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~The Olimar Matchup Thread~Review: R.O.B. or someone~

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Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
I have loads of experience with this matchup.

I used to have a diddy phobia, as the people I played with called it. I had no idea how to handle bananas, and I got overwhelmed and gimped. However, as I continued to learn the matchup, I realized it's actually pretty simple.

If you can, grab Diddy's banana when he first pulls it out using nair and control it. If you are able to grab the banana, space yourself and throw pikmin. This way it'll keep diddy off balance because diddy won't know when the banana is actually coming at him. I chuckle when a diddy airdodges a yellow pikmin, thinking it's a banana. having a purple or 2 in your line also makes this really effective. When you see an opening (usually on diddy's dash attack) throw the banana, then run in for the easy grab. Diddy is REALLY easy to grab combo on.

If diddy has his banana(s), be extremely patient, try to stay on the ground. Most diddys will throw the banana and run in. Shield it, and immediately grab. get diddy away from the banana and then control it.

Remember, Diddy's bananas are just as much yours as they are his. If you can control his bananas better than he can, this matchup gets really simple. You can't let Diddy get any sort of momentum. Once the combos start coming out, Diddy can string together a bunch of moves in a short amount of time which can get overwhelming. be extremely careful around the edge too, diddy's edge game is ridiculous. most of didy's approaches are aerial (the non banana ones) so shieldgrabbing and pivot grabbing are essential.

i probably know this matchup best out of all my matchups (maybe second to pokemon trainer lol). It's 60-40 Olimar.


Smash Cadet
Mar 22, 2008
Nice advice RichBrown. Although when a banana is thrown at me, I prefer a sh air-dodge to a shield. Everytime I shield, the stupid thing falls right beside me anyways. Gimping isn't really an issue against diddy: his moves don't have much knockback and he has trouble killing, so you should never be low off stage. You should never die under 100 against a diddy.

The scariest thing about diddy is his bananas, period. And like Brown said, as soon as players realize it is ANYONES banana, the game mentality changes. Sure, he chooses when to summon them, but he has some lag. when the match starts, you will pluck 3 pikmin and he will pull his banana, this is the only time in the game he should safely pull a banana. Pikmin toss is your friend, not only do they stop his banana, but they are a continuous stream. It also forces his hand; if he has a banana in his hand and he gets 2-3 pikmin on him, he is screwed. He will have to toss his banana and use an attack to get them off. Take advantage of this and grab that banana. Olimar with banana destroys diddy.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
thanks, redemption.

I prefer to shield and have it drop next to me, that way if diddy chooses not to run in I can simply hit A and pick it up. if I SHairdodge I don't always grab the banana, and if diddy is running in he can punish that airdodge pretty well. I'll keep this in mind though, that way I can switch it up between shielding and shairdodging.

Olimar is actually better equipped to handle bananas than diddy. going into a match with this mentality really changes things up. Also, when you are tossing pikmin, if diddy gets hit with a purple, this is a perfect time to throw the banana. eventually diddy will start getting frustrated and wreckless, not to mention scared to pull out his bananas. seize momentum!


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
I've only played against one Olimar (NC-Echo) and all I can say is it's not in Diddy's best interest to be near Olimar if he's not tripped. Diddy gets killed by Olimar at insanely low percentages.


Apr 10, 2008
The problem I have is when I shield the glide toss, he follows up with a grab. Can I grab in between them?


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
that's my main problem too, plus the only diddy i play (pancho) is really ****ing smart!!!
i don't expect too many people to be as smart as him, besides maybe ninjalink, but i'm WC so i don't have to worry about him that much :D so if i can manage to beat pancho i should be able to handle any diddy


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
The problem I have is when I shield the glide toss, he follows up with a grab. Can I grab in between them?
yes, you can.

You have to be pretty quick about it though. the moment the banana hits the shield, GRAB. Diddy will almost certainly be running in at you when he throws the banana, so the grab should be easy. and if he doesn't run in, then you can grab the banana. If diddy has both bananas, just shield both bananas and grab. if he only throws one and you have space, pick it up, wait for him to throw the other (bait him into it by throwing pikmin of course) and when he throws it, shield it, toss your banana, and punish. ya gotta frustrate diddy players.

also, if you are above diddy, don't bother throwing the banana down at him, and when you are below, don't bother throwing the banana up. Diddy players are pretty good at predicting that, and so you are basically giving them their banana back when you do this. try to always do it horizontally.

yeah I played pancho once or twice, he is pretty **** good.


Apr 10, 2008
wow. can I have your babies? Better yet, can I give you mine? (and Skank's. lol)

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Lol, diddy vs Olimar is top 2 weirdest matchups in the game I'd say next to Snake vs diddy.

But yeah, if you play smart and capitalize on diddy's lack of any approach not banana or dash attack related, and you're decent at rapid RPS, you can win.

50:50, having played our best diddy in countless friendlies.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2008
CA, Anaheim
All i know is diddy vs olimar

is an annoying match that i hate. nanners spams >_<

but diddy in the air is good against olimar.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
always win the first or you're screwed
and counter with norfair :D

i can beat the best diddy's there


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I'd say 55-45 olimar.

I've fought blackwaltz occasionally and the nanerz do give olimar a hard time, but olimar's gayness makes up for it. I have to stay cool and just watch what he's going and never go full throttle because well... I'll just get grabbed. When there's a banana in front of you on the ground dont bother to pick it up unless diddy is far away from it, instead just stand there and wait for diddy to go dash attack into it. Once he approaches the banana just spam grab (yes ive fell for this alot but im trying to break out of this habbit against olimar).

Diddy can also get olimar off stage easily from a trip, you just grab him and throw him offstage. Oli isn't hard to spike either, you just go where his tether will bring him and spike, or just spike him the normal way since he might go out of range of being able to up b to the ledge if he airdodges it.

His pikmin spam is very annoying to diddy since he has to focus on his bananas and the pikmin latched on are not easy to get off when you need to get that trip to win. Also the thrown pikmin will get hit by the bananas every now and then (I'm pretty sure about this)... Also don't stand near the edge, you can get dash attacked to spike and in most cases you can't get back on.

Oh yeah, shielding is over rated, whenever diddy approaches spam grab instead.

Btw luigi vs diddy is the weirdest matchup.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Yeah, I'm switching my mane to Oli. I won my state tourney on saturday with him :)

I used him every match except for two. One where a sonic counterpicked rainbow cruise, and the second one was after my oli lost the first match to a DK. Is there any way we could cover the DK match-up next?

Sorry to double post.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
so i think the diddy discussion has been dead for a while (because i owned it at the very beginning lol)

i recommend we discuss sheik next, but ill leave it up to whoever it's up to.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
lol I had problems against ice's sheik even before I played teba. and I even took a match off of teba. but yes, the matches against him kinda solidified my thoughts we go sheik next.

and yeah i almost recommended ddd XD im a ******* for letting myself get tech chased to 70%. it's a learning experience, I suppose.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
teba never chased me to 70 >_>

last time i played him i lost to yoshi's island cause the platform took us both down and he managed to live lol


Apr 10, 2008
How about DK then Sheik? I've got a project for school I've been working on this past week (and will continue to be working on the rest of the week) I've got SOOOO much to say about the matchup. I'd rather wait until I've got some free time.



Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
well good for you ian :rolleyes: it was my first time ever playing teba's ddd, and actually only my second match ever against a true ddd main (first and only was against tloc cpu). so yeah, like i said, learning experience.

yeah DK is cool it doesn't really matter :)


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Yeah, I'm switching my mane to Oli. I won my state tourney on saturday with him :)

I used him every match except for two. One where a sonic counterpicked rainbow cruise, and the second one was after my oli lost the first match to a DK. Is there any way we could cover the DK match-up next?

Sorry to double post.
HOW DID YOU LOSE TO DK?!! thats like....the easiest matchup every for oli lolz, pikmin spam, runaway, grab grab grab, spam spam spam, don't let him near you lol. here, maybe this will help a vid of me vs a DK, i just played it cool and he barely even touches me. i don't even use any Dthrow > Fair or Usmash or any kind of combos like that at all really. but really the dk was kinda average, but he didn't really suck, he was just really annoyed at olimar lol

but as for the matchup vs DK, im gonna say, always counterpick corneria or battlefield, those 2 spots seem to always give my olimar a huge advantage, battlefield for the obvious reasons of the platforms making it harder for arial approaches which are olimars biggest weakness, and corneria because that little platform on the bottom right is oli's best friend, if they chase you in there, they are in for alot of pain, he can combo like a beast down there, and if they stay up top, pikmin throw will reach nearly to the other side of the ship lolz, just stay away from final D, rainbow cruise, norfair, or pirate ship.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2008
CA, Anaheim
HOW DID YOU LOSE TO DK?!! thats like....the easiest matchup every for oli lolz, pikmin spam, runaway, grab grab grab, spam spam spam, don't let him near you lol. here, maybe this will help a vid of me vs a DK, i just played it cool and he barely even touches me. i don't even use any Dthrow > Fair or Usmash or any kind of combos like that at all really. but really the dk was kinda average, but he didn't really suck, he was just really annoyed at olimar lol
Have you seen his hacks smashes O_O

and his tilts are good against oli

and i saw the vid.

I bet you would have trouble if you faced a really good DK. That DK have no clue what he is doing.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Have you seen his hacks smashes O_O

and his tilts are good against oli

and i saw the vid.

I bet you would have trouble if you faced a really good DK. That DK have no clue what he is doing.
well i have played really good DK's thats just the only video i have up of my vs DK, but i generally 2 stock em, i was kinda takin it easy on that DK cuz he never really played against olimar, and he was already kinda irritated but yeah, i know a good DK can be problematic, but olimar has all the tools he needs to take care of even the best dks.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i've played a few good DK's

it is in oli's favor! i can assure you of that

whistle is amazing in this match as his smashes and punch are punishable. spam pikmin and go for grab combo's. watch your *** and don't mess up. DK is a wait-and-punish type of character, and he's good at it! almost as good as us :D

WAC his bair approach and punish because after you get through one bair there is very little he can do afterward as his only good aerials are bair and uair.
watch out for the tilts. they can kill your incoming pikmin and keep you at bay. his smashes can be prolonged by latch pikmin -_-' i've had that lead to my death before actually.
he has trouble getting pikmin off to a certain extent.

pivot grabs ftw :D you could probably run under his first bair and pivot grab his second bair (if using double bair approach)

he kills hella early and rivals you in range. but you can combo him to insane percents and kill him at relatively low percents (for DK at least >_>) go for spikes :D

he has a decent gimp game with teh bairs o death and is able to spike. watch the stage spike at mid-range percents as if you don't tech it it can lead to certain death.

pretty much all i got on teh big monkee

i say about 60-40 oli's favor
we have too much on him.
get bigfoot in here >:]


Smash Lord
Feb 8, 2008
ventura county CA
i've played a few good DK's

it is in oli's favor! i can assure you of that

whistle is amazing in this match as his smashes and punch are punishable. spam pikmin and go for grab combo's. watch your *** and don't mess up. DK is a wait-and-punish type of character, and he's good at it! almost as good as us :D

WAC his bair approach and punish because after you get through one bair there is very little he can do afterward as his only good aerials are bair and uair.
watch out for the tilts. they can kill your incoming pikmin and keep you at bay. his smashes can be prolonged by latch pikmin -_-' i've had that lead to my death before actually.
he has trouble getting pikmin off to a certain extent.

pivot grabs ftw :D you could probably run under his first bair and pivot grab his second bair (if using double bair approach)

he kills hella early and rivals you in range. but you can combo him to insane percents and kill him at relatively low percents (for DK at least >_>) go for spikes :D

he has a decent gimp game with teh bairs o death and is able to spike. watch the stage spike at mid-range percents as if you don't tech it it can lead to certain death.

pretty much all i got on teh big monkee

i say about 60-40 oli's favor
we have too much on him.
get bigfoot in here >:]
hate to break this to you, but there aren't many good dk's in socal, me and jmex are above average, and we're the only dedicated dk mains, so unless you played jmex, i don't think you got much good dk practice, though i heard teba picked him up, even then that's probably only friendlies and he probably doesn't know the olimar match

also, dk isn't a reactionary character, i don't know where you got that

and whistle doesn't save you from headbutts, so if you plan to whistle armor everything, most smart dk mains will just headbutt after the first 1-2 times, and then mix bairs and headbutts to throw off your reactions, good theory though, would work if they don't work in headbutts

and your combos end after like 40-50

and its quite easy to kill all the pikmin on dk, upb or shnair, dk's nair is somewhat usable in this matchup

for the rest i'm just gonna quote mr. x

About the Olimar vs DK matchup, I believe it's 60-40 or 70-30 in DK's favor. I've played a few good DK's, and to be honest my heart races more when I see them pick DK than when I see marth or even meta-knight (a common feared matchup for Olimars).

Olimar's biggest advantage against DK is that he can rack up a nice 50-60% from a 0 percent grab combo. Other than that though, DK has him outmatched in a lot of ways.

One of Olimar's biggest strengths is his lengthy smashes and disjointed hitboxes. DK's tilts and smashes, however, compltetly outprioritize them. Also, DK is so strong and fast enough to connect that he can knock Oli off the stage at fairly low percents. His heaviness makes him last much longer than most other characters, making it harder for Oli to finish him off becuase oftentimes he needs to use his finishing moves to get the percent high enough on DK to kill him. Oftentimes I find myself so scared to approach a good DK that I just have to sit back and throw pikmin for a bit to get my bearings becuase DK can be very difficult to approach. His down-B also ***** becuase the range on it is ridiculous in this game, making running grabs and running upsmashes hard to pull off.

Also, I forget what you guys call it but when DK f-throws, runs off the stage, and throws the person into the stage is an instant death for Oli, meaning any grab at a medium to high percent is an easy stock.
edit, also, corneria and battlefield are two of dks better stages, if you pick corneria he'll infinite you on the wall all day

and battlefields platforms just set up dk's usmash (which kills oli in the late 50s uncharged), and allow him to combo with aerial upb, leading to a 40+ combo starting from a jab that combos into dsmash or usmash depending on di

also gantrain, if your mostly two stocking all the dks, it might be because they're bad, theres few decent dk mains.

if your west coast, its me, jmex, cbk, and i heard sk92's got a decent one

if your east coast, i'm not sure on em all, but bum is good, and i heard bowyers pretty good with him, same with ripple out in illinois

not sure where darkrain lives, but hes good

if he wasn't listed, he probably isn't a good dk, theres room for error because i haven't checked recent vids, but those are the only dks i've heard about that have placed decently at one point or another


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
I'd go for 50/50. DK kills ridiculously early, around the 70s if you get hit by a fresh Fsmash. He's pretty easy to spike though, and can be combo'd to 50% or something with Dthrow-Fsmash-Dthrow-Usmash-Uair/UpB.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
except when DK is using his UpB or Nair to shake pikmin loose olimar is just going to walk up and grab him soon as he lands, nothing dk can do about that. and once olimar has got DK offstage its hell just trying to get back to a neutral position. we all know DK can kill early, and BF definately is not in DK's favor, a good olimar knows to stay off those platforms and will only fight on the flat ground, and you make it sound like its easy to approach olimar and infinite him off the wall.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
you don't have to main DK to be decent with him >_>
DK's my tertiary and i'm pretty good with him. **** plays a good DK but doesn't play singles and goes TL in doubles.

mr. x wrote that how long ago?
one mess up can lead to a smash or combo by DK >_>

headbutts are slow and relatively easy to avoid (>b i assume) and can be punished easily.
DK has to play with PERFECT spacing against olimar. anything you do that doesn't knock us away or kill us will lead to a grab or smash. all of oli's smashes are above average in power and range. dsmash will send you horizontal setting us up for a spike if you go low or uair if you go high.
and a DK in the air is not a good thing for him. oli's uair will cut through everything you have. we'll keep you in the air for a long time

will finish later


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
oh, i forgot to mention olimar can just pivot grab any of DK's attacks lmao, the pikmin will just grab his arm, and the whole time DK is trying to space he's dealing with pikmin being thrown into his face, which he will either have to remove himself or suffer much damage, if he chooses to remove them olimar can just be patient and read what he's doing and land a grab or smash. i just think this matchup is too easy.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2008
CA, Anaheim
hate to break this to you, but there aren't many good dk's in socal, me and jmex are above average, and we're the only dedicated dk mains, so unless you played jmex, i don't think you got much good dk practice, though i heard teba picked him up, even then that's probably only friendlies and he probably doesn't know the olimar match

also, dk isn't a reactionary character, i don't know where you got that

and whistle doesn't save you from headbutts, so if you plan to whistle armor everything, most smart dk mains will just headbutt after the first 1-2 times, and then mix bairs and headbutts to throw off your reactions, good theory though, would work if they don't work in headbutts

and your combos end after like 40-50

and its quite easy to kill all the pikmin on dk, upb or shnair, dk's nair is somewhat usable in this matchup

for the rest i'm just gonna quote mr. x

edit, also, corneria and battlefield are two of dks better stages, if you pick corneria he'll infinite you on the wall all day

and battlefields platforms just set up dk's usmash (which kills oli in the late 50s uncharged), and allow him to combo with aerial upb, leading to a 40+ combo starting from a jab that combos into dsmash or usmash depending on di

also gantrain, if your mostly two stocking all the dks, it might be because they're bad, theres few decent dk mains.

if your west coast, its me, jmex, cbk, and i heard sk92's got a decent one

if your east coast, i'm not sure on em all, but bum is good, and i heard bowyers pretty good with him, same with ripple out in illinois

not sure where darkrain lives, but hes good

if he wasn't listed, he probably isn't a good dk, theres room for error because i haven't checked recent vids, but those are the only dks i've heard about that have placed decently at one point or another
We should brawl to see the match up. Im a decent oli player and west coast :).


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
all I've played is SK92 because he couldn't beat me with falco >_> he was hella good with DK but I still won. So anyway

-Grabbing tornado doesn't really work very well if you're too close due to lack of grab armor on olimar and super armor frames at startup. you basically have to get away from that and punish after

-Donkey Kong is HORRENDOUSLY vulnerable from below. He has absolutely nothing to hit you so you can basically just uair -> nair for airdodge him to death.

-Speaking of nair, his shield kind of sucks, so if you are able to catch him between utilts (and watch out for the surprise dsmash from below!), the nair is as usual your best bet falling on him. It pokes him through the shield a lot which can lead at low percents to an easy dash away -> pivot grab and at higher percents to a usmash or another nair. that is of course if it actually does the last hit, if it doesn't, do whatever you want

-Everybody knows DK's ground pound doesn't hurt pikmin. Abuse that

-A lot of people will say to camp. I would only do that around higher percentages looking to get a kill move in. Donkey Kong has a hard time getting olimar off his back if we play more aerial than we usually do to avoid the quick tilts.
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