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The Renaissance of Xmash 4, Varberg, July 3-6th | Results in 1st post!

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Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Oslo, Norway
lol, Smasher89. Ice Climbers have has been considered a great char ever since Chu Dat started to **** with them. Chu's was maybe the second best player over all inn 2006... without the Wobble infinite. Actually, the first tournament he tried to use it, he didn't even place top 5
And about the d-throw, d-air "chain", it's possible to smash DI out of that.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2005
Makes me think about the time before ChuDat started to play Ice Climbers, and they were Low Tiers :p


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004



IF FOX'S DRILLSHINE IFNINITES ARE SO EASY, USE THEM TO 0-DEATH YOUR OPPONENT EVERY STOCK! I don't see what's the problem. Do it! Oh you can't? So can nobody else. GG!!!!!!!!!!


Smasher89, is it so that you in fact SUCK, and don't think you could do well in the tournament unless you could wobble? If so, why should you do well anyway? If you suck, you're ought to place bad, right? Good grief how you piss me off O.o


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
ok, which ones is infinites?, I´ve only heard that wobbling is like almost the only one, maybe making popo and nana alternating grab should work, but that should be as hard (should be harder) as the drill/waveshine infinite, what makes wobbling easy in the highest level of tournament play?

If I start abusing that I´m sure it will be like banned after I´ve mastered it, it´s a infinite and all infinites should be treated the same way, since they are all unescapable combos.
And if noone can do it yet, why not banning it to prevent a "noob player winning a tourney with fox with "only" using the drill/waveshine infinites" it´s the same argument as yours with wobbling.

You cannot be best without both technical skillz and mindgames, like how is it with Bombsoldier (in many peoples opinions).
Wobbling is and won´t be a problem, like how long is it until Brawl is released, I don´t think anyone not yet playing smash, picks it up and "master" the wobbling and wins Europes biggest tournament, it won´t happen.
Limiting it to one stock should be ok, but why making one thing restricted when other similar thing isn´t.

EDIT:Iljuka 1kr moneymatch?XD, do you think I´ll win RoS4 with wobbling? :) I havent even mastered it (and haven´t been training on it for a while):p


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
ok, which ones is infinites?, I´ve only heard that wobbling is like almost the only one, maybe making popo and nana alternating grab should work, but that should be as hard (should be harder) as the drill/waveshine infinite, what makes wobbling easy in the highest level of tournament play?

If I start abusing that I´m sure it will be like banned after I´ve mastered it, it´s a infinite and all infinites should be treated the same way, since they are all unescapable combos.
And if noone can do it yet, why not banning it to prevent a "noob player winning a tourney with fox with "only" using the drill/waveshine infinites" it´s the same argument as yours with wobbling.

You cannot be best without both technical skillz and mindgames, like how is it with Bombsoldier (in many peoples opinions).
Wobbling is and won´t be a problem, like how long is it until Brawl is released, I don´t think anyone not yet playing smash, picks it up and "master" the wobbling and wins Europes biggest tournament, it won´t happen.
Limiting it to one stock should be ok, but why making one thing restricted when other similar thing isn´t.

EDIT:Iljuka 1kr moneymatch?XD, do you think I´ll win RoS4 with wobbling? :) I havent even mastered it (and haven´t been training on it for a while):p
"why not banning it to prevent a "noob player winning a tourney with fox with "only" using the drill/waveshine infinites""

Look the point is right here. If a Fox player can win a tournament with only drilshines and waveshine infinites, HE'S DEFINITELY NOT A NOOB! He's superhuman! He deserves to win. x_x

I am not saying you'll win. I'm talking about your attitude. It appears to me that you know you suck and thus want to rely on this lame technique in hopes to place a little bit higher.
Yeah in order to win you need both technical skill and mindgames. wobbling isn't either of those, though.

And your point was? Still appears to me that that's the reason you want wobbling not banned, because you want to place a little higher with it then you could without. Meaning around... 136th place?


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
How come Chudat places worse when i tries abusing it, misdo the timing and you lose a essential part of IC´s "offensive" game, a grab, and you might escape easier than against a chainthrowing opponent, it´s risky, misdo the timing and you´ll get punished, If I wanted to place higher easy, I´d just go to start playing shiek, which people also says is lame, why is one lame thing allowed and another not?, where´s the "line" between lame and not lame if you play to win?

I have no idea about the placing, since you can get in a pool with exacly the amount of better player than you that will advance or a group where you are the best/second best which will make the placings look worse/better (you´ll atleast need to advance to the bracket, which shouldn´t be a too big problem), still, if wobbling takes no skill "insert the chudat example in the beginning".

How is the getting a grab and actually wobble no skill at all?, it´s not as grabing with marth with his long range, prove it to be so easy that if I point at a random smasher, he/she gets ten minutes for practise and then plays against someone better and win (fox/falco, which IC´s is really good against), that is what you keeps saying about wobbling, that it will always happen.
About my attitude, I just want a good reason banning wobbling and not limiting wave/drillshine or shiek, since they are all called "lame" things.
Who sets the limit about what´s lame and what´s not, the rules always switches, like Tonbery said, the IC´s were actually low tier a couple of years ago..and ofcourse I care, started to seriously play IC´s a half year ago, for preparing for(wrong grammar?) RoS4, and practised the only thing that´s kinda boring to practise: wobbling against CPU´s for some month´s planning to master it to RoS4, you might say I suck for not have mastered it, but only Wobbles have even near mastered it, you´ll mess up sometimes that´s nothing you can flee from, or the stage might brake it or something, limiting it to one time per match is OK, but not using it at all?, even peachbombing can be used, but not for stalling...


Jul 12, 2004
Gothenburg, Sweden
The point is, Fox drillshine infinite is NOT really an infinite with proper smash DI, AND you can't win a tournament using only that technique.

Wobbles works on all stages, vs all characters, and SHOULD per definition lead to a free KO (no, people that master the wobbles rarely mess up).


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2006
Iceland, Kopavogurr
The point is, Fox drillshine infinite is NOT really an infinite with proper smash DI, AND you can't win a tournament using only that technique.

Wobbles works on all stages, vs all characters, and SHOULD per definition lead to a free KO (no, people that master the wobbles rarely mess up).
Then do you actually have to think about banning it?


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
How come Chudat places worse when i tries abusing it, misdo the timing and you lose a essential part of IC´s "offensive" game, a grab, and you might escape easier than against a chainthrowing opponent, it´s risky, misdo the timing and you´ll get punished, If I wanted to place higher easy, I´d just go to start playing shiek, which people also says is lame, why is one lame thing allowed and another not?, where´s the "line" between lame and not lame if you play to win?

I have no idea about the placing, since you can get in a pool with exacly the amount of better player than you that will advance or a group where you are the best/second best which will make the placings look worse/better (you´ll atleast need to advance to the bracket, which shouldn´t be a too big problem), still, if wobbling takes no skill "insert the chudat example in the beginning".

How is the getting a grab and actually wobble no skill at all?, it´s not as grabing with marth with his long range, prove it to be so easy that if I point at a random smasher, he/she gets ten minutes for practise and then plays against someone better and win (fox/falco, which IC´s is really good against), that is what you keeps saying about wobbling, that it will always happen.
About my attitude, I just want a good reason banning wobbling and not limiting wave/drillshine or shiek, since they are all called "lame" things.
Who sets the limit about what´s lame and what´s not, the rules always switches, like Tonbery said, the IC´s were actually low tier a couple of years ago..and ofcourse I care, started to seriously play IC´s a half year ago, for preparing for(wrong grammar?) RoS4, and practised the only thing that´s kinda boring to practise: wobbling against CPU´s for some month´s planning to master it to RoS4, you might say I suck for not have mastered it, but only Wobbles have even near mastered it, you´ll mess up sometimes that´s nothing you can flee from, or the stage might brake it or something, limiting it to one time per match is OK, but not using it at all?, even peachbombing can be used, but not for stalling...
bËst has mastered it quite well. ^_^

I don't know about Chu Dat, I'd need match vids.

wave/drillshine aren't called lame. Sheik isn't called lame by me, and in my opinion shouldn't be called lame by anyone who can play the game. Wobbling is called lame because it is lame. Why? One grab and you die, and NO DI, you can't do anything to force your opponent to think, you can smash A to get a nair out, you cant smash down B with Fox to interrupt with a shine. Sheik can combo well, but you can smash DI out of it if you can DI well enough, however, you can't do anything to wobbling if done properly.

Does peach bomber kill your opponent in 1 hit?

And about the moneymatch, anytime.


Zobaia -Deus- Ariana
Apr 4, 2006
Makenshi: Would be awesome if CJ showed up^^; I just hope Ken will too.

Smasher89: U say u want a good reason for the woobling technique to get banned, but havent u already got plenty?
Ijuka is right, IC's have other "infinite" moves which they can use.
For example, a couple of months ago i played vs Tonberry and he did a grab "infinite" move on me most of the matches, where i could not get out so easily, even though i DI'd. I dont remember if that move is called anything. It was like, he grabs, frezees(down B) with Nana, jumps with Popo at that time and fair's(i think), then grabs again immediatly and so on...
At the end he finishes me with a D-smash or F-smash, and there goes one of my stocks.
This is just like a "infinite" move, which isnt banned, because u can DI.
But my point is, why do u want a lame move like wobbling when u got others (like this one?)

btw, if u feel like Sheik is *lame*, u definetly can't compare that character to a move... ^-^;


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2007

Only 1 German player wants to arrive?

2 others are interessted:

lexxil (Oh wee... me!)
Ravenlord (3 stocks me... )

We are german!


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
Hmm, I wouldn´t like playing peach and getting wobbled in winners, then the same thing in losers bracket and loosing two sets.
I think I know how to fight IC´s(I even got wobbled at RoS1 or was it 2, but i thought it was kinda funny they got a that good grab) but lot of people doesn´t, so I guess I can use that as an advantage instead of wobbling. I think it´s just to let it be like democrasy (wrong spelled?) to make it banned for RoS4.

But don't even think about banning it in teams, there it´s alots of differences , but there´s no more infinites with IC´s as far as I can tell (sure, altering grabing with popo/nana, but it´s alot easier to just CG). But how is a good way restricting it? seconds rules or number of tilts can make the player focusing to much on it and sometimes hit one or two times extra, as long it doesn´t reach over 20%/16% per grab with only the tilts counted...


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2003
The Hague , Netherlands
It wouldn't be nearly as effective in teams so if you want use it there. You know what I just thought of something. How about you can only use the wobble infinite in the spots a waveshine infinite on a wall can be done. That leaves you with hardly any places so good luck with that and it is even'd out...

You have given us more and more reasons to ban it but the only reason to not ban it is comparing it to other infinites. This infinite is in a league of it's own though so I don't see that point. Waveshine infinites are extremely limited so it doesn't even come close to wobbling ..... . Like I said before just use the other infinites...

Too good that CJ is coming again more people for Faab to beat ;).


Jul 12, 2004
Gothenburg, Sweden
Now over to something completely different:

We're going to the amusement park, Liseberg, on either June 30th or July 1st. Who's coming? :D


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
Lol, banning it in teams, then you would first need to ban double fox using shine making the opponents go from shine to shine, which wouldn´t happen, wobbling is limited in teams, and might always be interupted, so it´s no problem at all there.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Oslo, Norway
STOP using the Fox shine "infinite" argument. That's nothing compared to the Wobbles O_o
S89, please, you've said what you wanted to say. We know you only want to ban it because you'll get a better opportunity to win against better people. You're so cheap. Please, practise the down throw - down air combo instead, it works if you didn't know.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
If a Fox player won a tournament only drillshine infiniting, I'd worship him. If an IC player won a tournament with wobbling only, I'd have Yuna **** him.


Don't talk crap you don't know anything about. Fox infinites. Unless you can do them, stfu.


Zobaia -Deus- Ariana
Apr 4, 2006
If wobbling is allowed in teams then i FF off should also be allowed. Cuz u can do a "infinite" team garb combo then with (all?) characters.
Helios just ban it alrdy...


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
lol, so it is banned to jab on a opponent grabbed by your teammate, that if something is easy, I haven´t seen that rule followed too much, but PLEASE, read my last post, I suspects someone atleast forgot to read at least the first part....
About Liseberg, how much is it for entrance at that time?


Jun 7, 2005
Helios, we (Roy, Raikachi, Down-A and I) might be coming with you guys to Liseberg =) should be tons of fun. But, we'll need housing then *cutely begs* We're planning on departing at the 29th early, so we'll arrive somewhere later on that day (probably somewhere early in the night, like between 7-9 PM).

So we need Housing, guys. Hewiios? ^.^

And yeah Smasher, stop whining and come help me with my Pokes.

Roy Were-ForUniMare

Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006
Holland, Zeeland, Goes.
ZOMGH!! 2 Dutch Moderators posting right after one another!!! X3

@ Helios: Dude, I'm not taking the booze into a amusements park so don't even ask, you'll get your booze, but not there X3. And regarding the language, it was worth a shot X3.


The Reality!
May 1, 2006
London, Barkingside
I love how people are still so childish about wobbling, Anyway...
I'll be in sweden for a month after RoX4 staying with Yuna <3 So possibly lets do a smashfest sometime after, I wanna play ye swedes


Jul 12, 2004
Gothenburg, Sweden
I'm definitely up for a smashfest sometime late july, we'll see what happens.

Trying to finalize things for RoX4 now, so expect full info sometime soon.


Jul 12, 2004
Gothenburg, Sweden
Right, time for a proper update!

It's been long due, but finally I give you RoX4, with (almost ;) ) all the information you'll ever need!

General Information:

RoX4 takes place at the same venue as last year, in central Varberg. It's conveniently located in the centre of Varberg, close to restaurants, supermarkets and snack bars. The address is as follows:

Ungdomens Hus
Drottningg. 27

Due to limited space we will be renting a separate venue solely for accomodation during the tournament, so there should be plenty of room for everyone. There will be certain hours during which you get access to these rooms, so make sure you don't linger too long before going to bed. Where the venue is located will be announced shortly, and the time schedule for sleeping hours will be given at the tournament.

Just like always, you're expected to bring your own stuff, such as sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, etc. You will have access to a kitchen, so it's possible to do prepare your own food, although Tin and Onito will be cooking several meals a day for anyone who wants food.

Due to all the big changes since last time, we're forced to raise the entry fee somewhat. For a reasonable €35 (350 SEK) you get TWO venues, tons of sponsors and prizes, plenty of gaming setups, some of the best match ups European smash has ever seen, and four days full of smashing fun!


15.00 - We open up our doors, people are welcome to arrive!
17.00 - You can start signing up for teams
18.00 - Team tournament begins
23.00 - Team tournament ends (hopefully >_>)
24.00 - Sleepsiez


11.00 - Singles pool play round 1
16.00 - Singles pool play round 2
19.00 - Food break
20.00 - Regional Battles start
23.00 - Regional battles end, continued on Thursday
24.00 - Sleepsiez


12.00 - Singles Bracket
18.00 - Regionals last rounds/finals
21.00 - Singles last 4 rounds/finals
23.00 - Prize ceremony, etc
24.00 - Sleepsiez


14.00 - Closing time, cya next year!

Some clarifications:

The complete ruleset, as for stages and such, has yet to be decided. Teams will be played in double elimination, 64 man bracket. Singles will be two rounds of RR, first 16 pools of 8 players, then 8 x 8. Top 32 advance into a DE bracket.
Regionals will be played in either 10v10 or 7v7, depending on how many people actually show up.

The prize money will be be distributed as follows:
1/3 for singles, 2/3 for teams.
Yes, for the first time, the team champions will get the money they deserve! :O

1. 40%
2. 25%
3. 15%
4. 10%
5. 5%, 5%
7. 300 SEK, 300 SEK
9. 100 SEK, 100 SEK, 100 SEK, 100 SEK

1. 40%
2. 25%
3. 15%
4. 10%
5. 5%, 5%


As you might've heard, this year we've been working hard on getting sponsors, and it has paid off well.
We'll be seeing prizes from Ljud&Bild, Biospecialisten, and some others yet to be confirmed, and there'll be a special visit during one of the days that's sure to please any gamer!

All entrants will also receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win in our special lottery!
(no, the idea didn't come from you, Zest guys ;))
Prizes will be provided by our sponsors, for a total value of several hundreds of euros! =)
There'll be about 200 raffle tickets in total, so if you're fast you'll be able to get your hands on additional tickets for something like €5 each :p

So yeah, that's about all I've got at the moment. Anything else? :psycho:
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