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~The Olimar Matchup Thread~Review: R.O.B. or someone~

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2008
because i've been chain grabing my friend that mains an MK all morning. He was blown away by the fact that could happen. Do you have to grab a certain point? Usually when i grab him is at the bottum end of the nado nearest the ground.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2008
Actually my friend has having a hard time figuring out a good stragety to break my grabs. Because all hes been able to do is short hop Dair[mostly shielded] but then he gets into my chain grab and cant get out. His dash isnt working for him either due to the grab range of the pikmin. Hes having a diffcult time coming in close.

Hes a GOOD MK, fast, aggro, gimper really love his MK alot. But hes having a hard time approaching my fortress defense.

When he DOES eventually, he juggles me in the air. Which as you guys know hurts alot. Then theres the gimping too.

But i would like to say, it feels very VERY satifying when i meteored him vertically off the edge of final D.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i play MK's all the time and it's fun
it's becoming easier and easier for me to play MK's
i managed to beat mikeHAZE's MK in a friendly (he seemed to be playing very serious)


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Hey Olimar boards, just wanted to personally thank you for your assistance on the matchup, without some of your feedback it would not have been possible. If you ever come to discuss Ike just feel free to hit up our boards and we'll share any knowledge we have on our main man. Until then keep on Truckin' plucking.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2008
i play MK's all the time and it's fun
it's becoming easier and easier for me to play MK's
i managed to beat mikeHAZE's MK in a friendly (he seemed to be playing very serious)
Makes me wonder why they say 70:30 for a olimar and MK match up. Versus my friend it feels alot more like 55:40. Its all about my fortress defense and my ground game. Juggling my purples, grabbing on my blues and Usmashing him after im done grabbing him. But all he has to do is get me airbrone and Im in trouble. With careful air dodging and a nicely placed Uair/Dair i can turn the tables quickly. He knows that if im above him i will Dair him and he'll sky rocket espically if he gets hit with a purple.

One thing i know that can break my defense is his Dsmash, but heres the deal. How can he Dsmash you if he cant get in close enough? Using Pikmin toss to occupy him while i reset up my defense can and sometimes works. But throwing purples is the best strat. if hes approaching you. Hell, i broke his drill rush because i lobed a purple at his face.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
well as the metagame progresses it's gotten easier and easier to combat MK for everyone, the same goes for olimar.
we can DOMINATE the ground and hinder theirs while we can attempt to go in the air (only transitioning from the ground of course)
while they usually control the air

we're able to stop one of MK's best attacks, the whorenado by grabbing him, which leads to even more for us.

it's just gotten better and better for us, and almot everyone here agrees that it's 55-45 now


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2008
Its quite unfortunate that the MetaKnight boards suggest spamming nado when it really isnt a 100% useful stratgey.

Originally Posted by UnSaxon51 View Post
- What this match is all about. The number that Olimar has and the colors at his disposal will constantly force you to adapt, but will force the Olimar player to adapt as well.
- Whites will die from just about anything, even the Jab-combo. They're weak for everything except Pikmin Throw, and even then you can remove them pretty quickly.
- Yellows and Reds are about even in survivability. They are the chief damage dealers.
- Blues are the most annoying in my experience. They have the longest smash range and grab range, have fairly good knockback, and live almost as long as purples.
- Purples survive the longest and hit the hardest, but move the slowest and have the least range. Under most circumstances, you should be able to avoid them, but watch out for aerials using them.

In the Air:
- Meta Knight's sword has better priority than Pikmin in the air. It also has slightly more range from the sides.
- Olimar's aerials come out just as fast as MK's, so if Olimar attacks first, you'll feel it.
- Avoid attacking from above Olimar. While MK can beat the captain from most directions, a Pikmin Uair will almost always cancel Dair, and sometimes will go through. Nair can beat it, but usually the Pikmin will out-distance you.
- Olimar is good in the air, but MK is better. If you keep the pressure on, you should be able to rack up the damage

On the ground:
- Olimar's hit boxes are pretty big and last a long time. His range is superior in all directions, but you can get around with Fair or Nair under most circumstances. However...
- Be careful of Olimar's grab! It is just as fast as a normal grab, but the range is VERY deceptive. In particular be careful of blue Pikmin.
- Mach Tornado is your best friend! It goes through Pikmin Toss, Dsmash, and Fsmash, regardless of Pikmin color. As a bonus, it will usually kill any straggling Pikmin. However, it does NOT remove any Pikmin that are currently attached to you! They will continue to do damage until they are removed with the final hit of MT.

Getting the KO:
- Olimar has a tether recovery. GIMP THAT SUCKA!
- Olimar is very susceptible to Wall of Pain threats. Many times if he dodges, he may no longer be able to reach the edge.
- If Olimar is below the stage, you can risk attacking from above with Dair or Nair. Olimar (usually) cannot risk using Uair because it risks being out of tether range.
- You can still stage spike while Olimar is hanging from his Pikmin Chain.
- Try to avoid being directly between Olimar and the ledge. He can spike you back using the tether, especially if the lead Pikmin is a purple or blue. (Thanks to MisterMoo for pointing this one out!)
First off, the best way for a MK to nado effectively and not get grabed is to use the nado as an approach. If the nado approach is done right then it should send olimar airborne if he shields out. I can very easily shield the nado, turn around and grab. There is a cool down after nado, so the pause is all i need to grab him with. I can also cancel Drill Rush with purples and counter his dash atk approach with purples.

i can standing infinate grab MK, on my Olimar, up to a certain %. For my kirby the highest i usually get is 41% with Heavy/Medium weighters and 31% for lights. Not sure what % i can get up to, it depends on what pikmin i have. If i have all blues well...he'd be screwed.

There shouldnt even be an aerial game vs an MK. A smart Olimar should stick to the ground based fights. But if your lacking blues for that final KO toss then you need to place a well timed Usmash, Dair, Uair. Actually, Usmashing after a grab is probably your best bet since the combo goes well together. I will say i have KOed my MK friend using a well timed Fair and i spiked him like a falco on crack with a yellow'ed Dair.

Uairing works wonders if your on the offensive though. Im never shy about Uairing the crap out of MK. If MK happends to come after you as you approach the platfrom, try Nairing. I've found that the hit box from Nair can break MKs aerial combos. I wouldnt spam it or anything, but its a excellent way of getting MK off your back. Down B also works well if your at high %. And yes you can Dair MK out of his loop, i've done it just as he reached his Apex hight on the move.

Heres another interesting piece of information. My MK friend hasnt beaten me on the Mario Circuit map yet. I would reccomend choosing that map for an Olimar user, simply because the ramps for the go-carts inturrpt MKs aerial game. As does the platform hovering above the track. This would force a MK user to make alot more ground based approaches, plus he'd have to SH Aerial you, and we all know you can grab people out of the air.

My other friend, that mains G&W, recorded around 5 hours worth of matches, so once he compresses/encodes those videos, i will post them in this section for you guys to take a look at. Some of them he has is Replay data of Olimar vs MK, some are just 3 persons matches. Its kinda mixed up.

sorry if im derailing the snake discussion with my MK talk. Im going to talk to my friend that mains a snake and ask him about a Ladder fight he lost to an Olimar with. One thing he did say was due to the fact that he was heavy, he got grabbed alot.


Apr 10, 2008
I need to watch some Olimar v MK (good MK) vids. Anyone have any? I can't seem to handle the matchup as well as I should be. Maybe it's just the style of the players around me or something. idk. Then again, I'm not that great either.:ohwell:

sorry if im derailing the snake discussion with my MK talk. Im going to talk to my friend that mains a snake and ask him about a Ladder fight he lost to an Olimar with. One thing he did say was due to the fact that he was heavy, he got grabbed alot.
nah, it's fine. We're just sort of cruising here. We've finished most (if not all) of his harder matchups. We can get into the more even matchups now.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
well, against MK grab right after you pluck your first 3 (on a flat stage) because more than likely they are running full force at you so it's an easy 40-50% from a combo. from there just stay on the ground and try to nair through the corner or center of the nado.

it's best to just shield through it and tilt your shield upwards if you don't have tap jump on. you'll never get hit by it then.

well from the MK boards (apparently) our aerials come out as fast as theirs so just have quicker fingers. utilize the spacing of fsmash/purples/tether.

play mid range. chuck pikmin and keep him between grab range and jab range as that is oli's heaven.
he's just an aerial snake with no nades
easy peasy :D


Apr 10, 2008
lol, all of their attacks come out faster than all of ours. They're just not used to range competition.

Anyways, against MK, grabbing shouldn't work. He shouldn't approach from the ground because he knows I can simply grab him. He keeps SHing fairs and then might fastfall into some lagless dtilt spam. It' very hard to get past. You can't shieldgrab it, or fsmash, or grab. Pivotgrabs don't work either. He's got multiple jumps, so if you pivotgrab, he can just jump over it and push you towards the edge of the stage. It's really annoying. I use Snake against him now.

Also, tactics that new MK players use (new against Olimar. They've got to get used to a totally new style of play) don't work at high levels of play. I'm having trouble with the advanced aspects of the matchup. Not tornado spam, dumb running approaches (that don't work), or bad DI. (40-50% combos against MK shouldn't happen) In short, I know the basics, but I'm still having tremendous trouble. It's probably just MK. :/ Thanks for trying to help anyways...


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
actually, the MK's i play against are playing at high level play. whether you think so or not they almost always run towards you in the very beginning thinking "oh, he has to pluck his pikmin, i'm MK so i'm sure to get a grab in!" but they unknowingly fall into a grab combo

and yes they do work for 40-50%, MK is i guess you can say fastfaller. dthrow->fair works at lower percents obviously and you are able to continue for a long time (i've gotten it against mikeHAZE, who is ranked) despite of DI

obviously after a while of playing they will live in the air more than ever, but then you have to attempt to uair and nair more than usual as those are your best bets at getting a hit it. also, purples will always work awesomely at stopping approaches :D

this is from my experience vs very good MK's and spammy MK's
i live in so cal, come on now, we're all good :p


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008

So I was playing this guy who was way better than me......during one of our fights he picks olimar and I pick Link. Don't ask me why but Links jab is amazing against olimar. Kills pikmin very quickly and due to this if olimar is sent off the stage, he probably doesn't have enough pikmin to recovery. I just speed huged the edge and zair edgaurded. I didn't even need to spam projectiles. I was happy to take the hits from the pikmin and jab them away. I came to these boards to look up the matchup. Kinda surprised but not really......

Just sayin...


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
New York
I support Weegee for week 17, I can't stand this matchup. Utilted-fsmashes are broken, as are jab cancelled upbs. You can't hit through any of his aerials or his whorenado. Plus hes just weegee.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i agree :/
he used to not give me trouble but now i just get annoyed by him lol

focus on all your non-pikmin moves vs weegee though
dtilt clanks with the nado


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Luigi is pretty annoying... His combos are about as good as yours, he racks up damage rather quickly and there's always the constant threat of UpB >_<


Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2008
Los Angeles, California
I must say, that Luigi can fare pretty well against Olimar. The Cyclone is a good way to shake off Pikmin while at the same time approaching. Luigi is a beast in the air, and Olimar's Aerials either are low priority or low range.

The kind of Olimar players that have given me the most problems are the ones who spam from the ground. Olimar doesn't want to face Luigi in the air; while that's exactly where Luigi will try to put you at.

Firstly, some info on Luigi: Luigi approaches best with Short Hops, usually fitting two attacks into each hop. If you can Sheild through the duration of both attacks, you can easily Shield Grab him. Not only that, Olimar's Pikmin Chain is a great counter for Luigi's Short Hops. Shield Grab Luigi enough and he'll change his approach to one that can be less Shield Grabbed. He'll try to land behind you, approach with Cyclones, or chain together RAR bAirs to keep his distance.

Luigi will chase you off-stage. Or he'll wait in a ledgegrab, since it's a great neutral state for Luigi.

I guess the best thing for Olimar is to Sheild Grab a lot, spam a lot, and stay on the ground as much as possible. And also to avoid getting closer than Luigi's Jab range... Luigi loves it there because he has so many options.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
yeah, i feel we have to play the mid range game (like vs everyone -.-') and keep our distance while grabbing a lot. uptilt should work for some things (not nair :( sadly) but upb will stop all aerial approaches

dtilt will clank with the nado so spam it when you see him coming

avoid the **** up b!!!!
never side step :(


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Olimar vs Luigi is 45/55 in my opinion. It's not too hard but it's quite challenging :D His utilt, nair and dthrow all pop you up directly into the air, above him, which is exactly where you don't want to be. You can whistle your way through and shield the second aerial, though, so it's not as hopeless as it is for some other characters.

Fsmash beats the tornado IIRC, so you can just hit him out of that.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
Olimar can't grab Luigi out of down B.
Lets see, Fsmash completely owns olimar.

Gee, thats all I know about it.

Olimar boards are getting dull.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
we can grab him out of his nado, we just have to get lucky and not get ****ed over by the lack of grab armor.

space properly and we shouldn't get hit by fsmash anyway

i agree, people have disappeared
we used to be the most active too (maybe second to yoshi lol)


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
lol, peach ***** us.

anyways, I was playing two different weegees yesterday in palmdale, and both gave me a lot of trouble. I rely heavily on grabs and pivot grabs, but that stupid tornado approach makes it hard to do so. I had some success shielding out the tornado and punishing accordingly, but I had to predict it. I never use Dtilt (waits for zori harassment) so it's good to know that clanks with tornado. it seems pretty similar to G&W where olimar must stay pretty grounded in order to have a shot.

I also hate weegee because I can't do any of that fancy grab release stuff I've been having so much fun with because he slides super far away -_-

id actually go more 60-40 weegee on this one.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
weegee is tough, did you play DQ? (one of the twins) or just judge?

and you don't use dtilt????? blasphemy


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
I mostly played judge. I played some other weegee just once, i dont remember who it was.

I know, I'm terrible, it's seriously the only move I have yet to properly incorporate into my game -_-


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
did he use a pink luigi and use the tag W!G!? that's DQ

for shame, dtilt is amazing, just ask zori lol


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
that mighta been him.

lol zori is the dtilt master. I'm probably gonna start forcing myself to use it until I get it to work. that's what I did with Nair and upB two months ago, and now I use both regularly.

weegee is next to impossible to spike. that tornado is the 2nd whoriest in the game.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
Whoever is running this matchup thread is really on point. Everything is extremely easy to find.



Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Previously, the Diddy Kong boards have put the Diddy vs Olimar matchup at 70:30. Pretty much because smart Pikmin play can really destroy banana approaches. Basically, for the banana's to hit you, they have to get by Olimar's Pikmin, which can be used a lot quicker than Diddy's bananas.

I don't know too much about the matchup, or Olimar in general, but as I see it:

Both characters are light.
Olimar hits a bit (well, probably a lot) harder than Diddy.
Diddy has better, effective edgeguarding options.

Just my two cents. Though, I wouldn't take it for gospel, seeing as how I've got little to no experience in the matchup myself.

It was 70:30 when we first discussed it, and that was quite a while ago (like, 4+ months). Times will have changed I'd wager, so it may well be 60:40 in Olimar's favour rather than 70:30.

Again. I can't comment further than this since I have almost no experience with the matchup : /


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
wow your sig is amazing.
In the 'Magikarp declares war on Grimer' user blog, I was an advocate of Magikarp, so the mods decided to brand me with this sig :laugh:

I was really suprised to open my account and find somebody had changed my sig.

It's funny because I'm not a BRoomer (and probably never will be either).


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Olimar vs Diddy isn't 70/30 but it's a small advantage for Olimar. 60/40 I guess. Olimar's dash attack actually works exactly the same as Diddy's, so Olimar has an easy time picking up bananas. However, the lack of glide tossing hurts ._.

And if you play against Diddy, make sure to whistle that dair. It's one of the best spikes in the game <_<
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