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~The Olimar Matchup Thread~Review: R.O.B. or someone~

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Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
and the obvious DK approach pivot grab basically everything that gantrain already mentioned. It's especially good, as against rob or marth, the low aerial approach with bair (or nair/bair/fair/whatever in the case of the others)


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
I made a Compact Universal Matchup Template for you to use, if you want to use it. Just add in the Title/Numbers yourself, and whatever else you want to do with it. If you want me to make you a more Unique design, then PM me with a Rough estimate of what you want.


Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
HOW DID YOU LOSE TO DK?!! thats like....the easiest matchup every for oli lolz,

but as for the matchup vs DK, im gonna say, always counterpick corneria or battlefield.
I don't think you've played a decent DK lol. First off, Battlefield (where I fought him) is one of DKs best stages. It is so small and his range is so big that he can control pretty much the entire stage and leaves you with practically no room to spam and runaway. I would much rather have taken him to yoshi's or to FD. And on corneria there is a wall, and DK can d-tilt lock against walls. Plus, he can grab you, jump off the stage, and throw you off the side of the screen (not a stage spike) for an instant kill.

While it is easier to combo him due to his weight, he can kill Oli at extremely low percents, which is lame. I still do think the match-up is in Oli's favor though, just not anywhere close to where you make it out to be.

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Yeah DK vs Oli is just like DDD vs Oli.

Oli destroys them in a on the stage fight but one grab and you're fvcked.
DK can put you on his back, run off the ledge, throw you horizontally, and up B back to safety.

Don't let terrible people give you an opinion of matchups.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
Yeah DK vs Oli is just like DDD vs Oli.

Oli destroys them in a on the stage fight but one grab and you're fvcked.
DK can put you on his back, run off the ledge, throw you horizontally, and up B back to safety.

Don't let terrible people give you an opinion of matchups.
i agree with that
but against DK it's a lot easier to avoid getting grabbed compared to against D3


Smash Lord
Feb 8, 2008
ventura county CA
dedede won't kill you any where near dk percents unless he lands an fsmash, which i doubt

and skank, you keep saying headbutts easy to see coming, but mixed in with the bairs that you keep saying you're going to whistle armor, a headbutt will land

btw, to the guy who said you're going to punish dk when he nairs the pikmin off, either the dk's at the other side of the screen when he nairs, or he's so close that he doesn't need to nair, he's just gonna dsmash you and get em off, so you upsmashing while that happens is not gonna work

also skank, if its a tertiary, every think its not a grade A DK?

i could post arguments, because olimars my 11th most used character, but i don't cause i know i'm not good with oli, so just post off of tournament experience with dks


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
he's my tertiary, and i consider myself pretty decent with him
he is ****'s secondary and is played just as much as his TL

you can WAC the headbutt too
headbutt has start up lag that we can see and would be able to whistle (all of this is theoretical, the players would learn to simply not do either of these)
also, if we WAC through your approaching bair it would lead to a pivot grab

if we up smash during your dsmash i believe the pikmin will lag your attack enough for us to do something


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
I'll say more about this later, but purple pikmin are your friend here. DK is a big target, it's really easy to hit him with them (since someone mentioned that dk is kind of a wait and punish type character) so get those purples and chuck em!

When DK is recovering, a Fsmash will more often than not actually hit him out of his helicopter. it usually won't kill him, but it's perfect for annoyance.

interesting debate about DK to say the least. Maybe I'll play some good DKs at Race's tomorrow and I can say more :)


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
the vortex
I made a Compact Universal Matchup Template for you to use, if you want to use it. Just add in the Title/Numbers yourself, and whatever else you want to do with it. If you want me to make you a more Unique design, then PM me with a Rough estimate of what you want.

wow thats really awesome,

anyways, it pains me to say it.... but never take dk to luigis mansion..... just don't do it.


Apr 10, 2008
I made a Compact Universal Matchup Template for you to use, if you want to use it. Just add in the Title/Numbers yourself, and whatever else you want to do with it. If you want me to make you a more Unique design, then PM me with a Rough estimate of what you want.
woa, very nice man. I don't think I'll need it to be more flashy or anything. You've made it nicely.

I'll add it the next update. thanks!


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
bigfoot, eat a d!ck :D

yesterday i played jmex in tourney

my olimar beat his DK both times. only by one stock, nearly 2
solidifying 60-40 in oli's favor


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
bigfoot, eat a d!ck :D

yesterday i played jmex in tourney

my olimar beat his DK both times. only by one stock, nearly 2
solidifying 60-40 in oli's favor
nice! jmex is good but olimar is better ;)

i 3 stocked fictions DK in a friendly yesterday, it was disgusting hahaha


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
Well I haven't been active lately, especially not on the match up thread mostly because school is started and Internet is Serious Business full of Serious People and Drama Llamas.

But I'd like it if we could cover Olimar Dittos sometime because I've begun fighting someone who uses Olimar and it would be helpful on my part to know my priorities and whatnot, since the last character I expected to have trouble with is Olimar I'm completely unprepared for our fights, whenever they may occur (online).

I've seen people saying it becomes a tilt war, others that it all depends on who can pull off the grabs, and others who say you've got to outcamp them. It's really a combination of the three (obviously) that ends up putting me in a tight spot when I can't alternate between them. Tilts have worked well for me thus far because my opponent rarely uses them and generally eases into them with his constant rolls and Dsmash.

Oh wait this is DK discussion. DK is so-so. He's Powerful and your light, bad combination for an ape with the speed of a monkey and the priority of a chimpanzee.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I'd say 60 : 40 or Higher for Olimar, his range against Fox is killer since he's pretty limited on approaches. Usmash and Utilt cover Fox from above, while pivot grabs and regular grabs cover him in the front along with the occasional Fsmash or Dsmash. Fox camping doesn't work too well, he usually has to just stand and fire if he hopes to hit you a lot and giving Olimar time like that is dangerous.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i'd like to bring up peach real quick
yesterday at the biweeklies, awex had to play a very good peach from nor cal by the name of sky (you may know him from his youtube vid)
on a neutral stage it was VERY even and went down to the very last stock at high percents. on his counterpick norfair, some weird things happened causing him to SD twice, despite him ****** bad

after the match, we discussed it and feel that it should be reevaluated.
we feel it is more along the lines of 60-40, 65-35 at worst.
this becomes a bigger spacing game than vs marth
nair totally wrecks her and a latch to the head helps a ton. they have the tools to get them off but it isn't always smart to do so. and awex proved edgegaurding isn't as easy as they think, as he was never gimped once, only turnip ****ed ^^


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
i'd like to bring up peach real quick
yesterday at the biweeklies, awex had to play a very good peach from nor cal by the name of sky (you may know him from his youtube vid)
on a neutral stage it was VERY even and went down to the very last stock at high percents. on his counterpick norfair, some weird things happened causing him to SD twice, despite him ****** bad

after the match, we discussed it and feel that it should be reevaluated.
we feel it is more along the lines of 60-40, 65-35 at worst.
this becomes a bigger spacing game than vs marth
nair totally wrecks her and a latch to the head helps a ton. they have the tools to get them off but it isn't always smart to do so. and awex proved edgegaurding isn't as easy as they think, as he was never gimped once, only turnip ****ed ^^
well here's my discussion, if we do peach i would love that, i main peach and second olimar so i can give alot of advice on this one. its not as easy as many peach's would have you believe, she has to really play smart against olimar, even tho she has the tools to avoid those dangerous pivot grabs and her quick arials will get pikmin off w/out much problem, what peach has to watch out for is olimars grab combos, and alot of pikmin spam, it actually works surprisingly well on a floating peach, it kind of makes peach play on the ground until she's close enough she thinks she can start in with a Dair, but i gotta tell ya, once peach has oli in the air he has a REALLY hard time getting his momentum back, and turnip drops off the stage actually work wonders to gimp olimar, and if peach counterpicks jungle japes olimar is in for a world of hurt, and im not sure if oli really has any good stages to counterpick peach, when i play oli i usually counterpick with corneria, but i don't know how well that would work against peach. the good thing about this match for olimar is it kind of takes peaches glide toss away, its just too dangerous to be using against olimar, and it will limit her floating due to pikmin spam and rushing Usmashes. but if peach knows the matchup its a hard one for olimar, im gonna have to say 65-35 peach.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
it's still a hard match up, but not as bad as we had originally agreed on. it comes down to spacing and yeah turnip drops work well unless the oli pulls in fast


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
Oli can counter pick corneria on peach. The uneven terrain makes it hard for peach to float around, and Peach better be careful hovering around Olimar because an upsmash will kill at ridiculously low percents.

A long time ago I discussed this matchup with Edrees, but I didn't know nearly as much about the match up (or brawl in general) as I do now. I managed to beat creepy finger's younger brother at PBW2, and I did it by staying extremely far away and just chucking pikmin. I got very lucky because I kept pulling purples, so it made spacing a little easier and I was able to capitalize on the knockback. I didn't let him anywhere near me. Olimar's lack of priority is exposed here, because once peach gets inside olimar (which is easy to do) it's essentially over. Apparently uptilt can out prioritize Dair (I only learned this recently, like I said I don't have much experience with this matchup) so that can surprise peach here and there.

What makes this so frustrating is that it's so hard to grab peach because she hovers, and when ya finally grab her, you can't really combo. This matchup requires the utmost patience, and in order for Olimar to win the match will most likely end up taking forever. Purple pikmin are Oli's best friend here, because like I said it provides knockback when spamming sideB, and it can also get some really early kills with upsmash.

But yeah I still hate peach.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
i'd like to bring up peach real quick
yesterday at the biweeklies, awex had to play a very good peach from nor cal by the name of sky (you may know him from his youtube vid)
on a neutral stage it was VERY even and went down to the very last stock at high percents. on his counterpick norfair, some weird things happened causing him to SD twice, despite him ****** bad

after the match, we discussed it and feel that it should be reevaluated.
we feel it is more along the lines of 60-40, 65-35 at worst.
this becomes a bigger spacing game than vs marth
nair totally wrecks her and a latch to the head helps a ton. they have the tools to get them off but it isn't always smart to do so. and awex proved edgegaurding isn't as easy as they think, as he was never gimped once, only turnip ****ed ^^
Play me and I promise you won't think it's 60-40. I think 65-35 may be possible, but I still like 70-30. . Is sky familiar with the matchup at all?

Peach definitely has to play smart against Olimar. Infact, if Peach plays dumb, I think it's in Olimar's favor 60-40. But when both players are good and smart, Peach 65 Olimar 35 is a fair put. Pretty sure the matchup should assume two really good players.

Corneria is definitely a good cp w Olimar against her. But, that's why I also use Ness. Thunder camping and back throw kills at 50% ftw! :D


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
No disrespect Ian, but Edrees will change your opinion :p

I still maintain it's 65-35, but it really doesn't matter, I'd probably go Kirby against you Edrees ;)


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i've only played him with my GnW, he still won. but that just means i gotta play extra extra extra hard with my olimar ^^


Apr 10, 2008
Who do you guys want up next? How bout we go for an easy character?

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
I beat Yaz 2-0 in the semi finals.. Plus we were splitting the prize money so it did't really matter.

But yes, you are too good at popping those balloons. Come over and play.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
ok, my input on the fat penguin....

spam pikmin....grab when he approaches....yup that should just about win it for ya, he's never a problem for me.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Unfortunately there's not much into this matchup than that.
If you somehow magically get grabed and also somehow magically get off the stage WAC Bair and make it back. Follow this formula and sooner or later your gonna hear:

And the Winner is "Olimar."


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
well, this matchup seems kind of dead, it seems we all agree that olimar puts the **** on DDD? spam side B and pivot grabs and we win right? if we are feeling lucky go out for the Dair spike edgegaurd? alway stay in the middle of the stage and we win. ok next matchup lol.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
it doesn't work that well sadly

anyone who actually knows how the match goes stands a decent chance vs oli
D3 is no exception.

a good smart ddd can overcome the pikmin toss and avoid grabs with his quick spot dodge.


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Dthrow-Fsmash-Dthrow-Usmash-Uair is a true combo on D3, he's a huge target, Uair ***** his recovery and he can't chaingrab you. You just have to be careful of the Bair off-stage and you should be fine. 60/40 or 65/35 Olimar?
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