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The Official Yoshi FAQ/Q&A Thread -- [Please look here before posting!]

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
You can ask anyone who has changed to the so-called "Beast setup" and have enjoyed it. Celes, Air, Sharky, and a few others. Doesn't take that long to adjust when you'll be dying pretty fast from it.
His setup is official. Took roughly an hour to adjust to it (probably less) and about a day to have DR down with it.
It didn't take me too long to adjust muscle memory to it, (2 or 3 days did the trick for me, and I wasn't SDing or messing up controls at all.) It's a much quicker way to learn to use DR, rather than using the XXA method which takes a longer time to master, though you still do have to get a feel for where you need your thumb to claw. All in all, really, it's just a matter of say, 2 days even 1 day (If you're Celes...), and even if you don't DR that much, the option to play like you used to is still there. The application of DR imo is the hardest part, not learning how to do the tech, which is fairly simple to get at first lol. I use the setup, I enjoy the setup, and it's pretty ****ed easy to adjust to going back to your old tag for other characters (If you do use any other characters.)
I co-sign to these statements, though I will add in response to the bolded part that it's not hard to adjust to the control scheme with other characters either.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2007
Scappoose, Oregon
I don't find it particularly hard to go from X to B. I can press the B button within three frames of pressing the X button after learning short hop projectile techs in melee. As for pressing X-X-A, I definitely could learn how to consistently DR in less than a month with the default scheme. I'm slightly wary changing my control scheme on the gamecube controller because I would be switching between other characters, as well as melee.

smokey da bear

Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2010
i always new about di and how to di but i was just wondering what polt does in this vid at 4:45 to survive cause ther is just no way he should of lived without somethin else. does anyone know what he does (im just not sure what he does to take away more momentum like how dk can use his up b )



Smash Master
May 29, 2007
1. Yoshi is fat.
2. the dsmash was stale, he hit him before with it = the attack is weakend a for killing
3. dsmash was ridicoulosly overrated, it has initial knockback, that means the attack has extrem knockback right after the hit, with a sharp fall in knockback afterwards. So if you extend the time you are in air after the attack (aka DI) you can survive dsmash easily at higher %. (same applies for example, DKs bthrow)


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
i always new about di and how to di but i was just wondering what polt does in this vid at 4:45 to survive cause ther is just no way he should of lived without somethin else. does anyone know what he does (im just not sure what he does to take away more momentum like how dk can use his up b )

That's called DI

nothing special


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
Yika pointed out the reasons he was able to survive, mostly down to it being stale. Aside from that, his DI could have been slightly better.
Yoshi does happen to be one of the characters to have a momentum stopping move like DK's UpB, but unfortunately though that move is his Side B (Egg Roll)... so its pretty useless for obvious reasons.


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2009
New Jersey
I don't find it particularly hard to go from X to B. I can press the B button within three frames of pressing the X button after learning short hop projectile techs in melee. As for pressing X-X-A, I definitely could learn how to consistently DR in less than a month with the default scheme. I'm slightly wary changing my control scheme on the gamecube controller because I would be switching between other characters, as well as melee.
The beast setup makes it alot less of a headache. And idk how to describe it, but the motion gets inputted so fast that you actually have a choice of what you're doing after wards. When you DR with XXA to me it seems like you're stuck into whatever the original plan was.

Now I have a question. What is the best Neutral to take IC to and what are a few Counterpicks to take them to. Also while we're on the topic of stages what should i ban?


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
The beast setup makes it alot less of a headache. And idk how to describe it, but the motion gets inputted so fast that you actually have a choice of what you're doing after wards. When you DR with XXA to me it seems like you're stuck into whatever the original plan was.

Now I have a question. What is the best Neutral to take IC to and what are a few Counterpicks to take them to. Also while we're on the topic of stages what should i ban?
I highly recommend forcing SV as a starter. During pools, Future kept on CPing Battlefield as ICs. The moving platform is better to retreat to, and I think that the ICs make better use of standard platforms than we do. For neutrals, I'd personally go:


Go for one of the more funky neutrals over the others.

For a ban, it depends more on preference. Some ICs, like I said before, love BF. Generally, just go with FD. Even though ICs can make good use of the platforms, they at least give you a retreating options, while FD gives you nothing.

For CPing, go with things that mess them up or make us better. I wouldn't recommend Brinstar, because we suck there. Rainbow might be a good idea, but watch for pocket MK. I also recommend Halberd for our kill power and the ledge options.

I'd advise against Frigate as a CP. The second transformation, I feel, messe sus up too much. The slants ruin grab angles and the platform messes with eggs too hard. Then, you have to take into account that the stage is on that second form 75% of the time (or so I've heard.) I thought about using FD because it's large and gives running room, but if that's what you want, the ship of Halberd, Lylat, and Yoshi's are all just as good for that, and they provide extra options.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
I just did something interesting... I noticed about how everyone talks about how his fsmash has horrible range well i just outranged a lucario with yoshis fsmash. I spaced it perfectly though... also i didnt know fair>aurasphere O:


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
I just did something interesting... I noticed about how everyone talks about how his fsmash has horrible range well i just outranged a lucario with yoshis fsmash. I spaced it perfectly though... also i didnt know fair>aurasphere O:
There's no way in hell you outspaced Lucario's Fsmash with ours.

Sharky, please do post your thoughts on stages for the ICs. I think it's all preference based, actually. :)


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
lean back, luc's fsmash goes off, lean back in for the smash? Iffy, but it might be possible.

write-up still coming up later, sowwy =(


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
There's no way in hell you outspaced Lucario's Fsmash with ours.

Sharky, please do post your thoughts on stages for the ICs. I think it's all preference based, actually. :)
lol im dead serious, i asked my friend on aim afterward and i was like WOW did you expect that?
(btw i saw the fsmash coming so i thought yoshis would outspeed it but his came out first and i hit him literally right after it missed) And my friend said actually at this point i was expecting bs so yeah... I wish i had the replay all i can tell you is it was tilted up and i think i hit his hands :) But yeah my friend can totally back up my claims


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
I was messing around and i wanted to eat a snake out of cypher.... so i tried to eat him and it cypher gimped him lol. so was that legit what happens if i eat him not the cypher?

Deleted member

Same thing, if u grab snake out of cypher at all and dont bite him, u gimp him.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
southport nc D:
yeah but i was wondering if yoshi can eat the cypher the same way wario can? When i mean i ate him out of cypher i was talking about egglay offstage

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
Hellu Yoshi Boards, you might be seeing me a lot here in the next little while asking questions about your character and how they perform on a certain stage.
Character boards seem to cycle through incomplete MU threads to new ones in hope to update them and finally complete them. This is the R.O.B. Boards attempt at completing a sufficient stage-discussion thread and I'm going to try my best to get accurate and thorough information, but I'll need your help. This will be the only question with an introductory. I just wanted to say hello and let you know that if you guys need info on anything for R.O.B. don't hesitate asking. ^_^


Q: How does Yoshi fair off on Delfino Plaza in general and against R.O.B.. Why is it good or bad? What can Yoshi abuse and what might possibly annoy you that R.O.B. can do on this stage? On a scale of 1 - 10, what do you see Yoshi's chances of doing well on this stage against R.O.B. 1 being the worst for you 10 being the best.

thanks guys =]


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
1. He fairs decently on Delfino imo. Some of the stage designs tend to alter his gameplay a tad though. I'd honestly think he'd do worse on Delfino since there's much more space for ROB to camp Yoshi. We'd probably prefer to have a smaller stage so that when we get inside, we intend to keep the pressure going.

2. Yoshi can use the Water to his advantage - locking characters in the water using egg throw. This would let us tack on huge damage without having to be at risk at all. However, that's probably the only good thing I see coming from this stage in this particular matchup.

To finish it, I'd probably say that it'll be a 5 or worse.

(Don't take all of it too serious. I only played Ninjalink's ROB back in March.)

Deleted member

I have a question:

Who does yoshi lose to? And by lose i mean have a clear disadvantage (40:60)

Like honestly, i can think of MK, diddy, toon link (maybe) and nobody else. Everyone else its just being outplayed. Those other hard matchups yoshi does have to work harder, make less mistakes, and play better, but i feel like he CAN do that at the top level, and that there is nothing holding him back from that. Im not playing much anymore, but if someone would like to enlighten me on what makes this character bad again, plz do =]


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
I have a question:

Who does yoshi lose to? And by lose i mean have a clear disadvantage (40:60)

Like honestly, i can think of MK, diddy, toon link (maybe) and nobody else. Everyone else its just being outplayed. Those other hard matchups yoshi does have to work harder, make less mistakes, and play better, but i feel like he CAN do that at the top level, and that there is nothing holding him back from that. Im not playing much anymore, but if someone would like to enlighten me on what makes this character bad again, plz do =]
I'm pretty sure Marth falls in there as well, as does Fox. Or maybe I just have IMMENSE difficulty dealing with Fox, but I can't even begin to see how we fight him, he's just so **** fast.

Yoshi does hold his own against top/high tiers pretty well, though. Much better than most of his current tier and probably the tier above him.

Deleted member

Marth is easy i only lost to mike haze cuz hes a stronger player than i and he adapted better. Yoshi has plenty of options in the matchup.

I agree with fox, thats a bad matchup.

Deleted member

Marth has stronger punish and options from a neutral position. Its still a very player vs player matchup, so u just gotta make less mistakes.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Well yeah, and that's what makes it a disadvantage, since we HAVE to play better more frequently to win. While both characters can punish each other, Marth's options are stronger, meaning our mistakes are punished harder and it takes us longer to get the same damage back with our weaker options.

The way I see it, an even match up involves direct player vs. player. Each mistake that's punished is worth a single point. But when you get to uneven match ups, the character with the advantage gets more than one point per punish, while the disadvantaged character only gets 1 or less.

Or something like that. Explaining that was kinda weird.

Deleted member

Yea marth wins, but whoever plays better should win the matchup, marth doesnt limit yoshis options like MK does. He does have a beastly walk->grab, but unlike most characters, yoshi can just pivot grab from neutral and give marth reason to jump.


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
I've played Chaz A LOT back in Florida. Like, almost every single tournament. However, I've only been able to beat him twice.

Why? Well, on skill level we are probably really even. However, I think that Marth has a very large advantage over Yoshi. Like, 65:35 advantage. There were some times where I felt that I couldn't even do anything because Marth had all of my options covered. I definitely had more trouble with Marth than with MK, which are abundant in FL.

Also, as for Fox, I decided to just use Luigi or Sheik for him. I'm just not dealing with that character as Yoshi. Take that as you will.

Oh, and add Falco, Wolf (another 35:65, in my opinion), DK, Snake (I think he barely qualifies for it), Lucario, and Zelda to that list of 40:60s.



Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2009
New Jersey
Q: How does Yoshi fair off on Delfino Plaza in general and against R.O.B.. Why is it good or bad? What can Yoshi abuse and what might possibly annoy you that R.O.B. can do on this stage? On a scale of 1 - 10, what do you see Yoshi's chances of doing well on this stage against R.O.B. 1 being the worst for you 10 being the best.

thanks guys =]
Water transformations are nice. And i don't have any real exp vs rob (good ones anyway) So I'm not sure of all of your options, but when we camp certain parts of the stage it would probably be hard to counter with your camping. Do you have any vids of ROB on Delfino? That would help mah theorycraft lol

I have a question:

Who does yoshi lose to? And by lose i mean have a clear disadvantage (40:60)

Like honestly, i can think of MK, diddy, toon link (maybe) and nobody else. Everyone else its just being outplayed. Those other hard matchups yoshi does have to work harder, make less mistakes, and play better, but i feel like he CAN do that at the top level, and that there is nothing holding him back from that. Im not playing much anymore, but if someone would like to enlighten me on what makes this character bad again, plz do =]
Lucario IMO Maybe im just being outplayed but i don't see this matchup as anything close to even

Deleted member

I've played Chaz A LOT back in Florida. Like, almost every single tournament. However, I've only been able to beat him twice.

Why? Well, on skill level we are probably really even. However, I think that Marth has a very large advantage over Yoshi. Like, 65:35 advantage. There were some times where I felt that I couldn't even do anything because Marth had all of my options covered. I definitely had more trouble with Marth than with MK, which are abundant in FL.

Also, as for Fox, I decided to just use Luigi or Sheik for him. I'm just not dealing with that character as Yoshi. Take that as you will.

Oh, and add Falco, Wolf (another 35:65, in my opinion), DK, Snake (I think he barely qualifies for it), Lucario, and Zelda to that list of 40:60s.

I disagree, marth does cover yoshis options well ,but yoshi covers marth really well. Marth has huge trouble when hes behind against yoshi, because unlike MK, he cant punish whiffed pivot grabs as easily, his walking game doesnt really work against yoshi.

The reason u have less trouble is because ur MKs suck nuts at the matchup. The only thing marth does better in this matchup is not die out of grabs. He does however, get up aired, and his fallspeed is not good enough to fast fall grab like MK can do.

Idk much about wolf, but i know that falco is 45:55, snake is 45:55, and lucario is probably 45:55 too (but i could agree with you). Idk about zelda, zeldas an awful character but maybe.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
I honestly can't see Zelda being that bad. It's an awkward match-up at first, but once you get a feel for what you can and can't do, I've found it to be pretty easy to avoid falling for Zelda's tricks. It's been a while since I've played that match-up, but it only gets easier the more I play it.



Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
I disagree, marth does cover yoshis options well ,but yoshi covers marth really well. Marth has huge trouble when hes behind against yoshi, because unlike MK, he cant punish whiffed pivot grabs as easily, his walking game doesnt really work against yoshi.

The reason u have less trouble is because ur MKs suck nuts at the matchup. The only thing marth does better in this matchup is not die out of grabs. He does however, get up aired, and his fallspeed is not good enough to fast fall grab like MK can do.

Idk much about wolf, but i know that falco is 45:55, snake is 45:55, and lucario is probably 45:55 too (but i could agree with you). Idk about zelda, zeldas an awful character but maybe.
Actually, I think Marth is better at punishing than MK. Good Marths would be able to space you and tipper your mistakes (I remember that in some matches, I miss a DEL or a pivot-grab and Chaz was able to tipper f-smash me quite easily. That's basically because if you just miss you are in perfect range for a tippered f-smash). What punishes can MK do? D-smash? Well, it shouldn't kill you until 170% anyways. Up-B? Anooying, but doesn't kill until 150% or so. Tornado? Just DI the first hit and you would not take on much damage.

A tippered f-smash will kill you at 100%.

Also, the good MKs in Florida adjusted to me quite quickly, but I still didn't have nearly as much trouble with them as I did with Chaz (who is currently ranked #10 by the way, even though he should definitely be higher).

As for the others, I'm going to say I disagree and I'm too lazy to write up my arguments.

(Although, if I could classify Snake he would be a 42:58. Like I said, he barely qualified)



Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Snake is dumb because he's fat. However, I've found if I go wt***gro (zomg Delta going aggro) then I do tons better than camping. It just takes a LOT to kill him. I hate Snake.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
I have a question:

Who does yoshi lose to? And by lose i mean have a clear disadvantage (40:60)

Like honestly, i can think of MK, diddy, toon link (maybe) and nobody else. Everyone else its just being outplayed. Those other hard matchups yoshi does have to work harder, make less mistakes, and play better, but i feel like he CAN do that at the top level, and that there is nothing holding him back from that. Im not playing much anymore, but if someone would like to enlighten me on what makes this character bad again, plz do =]
Yes to tink, but id also say lucario.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
personally I'd prefer lucario as well, it'd be nice to see if you guys are doing something different here


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Id also say that diddy isnt THAT bad, but we still lose 60:40ish


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
(I know this is written a lot in this boards but i want an update lol)

Q: What buttons do you (yoshi user) input to DR?
Q: Do you DR consistently in tournament games or other stressful ones?

A couple weeks ago i started to do it with Y+z(jump)+x(attack), but i can only do it sometimes after a lot of tries in training lol. There are other buttons i can do it better (tap jump on or L to jump) but its hard to change the way i play after 2 years with the same button layout.


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
the most successful set-ups are like
Z = Jump
Z -> Y + A (you slide from Y to A)

or beast Settings
B = Jump
Y -> B -> C-Stick

mine is (Classic Controller Pro)
X = Jump
B = Jump
ZR = Attack
X -> B -> ZR

CCPro has a strange handling so I can DR always with a specific handling but I change my handling often unconsciously that gives me trouble.

Beast Setting is very easy to use but the penalty for a mess-up is worse. (short hop dair + landing lag)
watching Scatz Vids this seems to be a very constant way to do this. But he said to me he wears gloves to do it constantlier.
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