn't in the final product originally, I don't think he'd be DLC because of said controversy.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2014
San Francisco, California
Well.. thats rhe reverse of what I was expecting but welcome aboard, but be cautiously optimistic, you don't want it to hurt like searing lava mixed with mythical lava peppers that feeds on your despair to maximize the potential of the pain.
I'm cautiously optimistic, to be sure! I don't think is possible to drop all of my misgivings immediately. :p Nonetheless, I think he has a shot! Plus the outright disconfirmation of Takamaru kinda adds to Ridley not being referenced by name, imo.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Well.. thats rhe reverse of what I was expecting but welcome aboard, but be cautiously optimistic, you don't want it to hurt like searing lava mixed with mythical lava peppers that feeds on your despair to maximize the potential of the pain.

I see lots of passion going around since the "incident" it just goes to show how much he is desired.
If you actually read what he said, you wouldn't deem us so "passionate".

Takamaru was disconfirmed, out of the blue, and was shown without a newcomer tag. And on top of that, Sakurai specifically said he was an Assist, even though it was obvious enough, to ensure that there is absolutely no doubts about it.

And then there's Chrom, as Nintendo had to specify to IGN that he wasn't playable, even though it was evident he wasn't

So here's the question: Why hasn't this been applied to Ridley? I mean, doesn't that seem even remotely odd to you?
Read post #2 Weavel, you won't think the evidence is so stacked against him after that. Unlike every other character that has been EXPLICITLY deconfirmed (particularly Chrom, which they clarified again later that day saying he was not playable, period), Ridley was shown. "Boss characters make appearances on other stages, not just this one." Ridley's name was not even mentioned. He was very jerky for a boss that would have been at the very least in the final stages of development. He jumps at the end back towards the middle of the stage, right before it cut to the trophy quiz. More things point to him being playable than you think, my friend, and knocking someone for believing is not cool anyways. Belief, as Ridley supporters, is all we have since Sakurai is very reserved about Ridley, and it's very likely that it's because of all of the controversy surrounding him. DLC would most likely not be characters, in my opinion, because that would just be chaos. Everyone would still clamor for all these guys that may be deconfirmed by that point, and it wouldn't be pretty. If Ridley wasn't in the final product originally, I don't think he'd be DLC because of said controversy.
I have read the evidence, but it has not led me to the same conclusion as you.



Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
I have read the evidence, but it has not led me to the same conclusion as you.

You're being too passionate about passion, ya large ham!
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Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
Funny how Takamaru is another one to get a quick and straight to the point disconfirmation, yet Ridley didn't and has just been teased.

Rather suspicious.

Bendezium Dweevil

Smash Rookie
Jul 28, 2014
I've been a follower of this thread for about 600 pages now, but I just now got to sign up to become one of the infamous Ridley supporters. Ridley is my #1 most wanted newcomer, along with K. Rool and Paper Mario (Mewtwo for #1 returning veteran). With Takamaru's flat-out disconfirmation, I am even more assured that Ridley is going to be the biggest additions to the roster yet!... Figuratively speaking for the most part.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2013
Whatever remained of Zebes
Switch FC
I've been a follower of this thread for about 600 pages now, but I just now got to sign up to become one of the infamous Ridley supporters. Ridley is my #1 most wanted newcomer, along with K. Rool and Paper Mario (Mewtwo for #1 returning veteran). With Takamaru's flat-out disconfirmation, I am even more assured that Ridley is going to be the biggest additions to the roster yet!... Figuratively speaking for the most part.
Welcome to the Space Pirate HQ! Protip: don't drink the water.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
Yet another character bites the dust it seems, with a direct deconfirmation to the heart, his wound running red with warm, fresh blood.

And Ridley is just sitting here.


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2014
This pic of the day gave me a sinking feeling for some reason. I feel like Ridley will soon be deconfirmed just like Takamaru has here. A picture of him on Pyrosphere and then Mashpotato Samurai saying (FYI, he's a boss) :c


Smash Cadet
May 6, 2014
How great would it be if this week was Assist Trophy/Stage Hazard Week, and on Friday we get a pic of a huge boss sized Ridley telling us that he is a stage hazard on Pyrosphere, with the comment "I know he has lots of fans, but Ridley is just too big to be playable.", only for him to make a second post underneath and say "Nah, I'm only kidding. He's playable. FYI, he's enhanced with a Super Mushroom in the first pic."
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Not to mention something @majora_787 said that I found funny, but it's the truth.

Since we saw him being a boss in ssbb, acting in a similar way now wouldn't be considered very new right?

Because teasing as hazard is possible in theory only, but in practice, it would be translating as: "Hey! look, here's some absolutely [NOT] new informations. Exciting, Huh?".

I laugh at this, but it can't be more true. Which now leave me to the true question that even via devil advocate, I found no answer so far:

Why he's not playable now?

Saying "direct = deconfirmed" is contradictory with the same source used to tell an objective deconfirmation. Saying "in development" is again, contradictory with the same source that reminds you about it with how he make us wait months before even revealing by pure teasing. Saying "might be an exception/mistake" is contradictory with the same person that plans what is exception and assumes mistake because it's obvious that he does plan his marketing strategy and this would be impossible to be a mistake or, it it's what happened, deliberate literal troll (not Sakurai joking or being unpredictable, but bad and maybe insulting troll that would just make a bad impression). Saying "he literally said it" is half true because the same line can be interpreted validly in the opposite way and correlates with the same person that made the infamous August 20 quote and choose his vocabulary carefully (waluigi deconformation or the direct itself along with gestures). Saying "But I saw it anyway while I should saw it on the site before" is not true since you saw a shadow which mean altered size, color and form which doesn't give a clear idea and it might even be made to just see the tail to tell it's Ridley, but not enough for the opposite meaning.

Is that it now? I named everything I could, but did you notice something odd in my wording?

All, EVERY ARGUMENTS would contradicts the same person that SPAWNED them...

Masahiro Sakurai himself.

I'm really considering about an [almost confirmed] verdict because of this (it's a 99% btw while the only reason it miss 1% is because of non objectivity). When you reach the point when an outcome has every counter to them not making any logic with previous events and even recurring one that are still today...

Why even considering it and not thinking about the last one that would correlates with everything?

It's really pure logic. I did not expect to become to a point when I'm considering why he COULD POSSIBLY NOT be playable and still correlates with everything. Every speculation I saw has a totally opposite philosophy which is basically asking why someone COULD POSSIBLY BE playable and NOT BREAK any previous correlation.

It's like in justice, you're innocent (no sentence) until proven guilty (with sentence). It makes sense. The opposite however, is that you're guilty (with sentence) until proven innocent (no sentence). This logic being completely inverted makes no sense at all. Why the default case is getting a sentence while no check would've been performed to tell if I deserve it? The first one tough does perform check to tell if I deserve a sentence before getting one.

Here, it's simple: if you replace "innocent" by "not playable", guilty by "playable" and "sentence" by "undeniable". It gets exactly where it is now:

In speculations, we usually consider a character not playable (is not undeniable so it's deniable) until proven playable (which it's undeniable). It makes sense. The opposite however, is that the character is considered playable (undeniable) until proven not being playable (deniable). This logic inverted makes no sense at all. Why the default case would be to assume the best case without any check before confirming it? The first one tough does perform checks to confirm it.

Got that? Well, let me for the last time take those and replace "character" by "Ridley":

Ridley is not playable (deniable) until proven playable (undeniable).

Ridley is playable (undeniable) until proven not being playable (deniable).

I should normally think in the first one philosophy, but his situation got so much screwed up that's it's the complete opposite of what makes sense!!!

The first in theory always make sense even here, but after arguing, researching, considering and debating, it got so deep without any clear proof and evidences backing the opposite that the second one would be the best way to see it. I could get hundreds of characters and get just ONE possibility of not being playable thus making the first logic accurate. But here, I can't find anything. I have to assume what's left even without anything confirming it.

I will think about it, but I hope this post was worthy to read even if it was long.

Just advice, we checked every evidences; stop putting too much focus on those. Think about his situation logically, it's infinite.

EDIT: Ok, I just want to do an off topic mini rant that is really annoying.

Why text editor here is broken? Seriously sometimes the style buttons isn't consistent with their flag, no size choices gives the default one while color choice does and why do collpase tag HAS to be aligned left and the next line not being centered if you don't want to post 2 of them or break them even more? I just post the message with a font size screwed up so I had to put all at 4. I know I can use basic editor, but let's admit, it's confusing to use and long post like my OP in my thread is a nightmare to fix for minors problems.

/rant, but it's really annoying.
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Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
This pic of the day gave me a sinking feeling for some reason. I feel like Ridley will soon be deconfirmed just like Takamaru has here. A picture of him on Pyrosphere and then Mashpotato Samurai saying (FYI, he's a boss) :c
Yet at the same time, it's a great relief because it fits into the pattern of Sakurai showing a character and immediately explicitly deconfirming them as PC's. Ridley wasn't explicitly deconfirmed, which is why I have such high hopes for him, combined with the fact that Sakurai stated he dislikes fake hype, and therefore probably doesn't want to create fake hype by, say, teasing a very popular character only to deconfirm him after a whole bloody year.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
So this Ridley rumor thing started on Facebook.

Can we get someone to go on the "Super Smash Bros Discussion Group," and see what they meant?

Actually, @CrusherMania1592 can you go back to the conversation and copy that part? Others in that group can do that too.
I run a group of that name, but it only has 80 members, I am sure you mean the other one that is huge and filled with (excuse my expression here) ******* that spam about Goku and Shrek and stuff.
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Abbey Recorder
Nov 22, 2001
sneaking low to the ground, ready to pounce
How great would it be if this week was Assist Trophy/Stage Hazard Week, and on Friday we get a pic of a huge boss sized Ridley telling us that he is a stage hazard on Pyrosphere, with the comment "I know he has lots of fans, but Ridley is just too big to be playable.", only for him to make a second post underneath and say "Nah, I'm only kidding. He's playable. FYI, he's enhanced with a Super Mushroom in the first pic."
OMFG. Now I want Ridley to be shown in a picture with super mushroom more than anything. For the ultimate trolling experience. Sakurai would totally do this too.


Smash Lord
Dec 19, 2008
Another 1 that is straight up disconfirmed after being shown (Takumaru). At thus point Ridley is deff. playable imo.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
@Ridley_Prime....you know what, a few hours or minutes ago...I did a collage with all the Ridley and Roidley stuff I did, from the very first comic I created on May to the one I did this morning....and I remembered months back, when I despited Roidley to the core....and you told me that you find it sad that I hated something related to Ridley....so, I'm surprised as always how my interactions with those two changed....from violent to funny...and well, it became a really appreciated concept of mine...

View attachment 19666
It is amazing how time and the circumstances change people.....
Embarrass Well I guess I'm... glad I kinda rubbed off on ya there after awhile, not that I was faulting you for not being a fan of Other M Ridley, but yeah. It was kinda depressing to see how a Ridley fan of your caliber obsessively hated on Roidley that much at the time (not gonna lie), and just felt you could be better/more positive than that.. Am glad too though that something good came out of trying to have a slightly different take on Roidley after awhile. The interaction comics with him and Ridley as "bros" or whatever are always usually wonderful. xD I mean Roidley was never my favorite design either but either way him having that design in Smash 4 was inevitable, so I figured you just had to make the best of it regardless of the role he gets in the game. Roidley's not the worst thing in the world either once you get used to him. The Other M evolution line on the other hand I never particularly cared for either, so continue hating on that all you want I guess. xD

But um.. yeah. How times have changed now.

Show me proof that the manga is canon because I haven't been able to find it, just people pointing out contradictions and how other m makes it worse.
Well there was a point when Nintendo advertised some of the manga on the official Metroid site (a colored translated version of the first couple volumes or so anyway), showing that they intended it to be part of the story. There was also some Japanese-exclusive endings of Metroid Fusion that had events depicted from the manga. Aside from all that and Sakamoto endorsing it though, how can Other M be canon and the manga not be?


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2014
SmashGAF being cute again, for such an elitist forum, their users are completely oblivious to the fact in Other M there are no purple tubes, and that Ridley never tilts the platform....


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Embarrass Well I guess I'm... glad I kinda rubbed off on ya there after awhile, not that I was faulting you for not being a fan of Other M Ridley, but yeah. It was kinda depressing to see how a Ridley fan of your caliber obsessively hated on Roidley that much at the time (not gonna lie), and just felt you could be better/more positive than that.. Am glad too though that something good came out of trying to have a slightly different take on Roidley after awhile. The interaction comics with him and Ridley as "bros" or whatever are always usually wonderful. xD I mean Roidley was never my favorite design either but either way him having that design in Smash 4 was inevitable, so I figured you just had to make the best of it regardless of the role he gets in the game. Roidley's not the worst thing in the world either once you get used to him. The Other M evolution line on the other hand I never particularly cared for either, so continue hating on that all you want I guess. xD

But um.. yeah. How times have changed now.

Well there was a point when Nintendo advertised some of the manga on the official Metroid site (a colored translated version of the first couple volumes or so anyway), showing that they intended it to be part of the story. There was also some Japanese-exclusive endings of Metroid Fusion that had events depicted from the manga. Aside from all that and Sakamoto endorsing it though, how can Other M be canon and the manga not be?
Yes, I was aware that the games took material from the manga to implement in the games but played it out differently, this isn't confirmation that it is canon though and happens to other series such as sonic with its comics and what not.

Also has anyone started a Ridley petition?

Now before you try to bash me on the petition idea hear me out, I have had personal success with the petition method when it came to a sonic sega racing, our petition asked for them to put NiGHTS from NiGHTS into dreams into they game and they officially responded to us saying it was to late, but made nights the person who signals the races and waves the flag, and it was because of our petition!


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Yes, I was aware that the games took material from the manga to implement in the games but played it out differently, this isn't confirmation that it is canon though and happens to other series such as sonic with its comics and what not.

Also has anyone started a Ridley petition?

Now before you try to bash me on the petition idea hear me out, I have had personal success with the petition method when it came to a sonic sega racing, our petition asked for them to put NiGHTS from NiGHTS into dreams into they game and they officially responded to us saying it was to late, but made nights the person who signals the races and waves the flag, and it was because of our petition!
You remind me of someone who did made a petition but... let's just say it went into being awkward or funny (depending on how you interpret it).

I shouldn't mention him, but this hint should be enough: he compared his inclusion to be as worthy as civil rights.

But for a TRUE petition? Not in my knowledge and it just seems way too late for one anyway.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Also has anyone started a Ridley petition?

Now before you try to bash me on the petition idea hear me out, I have had personal success with the petition method when it came to a sonic sega racing, our petition asked for them to put NiGHTS from NiGHTS into dreams into they game and they officially responded to us saying it was to late, but made nights the person who signals the races and waves the flag, and it was because of our petition!
A petition can't do much at this point since Ridley's role has already been decided. I doubt we need a petition in order for them to see how popular he is too, Ridley has been one of the most popular potential newcomers since at least pre-Brawl, no doubt they know the demand, question remains whether they want to fulfill our wishes.
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Yes, I was aware that the games took material from the manga to implement in the games but played it out differently, this isn't confirmation that it is canon though and happens to other series such as sonic with its comics and what not.

Also has anyone started a Ridley petition?

Now before you try to bash me on the petition idea hear me out, I have had personal success with the petition method when it came to a sonic sega racing, our petition asked for them to put NiGHTS from NiGHTS into dreams into they game and they officially responded to us saying it was to late, but made nights the person who signals the races and waves the flag, and it was because of our petition!
I think it's far too late for anything to happen to Ridley, he's already either a playable character or a Piñata stage boss, people may not be able to decide his role, but we can all agree he's in the game. and the Japanese 3DS version is finished. So what exactly would expect/want to be accomplished with a petition?


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
You remind me of someone who did made a petition but... let's just say it went into being awkward or funny (depending on how you interpret it).

I shouldn't mention him, but this hint should be enough: he compared his inclusion to be as worthy as civil rights.

But for a TRUE petition? Not in my knowledge and it just seems way too late for one anyway.
Well isn't that the point? When they start brain storming for DLC ideas they will get hit with RIDLEY!

Also haha, I never thought the petition as some civil right fiasco, just of course an online one showing the devs how much we want a character, and it did work for me and the people I was with on the NiGHTS issue. I have seen them work!

And even if he is a stage boss I've played games where characters were bosses but later became DLC. Hell they could make the new stage boss ridley mecha ridley! or just make him kraid. you decide.

And to the people who said Ridley's role was already decided, Devs responded to our petition saying it was to late but made the time for NiGHTS to be a flag boy/girl. I am no where suggesting they make a new character in this short of time but it may help with DLC if we do it as a group effort! I've seen it work!
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Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Sooo....what are the chances say out of 10 that we will know the roster in august ummmm....well ok.....

Whats the chances this all will end in august out of 10 is what i actually meant...???
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Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
About those cylinders, I think I've figured out their purpose.

Since they are also on the Final Destination version, I think they are there.......

The lava, FD pyrosphere doesn't have lava


Although they could have easily changed it over time. Anyway I think those cylinders are just for making grabbing on to the edge better since without them you could probably get stuck under it easily.

And yeah, looking back it IS the final destination form up top, The Lava has been re added for some reason. Weird.


Smash Lord
Jul 15, 2014
Yes, I was aware that the games took material from the manga to implement in the games but played it out differently, this isn't confirmation that it is canon though and happens to other series such as sonic with its comics and what not.

Also has anyone started a Ridley petition?

Now before you try to bash me on the petition idea hear me out, I have had personal success with the petition method when it came to a sonic sega racing, our petition asked for them to put NiGHTS from NiGHTS into dreams into they game and they officially responded to us saying it was to late, but made nights the person who signals the races and waves the flag, and it was because of our petition!
It's a few years too late for that, since the playable characters were chosen at the start of the development cycle.
DLC? Maybe, but I doubt we'd need a petition to get senpai to notice us. They are well aware of our fanbases, you know.

About those cylinders, I think I've figured out their purpose.

Since they are also on the Final Destination version, I think they are there.......

The lava, FD pyrosphere doesn't have lava


Although they could have easily changed it over time. Anyway I think those cylinders are just for making grabbing on to the edge better since without them you could probably get stuck under it easily.

And yeah, looking back it IS the final destination form up top, The Lava has been re added for some reason. Weird.
It looks much more vibrant in the upper pic. Progress!


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
The footage of Mega Man vs Pit on FD Pyrosphere is outdated yes, you can see FD Pyrosphere on the website's For Glory section too, including lava and everything. It's just the game going through development.

The cylinders are more likely than not just decoration if you ask me.
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Well isn't that the point? When they start brain storming for DLC ideas they will get hit with RIDLEY!

Also haha, I never thought the petition as some civil right fiasco, just of course an online one showing the devs how much we want a character, and it did work for me and the people I was with on the NiGHTS issue. I have seen them work!

And even if he is a stage boss I've played games where characters were bosses but later became DLC. Hell they could make the new stage boss ridley mecha ridley! or just make him kraid. you decide.

And to the people who said Ridley's role was already decided, Devs responded to our petition saying it was to late but made the time for NiGHTS to be a flag boy/girl. I am no where suggesting they make a new character in this short of time but it may help with DLC if we do it as a group effort! I've seen it work!

You're missing the point, which I must say is quite an accomplishment, given how me and @ MasterOfKnees MasterOfKnees made it very clear, but I'll try and explain another way

The difference between Nights and Ridley, is Nights (going off what you said) wasn't in the game prior to the petition, so the petition got Sega to add him. On the other hand we have Ridley, Ridley has been proven to be already in the game, and given the fact he has working model (polished/finish or not), he already exists in the game, therefore he already has a role in the game. A petition to add Ridley as DLC wouldn't work because if he was intended to be a playable character he would already be one, if we turns out to be a stage boss, Sakurai had the intention of making him one and I doubt he would make him a DLC playable character.
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
You're missing the point, which I must say is quite an accomplishment, given how me and @ MasterOfKnees MasterOfKnees made it very clear, but I'll try and explain another way

The difference between Nights and Ridley, is Nights (going off what you said) wasn't in the game prior to the petition, so the petition got Sega to add him. On the other hand we have Ridley, Ridley has been proven to be already in the game, and given the fact he has working model (polished/finish or not), he already exists in the game, therefore he already has a role in the game. A petition to add Ridley as DLC wouldn't work because if he was intended to be a playable character he would already be one, if we turns out to be a stage boss, Sakurai had the intention of making him one and I doubt he would make him a DLC playable character.
Furthermore they already know the demand, if Ridley isn't a character in the launch version it's because they don't want him to be a character, simple as that.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
You're missing the point, which I must say is quite an accomplishment, given how me and @ MasterOfKnees MasterOfKnees made it very clear, but I'll try and explain another way

The difference between Nights and Ridley, is Nights (going off what you said) wasn't in the game prior to the petition, so the petition got Sega to add him. On the other hand we have Ridley, Ridley has been proven to be already in the game, and given the fact he has working model (polished/finish or not), he already exists in the game, therefore he already has a role in the game. A petition to add Ridley as DLC wouldn't work because if he was intended to be a playable character he would already be one, if we turns out to be a stage boss, Sakurai had to intention of making him one and I doubt he would make him DLC.
Well now it looks like you didn't understand my explanation, I've (we've) played games where boss characters were initially unavailable but were later made DLC. Him already having a role doesn't guarantee he is exempt from ever becoming DLC and I can't believe you missed that part of my speech just to say that, It sounds like your ego over inflated at the concept of being challenged and had to address something which I already addressed.

And many in this forum are still holding on to vain hope that he will be playable, I am trying to find a way to keep that door open to them since it seems crazy that SSB4 won't get dlc.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Well now it looks like you didn't understand my explanation, I've (we've) played games where boss characters were initially unavailable but were later made DLC. Him already having a role doesn't guarantee he is exempt from ever becoming DLC and I can't believe you missed that part of my speech just to say that.

And many in this forum are still holding on to vain hope that he will be playable, I am trying to find a way to keep that door open to them since it seems crazy that SSB4 won't get dlc.
I know you don't believe the 2nd post, but admit, it is too farfetched to claim Ridley as NPC here, and no, playable boss gimmicks will never happen. The thing is, Ridley has been sized down, that in itself is enough to prove his playability. Ridley being DLC is something lots of people would buy, but the fact that other characters who don't appear in the game at all can be DLC, then it would seem like a waste of development time


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
I know you don't believe the 2nd post, but admit, it is too farfetched to claim Ridley as NPC here, and no, playable boss gimmicks will never happen. The thing is, Ridley has been sized down, that in itself is enough to prove his playability. Ridley being DLC is something lots of people would buy, but the fact that other characters who don't appear in the game at all can be DLC, then it would seem like a waste of development time
If he is already in the game as a playable character that is good and I would never challenge it, but I am not convinced by this evidence like you are and it would be a blessing to be wrong on this.
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Well now it looks like you didn't understand my explanation, I've (we've) played games where boss characters were initially unavailable but were later made DLC. Him already having a role doesn't guarantee he is exempt from ever becoming DLC and I can't believe you missed that part of my speech just to say that.

And many in this forum are still holding on to vain hope that he will be playable, I am trying to find a way to keep that door open to them since it seems crazy that SSB4 won't get dlc.
Sakurai has no plans of DLC characters after launch, though never ruled it out completely. Also something I don't get is if Ridley was too complex to make playable (which I'm guessing would be the reason for the lack of his inclusion in the roster), why would they spend loads of time after launch to make a DLC character not everyone will buy and use, seems like a waste to me. I'm sure Sakurai and the team could create many more characters if that was the case.

Call me cynical, but making Ridley a DLC character makes no sense to me. If they intended Ridley to be playable they would have done it, and since we have no proof if he's playable or not it's pointless even jumping to the conclusion of a petition in the first place.
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Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2012
Sakurai has no plans of DLC characters after launch, though never ruled it out completely. Also something I don't get is if Ridley was too complex to make playable (which I'm guessing would be the reason for the lack of his inclusion in the roster), why would they spend loads of time after launch to make a DLC character not everyone will buy and use, seems like a waste to me. I'm sure Sakurai and the team could create many more characters if that was the case.

Call me cynical, but making Ridley a DLC character makes no sense to me. If they intended Ridley to be playable they would have done it, and since we have no proof if he's playable or not it's pointless even jumping to the conclusion of a petition in the first place.
I know that they said there is no DLC planned at the moment, I've made hints to it such as no DLC for this game would be crazy ect, but with the tech they got now and the demand it just seems to be a matter of time to me.

And if people really are so passionate about Ridley, I don't see why not try to start a petition to get a response out of the respective party, I was also part of one for megaman legends 3 and we got over 100k ppl and they responded to us.

The answer was still no but it did force a response seeing a combined effort into a single petition.

So yeah, I was part of 2 successful petition campaigns that got responses, only one bore fruit so call it what you want. And the petition for megaman legends 3 is still ongoing. I don't know at the top of my head but I think they have 500k supporters now.
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