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Important The Ridley for SSB4 Thread - End of an Era

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Woah, bro. Saying that the shadow work confirms Roidley as playable is a bit much. It makes him seem somewhat likely to be playable, but don't take too much stock in shadows.
Stage hazard Ridley that is smaller than Rosalina? Not likely! And the haters say it's fake because he edited it some how or because of the lighting... 100% BS


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
Just wanted to mention that the newest leak on the block mentions a 51 character roster and Ridley. The entire leak is contained in the spoiler below:

-The final, on-disc roster is going to contain 51 playable characters.

-Downloadble-Content is confirmed. At least 3 characters will be available. 5 Stages will be available.

-Alternate costumes will be available on the disc. To gain access to these costumes you must perform tasks, very similar to how you unlock characters or stages. Most characters have only one Alternate costume some characters will have two.
Mario: Doctor Mario, Shadow Mario
Pit: Dark Pit
Pikmin & Olimar: Louie

-King K. Rool, Mewtwo, and Ridley are to be on-disc as the final characters to be announced.

-Isaac confirmed as Downloadable-Content, he is a very quick character (slightly slower than Greninja). Isaac uses magic and his Long Sword to fight.

-Ivysaur and Squirtle confirmed as Downloadable-Content. From what I can see they are identical to their Super Smash Bros. Brawl Build.

King K. Rool will be the final character to be announced 2 weeks prior to the release of Super Smash Bros. 3DS JPN. He's one of the slowest in the game but has a variety of mid-range slow projectiles; he throws his crown, shoots cannonballs, etc., recovery is jetpack from DKC3, not much height.

-Mewtwo's trailer is done in the style of the Pokemon anime, he'll be shown after Jigglypuff, all the Pokemon on the disc are in his trailer. He's got all his Melee stuff but he's heavier and quicker, teleport is a lot more functional. Mega Mewtwo Y is his final smash, gives his moves a strong purple aura and he hits way harder. Mewtwo's trailer is scheduled to be released in between the release of the 3DS Japanese version and the Japanese Wii U version.

-Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy who throws down a handful of bob-omb items (you can pick up and throw like normal), then drills down in his Koopa clown car.

-The Pyrosphere boss is Other M Ridley, the playable one is a scaled down Super Metroid Ridley. A lot like Charizard but faster, lots of aerial mobility.

-Chrom seems in-between Ike and Marth, he has lots of quick spinning attacks and is very acrobatic, his final smash is class change into Great Lord with the exhalted falchion

-Sauria from Star Fox Adventures is a stage, there are ruins in the background and dinosaurs run by. As far as I know the only Star Fox stage, don't know if Smash Taunts are on here or not. This stage is exclusive to the Wii U.

-The Donkey Kong Country Returns stage is based on the sunset level from that game, the characters themselves don't turn into shadows. This stage is available on the 3DS and Wii U.

-The Kalos stage transitions between every Elite 4 chamber until it arrives in the champion's room, Tyrantrum comes out of a Pokeball and is a boss once it gets to that part, once you beat him the cycle starts over. This stage is exclusive to the Wii U

-A Luigi Mansion: Dark Moon stage is available and is called Dark Moon. This stage transitions between the main 5 Mansions (Gloomy Manor, Haunted Towers, Old Clockworks, Secret Mine, Treacherous Mansion). This stage is Exclusive to the 3DS.

Some interesting information. Figured I'd come here before checking to see if the leaks thread had anything on it.

EDIT: It's worth noting that the leaker in question isn't credible and, apparently, has been known to leak fake stuff before, so make sure you delve into your backup supplies of salt grains.
I'm not saying it's not true, and I'm not saying it's true. I would love for it to be true+ a Ridley trailer. It just has this vibe to it.

EDIT: Source?
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Deleted member

Aplying Ridley's logic to Bowser(can't use NES Bowser 'cause limitations)
Mario World: Too Big, can't walk.
64: Too big
Sunshine: Big as s***
New series: twice or three times bigger than Mario
Galaxy: Big on both of them
3D World: freakin' big as s***
He would also be too powerful foar smhas
Games he's playable
RPG: Small, balanced, totally not canon
Mario Kart and any spin-off: small, balanced, not canon

The King of Skulls

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2014
In the threshold of time and space.
Stage hazard Ridley that is smaller than Rosalina? Not likely! And the haters say it's fake because he edited it some how or because of the lighting... 100% BS
It's not about it being likely or unlikely:

As long as there's no definitive proof(as I do not consider shadows definitive), it's still up to debate and interpretation. For all we know, Bossley could be really, pathetically small, or the shadow could be manipulated. Not that I believe that, but there's a possibility.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
Aplying Ridley's logic to Bowser(can't use NES Bowser 'cause limitations)
Mario World: Too Big, can't walk.
64: Too big
Sunshine: Big as s***
New series: twice or three times bigger than Mario
Galaxy: Big on both of them
3D World: freakin' big as s***
He would also be too powerful foar smhas
Games he's playable
RPG: Small, balanced, totally not canon
Mario Kart and any spin-off: small, balanced, not canon
Well. If Mario is just a series of stage productions, What's really canon? I jest. Hasn't it been specifically said that Smash Bowser's size is based more on the NES size anyway?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2013
Doral, FL
Ok so I may have figured a way explain the possibility of there being both a stage hazard Ridley and a playable one.

Now we all know smash bros as a non-canon series to the other universes, but there are moments in those kind of games where they will take something canon from that universe and try and work it into the system. now back to Ridley, it's been said that Other M Ridley or "Roidly" as you guys call him is in fact a clone of the original so the possibility of there being another Ridley is solely on the fact that the stage hazard is a clone of the playable fighter. now you may say that this is ******** but there have been multiple times that canon was used to bring something into a videogame. I may not remember some games that did that but I assure you that has to have happened.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2013
Doral, FL
You queens are STILL trying to have his flop character be in the game.

I mean....

No one really even likes Ridley or even wants to play her.

Sakurai already added Miis and PacMan, he's filled his stupid character qouta.

You queens should just stop while you're behind.

Well one thing I have to say to you MISSY, you came to the wrong neighborhood motherfudger :evil:
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
You queens are STILL trying to have his flop character be in the game.

I mean....

No one really even likes Ridley or even wants to play her.

Sakurai already added Miis and PacMan, he's filled his stupid character qouta.

You queens should just stop while you're behind.

Hey, congratulations for pointing out the nothing useful or productive at all!
You know what you've won?
A free ignore :troll:
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Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2013
Hey, congratulations for pointing out the nothing useful or productive at all!
You know what you've won?
A free ignore :troll:

Seriously, if any thread got as much bullcrap for supporting their character, the only two I can think of are Mii and Pac-Man, and they're in it!

Deleted member

You queens are STILL trying to have his flop character be in the game.

I mean....

No one really even likes Ridley or even wants to play her.

Sakurai already added Miis and PacMan, he's filled his stupid character qouta.

You queens should just stop while you're behind.

Yeah going away would be a good idea.
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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Aplying Ridley's logic to Bowser(can't use NES Bowser 'cause limitations)
It's pretty hard to compare Cube/rectangular-like creatures such as Bowser and Donkey Kong to Ridley, in my opinion.
Due to the many protruding features of Ridley that turn any feasible/comparable body size into mega-huge proportions (well, basically doubling his effective width). Big boxes are a lot easier to scale upwards, especially when there are incremental/standard sizes that exist (y'know, Marth/Pit > Mario > Olimar). In contrast, if we treated Ridley as a "cube" he'd likely look awkward (Meta Knight proportions sounds about right) considering his obvious "larger than Samus but can be whatever else we want" type of measurements you'd otherwise want.

I think it's a complicated conundrum on how to allow Ridley to be aesthetically pleasing when a standard large body (like the other 'bosses') will have those wings be, overwhelming? It's not impossible, but I'm going to be very interested to see how his wings get clipped. There's tons of sprites of him from older games with wings tucked in, and tail along with it, but seeing the models that people are constantly referencing of a 'modern' Ridley, chicken wings aren't going to work (btw, I'm looking forward to all the 'chicken' jokes Ridley's going to get in this game, lol). I could even see Ridley just standing kinda skewed into the backdrop so his wings aren't taking up as much of the horizontal plane. Solutions like making the wings intangible (this is actually the case of MK in brawl) would be pretty fair to Ridley, but logically very weird as a design choice (oh so if I attack ridley from behind I have to be a full extra body lengths in of his model to hit him? lame).


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
I think we'll just have one of the other Pyrosphere bosses, I don't think anything really suggests Ridley will be both playable and a hazard. I think the Alfonzo thing was a one off and I feel like Toon Link was going to be cut but they desperately wanted to promote Wind Waker HD. In the Digital Event Link makes a comment how Toon Link wasn't supposed to be there. I feel like it was a unplanned decision to bring him back. Either way, I don't think we'll get another switch situation, that's for sure. Goyagma and Vorash still potential stage bosses. We could get two different Ridleys, but I think the one shown was the Other M one and, by the shadow analysis of his size and actions, he could very well be playable. I doubt a boss Ridley would be that size, and I doubt they would make a different Ridley other than Other M Ridley playable if Samus is getting the Other M look.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Hello Ridley Fans. Have any of you wanted Ridley in M.U.G.E.N., but were not able to find a good character that gives Ridley justice?

Do I have good news for you.

This Ridley is one of the most savage, well balanced, and best boss material Ridley M.U.G.E.N. as of now.


P.S. Ridley and Samus also interact with each other:

Get Samus here:

There is also another version of Ridley for MUGEN that is 70% more awesome, has better sprites, better animations, very brutal AI and is not too big.
Here is a video with him:
Unfortunately, he was made before i improved my Roidley`s head. At least he is not duck-faced and has darker textures. And his voice can be turned off for normal mode, unlike that other "BSB" Ridley i made.

Phugin said:
You queens are STILL trying to have his flop character be in the game.

I mean....

No one really even likes Ridley or even wants to play her.

Sakurai already added Miis and PacMan, he's filled his stupid character qouta.

You queens should just stop while you're behind.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
There is also another version of Ridley for MUGEN that is 70% more awesome, has better sprites, better animations, very brutal AI and is not too big.
Here is a video with him:

Unfortunately, he was made before i improved my Roidley`s head. At least he is not duck-faced and has darker textures. And his voice can be turned off for normal mode, unlike that other "BSB" Ridley i made.
Wait...you made that Ridley? Thank you very much! I have been looking forever for a good Ridley character to go along with my Samus.

So...is the Ridley that was shown in the video finished? If not, I can wait.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
Wait...you made that Ridley? Thank you very much! I have been looking forever for a good Ridley character to go along with my Samus.

So...is the Ridley that was shown in the video finished? If not, I can wait.
Yes i made him and Samus and Dark Samus too (i will remake it because i don`t like its moveset)...and Ganondorf, but this one is worse than this 2 Samuses and Ridley.

He is finished. He may cause some lags because of his 200mb+ size. For now, i am working on Meta Ridley in the same style with the same sprite and animation quality...hm...maybe i should make a SSB MUGEN game with this characters and few other characters i wanted to make...
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
Yes i made him and Samus and Dark Samus too (i will remake it because i don`t like its moveset)...and Ganondorf, but this one is worse than this 2 Samuses and Ridley.

He is finished. He may cause some lags because of his 200mb+ size. For now, i am working on Meta Ridley in the same style with the same sprite and animation quality...hm...maybe i should make a SSB MUGEN game with this characters and few other characters i wanted to make...
Sweet, thanks for responding.

You could make a SSB MUGEN game, but realize the amount of work that would entail and remember not to over exert yourself.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2013
Doral, FL
Yes i made him and Samus and Dark Samus too (i will remake it because i don`t like its moveset)...and Ganondorf, but this one is worse than this 2 Samuses and Ridley.

He is finished. He may cause some lags because of his 200mb+ size. For now, i am working on Meta Ridley in the same style with the same sprite and animation quality...hm...maybe i should make a SSB MUGEN game with this characters and few other characters i wanted to make...
Looks cool btw is that your channel on youtube
EDIT: just checked, not your channel.
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Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
The thing with Ridley is, with Other M his body type isn't even particularly bizarre. Even his POSTURE isn't noteworthy in any real way. His proportions and size can most definitely be altered to a workable scale. It would take precision, but I seriously don't think it's nearly as difficult as many people in the smash community seem to think it is.

I mean he is basically a humanoid dragon with a hunched forward posture. He no longer has thin gangly limbs or a thin gangly neck. Wings fold to the body. Tails don't always need to be hitboxes, and his is ropelike and can easily not always be 500% erect mid-battle.

It's just a matter of actually making it happen, and it seems like they very well might be.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
I think we'll just have one of the other Pyrosphere bosses, I don't think anything really suggests Ridley will be both playable and a hazard. I think the Alfonzo thing was a one off and I feel like Toon Link was going to be cut but they desperately wanted to promote Wind Waker HD. In the Digital Event Link makes a comment how Toon Link wasn't supposed to be there. I feel like it was a unplanned decision to bring him back. Either way, I don't think we'll get another switch situation, that's for sure. Goyagma and Vorash still potential stage bosses. We could get two different Ridleys, but I think the one shown was the Other M one and, by the shadow analysis of his size and actions, he could very well be playable. I doubt a boss Ridley would be that size, and I doubt they would make a different Ridley other than Other M Ridley playable if Samus is getting the Other M look.
Other M Ridley is definitely looking likely. I hope they include a more classic-styled version as an alt costume, Meta Ridley would be nice too.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
So I got kind of bored and decided to develop the whole Ridley Pokemon Thing a little bit:

First Stage (Base Pokemon):

Type: Dragon
Ability: Intimidate
Combative Pokemon
Can be found in the wild at level 5.

Pokedex Entry:
"Self-Centered and Ruthless, Birdleys will attack any creature in sight, even their own species, in order to survive and evolve"

At level 30, Birdley evolves into Creatureley:

Type: Dark/Dragon (or maybe Poison/Dragon)
Possible Abilities: Rough Skin; Tough Claws
Opportunist Pokemon
Pokedex Entry:
"Birdley's evolved form, they lurk in the shadows of caves and forests, waiting quietly for the right moment to swiftly strike and eat their prey."

At level 48, Creatureley evolves into Ridley:

Type: Dark/Dragon
Possible Abilities: Tough Claws; Regenerator; Intimidate
Sinister Pokemon

Pokedex Entry:
"A Creatureley that has managed to fully evolve, Ridley stalks the night sky, fearlessly diving down onto his prey and any opponent in sight for food, stories of Ridley's brutality are often told to unruly children as a means to scare them away from doing bad things in fear that Ridley will come and take them away while they are sleeping."

I would personally prefer normal Ridley be the final evolved form for the sake of continuity with the later forms, but I guess it would make more sense for the normal evolution changes to be similar in design and for the item and mega evolutions to have more drastic changes.

When traded while holding a metal coat Ridley evolves into Meta Ridley:

Type: Steel/Dragon
Possible Abilities: Levitate, Defiant, Speed Boost (Hidden)
Wyvern Cyborg Pokemon

Pokedex Entry:
"It's body is infused with all kinds of high-tech weaponry, it is a hunting and fighting machine feared by all."

And finally, Meta Ridley can Mega Evolve into Omega Ridley:

Type: Steel/Dragon
Tentative Abilities (Couldn't decide completely, but Megas only have the one): Speed Boost, Mold Breaker, No Guard, Levitate.
Phazon Wyvern Pokemon

No individual Pokedex Entry

Just some random ideas, let me know what you think.
The typing, leveling system, and Dex entries are pretty good. The only problem is the abilities, so here's how I'd do it.

To break it down:

Birdley: Intimidate, Tough Claws, Rough Skin (hidden)

Creaturely: Intimidate, Tough Claws, Regenerator (hidden)

Ridley: Intimidate, Tough Claws, Regenerator (hidden)

Meta Ridley: Levitate, Defiant, Speed Boost (hidden)

Omega Ridley: No Guard


Majestic Space Pirate
Jun 9, 2011
Florida, USA
Just wanted to mention that the newest leak on the block mentions a 51 character roster and Ridley. The entire leak is contained in the spoiler below:

-The final, on-disc roster is going to contain 51 playable characters.

-Downloadble-Content is confirmed. At least 3 characters will be available. 5 Stages will be available.

-Alternate costumes will be available on the disc. To gain access to these costumes you must perform tasks, very similar to how you unlock characters or stages. Most characters have only one Alternate costume some characters will have two.
Mario: Doctor Mario, Shadow Mario
Pit: Dark Pit
Pikmin & Olimar: Louie

-King K. Rool, Mewtwo, and Ridley are to be on-disc as the final characters to be announced.

-Isaac confirmed as Downloadable-Content, he is a very quick character (slightly slower than Greninja). Isaac uses magic and his Long Sword to fight.

-Ivysaur and Squirtle confirmed as Downloadable-Content. From what I can see they are identical to their Super Smash Bros. Brawl Build.

King K. Rool will be the final character to be announced 2 weeks prior to the release of Super Smash Bros. 3DS JPN. He's one of the slowest in the game but has a variety of mid-range slow projectiles; he throws his crown, shoots cannonballs, etc., recovery is jetpack from DKC3, not much height.

-Mewtwo's trailer is done in the style of the Pokemon anime, he'll be shown after Jigglypuff, all the Pokemon on the disc are in his trailer. He's got all his Melee stuff but he's heavier and quicker, teleport is a lot more functional. Mega Mewtwo Y is his final smash, gives his moves a strong purple aura and he hits way harder. Mewtwo's trailer is scheduled to be released in between the release of the 3DS Japanese version and the Japanese Wii U version.

-Bowser Jr. is an Assist Trophy who throws down a handful of bob-omb items (you can pick up and throw like normal), then drills down in his Koopa clown car.

-The Pyrosphere boss is Other M Ridley, the playable one is a scaled down Super Metroid Ridley. A lot like Charizard but faster, lots of aerial mobility.

-Chrom seems in-between Ike and Marth, he has lots of quick spinning attacks and is very acrobatic, his final smash is class change into Great Lord with the exhalted falchion

-Sauria from Star Fox Adventures is a stage, there are ruins in the background and dinosaurs run by. As far as I know the only Star Fox stage, don't know if Smash Taunts are on here or not. This stage is exclusive to the Wii U.

-The Donkey Kong Country Returns stage is based on the sunset level from that game, the characters themselves don't turn into shadows. This stage is available on the 3DS and Wii U.

-The Kalos stage transitions between every Elite 4 chamber until it arrives in the champion's room, Tyrantrum comes out of a Pokeball and is a boss once it gets to that part, once you beat him the cycle starts over. This stage is exclusive to the Wii U

-A Luigi Mansion: Dark Moon stage is available and is called Dark Moon. This stage transitions between the main 5 Mansions (Gloomy Manor, Haunted Towers, Old Clockworks, Secret Mine, Treacherous Mansion). This stage is Exclusive to the 3DS.

Some interesting information. Figured I'd come here before checking to see if the leaks thread had anything on it.

EDIT: It's worth noting that the leaker in question isn't credible and, apparently, has been known to leak fake stuff before, so make sure you delve into your backup supplies of salt grains.
Mother of god that leak would be divine if it is real sadly it does seem to be to good to be true.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2014
Cape Coral
Well. If Mario is just a series of stage productions, What's really canon? I jest. Hasn't it been specifically said that Smash Bowser's size is based more on the NES size anyway?
I've always thought his first appearance in Melee was based off Super Mario Bros. 3, especially with his down special.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Am I the only one who doesn't like (smash) boss-battles in general besides master/crazy hand?
No, you're not alone there. Any boss in Smash that isn't a Smash Bros original character like Master Hand or Tabuu tends to be a neutered version of what they were in their source material, for the most part.

There is also another version of Ridley for MUGEN that is 70% more awesome, has better sprites, better animations, very brutal AI and is not too big.
Here is a video with him:
Uh oh, look who won... Better hope Andrea doesn't see that. :p

I scoffed at that other 'leak'.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
My opinion on the leak.

I mean sure, the hype three being announced before launch would be astronomically awesome, but in reality there's little to no chance of such an event.


Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
Point I could give to the leak ; it's not saying that the Ridley we saw is playable, and that is a good point for it.
Except that, too good to be true.

If that's true, the final roster would be ;

All veterans minus Squi and Ivy (37)
Newcomers from Sal Romano (11+37 = 48)
Rosalina (49)
Mewtwo (50)
Ridley (51)
K.Rool (52)

If Lucas is really cut, that makes 51. I modified it, EDIT : didn't see Isaac as a DLC character.

Ivi, Squi, Isaac as dlc = 3 + 51 = 54.
Now, if we get alternate costumes of Roy, Dr.Mario, Young Link, Pichu and Lucas, we will retrieve every single character of all smash brothers !

However I doubt Zelda won't get any newcomer tho (refering to the trophy quizz, I still think it's implying newcomers). Maybe as DLC ?

At least the starting roster would be nice with most wanted characters !
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Stage hazard Ridley that is smaller than Rosalina? Not likely! And the haters say it's fake because he edited it some how or because of the lighting... 100% BS
Shadows are unreliable though, especially since we don't know how they act in Smash 4/on Pyrosphere. We don't know how high up in the air Ridley is, or from what angle the lighting source hits him, not to mention we don't even know how skewed it is (it's obviously a bit skewed though). All we can do for now is assume how shadows act on this stage, and if shadows act like what has been predicted then he's rather small for a boss yes, but we can't take anything as definitive proof just yet.
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Smash Champion
May 11, 2014
Shadows are unreliable though, especially since we don't know how they act in Smash 4/on Pyrosphere. We don't know how high up in the air Ridley is, or from what angle the lighting source hits him, not to mention we don't even know how skewed it is (it's obviously a bit skewed though). All we can do for now is assume how shadows act, and if shadows act like what has been predicted then he's rather small for a boss yes, but we can't take anything as definitive proof just yet.

I agree with this man. Give him a cookie now.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Shadows are unreliable though, especially since we don't know how they act in Smash 4/on Pyrosphere. We don't know how high up in the air Ridley is, or from what angle the lighting source hits him, not to mention we don't even know how skewed it is (it's obviously a bit skewed though). All we can do for now is assume how shadows act on this stage, and if shadows act like what has been predicted then he's rather small for a boss yes, but we can't take anything as definitive proof just yet.
*gives cookie because some one said so* Here's the thing, shadows have never changed sizes in smash bros when a character is airborne or on the ground, it stays th same size, so that is cancelled out, and when did other levels make shadows look different? I need some proof for this one, and his tail is so frickin thin!


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
The biggest issue about the shadow comparison is we don't know the model. We're going off of the standard Roidley model, but even if it's standard Roidley, it's still gonna be touched up, HD for the first time, probably at least some changes. Without the model, our margin of error just grows.


Shiny Lord
Jan 22, 2014
Underground or in the air
Shadows are unreliable though, especially since we don't know how they act in Smash 4/on Pyrosphere. We don't know how high up in the air Ridley is, or from what angle the lighting source hits him, not to mention we don't even know how skewed it is (it's obviously a bit skewed though). All we can do for now is assume how shadows act on this stage, and if shadows act like what has been predicted then he's rather small for a boss yes, but we can't take anything as definitive proof just yet.
We did see the tip of his tail though, so he couldn't have been too high off the ground in that respect.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
If you guys could make Pikachu's shadow from that, It is more than likely enough to see where the camera is compared to the stage. And after analysing the shadow, Ridley flies back... Anyone else notice this?
Trying to analyze the shadow gives me headaches >.<

they purposely didn't give us enough to get any accurate conclusions from, so trying to draw accurate conclusions just hurts my head.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Point I could give to the leak ; it's not saying that the Ridley we saw is playable, and that is a good point for it.
Except that, too good to be true.

If that's true, the final roster would be ;

All veterans minus Squi and Ivy (37)
Newcomers from Sal Romano (11+37 = 48)
Rosalina (49)
Mewtwo (50)
Ridley (51)
K.Rool (52)
Isaac (53)

If Lucas and Snake are really cut, that makes 51.
If Mii don't count, add Snake and it makes 51.

However I doubt Zelda won't get any newcomer tho (refering to the trophy quizz, I still think it's implying newcomers). Maybe as DLC ?

At least the starting roster would be nice with most wanted characters !


Smash Master
Apr 14, 2014
I need the source of the leak. May I please have it so that I may widen the gap and help free Ridley from his detractor prison.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
No, you're not alone there. Any boss in Smash that isn't a Smash Bros original character like Master Hand or Tabuu tends to be a neutered version of what they were in their source material, for the most part.

Uh oh, look who won... Better hope Andrea doesn't see that. :p

I scoffed at that other 'leak'.
See what???? o-o
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