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The Official Waluigi Thread

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Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Well, I think he has a shot. Not a big chance, but it is possible. And yeah, I'd like to see him in Brawl at LEAST as an AT.
You could've said that in the first place. (Unless you did, I wasn't here for long.)

I feel the same for just about anything. Like... Lets use Toad again I guess... I would like to see him in the game with a little more interactivity. But an AT at most, though he does have a chance its a low one.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Its just that HP is an idiot who "counters" whatever you say with something stupid that (Usually) has barely anything to do with what you said in the first place.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
So far the only GOOD reason (in my opinion) on why Waluigi shouldn't be in Brawl is that there are more deserving characters. Of course there are. He's unoriginal. So? It won't affect his chance of getting in Brawl. He has only appeared in spin-offs. Face it. The Mario spin-offs are an important part of the Mario franchise. I mean, sure, the main titles are much, much, much more important, but most of those spin-offs are fun, and they give us something Mario related for us to play until the real titles like Galaxy come out. (Many people won't agree with me on that.) And with all of his numerous appearences, and the fact that he is becoming well-known, he should at least be an Assist Trophy.

Now, some people say that it's ridiculous to compare Waluigi with Mario and Link. The only reasons they are in Smash games is because they are the main characters of very famous and popular series. Are the actual characters popular or just the games? Now other characters like Waluigi and even Geno (yes, I compared Waluigi and Geno! Bwahaha!) are very different. They don't have their pwn games or series. But people are starting to like Waluigi because of how he acts, the crazy, random and idiotic things he does (WTF was with the Rose taunt in MP8?). Now, I want Geno in Brawl even thought I have no idea who the **** he is, but obviously people really like him. Now, I'm not completely sure about this, but I'm pretty sure that him just starring in Super Mario RPG isn't the reason people want him in. I think people like the actual character. But what do I know, I'm just an idiot who never uses common sense. (HE CULD THR0W BOMS OR SOMETHIN!!!!111oneoneonelol)

But he main problem is that people are not thinking what Waluigi could bring to Brawl. In fact, no one thinks about what almost ANY character could bring to Brawl. When people think of Waluigi, people say "Dood! He sux so badly and he's a copy of a copy of a copy!!!1" but they never think what he could be like in Brawl if he was (hypothetically) in Brawl. What could he bring to Brawl? For starters... LOOK AT HIS FREAKING LIMBS! He can grab and hit people from FIVE BILLION FEET AWAY! His moveset? (Not throwing bombs or something) Well, Sakurai and the developers are very creative, and I'm sure that they could create a moveset just from knowing his personality. Like I said, he is mischivous, crazy, wacky, rude, impatient, random, cocky, overconfident, and easily angered. Hey, what about all of his special moves from the Mario spin-offs? Let's see, we have the Sparky Sticker, Pirhana Plants, he can "distort his body into the shape of his logo, dance wildly, and create a tornado which would spin his opponent every which-way," he can SWIM IN THE AIR (how many people can do that?) He has the Liar Ball from MSB where he throws a baseball and an eggplant (Wrecking Crew reference), his Super Strike, the Drop Kick, Wall-Luigi, where he leaves a trail or thorn bushes and can move twice as fast, the Vacuum Orb, he could use boxing gloves for an attack as a reference to his appearence in Game & Watch Gallery 4 (OMFG! A non Mario spin-off title Waluigi appeared in!), and for his taunt, he could either do that weird rose thing or everyone's favorite Super Mario Strikers taunt... THE CROTCH CHOP.

Now, you should at least consider that it is possible for him to be a PC. ANd to the grim lizard, about your brother liking Waluigi but not think that he should be a PC... that's okay. In fact, I doubt he'll be playable, and he probably won't be, but it is a possibility and something i would like to see.

^ None of that made you think? Well, maybe this will remove at least an ounce of hatred from you guys:


The Mario series was definately becoming one of the most popular video game series ever. It all started even before Waluigi existed, with a game called "Wrecking Crew." The antagonist was "Foreman Spike." Many people say that Wario was designed after him, but wait!

He's wearing purple, like Waluigi! He even has his nose! And didn't Waluigi have a kart like that? Coincidence? I think NOT! Anyway, the first Mario Tennis game was released for the Virtual Boy, and because the Virtual Boy failed, no one really cared about it. Why am I talking about this? I have no ****ing idea. But there wouldn't be a Mario tennis game until 2000 for the Nintendo 64. "Who?" said some random guy from Camelot. "Who will be Wario's double partner?" "I know!" someone said. "Let's overuse the formula used to create Wario and create the most original character EVER!" And so, Waluigi was spawned, and a Waluigi fan site had ALREADY been created!

Unfortunately, it was never updated ever again, but still... Anyway, Mario Tennis for the N64 and the Game Boy Color came out, and Waluigi already received controversy, along with his brother- partner- whatever and were accused of being Nazis. Those people are currently under medical attention. His second appearence was in May of 2001 in Mario Party 3, where he had his first role as a villain. What would he do? Burn down the rainforest? Cause global warming? Take over the world? No! It was better than that! He stole a stamp! And he took it on his island! (Does Mario, Luigi and Wario have islands? I think NOT!) Then he began appearing in all of these spin-offs, including as a trophy for Melee. Then, he began appearing with Wario as the stars of the "Mario Power Tennis" and "Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour" opening videos, which portrayed him as Wario's idiotic brother/partner/lackey who makes random comments.

Waluigi also appeared in a series of articles in Nintendo of Europe's site called "Wario's Warehouse."

And then came Super Mario Strikers, where you can punch your favorite Mushroom Kindgom characters and knock them into an electric fence, and of course, look at this all day:

People used to think that Waluigi was a lifeless... thing, but:

That's right! Doing inappropriate things in Rated E games will make you more popular! (Other game developers should do that. >_>)

And a Waluigi-like character appeared in WarioWare: Smooth Moves:

Waluigi continued being the rude and random character he is, and is becoming a popular Mario character. Who knows? Maybe he'll star in a game one day... (Waluigi's Taco Stand)
(NOTE: Anyone who thinks that WL:AHoI was meant to be taken seriously... I pity you.)
QFTW woot!!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!

Thats ****ing ********, why? cause waluigi wasnt inspired by anything, they needed a charater for wario in the tennis game, thus they saw that wario was an evil twin of mario, why not make an evil twin of luigi, marios brother?! genious!!... I think NOT...

Point is hes one of the most unoriginal character in nintendo history, and even WITH a wacky personality, we already have wario, and not even japan likes waluigi, and theyre in too wacky characters...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Me said:
(NOTE: Anyone who thinks that WL:AHoI was meant to be taken seriously... I pity you.)
Not even Japan likes Waluigi? How do you know that?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Not even Japan likes Waluigi? How do you know that?
If he was likeable he would have appeared on the poll, characters like chain chomp, pelutena, Ouendan, megaman and other were on it, hell if chain chomp is over waluigi thats shows how unpopular he is (tough chain chomp is too cool for words)


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Very true and Waluigi's wackiness feels like something they just added to him so that people would like him... but how they failed...


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Just out of curiousity... is there anyone who actually took "Waluigi: A History of Ininsignifigance" seriously?


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
What do you know Falcon? you haven't read how we (They) disproved everything that the Pro-Waluigiers have said and what Red said is very good and all but nothing particularly new.

So shutup! Falcon.

Edit: (Its always people with under 50 posts who say stupid things like that).


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
Edit: (Its always people with under 50 posts who say stupid things like that).
If post count meant anything then the boards would be filled with a lot of really good noobs...

Post count means nothing. Period. Unless someone does something against the rules.

I hope waluigi makes it, he's easily my favorite Mushroom Kingdom denizen besides Luigi. I think he should be faster than Weej but fall faster, being that he is taller and therefore a bit heavier.

"Its-a-me, WALUIGI!!!"


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Nowhere, Alaska
waluigi is a pointless character to add when there could be more deserving characters to join even in the mario cast they have absolutely no mario history besides spin-offs and daisy in that old mario game so no way should they be adde[especially waluigi]. i think even koopa is more deserving than waluigi. but i still respect that u care enough about him to make a thread.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
Who do you think should make it from the Mushroom Kingdom???

I think we are all looking for more than an elaborate way of saying, "Waluigi is lame and shouldn't make it into Brawl."

No flames, just trying to spark intelligent debate.


Smash Cadet
Jul 30, 2007
Lincoln, NE
Personally, the whole debate on Waluigi is pointless. It's no different from any other character debate. All points on both sides are mostly based on opions or lack any importance to the debate what-so-ever. All of the points are practically void.

Now, Waluigi might make it, or he might not. The real question is if he does make it, to which world (i.e, Metroid, Fire Emblem) will he belong? Almost all of the games he has been in are spinoff sport-based Mario games. Now from this, one might consider that Waluigi be from the Super Mario world. But, his well known ally isn't.

Wario is in a seperate world all on his own. Because of his outfit, one might consider that the world he is in is the Wario Ware world. However, the symbol given to his world is that of a W. The same W as on his hat and gloves. Now, this leads me to believe that the world Wario is from might be that of the Wario world, instead of just the Wario Ware world in general. But one would think that if it was the Wario world, that there would be a different symbol. More or less, a treasure sack would make a lot of sense. Just as the Super Mario world is that of a Mushroom, instead of Mario's trademark M. So, it actually seems puzzling, but with the W of Wario being used as Wario's world symbol, it almost appears as though Wario might be the only character in this world.

Now, it would make a lot more sense if Waluigi was included in his ally's world, but he has never really appeared to be in a general Wario game. And having him in the Super Mario world without his ally would be questionable. Thinking of this, one might even consider Waluigi to not fit into anything, at this rate.

But, the chance of him being a character is still there. He would be a truly unique character to play with just as Wario is.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
Personally, the whole debate on Waluigi is pointless. It's no different from any other character debate. All points on both sides are mostly based on opions or lack any importance to the debate what-so-ever. All of the points are practically void.

Now, Waluigi might make it, or he might not. The real question is if he does make it, to which world (i.e, Metroid, Fire Emblem) will he belong? Almost all of the games he has been in are spinoff sport-based Mario games. Now from this, one might consider that Waluigi be from the Super Mario world. But, his well known ally isn't.

Wario is in a seperate world all on his own. Because of his outfit, one might consider that the world he is in is the Wario Ware world. However, the symbol given to his world is that of a W. The same W as on his hat and gloves. Now, this leads me to believe that the world Wario is from might be that of the Wario world, instead of just the Wario Ware world in general. But one would think that if it was the Wario world, that there would be a different symbol. More or less, a treasure sack would make a lot of sense. Just as the Super Mario world is that of a Mushroom, instead of Mario's trademark M. So, it actually seems puzzling, but with the W of Wario being used as Wario's world symbol, it almost appears as though Wario might be the only character in this world.

Now, it would make a lot more sense if Waluigi was included in his ally's world, but he has never really appeared to be in a general Wario game. And having him in the Super Mario world without his ally would be questionable. Thinking of this, one might even consider Waluigi to not fit into anything, at this rate.

But, the chance of him being a character is still there. He would be a truly unique character to play with just as Wario is.
finally a lick of intelligence...although playability in brawl doesnt seem to slant in waluigi's favor but only because of lack of significance to non-spinoff titles


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
Personally, the whole debate on Waluigi is pointless. It's no different from any other character debate. All points on both sides are mostly based on opions or lack any importance to the debate what-so-ever. All of the points are practically void.
Um...that's the point of a debate on a conceptual topic. Being that no one here has any hard evidence on whether or not Waluigi will be in the game, the point of this thread is to voice your opinion on whether or not he might make it to Brawl. Not to mention that is also the point of every other Brawl conceptual character thread.

Negative Nancys are no fun anyway...


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Now, Waluigi might make it, or he might not. The real question is if he does make it, to which world (i.e, Metroid, Fire Emblem) will he belong?
Good points, but you're obviously not that smart because Waluigi will be in the F-Zero series.

If Waluigi were to make it into Brawl, they would have to put him in one of three catagories: 1) The Mushroom Kingdom; 2) Warioland; 3) Waluigiland(?)

Now let me explain the problem with all of these and how placing him in ANY of them would contradict one another:

1) Mushroom Kingdom- The most obvious/most fitting choice. HOWEVER, if Waluigi were to be put in Mushroom Kingdom then it would be unfair to HIM because he should rightfully be put in Warioland because he's Wario's brother and it would make more sense to have him there.


2) Warioland- He's Wario's brother, he's got every trait Wario has, and he would fit in perfectly. Basically this is a tie for the most obvious/most fitting choice. HOWEVER, Waluigi was never in a Wario game so how could he be put in there? Unfair to not only Waluigi again, but also Wario.


3) Waluigiland?- Putting him here would balance out the conflict between options 1 and 2. But not only does he not have his own series, he doesn't even have a single game. So he putting him here would be unfair to EVERY OTHER CHARACTER IN BRAWL.

...where would they fit him indeed? I vote... nowhere.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
You can all be rest assured that Waluigi will be in brawl, and will probably have sports type moves, since he debuted in a sports game. =]
Tony why do you think that he is so certain to appear in Brawl? there are a lot of characters more deserving and significant than him and there are so few places.

And that person who was answering me about the post count it was more of a observation (A rather obvious one) not anything else... nothing else... (And in other character threads E.g Ridley thread most of the people that say "He iz 2 big 4 brawl111!!!" or in Mega Man one those who say "Hes a samus clone!!!111!!!1one!2!@" are generally under 50 posts).


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
dude, sorry. It wasnt meant as a flame, you got mad respect from me Del.

I just like how you two are often referenced in the same sentence as the Ridley thread.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Thats the first i have heard... But if you find other gimme teh links here!!

Anyways uh Waluigi for Braw-Er... i mean Bin

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
I just like how you two are often referenced in the same sentence as the Ridley thread.
i still dont see why? Ridley's not in my top 5 rational picks for brawl. i dunno if maybe its cuz i flamed 2 n00bs in that thread within 24 hours. cuz i know many people have flamed more in less time


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2006
Tony why do you think that he is so certain to appear in Brawl? there are a lot of characters more deserving and significant than him and there are so few places.
I hate when people use this as an argument, but don't back it up. Which characters are more deserving than him (in the Mario/Wario universe), and why are they so (to you)? If you're goint to use an argument, at least back it up, and don't just throw it out there.
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