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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
No, no. I honestly want to have an informed and respectful conversation here. I apologized, and if that's not enough, well, there's really nothing I can do.
First, thank you for explaining how the shadows work in Smash. I had thought they may function more realistically than simply being static 1:1.
Perhaps I may need to re-word my previous statements. However, the fact still stands that all evidence in favor of Ridley is circumstantial at BEST.
In regards to TitanTeaTime's arguments being straw man, well, they are. Phosphora has nothing to do with the topic at hand, nor does the inclusion of characters that were formerly villains of previous games. Sakurai simply showed a few frames of Ridley's shadow while the tagline read "Other boss character appearances." Also, at the exact same time, the voiceover said, "Boss characters make appearances in other stages, not just this one."
As you said, "Context is key."
If you wish to reply, please refrain from the ad hominem, or from putting words in my mouth.
Din't want to get involved with this debate, but I just wanted to clarify why @ TitanTeaTime TitanTeaTime says Phosphora is relevant as I think the same way regarding connecting it to "Other boss character appearances."

Basically Sakurai showed a normal collectable trophy of Phosphora as a PoTD, which seemed to pretty much confirm she was nothing more than a collectable trophy. Though it one of the pictures on Palutena's page you can see Phosphora next to Palutena, which clearly looks like a assist trophy. So by calling Phosphora a trophy, Sakurai is still technically correct in both cases.

How it's relevant is because people think "Other boss character appearances." is also play on words, since the Yellow Devil was directly before this most people would just assume that Ridley was also stage boss like him. But Ridley is a boss from the Metroid series, so he can call Ridley a boss character and get away with it, even if he's not a stage boss. Also something I don't get, why did he refer to Ridley as a "boss character." instead of a stage boss.

That combined with the fact he never clarified that Ridley was a a stage boss on Miiverse, like was recently done with Chrom, and assist trophies such as Ashley, makes people believe Sakurai is hiding something about Ridley, and Sakurai has stated he doesn't like to create false hype.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I was the one who actually started the Raydley thing...Shouldn't have mentioned that but oh well!


xD How I could have forgotten that you were the one who started it....but since you and Soulless are the ones who started to pissing me off the most....it's the same...
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AKA Zessei, Herald of Fate
Jan 6, 2013
The Eternal Void
If you referred to the Shadow Analysis' in depth, such as the Megaman one above, we can see a character in the air, and have images form all angles. So we can replicate it 100%.

I remember Yellow Devil. And he moved hella fast. What would one gain from killing Ridley besides the tears of all his supporters?
Well, he did explode on Subspace Emissary...

If we are real, none of your arguments have yet to counter the ones already presented, and are even overshadowed (heh, shadow) by the evidence for him.

You also failed to address the post above as well, that shut down the rest of your arguments.
I'm sorry which argument 'completely shut me down'? I've had to deal with several lines of logic simultaneously, and I'm a little lost here.


Smash Lord
Dec 19, 2008
Warning Received
My question has nothing to do with that post. I wanted a fleshed-out response from the other poster.
Really though? You're comming at me to provoke ****? Your starting a flamewar in this thread? Bounce your ass out I'm not even seriously replying to those things lmao.


Smash Lord
Dec 19, 2008
I'm sorry, did I reply to any of your posts? I didn't mean to "comm" at you, or provoke anything.
Don't patronize me kid and don't act stupid. You made a whole picture in reply to my shadow analyze.

Can I ask you a question? What are you doing in this thread? What's the point? Clearly you're not supporting Ridley. Smh.
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Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
Geez this place is turning really nasty. Perhaps I should step in to help?

*glaces at most recent turn of events*

Actually on second thought,

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AKA Zessei, Herald of Fate
Jan 6, 2013
The Eternal Void
Don't patronize me kid and don't act stupid. You made a whole picture in reply to my shadow analyze.

Can I ask you a question? What are you doing in this thread? What's the point? Clearly you're not supporting Ridley. Smh.
Ohh, THAT post! Sorry, I've been having a conversation with three other people on this thread, and got a little frazzled. Not patronizing, I swear. That said, I could have been a little more respectful.
But no, I don't believe Ridley will make it into Smash as a playable character, for the reason I marked: He's a boss character, just like Yellow Devil.
I would LIKE him to be playable, I'm just not holding my breath.
Geez this place is turning really nasty. Perhaps I should step in to help?

*glaces at most recent turn of events*

Actually on second thought,

Never mind, I'll see myself out.
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Deleted member

I'm going to jump in and counter the "Ridley's a boss in the Metroid series so Sakurai could be referring to that" logic which should have been dispelled a long time ago.

We know full well he was referring to actual boss characters, not "characters that have been a boss before".
The original statement:

Which roughly translates to "Other boss character system gimmicks come up".
He's not talking about characters like Bowser, Ganondorf, Dedede, etc., he's talking about bosses like Yellow Devil.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean Ridley is a boss; that remains to be seen. Sakurai didn't literally specify Ridley was a boss, and could have just shown his shadow to make people think he is just to blindside them later with a different Pyrosphere boss and/or a playable Ridley and claim "I never said Ridley was the boss. :troll:".

However, it cannot be denied that he showed Ridley's shadow within context of him being a boss on Pyrosphere. Whether or not he's being deliberately misleading is still up in the air.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
Switch FC
Don't patronize me kid and don't act stupid. You made a whole picture in reply to my shadow analyze.

Can I ask you a question? What are you doing in this thread? What's the point? Clearly you're not supporting Ridley. Smh.

Pretty sure it was just to try and see if anyone would bite

How can anyone be taken serious by coming to a thread and dropping this post?

Ooh! Ooh! I just noticed something too!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'mma go make a "Yellow Devil is playable!" thread!
All they seem to be doing is seeing how much they can get away with, then retreating with a backhanded compliment
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Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Some supporters being overly aggressive to someone who isn't completely like-minded, blahblahblah. What else is new?

was this to mock us or support us? i cant tell because of the "fan boys" part :/
I think that was just included in the title as a ploy for the random music video to get more views (must've saw how Shokio got lots of views), like how the same user uploaded the Samus dance music vid from the end of Haloid and had "Ridley" in the title even though Ridley had nothing to do with the video or Haloid or anything...

Stupid stuff, though I kinda enjoyed hearing Eye of the Tiger again while catching up on this thread.

In terms of design preference, it's a toss up between that and Box Coverartley:

The two things I like about this Ridley are the well defined pupils and the body proportions. It looks like it would work perfectly for Smash, especially the better defined pupils which would help make him more expressive and less generic monster-y.
It just needs to be purple.

Roidley's tail (Since I'm really a fan of the knife for a tail) on this design would be perfect for me.
I like how despite being skinny enough to have the ribcage shown, he still has plenty muscle there on the cover too. Basically, not overly skinny and cartoony like Brawl Ridley, but not overly muscular like Roidley either. Agree on the eyes/pupils too (granted, Brawl Ridley had some of the elements that Box Coverartley had). Wish a design like what you see on the Super Metroid cover was used more often... or the glowy red Ridley on the Zero Mission cover.

Now that would've been sick to see in-game. @_@

I prefer "Box Coverartley" because he is red; purple might be my favorite color, but there is something satisfying about that Ridley.
Conversely, red is my favorite color which is partly why I like it.

Cool story bro?


AKA Zessei, Herald of Fate
Jan 6, 2013
The Eternal Void
You guys should just drop it and stop biting. They'll go away on their own.
Who, the trolls? Yeah they suck.
That said, it wasn't ever my intention to troll or to start any flame wars. If my sardonic approach ruffled any feathers, then again, I apologize.
I try to maintain a positive reputation on these forums, but sometimes even the best of us lose our patience with our fellow Smashers.
I can see staying here will only do more harm than good, so I'll take off for a bit. Hopefully we can be a bit more understanding of each other next time...

Too bad that no-one's willing to apologize to ME for all the ad hominem I'VE had to endure....
Some supporters being overly aggressive to someone who isn't completely like-minded, blahblahblah. What else is new?
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2014
....I'm left speechless by the stupidity of what was written. For one, Ridley fangirls?! Really?! And that's just the tip of the iceberg of stupidity.
well i was very pissed about that but another thing jesseMccloud is such an well how can i say this nice .....idiot....yeah well that hits it
it is like he is ignoring everything that is here in this thread
every argument everything and want to discuss this whole thing.... in fact if we all ignore the arguments we have there is still another thing that i can tell him for now
how about the fact hat the shown ridley ISNT ridley it is a clone..... well ok maybe he will ignore that too so another shot ridley have so many forms he can easely have boss stage hazard and playable character at once without a fail in facts...
okay if that isnt okay for him either than i want to ask something
how was it to see chrome deconfirmed ? tell me


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
The issue is almost never that people disagree. The issue is how people act when they come in here. If you're going to walk into a thread where most people support Ridley and be an obnoxious condescending smartass to everyone, people wouldn't be expected to love that regardless of if they agree with what they're saying.

I mean what, if I went to say the Ghirahim thread and went "You're all delusional ****bird children and need to grow out of this crappy deconfirmed character who will never work ever", call everything they have to say a strawman and respond to everything with backhanded side commentary, would it be SURPRISING for people there to respond negatively? And then what?

"Oh weh they're just mad because I don't agree! D:"

Yeah. THAT'S what bugs them. Nothing else. Nope.

Sure there have been a small number of people who have come in here with better things to say other than "You're all delusional children" or "Why is this thread even still here". And they didn't get raged out of the thread forever. Because they weren't being *****, to be blunt.

EDIT: Though needless to say I don't condone the full extent of the reaction people get for it, people shouldn't come in here and expect something for so much nothing that it becomes a negative number.
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Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
No, no. I honestly want to have an informed and respectful conversation here. I apologized, and if that's not enough, well, there's really nothing I can do.
First, thank you for explaining how the shadows work in Smash. I had thought they may function more realistically than simply being static 1:1.
Perhaps I may need to re-word my previous statements. However, the fact still stands that all evidence in favor of Ridley is circumstantial at BEST.
In regards to TitanTeaTime's arguments being straw man, well, they are. Phosphora has nothing to do with the topic at hand, nor does the inclusion of characters that were formerly villains of previous games. Sakurai simply showed a few frames of Ridley's shadow while the tagline read "Other boss character appearances." Also, at the exact same time, the voiceover said, "Boss characters make appearances in other stages, not just this one."
As you said, "Context is key."
If you wish to reply, please refrain from the ad hominem, or from putting words in my mouth.
You're right, the evidence, specifically the shadow stuff, is circumstantial. Incredibly circumstantial.
But that doesn't make it any less significant as the circumstances that are present, or at least seem to be present, make these things relevant. (Not to say whether or not you think it is insignificant or not, that is.)
The facts as I see them are that:
a) Sakurai fully shows nonplayable characters and illuminates on their role. He has done this much more bluntly with some of the more popular characters such as Ashley, Waluigi, and Skull Kid.
b) Nintendo (and Sakurai) does listen to fans, as evident by many major and minor things. (I'll assume you can think of particular things yourself, though if you'd like I can list out some examples as well.) They've even been known to come to this very forum!
c) Ridley, whether positively, negatively, or neutrally, is one of the most talked about character with regards to Smash Bros.
Ridley Smash4 videos, whether they be Shokio's or whoever's, get many views for a reason. GameFAQs gets those tons a Ridley-related troll threads for a reason. This very thread is, by far, the largest thread in this subforum for a reason. (Maybe one the largest in the whole forum. I don't know. I haven't looked at every section of this site myself. :p)
The way I see it, given these three things, it would be impossible for Sakurai and co. to not know that Ridley, whether widely supported or not, is one of the most talked about characters. At least in English-speaking areas.

Given all of that, to me, it puts this into perspective. It provides meaningful circumstances.
If it weren't for me thinking about these things for extended periods of time, I would think
"Oh, Ridley, stage hazard on Pyrosphere. Okay, see ya. I'm not sure why they didn't just show him and say his name, but oh well."
Which I did for at least two months after the Smash Direct.
But what those points ^up^ there, the "circumstances" if you will, tell me is that Nintendo would have a reason to, well, do what they did and leave wiggle room to eventually announce one of the most talked about character there are as playable.

And, given those circumstances, we operate under the at least somewhat well-founded assumption that Sakurai would have a reason to "show" Ridley in a way that is unlike any other non-playable character.

We operate under a particular paradigm, if you will. One that basically states "They know people talk about Ridley a lot."
It really puts the relative vagueness into perspective for me. (Relative to past confirmations and deconfirmations, that is.)
Going into the "evidence," specifically the shadow stuff as that is the most relevant, it's almost like we think (or I think, at least) that "Okay, Sakurai's covering something up. Let's figure out what it is!"

Does that make any sense? I sometimes have trouble articulating my thoughts into coherent statements while still presenting my point accurately.
I apologize if shoved any words into your mouth. I've kind of only been half-paying attention to the discussion that's been goin' down. I mean, you saw, I've just been making joke posts and talking about Ridley's design for the past few pages! :awesome:
This post isn't a joke though.
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Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC

Let me know when the RidleyTalk is over, okay?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2014
I'm going to jump in and counter the "Ridley's a boss in the Metroid series so Sakurai could be referring to that" logic which should have been dispelled a long time ago.

We know full well he was referring to actual boss characters, not "characters that have been a boss before".
The original statement:

Which roughly translates to "Other boss character system gimmicks come up".
He's not talking about characters like Bowser, Ganondorf, Dedede, etc., he's talking about bosses like Yellow Devil.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean Ridley is a boss; that remains to be seen. Sakurai didn't literally specify Ridley was a boss, and could have just shown his shadow to make people think he is just to blindside them later with a different Pyrosphere boss and/or a playable Ridley and claim "I never said Ridley was the boss. :troll:".

However, it cannot be denied that he showed Ridley's shadow within context of him being a boss on Pyrosphere. Whether or not he's being deliberately misleading is still up in the air.
oh boy...well it still stands that sakurai never said ridleys name or has shown ridley, just his shadow and a few frames of his tail and wing


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
@GoldenYuiitusin Thank you, ExpensiveEntei. Is your username a M.U.G.E.N reference? There are a few Ridley characters for M.U.G.E.N.
@ True Blue Warrior True Blue Warrior I posted an idea a few pages ago. It involves flight!
@ ZeroJinKui ZeroJinKui Please send whatever you want in a Pesonal Message or Conversation message. I do not think anyone has logical reason to feel like that toward me currently.
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How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Any more outbreaks and us mods are going to continue handing out infractions like Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
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Deleted member

@GoldenYuiitusin Thank you, ExpensiveEntei. Is your username a M.U.G.E.N reference? There are a few Ridley characters for M.U.G.E.N.
Actually, yes.
Named after the "Yuiitusin" character. Named specifically from this video:

Since I thought "GoldenYuiitusin" sounded like a cool username.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
It's funny how other people being hyped about a potential character can in turn make you hyped about that character. Up until I read people talking about the new line-up for Smash 4 I'd never even really cared if Ridley was in the line-up or not. But then slowly but surely as I read more and more comments the concept of him as a playable character on the roster definitely grew on me considerably to the point where he is my most desired newcomer. Whether he will be or not is another story entirely, but I remain optimistic about his potential future. So I guess this is my way of saying thanks to opening up my eyes to the potential awesomeness of Ridley in Smash :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2014
@ Starphoenix Starphoenix Would you have sent me an infraction?
@ EricTheGamerman EricTheGamerman That is similar to how I became a Ridley supporter. I have never played a Metroid game, other than the demo in SSBB.
@GoldenYuiitusin Thank you for sharing. I am also a M.U.G.E.N fan. I created a OoT Ganondorf sprite recently, which I plan to use somehow, but I must learn to code. I hope someone creates a complex Ridley for M.U.G.E.N someday.


AKA Zessei, Herald of Fate
Jan 6, 2013
The Eternal Void
The issue is almost never that people disagree. The issue is how people act when they come in here. If you're going to walk into a thread where most people support Ridley and be an obnoxious condescending smartass to everyone, people wouldn't be expected to love that regardless of if they agree with what they're saying.

I mean what, if I went to say the Ghirahim thread and went "You're all delusional ****bird children and need to grow out of this crappy deconfirmed character who will never work ever", call everything they have to say a strawman and respond to everything with backhanded side commentary, would it be SURPRISING for people there to respond negatively? And then what?

"Oh weh they're just mad because I don't agree! D:"

Yeah. THAT'S what bugs them. Nothing else. Nope.

Sure there have been a small number of people who have come in here with better things to say other than "You're all delusional children" or "Why is this thread even still here". And they didn't get raged out of the thread forever. Because they weren't being ****s, to be blunt.

EDIT: Though needless to say I don't condone the full extent of the reaction people get for it, people shouldn't come in here and expect something for so much nothing that it becomes a negative number.
Well said. However, I thought I'd carried myself better than that...
Does that make any sense? I sometimes have trouble articulating my thoughts into coherent statements while still presenting my point accurately.
I apologize if shoved any words into your mouth. I've kind of only been half-paying attention to the discussion that's been goin' down. I mean, you saw, I've just been making joke posts and talking about Ridley's design for the past few pages! :awesome:
This post isn't a joke though.
And then some. Your is probably one of the most thought-out and best-written posts I've read in a while.
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