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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Ugh... like I said earlier, I'm against the idea of him in a WW costume.

If he were to have his whip, he should be in his Mario Strikers Charged attire. Because if he was in that WW outfit... he'd look even MORE unoriginal.

Deleted member

Now, I wanna know something here. I am not here to flame, I am here to debate, that's it. I just wanna know why a filler like Waluigi has a chance of getting in. Sure, he is a great character but why should he be in? Second if he was in why would he be in a WW costume?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Nope, because none of that is true. Keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better, though, which is perfectly fine. I recognize that you can't help your inferiority.
Lying to myself? It's YOU who is living in a delusional world, my friend. You can't honestly tell me you don't know that you're possibly the single most despised person on SWF, besides the Sandman. Which is quite an accomplishment, I must say, considering the amount of idiots on SWF.

I am inferior? What is this based on, exactly? Oh yeah, I forgot--you live in a delusional world, where the Detroit Lions win every game and Democrats are smart.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Now, anyone who's seen me in this thread knows I don't support Waluigi for Brawl. So I'm not saying that the following statement is true, but I'd like to point out the. . . well, I'll just say I find it confusing:

Sure, he is a great character but why should he be in?
. . . .

Why should a "great" character be in? Because they're great! You answered your own question before you even asked it. :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
One of Waluigi's taunts should be his victory pose from the original Strikers.
"Wa-ha! Wa-wa-wa! Wa-ha-ha-ha!"
You're joking, right?

If we DO end up having the unimaginable misfortune of getting Waluigi in Brawl, his taunt must be his crotch-chop from Strikers.

This is non-negotiable.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Carlsbad, California
You're joking, right?

If we DO end up having the unimaginable misfortune of getting Waluigi in Brawl, his taunt must be his crotch-chop from Strikers.

This is non-negotiable.
This is exactly what I'm saying, dear friend. Just wasn't sure on what to call it, but the crotch-chop seems like an appropriate name.
If you can't have anything sex-related in Brawl, have that one last character have the most sexually explicit taunt you can have.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
The promise of a crotch-chop taunt would almost make me a Waluigi supporter.

. . . Almost.

. . . .

Maybe not. I tried.

Deleted member

Why should a "great" character be in? Because they're great! You answered your own question before you even asked it. :ohwell:
Yeah, he is great. I use him sometimes in Mario Party and such but he is not that great to be in Brawl. Seriously, all I have seen him do is party and play sports.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Yeah, he is great. I use him sometimes in Mario Party and such but he is not that great to be in Brawl. Seriously, all I have seen him do is party and play sports.
and that IS all he's done.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2007
Carlsbad, California
Yeah, he is great. I use him sometimes in Mario Party and such but he is not that great to be in Brawl. Seriously, all I have seen him do is party and play sports.
I don't play Mario games as much as I used to, but whenever I see Waluigi in a game, it's always a sport game or another Mario Party.
That being said, there's not much he has going for him in Brawl.
But once again; if he DOES get in, for the love of God, put in the Crotch-Chop.*

*Copyright RDK 2007.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006

Now, I know that appearing in a Game and Watch remake game isn't important... just showing that Waluigi has appeared outside Mario party and sports games a few times.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ok so Im now at my comp, and Im here to pwned the racist biggie and whoever think waluigi should be in brawl:

1st off, if u dont like my grammar, then freaking report me, they wont bann me for bad grammar, u dont like it, big deal live with it, its my style of typing, I only type like this on forums and messenger, thats it, why? to save me some time, thats it, u got a problem well too bad, if u got nothing to say to defend urself in this discussion on waluigi then just say ur done, dont go bashing the grammar cause it makes u look like an idiot, triying to bash the person for not thinking of anything smart to say...

2nd biggie, u had no rite to bash my country and people, I get in hard discussion ALL THE TIME, with Numa, alphan00b and what not, but u NEVER see me bashing theyre country, religion, people, skin color and what not, im no racist, if I have a problem with the guy I only bash him and him only, so again u had no rite u ****tard racist...

Now to waluigi:

Waluigi was created as a filler, so wario could have a partner in mario tennis, thats it, he has no backstory, no depth or anything, he may have developed a personality, but personality is not a factor to get in brawl, if anyone can tell from the smash roster, the factors seem to be:

and the role the character has in the games he comes from

waluigi fails on these two, sure theyre could be more factors, like maybe originality, but seriously I want to make this post less bash possible, and waluigi has no originality...

now waluigi has very very poor popularity and fanbase, he DOES have popularity, but in comparison with characters like geno and others, he pales in comparison, he wasnt even on the poll, were guys like chain chomp are... CHAIN CHOMP for gods sake, yes obviously chain chomp cant be playable, but thats not the point, the point is waluigi aint popular here in america, and with the poll, it seems he aint popular in japan either...

now for his roles in his games, he was a main enemy character in only ONE game, and that was DDR mario mix, A PARTY GAME, fact is waluigi has only been in sports and party games, thats it, no big roles, no nothing, he was created as a filler, what can u expect?

"But stryks, u like bowser jr!! and he's a filler like waluigi!! F41L!!1"

Bowser jr HAS big roles in multiple mario games, such as New super mario, sunshine, and it seems he will AGAIN in galaxy, now thats 3 games, 3 big roles in 3 BIG mario games, waluigi has one big role in a PARTY GAME...

he may have not appeared on the poll, but he has the importance to the series, something waluigi doesnt...

now MANY and I mean MANY bring up that wario is in, why not waluigi? because wario is representing the wario ware series, proven by his look, stage and ashley music (shes from WW), and since waluigi hasnt appeared in a WW game, adding him in wouldnt make sense if he uses the W symbol, now if they add him in the mario series, again, without wario it wouldnt look right...

Now if u tend to bash, or plainly IGNORE this post, at least answer me this:


Good day...

Now, I know that appearing in a Game and Watch remake game isn't important... just showing that Waluigi has appeared outside Mario party and sports games a few times.
OMG he appeared in a mini-game videogames He TOTALLY deserves a spot in brawl NOW!![/sarcasm]


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
He was the final boss in the Boxing game and a hazard in another.

Besides, couldn't you say the same thing for Wario in the WarioWare games?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
He was the final boss in the Boxing game and a hazard in another.

Besides, couldn't you say the same thing for Wario in the WarioWare games?
Wario isn't confined to JUST being featured in Party games and Mario Sports games. He has his own franchise, for God's sake.

And Stryks's post FTW.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I admit defeat.
Lol, good fight.

I love how the conversation has spiraled wildly out of control. Back to talking about how terrible a character Waluigi is, everyone.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Ok so Im now at my comp, and Im here to pwned the racist biggie and whoever think waluigi should be in brawl:

1st off, if u dont like my grammar, then freaking report me, they wont bann me for bad grammar, u dont like it, big deal live with it, its my style of typing, I only type like this on forums and messenger, thats it, why? to save me some time, thats it, u got a problem well too bad, if u got nothing to say to defend urself in this discussion on waluigi then just say ur done, dont go bashing the grammar cause it makes u look like an idiot, triying to bash the person for not thinking of anything smart to say...

2nd biggie, u had no rite to bash my country and people, I get in hard discussion ALL THE TIME, with Numa, alphan00b and what not, but u NEVER see me bashing theyre country, religion, people, skin color and what not, im no racist, if I have a problem with the guy I only bash him and him only, so again u had no rite u ****tard racist...
Let's let this die. He said something he shouldn't had. Now that you've said that, can we go on now?

Now to waluigi:

Waluigi was created as a filler, so wario could have a partner in mario tennis, thats it, he has no backstory, no depth or anything, he may have developed a personality, but personality is not a factor to get in brawl, if anyone can tell from the smash roster, the factors seem to be:

and the role the character has in the games he comes from

waluigi fails on these two, sure theyre could be more factors, like maybe originality, but seriously I want to make this post less bash possible, and waluigi has no originality...
Not a very important factor.
now waluigi has very very poor popularity and fanbase, he DOES have popularity, but in comparison with characters like geno and others, he pales in comparison, he wasnt even on the poll, were guys like chain chomp are... CHAIN CHOMP for gods sake, yes obviously chain chomp cant be playable, but thats not the point, the point is waluigi aint popular here in america, and with the poll, it seems he aint popular in japan either...
He's more popular than you think he is. Sure, he may have little to no fans here at Smashboards, but look around! You remember that post I had with tons of fan sites, fan fics, fan games and fan videos? There are so many of those. GO to Deviant Art and Youtube. Go on Google. There are many, many, many fans... just not here. He's more popular than you think. But you are right about him obviously not being as popular as Geno.

Also, who cares if he's not on the poll? Besides, what if someone suggested Chain Chomp as a joke? It's possible.
now for his roles in his games, he was a main enemy character in only ONE game, and that was DDR mario mix, A PARTY GAME, fact is waluigi has only been in sports and party games, thats it, no big roles, no nothing, he was created as a filler, what can u expect?
...you know what, you're right.

I give up.

I guess I'll just go home now.

Now I know that only the opinions of certain people matter in this world.

Oh well.


But seriously, though. Why hate?

Yes, he's unoriginal, but Luigi and Wario's designs aren't original. Also, Waluigi has been developed and is far different from other characters.

Yes, he's a filler, but what's wrong with that? We always have filler characters and filler episodes in TV shows that are sometimes enjoyable and we had filler characters in Melee. (the clones) Also, fillers... FILL things. They make things more complete, like jelly in a jelly filled donut. Why, just imagine the world without Waluigi! Who would play tennis is Wario when he's playing against the Mario Bros.? Who would Luigi have to smother to death in order to win Daisy's heart before Waluigi takes it by cheating or showing Luigi's embarresing photos from last Christmas? Who would be the tall, lanky guy with the weird name that everyone makes fun of for trying to hypnotize the world by dancing? Who would the Ridley fans have to flame if the Waluigi fans had no controversial character to support?

It's like that book "The Missing Piece." Imagine the Mario series as that round...rolling thing. And imagine Waluigi as a very, very....VERY tiny piece that fits right in.

Oh, and that's right. He's not important to the Mario series. And Geno is. Don't get me wrong, I want Geno in as much as the next guy... but he's not important to the Mario series. He was only important to Mario RPG, which isn't in the main series. It is, you say? It isn't in my opinion.

To me, the main series are the platformers and Nintendo and Miyamoto made themselves. (with the exception of the Super mario Land games, which was made by his mentor) Then the RPGs, then the party games.

And if you really think about it... there really is no plot in the Mario series. It seems like only the RPGs and a few party games do.
He was also an antagonist in Mario party 3, and he and Wario were the main characters in the opening videos of Mario Tennis and Mario Golf for the Gamecube.

"But stryks, u like bowser jr!! and he's a filler like waluigi!! F41L!!1"

Bowser jr HAS big roles in multiple mario games, such as New super mario, sunshine, and it seems he will AGAIN in galaxy, now thats 3 games, 3 big roles in 3 BIG mario games, waluigi has one big role in a PARTY GAME...

he may have not appeared on the poll, but he has the importance to the series, something waluigi doesnt...
...do you know what a filler character is? A filler character is a character who's just...THERE. Filler characters definately can have important roles. But they needed a second villain so they just made Bowser Jr.

now MANY and I mean MANY bring up that wario is in, why not waluigi? because wario is representing the wario ware series, proven by his look, stage and ashley music (shes from WW), and since waluigi hasnt appeared in a WW game, adding him in wouldnt make sense if he uses the W symbol, now if they add him in the mario series, again, without wario it wouldnt look right...
Me said:
Bowser kidnaps the princess, Mario tries to get her back with his partner(s) Luigi and Yoshi... wait... YOSHI?

Didn't you all say that Waluigi could not be Wario's partner because they're in different franchises? Yet Yoshi is sometimes Mario's partner PLUS one of the Yoshi stages in Melee was ACTUALLY FROM SUPER MARIO WORLD??? BAM!
Now if u tend to bash, or plainly IGNORE this post, at least answer me this:


Good day...
There's always the "n00b argument," "Wario's in it, so why shouldn't Walugi be in?" While that is pretty much the weakest point ever, you have to admit, Wario being in does slightly increase Waluigi's chance. But that's definately not a reason to add Waluigi.

You may (not) recall the thread I made yesterday, where I asked, "How devoted are you to the character(s) you support?" Many people said that they want characters in just because they like them. And like I said, Waluigi does in fact, have more fans than you think...they just aren't here or have mysteriously vanished. Maybe Club R.I.D.L.E.Y is taking them all down one by one. 0_o Am I next?

Also, it would be interesting to have a tall, thin and lanky character like Waluigi in. Also, he could represent the Mario spin-off. "But wait, you moron!" you say, "Aren't the Mario characters already representing them, you FOOL???!!!" What I mean is that his MOVESET can represent them, just like how Mr. Game and Watch's moveset represented all the G&W games.

Also, he could be another comedy relief WTF character along side his brother Wario who could still be his partner despite the fact that they both represent different franchises.

And obviously Sakurai realizes Waluigi's exsistance, as he was a trophy in Melee, and since he's taking elements from pretty much ALL Mario games, even the spin-offs, I wouldn't be surprised if Waluigi was in Brawl in some form, whether it would be an AT, Trophy, sticker, stage hazard, etc. For all we know, he could use him for anything! I mean, what if one of Wario's attacks is to take Waluigi out of nowhere and use him as a weapon? 0_0

Plus, he's becoming much more recognizable, and has appeared in many Mario games. Sure, almost all of them were Mario spin-offs, BUT there are so many of them, and Waluigi has appeared in almost every single one of them. And many, many people play those and most are very good and successful, like Mario Kart and Mario Strikers and... Mario Party (kind of. Why won't it end?) Why, I bet most people don't even know who Geno is (Geno for Brawl) but probably know who Waluigi is.

Face it, Waluigi is part of the Mario franchise, whether you like it or not, and he'll probably be in Brawl in some sort of form (hoping for an AT or above). He may not be an important part... but he has always been there to get Wario in tons of trouble and to point his crotch at the entire Mushroom Kingdom.
OMG he appeared in a mini-game videogames He TOTALLY deserves a spot in brawl NOW!![/sarcasm]
Sheesh, every time I say something, you assume that everything I say is a reason I think he should be in Brawl...

But why the hate for Waluigi? Sure, he's unoriginal and has never appeared in a Mario or Wario platform, but those aren't good reasons to hate him.

You shouldn't hate him unless Sakurai says, "We were going to add Ridley, but we decided to add Waluigi instead!"

Now THAT would cause riots.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Wario being in does slightly increase Waluigi's chance
Actually, the way I see it, it decreases his chances.

I figured ONE of them was going to make it; probably Wario. And so he did.

Waluigi doesn't have much of a chance, TBH.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
So if Waluigi was in, Wario wouldn't be in?


And did anyone bother to read the rest of that?


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2007
I feel sorry for Waluigi. He is great, in my opinion, but he dosen't get any spotlight. He should get a game starring him, and then be in brawl! D:


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
They should make a Wario World like 3D beat-em-up platformer, but starring the Wario Bros.

There could be two player co-op with a bunch of co-op special Bros. moves for the two.




Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
About Popularity:

Mario has a fanbase, luigi, wario, samus, link, zelda they ALL have popularity, fan bases and what not, I clearly SAID waluigi DOES have popularity, but in COMPARISON he pales, he has a low fan base if u compare them with mario luigi and others...

Oh ok lets say chain chomp was a joke, that doesnt change the fact waluigi doesnt even APPEAR in the poll... also koopa, mudy mole and other minor character ARE on the poll...

Red Maniac said:
He was also an antagonist in Mario party 3, and he and Wario were the main characters in the opening videos of Mario Tennis and Mario Golf for the Gamecube.
What do ALL of those games have in common? theyre PARTY AND SPORTS GAMES, thus again those roles are MINOR...

I know bowser jr is a filler, but what I wanted to make clear that bowser jr has at least importance to the series, having 3 big roles in the last 3 BIG mario games...

about the yoshi part:
Yoshi HAS his own series, like spin-offs, they may not be important to the mario series, but it doesnt have to be, cause its YOSHIS OWN SERIES, WARIO has his own series, Luigi has had his own GAME, so has PEACH, waluigi DOESNT... see where Im going here?!

Again I KNOW waluigi has somewhat plenty of supporters, but AGAIN compare HIS fanbase with others... there u go...

Im all for waluigi has an AT, trophy or whatever... but NOT as a PC, thats the whole REASON im coming at bash the idea for...

I DONT hate waluigi, in games like strikers I find him awesome, but the IDEA of having him PLAYABLE in brawl is just wrong, when someone ELSE could get the spot, instead a bomb or something throwing copy of a copy of a copy...

also geno may have had only one game appearance with one big role, but the fact is: hes on the TOP 5 on sakurais list... lets see waluigi beat THAT...


May 7, 2007
Few people have realized this but as of right now, waluigi is just barely peach in terms of "filler" characters. Peach has only starred in one of her own gams to my knowledge. Other than that, she's a flat character that only exists to be caught by bowser (or whatever) and give mario a purpose to save her.
She had only been in sports games and mario party when melee was released. She wasn't even the original princess, as she just replaced daisy. If anything, there was less of a case for peach getting into melee than there is for waluigi making it into brawl.

..but if it had to come down to it, I want geno not waluigi.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
They should make a Wario World like 3D beat-em-up platformer, but starring the Wario Bros.

There could be two player co-op with a bunch of co-op special Bros. moves for the two.
That's actually not a bad idea.

Few people have realized this but as of right now, waluigi is just barely peach in terms of "filler" characters. Peach has only starred in one of her own gams to my knowledge. Other than that, she's a flat character that only exists to be caught by bowser (or whatever) and give mario a purpose to save her.
She had only been in sports games and mario party when melee was released. She wasn't even the original princess, as she just replaced daisy. If anything, there was less of a case for peach getting into melee than there is for waluigi making it into brawl.
This argument phails. Peach is important to her franchise--Wa' is not.

Deleted member

One excuse I heard for Waluigi being in was because Wario is in. Now, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Wario has his own line of Video Games. WarioWare, Wario World and such. Therefore, he deserves a spot. Waluigi is a frickin' filler. Filler's don't deserve it as much as others like Wario.


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2007
Something I severally dislike is people saying "Waluigi isn't popular enough to be in brawl lulz.". THAT is stupid. I see a vast amount of Pit fans. Pit, just beacuse he is in brawl, before he just starred in ONE game to the NES. (Or has he gotten more roles? In case he has, then I didn't know that.) And was that game THAT popular?

What I am saying is that popularity isn't the biggest factor to throw out a character.. The only problem is that many disliked Waluigi whilst more didn't care about Pit at first <_>


May 7, 2007
from a technical point of view, peach is not important to the francaise. Just replace her with daisy. Any female princess in peril will work for nintendo. Or, you don't even need peach in jeopardy. Look at mario rpg.


May 7, 2007
tell me, what major part did peach play in any of the super marios?
Oh that's right, being in distress.
That is definately a job that only peach can do
You (or your ridiculous waluigi arguers) claim that waluigi not having any backstory, and just being there., thusly he doesn't deserve to be in ssbb.
The only thing we know about peach is there is an odd love intrest between her and her plumber. That doesn't sound very original, nor does it sound compelling or vital to the series.
Waluigi is a character that is wario's partner in crime. just as boring.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Something I severally dislike is people saying "Waluigi isn't popular enough to be in brawl lulz.". THAT is stupid. I see a vast amount of Pit fans. Pit, just beacuse he is in brawl, before he just starred in ONE game to the NES. (Or has he gotten more roles? In case he has, then I didn't know that.) And was that game THAT popular?

What I am saying is that popularity isn't the biggest factor to throw out a character.. The only problem is that many disliked Waluigi whilst more didn't care about Pit at first <_>
The big FAIL of this post is:
Pit is retro, retro characters dont NEED multiple games, or anything, theyre RETRO, theyre to represent the old NES days, that explains pit, ICs and GaW...

And YES Kid Icarus is one of the best NES game sout there...

Popularity aint a factor? then explain Ike, hes the most popular Lord in FE, hes appeared in only one game (which aint retro dont bring up pit again) and didnt do anything astonishing, yet he got it, why? popularity was a big factor, hes on sakurais top 5, and dedede and diddy are as well, look at that, THEYRE CONFIRMED...

saying popularity aint a big factor is stupid, explain why sakurai made the poll then...

tell me, what major part did peach play in any of the super marios?
Oh that's right, being in distress.
That is definately a job that only peach can do
You (or your ridiculous waluigi arguers) claim that waluigi not having any backstory, and just being there., thusly he doesn't deserve to be in ssbb.
The only thing we know about peach is there is an odd love intrest between her and her plumber. That doesn't sound very original, nor does it sound compelling or vital to the series.
Waluigi is a character that is wario's partner in crime. just as boring.
Shes the reason mario goes on these adventures, shes the princess of mushroom kingdom, is she falls the kingdom falls, shes marios love interest, and has been with the series since the very 1st mario game, she was created on the NES days, there was little backstory u can give her back then, now 20 years later u can give ANY character his/her own game, peach got one, luigi, wario hell chocobos from FF have their own game! waluigi was created as a filler, peach was created as a reason on why the hero went on a quest to stop bowser, shes the reason mario fights for justice...

by ur logic we dont need mario, we can just put ANY character to stomp on goombas and koopas and save the day... FAIL...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
About Popularity:

Mario has a fanbase, luigi, wario, samus, link, zelda they ALL have popularity, fan bases and what not, I clearly SAID waluigi DOES have popularity, but in COMPARISON he pales, he has a low fan base if u compare them with mario luigi and others...
Now THIS I'm not sure about.

I think that people like the actual GAMES more than the characters. I mean, I like the Mario games, but I don't actually like the characters. Now Waluigi and Wario I find more likable. Mario and Luigi... they just star in games.

Oh ok lets say chain chomp was a joke, that doesnt change the fact waluigi doesnt even APPEAR in the poll... also koopa, mudy mole and other minor character ARE on the poll...
Then you're probably right about Japan not wanting Waluigi in Brawl. But they still MIGHT like Waluigi. They just probably don't want him in.

What do ALL of those games have in common? theyre PARTY AND SPORTS GAMES, thus again those roles are MINOR...
They're still a very important part to the Mario franchise as a whole. But how can someone be important to the Mario series? There isn't really any plot in the 2D and 3D platformers.

I know bowser jr is a filler, but what I wanted to make clear that bowser jr has at least importance to the series, having 3 big roles in the last 3 BIG mario games...
So... because he had roles in three Mario games, he's important to the entire series? I'm not saying that Waluigi is more important, I'm just saying that...well... I don't think that Bowser Jr. is that important. He could easily be replaced by the Koopa Kids (who WERE replaced by Bowser Jr. Why that little...)

about the yoshi part:
Yoshi HAS his own series, like spin-offs, they may not be important to the mario series, but it doesnt have to be, cause its YOSHIS OWN SERIES, WARIO has his own series, Luigi has had his own GAME, so has PEACH, waluigi DOESNT... see where Im going here?!
No...because that has nothing to do with what i said about Yoshi.

Im all for waluigi has an AT, trophy or whatever... but NOT as a PC, thats the whole REASON im coming at bash the idea for...

I DONT hate waluigi, in games like strikers I find him awesome, but the IDEA of having him PLAYABLE in brawl is just wrong, when someone ELSE could get the spot, instead a bomb or something throwing copy of a copy of a copy...
Okay. That's your opinion. No way to convince you.
also geno may have had only one game appearance with one big role, but the fact is: hes on the TOP 5 on sakurais list... lets see waluigi beat THAT...
He's actually more well known than Geno... just not well liked as Geno.

And you didn't respond to the rest of my post.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
There was also another Kid Icarus game on the Gameboy I believe.

From what I've seen Pit was really popular for a "retro" character. Many fans have been wanting another Kid Icarus game for ages.
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