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~The Olimar Matchup Thread~Review: R.O.B. or someone~

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Deleted member

however a lot of this won't happen, as most of links move send vertical more than horizontal, and oli is light
meaning oli will always be at a diagonal angle recovering with good DI so we don't even have to worry about tethering to the ledge.
but you'll have to worry about me shooting you in the face with the arrow and then dbl nair gimping you

oli spaces better and our projectiles stops yours dead. latched pikmin blow the bomb on you as you try to throw it.
only if the pikmin attacks at the same time we throw the bomb, i had to learn this against fino and the other olimar in the last tourney i played. we also have the GB and arrows you know

also, when we edgeguard you, we can tetherhog from above the stage and fall then pull in for invinciblity, or just fall so you can't get it. we get an extra second of ledgehogging with the tether with being in absolutely no danger at all.

we can just sheild grab any of your ground based moves. not even snakes ftilt knocks us far enough away to not be able to punish with a grab
i'll *** u up in the exact same ways too

if you play against a good link and you make a mistake, we will punish you with the ravage combos


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
ok really, im just gonna say this, links combos just aren't going to work on olimar, you will NEVER hit olimar with a Nair while he's on the ground to start any sort of combo, olimar doesn't jump, he's going to be reading your approach and as soon as you jump he's just gonna shield grab you and then theres 60% on you that you can't avoid. and your arrows don't do much, sorry but those things suck vs olimar, we can just throw a pikmin at them and it will cancel out and the pikmin usually lives.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
but you'll have to worry about me shooting you in the face with the arrow and then dbl nair gimping you
except we can throw pikmin to intercept those and come out unharmed

only if the pikmin attacks at the same time we throw the bomb, i had to learn this against fino and the other olimar in the last tourney i played. we also have the GB and arrows you know
pikmin stop those from reaching us :/

i'll *** u up in the exact same ways too

if you play against a good link and you make a mistake, we will punish you with the ravage combos
you make an even smaller mistake and you'll most likely be dead. a simple dthrow combo near the edge can mean your death.
we'll WAC anything that can lead to gimps, and WAC your main killers.

like i said before, we don't need to worry about tethering as most your moves send more vertical, no? ours send horizontal and vertical. an early dsmash and there's no hope for your survival.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
except we can throw pikmin to intercept those and come out unharmed
Perhaps, but then you steadily run out of Pikmin and thus, cannot completely reach the ledge when you attempt to tether. After a double nair, Link recovers to the ledge with spin attack, which will almost always reach the ledge and prevent Olimar from tethering even if he does have enough pikmin.

pikmin stop those from reaching us :/

not all of the time. You say it as if pimin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Link's projectiles, when actually, they're only slightly better. Plus, pikmin can't survive a full on assault of GBs and arrows. They will die eventually, and Olimar will need to replenish his pikmin supply. Thus, you will be open for an attack. On the other side of things, pikmin are faster than Link's proectiles, meaning that he will be able to out-spam Link. Therefore, pikmin > Link's projectiles.

you make an even smaller mistake and you'll most likely be dead. a simple dthrow combo near the edge can mean your death.
we'll WAC anything that can lead to gimps, and WAC your main killers.

like i said before, we don't need to worry about tethering as most your moves send more vertical, no? ours send horizontal and vertical. an early dsmash and there's no hope for your survival.
lol, I already refuted the whole "WAC" thing. I play both characters, therefore I know both of their ATs. WAC doesn't prevent the gale guard, which has the most effect in getting olimar away from the ledge. Plus, if an Olimar player cannot reach the ledge, Zair edgeguard from Link will mean death with almost no exceptions. Plus, unless you're jesus, I doubt you can WAC every attack you need to without fail. If you are, in fact, jesus, then I submit to you, good sir!

Good DI will prevent an early fate from Dsmash, just as good DI will prevent an early death from gale guarding. THEIR GIMPING POTENTIAL IS EQUAL!!!!!!!11!1!1!!!eleven!11!2


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
Perhaps, but then you steadily run out of Pikmin and thus, cannot completely reach the ledge when you attempt to tether. After a double nair, Link recovers to the ledge with spin attack, which will almost always reach the ledge and prevent Olimar from tethering even if he does have enough pikmin.
like i said, we would be at a diagonal angle because any gimping killer (outside of GB) should be WAC'd for survival

not all of the time. You say it as if pimin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Link's projectiles, when actually, they're only slightly better. Plus, pikmin can't survive a full on assault of GBs and arrows. They will die eventually, and Olimar will need to replenish his pikmin supply. Thus, you will be open for an attack. On the other side of things, pikmin are faster than Link's proectiles, meaning that he will be able to out-spam Link. Therefore, pikmin > Link's projectiles.
we can replenish any lost pikmin in <1 sec. no time to punish plus it gives us a few invincible frames. purples fly through everything because their hitbox is bigger than their hurtbox.

lol, I already refuted the whole "WAC" thing. I play both characters, therefore I know both of their ATs. WAC doesn't prevent the gale guard, which has the most effect in getting olimar away from the ledge. Plus, if an Olimar player cannot reach the ledge, Zair edgeguard from Link will mean death with almost no exceptions. Plus, unless you're jesus, I doubt you can WAC every attack you need to without fail. If you are, in fact, jesus, then I submit to you, good sir!
we shouldn't get hit by the gale because you would send us up with any attack you get in outside of nair.
i am, in fact, jesus.

Good DI will prevent an early fate from Dsmash, just as good DI will prevent an early death from gale guarding. THEIR GIMPING POTENTIAL IS EQUAL!!!!!!!11!1!1!!!eleven!11!2
but then we run off the edge and fair you and watch you fall to your death :/ we'll save our jump and go over your GB. we save our jump anyway.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
like i said, we would be at a diagonal angle because any gimping killer (outside of GB) should be WAC'd for survival
K, I'll refute that later

we can replenish any lost pikmin in <1 sec. no time to punish plus it gives us a few invincible frames. purples fly through everything because their hitbox is bigger than their hurtbox.
First of all, it does take about 1.5 seconds to fully replenish pikmin. Good Olimar's won't be punished by this, but good Link's should replenish their bomb stock at this same time, thus, a stalemate. And if you're saying that Olimar's purple pikmin **** Link's projectiles, you're sadly mistaken. Last I checked, good Link players don't siton the ground and use their projectiles in the air, therefore its really hard to cancel out the projectiles with the purple pikmin's throwing range. All of Link's projectiles would simply soar over the purple pikmin, straight to Olimar's face. Then, Olimar would shield and the stupid projectile game would continue.

we shouldn't get hit by the gale because you would send us up with any attack you get in outside of nair.
i am, in fact, jesus.
Last I checked, Olimar's second jump isn't even that good. Inevitably, he will get towards the ledge, and he will be gale guarded. It won't happen all the time, but it will happen. It's like saying "Don't get grabbed". It will happen at one time or another, there really is no avoiding it unless you're constantly prepared with WAC, perfect DI, and amazing tether abilities. But you have all of those because you're Jesus.

but then we run off the edge and fair you and watch you fall to your death :/ we'll save our jump and go over your GB. we save our jump anyway.
Putting thing in the second person confuses the living hell out of me. Say "Link" and "Olimar" so I can understand you.

Anyway, I already stated good DI would prevent this. (Sometimes) Saying Olimar will fair me doesn't prove anything if Link DIs upward, for he will be propelled high enough to not get hit and hopefully defend from the oncoming Olimar.

The second part also says nothing to me. You "save your second jump and get over the GB." Now, Link Zair edgeguards. You still die. The potential is still equal

Deleted member

i'm going to say this again

if you can DI you can beat olimar

I have amazing DI so i don't lose to olimar

your fresh purple usmash kills me at no less than 130, you can't kill me with blue bthrow, and you're lucky to kill me under 160

ask asc853 or Fino, i'll *** u up with link
Jul 30, 2008
actually I think olis would have much problem with arkives aggressive super DI link, much more problem than with a spacing defensive one.

but I think this discussion has become better and more intelligent now(at least a bit more intelligent). When I came here it was like:
Nintenjoe: Link is actually a good edgeguarder with lot of options like gale guarding, bombs and zair edgeguard.
all other oli mains: Nah link sucks, he is to slow to edgeguard with anything.

besides I havent fought anyone that can avoid getting catched by my rang when they try to edgeguard me and I always pulls a bomb when recovering allowing me to Bomb jump if you hit me(means I can Up B twice and use the knockback of my bomb to recover) so link DOES have some nice options when recovering

olimars spam isnt as good as you want it to be, I spam back against olimars and well it often ends up with them approaching me + SH nairs cancels pikmin attaching, nairs autacancels so there is no lag to punish.

oli is LIGHT and has crappy recovery, link is HEAVY and has crappy recovery, olimar has somewhat better KO potential with some moves but link has more KO good moves (fair, dair, uair, usmash, utilt, ftilt, fsmash, upB, dsmash) which means link dont needs to "save" moves for killing. ok I really dont know this but that is what I feel when I play olis.

but olimars sheild grabbing is really annoying and that is enough for me to have some problem with him, and he is like you said to short for using zair spacing tactics. and is hard to hit and link is easy to combo cause of his size. and I find him to fly around me and being really quick in close combat

but that is my experience of olis, chances are I havent played any good olis.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
actually I think olis would have much problem with arkives aggressive super DI link, much more problem than with a spacing defensive one.
This^ DI won't allow Olimar to get any stupid gimps on Link, just as DI won't allow Link to get any stupid gimps on Olimar. Thus, equal gimping potential. (For about the 4th time)

but I think this discussion has become better and more intelligent now(at least a bit more intelligent). When I came here it was like:
Nintenjoe: Link is actually a good edgeguarder with lot of options like gale guarding, bombs and zair edgeguard.
all other oli mains: Nah link sucks, he is to slow to edgeguard with anything.

besides I havent fought anyone that can avoid getting catched by my rang when they try to edgeguard me and I always pulls a bomb when recovering allowing me to Bomb jump if you hit me(means I can Up B twice and use the knockback of my bomb to recover) so link DOES have some nice options when recovering
Zair (in the respect of grabbing the ledge) also covers a good range and comes out moderately quickly. If a Link players projectile spams off the ledge effectively, he can keep Olimar (or any edgeguarder who stays at the ledge, for that matter) at bay and latch onto the edge before Olimar quick hugs.

olimars spam isnt as good as you want it to be, I spam back against olimars and well it often ends up with them approaching me + SH nairs cancels pikmin attaching, nairs autacancels so there is no lag to punish.
SH Nair, Jabs, and Ftilt all fend of pikmin, and in most cases, kill them as well. Jabs are Nair can be performed lightning fast, meaning there's no lag to punish. Ftilt will create a wall that destroys all pikmin coming from above or the side.

oli is LIGHT and has crappy recovery, link is HEAVY and has crappy recovery, olimar has somewhat better KO potential with some moves but link has more KO good moves (fair, dair, uair, usmash, utilt, ftilt, fsmash, upB, dsmash) which means link dont needs to "save" moves for killing. ok I really dont know this but that is what I feel when I play olis.
Dsmash is a terrible killer for Olimar. I find Fsmash, Usmash, Bthrow, Uthrow/Dthrow, and Dair to be his best killers. Throws can be used moderately easily for Olimar, but the right color must be used to land the correct throw. Blues, for example, have earlier kills with Bthrow and kill at around 100%. For Link, Fair, Dair, Utilt, Ftilt, Fsmash, Bsmash, Dsmash, and Usmash (sometimes on Usmash, not used as often as the other attacks) can all kill at around 100% fresh. We must also put into account Olimar's light-weightedness. Olimar without momentum cancelling will die at earlier percentages, especially at the hands of Bsmash and Fsmash.

With all of that in mind, Olimar doesn't need to worry about conserving killing moves. Pikmin latching does a lot of the damage already and Dsmashes work well enough to build damage without being punished. In this category, I'm going to say it's equal.

but olimars sheild grabbing is really annoying and that is enough for me to have some problem with him, and he is like you said to short for using zair spacing tactics. and is hard to hit and link is easy to combo cause of his size. and I find him to fly around me and being really quick in close combat

but that is my experience of olis, chances are I havent played any good olis.
Grabs are a killer, especially for a character like Olimar. In this category, Olimar's grab >>>> Link's grab. On a side note, Olimar's pivot grab >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Link's grab. Therefore, Link will lose the shield game inevitably.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
WHAT!? Dsmash is an awesome killer for olimar, especially if near the edge, even with good DI it sends link at a pretty low angle even if he DI's strait upwards, and since when was Dthrow a KO move? o.O its like a sucky Uthrow, the only time i'll use Dthrow is at lower percents to start off combos. Olimars Dair from the side hitbox will kill MUCH earlier than Fair or bair will also, its rediculously strong if you know how to use it.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
WHAT!? Dsmash is an awesome killer for olimar, especially if near the edge, even with good DI it sends link at a pretty low angle even if he DI's strait upwards, and since when was Dthrow a KO move? o.O its like a sucky Uthrow, the only time i'll use Dthrow is at lower percents to start off combos. Olimars Dair from the side hitbox will kill MUCH earlier than Fair or bair will also, its rediculously strong if you know how to use it.
I find Dsmash killing at higher percentages than the other attacks, especially against characters with good recovery. Perhaps I'm wrong on that one, but honestly, that's where I come from on Olimar's Dsmash. As for the Dthrow/Uthrow thing, I always get confused on which one is the killing move with purple pikmin because they look almost exactly the same, and I didn't feel like looking it up so I simply said "Dthrow/Uthrow". :p I was talking about the side hitbox for Dair as the killing move. The spike will own Link too. Unfortunately for Olimar, his aerial priority (save Uair) is terrible and will be outdone by most, if not all, Link's aerials.


Apr 10, 2008
wait... I thought you guys were joking about Link having a matchup anywhere close to Olimar. haha. I'll edit this post with comments.

edit: there isn't anything to refute. It's all self-explanatory... I don't really want to take the time to explain that Olimar outcamps Link, shuts him down defensively, and that Olimar can actually edgeguard a character!


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
WHAT!? Dsmash is an awesome killer for olimar, especially if near the edge, even with good DI it sends link at a pretty low angle even if he DI's strait upwards, and since when was Dthrow a KO move? o.O its like a sucky Uthrow, the only time i'll use Dthrow is at lower percents to start off combos. Olimars Dair from the side hitbox will kill MUCH earlier than Fair or bair will also, its rediculously strong if you know how to use it.
Link wouldn't Di Up....Oli's D-smash (if it does send at a low angle)

He would actually down and attempt to Di-zair recovery

I don't know much about this matchup. All I know is that both characters can pretty much put out **** combos on each other and that both characters can edge guard each other well.

The matchup actually seems even to me. Olimar can put out some **** combo's I know.

But at the same time, Link can put **** combo's on olimar.

I mean Jab just owns Olimar. It destroys pikmin and If olimar ever finds himself in a jab cancel. Then that's going to be a 40-50% combo for link. If you want I can tell you some of the combo's.

I'm inclined to say 55-45 but I would defiantly like to see some vids on the matchup or test the matchup.

You guys are being completely biased is saying Olimar ***** Link. At the same Time, I am trying to slow the biased on our side.

This matchup is going to be close to 60-40 oli (once biased is removed) and I don't think it is going to differ much from that.

By the way. I read the OP.

The OP on Link is completely trash. Link won't show the type of behavior you are talking about against Olimar. He plays this matchup completely different than you think.

The moves you mentioned....as behavior and scarring moves.


He won't use these in a matchup against Olimar.
Link knows pikmin blows up bombs. DAC? WTF Links barely ever use DAC unless to follow up a combo. Where the crap did you come up with that as being a good move? Dair??? We won't EVER dair unless its offstage or out of a combo.

Link will use Jab to **** pikmin and set up combo's.
He will also use some nairs and bairs >Arrow canceling to deal with pikmin and take advantage nairs auto cancel and bairs >AC spacing.

Link also does BETTER on stages with platforms because while olimar can outspam Link, Links projectiles are much more flexable in terms of direction. Not to mention Links disjointed attacks will go through platforms.

You want to CP with FD. NOT Battlefield.

LMAO LMAO LMAO Link WILL NOT SPAM. Where the crap did you come up with that. He's a mid ranged fighter not a long ranger fighter.

If you don't understand this, you don't understand Link and therefore the matchup. Therefore, you should just SHUT UP!


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
wait... I thought you guys were joking about Link having a matchup anywhere close to Olimar. haha. I'll edit this post with comments.

edit: there isn't anything to refute. It's all self-explanatory... I don't really want to take the time to explain that Olimar outcamps Link, shuts him down defensively, and that Olimar can actually edgeguard a character!
60-40 isn't even that close... Olimar has a clear advantage over Link, but not so much where he can kill him with ease., like 0-death or whatever. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. A match-up like Link v. Falco is 70-30, in which Falco can chaingrab -> death and just destroy him. to go even further, MK vs. Link, in which Link has almost no chance of survival whatsoever off the ledge is 80-20. I've already said Link gets outcamped by Olimar, but I don't think he completely shuts him down defensively. Although the tide is in favor of Olimar, there are ways around the spam. Link can also edgeguard Olimar, he isn't incapable of using the clawshot to grab the ledge and hang there.

I don't think it's any higher than 65-35, and I think that's being generous in favor of Olimar.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Sorry if it's been discussed, but how does link beat a good pivot grabbing/ shield grabbing oli?


Apr 10, 2008
he doesn't, simply stated. I said Link completely loses the shield game, which is a factor which leans this match-up in Olimar's favor
Pivotgrabbing is one of Olimar's defensive options against approaching. You SH or run at Olimar- he runs away and safely pivotgrabs. Everyone that doesn't have an answer to it has a VERY hard time against Olimar. This includes Link. That's probably why Dyyne brought it up.

@Swordplay- it's old. That's why we're reviewing it. thanks for contributing. >_>


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
i'm going to say this again

if you can DI you can beat olimar

I have amazing DI so i don't lose to olimar

your fresh purple usmash kills me at no less than 130, you can't kill me with blue bthrow, and you're lucky to kill me under 160

ask asc853 or Fino, i'll *** u up with link
I kind of agree. As I already said, I kind of have trouble with Links. I've only played about three, but they give me trouble. I only played one match against Arkive's Link, and he two-stocked me (though, to be fair, he plays the matchup with Fino a lot and I almost never do), even though I did very well against his Luigi (though it was doubles, so it's not quite the same). Anyway, Arkive is right, he owns with Link.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Pivotgrabbing is one of Olimar's defensive options against approaching. You SH or run at Olimar- he runs away and safely pivotgrabs. Everyone that doesn't have an answer to it has a VERY hard time against Olimar. This includes Link. That's probably why Dyyne brought it up.

@Swordplay- it's old. That's why we're reviewing it. thanks for contributing. >_>
Can't Link shorthop a projectile to bait Olimar into pivot-grabbing, then hit him with the projectile?


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
we can shield very quickly after any kind of grab ya know

fino needs moar pivot grab
Someone earlier said Luigi can punish pivot grabs with fireballs, I figured Link could do the same, since I believe his projectiles are faster than Luigi's.

Also, Arkive, you should play me online sometime, I want a rematch :)!


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Someone earlier said Luigi can punish pivot grabs with fireballs, I figured Link could do the same, since I believe his projectiles are faster than Luigi's.

Once in the air yea the projectiles have more speed. But the start up lag to each projectile Is bad enough to the point that that doesn't work. Exceptions are arrow canceling but you have to set that up by being in the air.

A good olimar should be able to get a powershield up in time in most cases.

Link may have a bunch of projectiles but 3 bad projectiles are far inferior to 1 good projectile and almost as useless as no projectile.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Someone earlier said Luigi can punish pivot grabs with fireballs, I figured Link could do the same, since I believe his projectiles are faster than Luigi's.

Sorry, Swordplay, but I'm going to have to partly disagree with you on this one. SH Quickdraw has less start-up and ending lag than Luigi's fireball, and will therefore beat the pivot grab. (To be quite honest, though, this will set Olimar up for another grab anyway) The projectile thing is right though, Olimar's spam > Link's spam, but I wouldn't call Link's projectiles "terrible" per se...


Link wouldn't Di Up....Oli's D-smash (if it does send at a low angle)

He would actually down and attempt to Di-zair recovery

I don't know much about this matchup. All I know is that both characters can pretty much put out **** combos on each other and that both characters can edge guard each other well.

The matchup actually seems even to me. Olimar can put out some **** combo's I know.

But at the same time, Link can put **** combo's on olimar.

I mean Jab just owns Olimar. It destroys pikmin and If olimar ever finds himself in a jab cancel. Then that's going to be a 40-50% combo for link. If you want I can tell you some of the combo's.

This matchup is going to be close to 60-40 oli (once biased is removed) and I don't think it is going to differ much from that.

The moves you mentioned....as behavior and scarring moves.


He won't use these in a matchup against Olimar.
Link knows pikmin blows up bombs. DAC? WTF Links barely ever use DAC unless to follow up a combo. Where the crap did you come up with that as being a good move? Dair??? We won't EVER dair unless its offstage or out of a combo.

Link will use Jab to **** pikmin and set up combo's.
He will also use some nairs and bairs >Arrow canceling to deal with pikmin and take advantage nairs auto cancel and bairs >AC spacing.
All of this is great. Especially the Zair recovery thing, that would turn that whole gimping potential around. Thanks Swordplay, good contributions.
Jul 30, 2008
how much do you olis actually know about links spamming and recovery options since you say:

1. Olis spam is easily better than links(links spam is harder to use correct though, that is one thing certain)

2. dsmash is a perfect killing move against link(**** what I laughed at this, link can survive this move at 999% damage if his reactions is good enough).

3.olimar easily gimps link(link cant pull bomb throw rang to avoid this, nope)

can only lol on what you said so far about link, with exception of well you should probably know who you are.

one thing though, link is wothless online so if your match-up is based on that then you are totally correct


Apr 10, 2008
how much do you olis actually know about links spamming and recovery options since you say:

1. Olis spam is easily better than links(links spam is harder to use correct though, that is one thing certain)
Olimar's beats Links. Get over it.

2. dsmash is a perfect killing move against link(**** what I laughed at this, link can survive this move at 999% damage if his reactions is good enough).
you can't rely on that. If you're going to bring that up, then we can bring up Olimar's whistle. We WON'T EVER DIE because we have the SA. >_>

3.olimar easily gimps link(link cant pull bomb throw rang to avoid this, nope)
It's called tether edgeguarding. You know that trick that you guys use with zair? zair->up->back->zair? Yah, we've got it too.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada

Olimar's beats Links. Get over it.

you can't rely on that. If you're going to bring that up, then we can bring up Olimar's whistle. We WON'T EVER DIE because we have the SA. >_>

It's called tether edgeguarding. You know that trick that you guys use with zair? zair->up->back->zair? Yah, we've got it too.
Now, Olimar in no way beats Link. I don't mean that technically but, it looks like all your Link opponents were some dulled up-smash spammers.

As Arkive previously stated, have you ever seen Link's DI? If a perfect DI could save us at 180% after getting hit by Snake's up tilts, then I'm sure a good Link won't have a problem surviving against a good Olimar.

In fact Olimar's light, very light. I'd like to see you trying to survive our Up-tilts and D-Smash at 110-125%'s.

I heard you guys talking about your shield game, and how it surpassed Link's. You're forgetting that we aren't the ones who'll always be approaching, in fact a smart Link only approaches when he has guaranteed hits. A lowered Z-air is enough to space ourselves.

Olimar's Forward B won't be a problem, our A A A, 3 hit jab could get rid of those Pikmins, and create a barrier for a direct approach.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2007
St Louis, Missouri
Airdodge to zair on oli is a peice of cake. Rack up a little damage, get him off of the stage and walk off nair him and it's over. Olimar does not **** link.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Joe....I mentioned Arrow canceling but you need to set it up by being in the air....

O by the way that Oli D-smash thing.

Yea we can rely on it. There are a bunch more frames allowing for far where we can DI down into a zair recovery then your whistle super armor.

Granted, the frames become less flexible as the damage increases. But we can easily survive up to 250 on a oli D-smash. Anything after that is getting into near perfect timing so I won't bring that up as your whistle argument is valid as well.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Now, Olimar in no way beats Link. I don't mean that technically but, it looks like all your Link opponents were some dulled up-smash spammers.

As Arkive previously stated, have you ever seen Link's DI? If a perfect DI could save us at 180% after getting hit by Snake's up tilts, then I'm sure a good Link won't have a problem surviving against a good Olimar.

In fact Olimar's light, very light. I'd like to see you trying to survive our Up-tilts and D-Smash at 110-125%'s.

I heard you guys talking about your shield game, and how it surpassed Link's. You're forgetting that we aren't the ones who'll always be approaching, in fact a smart Link only approaches when he has guaranteed hits. A lowered Z-air is enough to space ourselves.

Olimar's Forward B won't be a problem, our A A A, 3 hit jab could get rid of those Pikmins, and create a barrier for a direct approach.
except for snakes Utilt kills vertically and Link is a heavy character, and stop with this i'll survive your Dsmash at "insert percentage here" no you won't if you do, your in the perfect position to be gimped. and being above olimar in the first place is a horrible place to be. yeah Dsmash doesn't have the best knockback ever, but if your hit near the edge of a stage with a red/blue/yellow pikmin with a Dsmash your not coming back too easily.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada
except for snakes Utilt kills vertically and Link is a heavy character, and stop with this i'll survive your Dsmash at "insert percentage here" no you won't if you do, your in the perfect position to be gimped. and being above olimar in the first place is a horrible place to be. yeah Dsmash doesn't have the best knockback ever, but if your hit near the edge of a stage with a red/blue/yellow pikmin with a Dsmash your not coming back too easily.
I wasn't actually referring to the D-smash.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
even fsmash can kill link reliably :/

we can also edgeguard w/ fsmash and as they fall they will hit you out of your tether animation or put you too far away to recover.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Gantrain you sound like a ****** because you don't understand how Link recovers from a D-smash


That is because He DI's DOWN and zair recovers. This means he is already on the ledge. He never leaves the stage.....It is a special Tech that ONLY CHARACTERS WITH ZAIR CAN DO.

What happens is that Link DI's down and hits the stage. Next, he gains the ability to use zair. Zair can hit the ledge above the stage as well which means all Link does is press Z and he has already grabbed the ledge with his tether. He WON"T be offstage where you can edge guard.

Find another move that won't send Link so horizontally Like F-smash. That or use D-smash near the edge so He can't DI down well.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Gantrain you sound like a ****** because you don't understand how Link recovers from a D-smash


That is because He DI's DOWN and zair recovers. This means he is already on the ledge. He never leaves the stage.....It is a special Tech that ONLY CHARACTERS WITH ZAIR CAN DO.

What happens is that Link DI's down and hits the stage. Next, he gains the ability to use zair. Zair can hit the ledge above the stage as well which means all Link does is press Z and he has already grabbed the ledge with his tether. He WON"T be offstage where you can edge guard.

Find another move that won't send Link so horizontally Like F-smash. That or use D-smash near the edge so He can't DI down well.
and your going to get that Zair out every single time......not in any videos i've ever seen man. yeah i know it works but you are making it sound like its IMPOSSIBLE to kill link horizontally, which in reality, thats the easiest way to kill him.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
ASC you should come to jokers next tourney and i'll show you how to beat up on link w/ olimar. and then i'll beat up your olimar w/ my peach =P


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
ASC you should come to jokers next tourney and i'll show you how to beat up on link w/ olimar. and then i'll beat up your olimar w/ my peach =P
I hope I can make it (and actually win a match). I'd love to play your Peach, I need Peach practice! :)


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
I hope I can make it (and actually win a match). I'd love to play your Peach, I need Peach practice! :)
hehe yeah oli vs peach is a fun match, i even beat smeesh's peach with my olimar, 2 stocked him, and then i beat him in peach dittos, im going to go ahead and claim the best peach in the midwest, and if anyone wants to take that title they gotta fight me for it lol.
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